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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 26 KB, 260x320, richardDawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1137225 No.1137225 [Reply] [Original]

What the FUCK am I watching


Also rage thread, I guess

>> No.1137247


>> No.1137248
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>> No.1137250



>> No.1137260

Actually no, you faggot, I'm not OP.

>> No.1137265


lol i trolled u good

>> No.1137266


>> No.1137269

Ahhh fuck. ha.

>> No.1137282

Holy shit, she has a really small cranium.

I mean literally. There's almost no space between her eye sockets and the top of her head.

>> No.1137292

creationists make me hate life

>> No.1137300

You're turning /sci/ into shit with that kind of thread (and I'm an atheist).

>> No.1137342

jesus christ everytime she opens her mouth i feel physically ill. what the fuck is this. she makes ken ham look like a genius.

>> No.1137360

Oh dear, this really makes me feel sorry, and feel bad to be christian.

>> No.1137372

Deist here
there both retards

>> No.1137386

then they've won

>> No.1137390

The woman looks like she's trembling with frustration

Quite unsettling

>> No.1137397

Richard Dawkins is by far more intelligent than you could hope to be.

>> No.1137401

>there both retards

ANYWHO, I'm from Europe, and we don't make a big deal out of evolution (or rather: we don't have that many retarded Christian fundamentalists over here), so could somebody tell me:
Who the fuck is this Dawkins fellow and why the fuck should anyone care?

Seems to me he just tries to profit from retards. Which is fine, but the standard way of going about something like that would be a circus or a zoo.

>> No.1137412

He is a british biologist.

he has done some great work in his field but now he is spending his time raging at American retards.

>> No.1137424

Look at Part 4/7 where she asks the same loaded question five times to try and get him to say something that could be construed as hating on the disabled.

>> No.1137426

>now he is spending his time raging at American retards.

So he browses 4chan?

>> No.1137430

>Where did you study science?
Everything she said after that question made me rage.

>> No.1137433

Rage you lose: lost..

>> No.1137435

cool url bro

>> No.1137448


To imbeciles for me to be amused with. Thanks op!

>> No.1137451


>> No.1137470

Oh shit, that bitch is the CEO of Concerned Women of America.

>> No.1137474


That's what I'd have said.

>> No.1137479

You got me OP, I raged HARD

>> No.1137493


It makes my stomach turn when these "god fearing" people demonstrate such malevolence

>> No.1137496


I was wrong. Couldn't make it pass 50 seconds.

>> No.1137502

>Concerned Women of America

Just what the fuck are they so concerned about?

>> No.1137504

Shame it's an interview rather than a debate. Too much of her painful ignorance, not nearly enough rebuttal.

>> No.1137511

She keeps saying shit like "yes", "okay", "i see", while she's CLEARLY not even listening

>> No.1137524

Ha, BUT THERE ISN'T ANY EVIDENCE. Well, what about DNA? BUT WHAT ABOUT THE PIGS TOOTH. Well, we admit that was a mistake, and it was a great many decades ago. BUT THERE IS NO PROOF.

>> No.1137525

Not concerned, I just realized how much sense it made when I found out. It explained all the retardation and stupidity.

>> No.1137536

>So... where did _you_ study science?


Closed video there

>> No.1137553

"I don't have to study shit to give my ignorant, uneducated and stupid opinion about it and demand that it's being taught alongside EVILution."

>> No.1137567


Evangelical Christians are THAT arrogant. Heck Dawkins seems like a nice guy near her. Typical patriotic American arrogance.

>> No.1137580

the way she speaks is sickening

>> No.1137581

hes just taking up carl sagans demon haunted world banner of not putting up with religious shit and doing a terrible job at it, hes basically our very own gum shoe. hes good at writing though, but the fact that he thinks the answer to religious lobbying is more lobbying clearly shows he doesnt really know what hes doing,

>> No.1137587

She's right though, he is

>> No.1137599


Yes, he bases his opinions solely on fact.

"You shouldn't be so open minded that your brain falls out"

>> No.1137606
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i want to punch her in the face

>> No.1137607

He's blunt and he doesn't like talking to idiots. Who can blame him? It's not very diplomatic telling a creationist that evolution is a proven fact and their beliefs are a incoherent mess, but the truth's the truth.

>> No.1137610

why does she keep smiling RAGE

>> No.1137612

>hes just taking up carl sagans demon haunted world banner of not putting up with religious shit and doing a terrible job at it,
>doing a terrible job at it

How so? What should he be doing differently?

>> No.1137614

No, he really isn't, Unless you have an idea to prevent millions of people in america from voting their religious ideologies into office and discriminating against any politician who does not worship a sky wizard then yes, we do need to get rid of it.

>> No.1137615


>> No.1137618

>open derpedness


>> No.1137620


It's that nervous smile, you can see her eye twitch from time to time

>> No.1137630

how does he not punch her?

>> No.1137636


DNA is made of ACID. If we were made of acid, we would dissolve!


>> No.1137637

smiling is a way of showing fear in apes.

>> No.1137639

To start he can take some speaking classes and stop being so confrontational, confrontation works in a debate, but when you try to convince people of stuff its the worst thing to do ever, Secondly, His idea of militant atheism is absurd, and the way he basically hoped to fight religious evil in america is to lobby against it, you know, instead of just nabbing all the Christians in a crusade against lobbying, killing one bird with two stones.

>> No.1137647

de fack am i watchin?


>> No.1137648

>confrontation works in a debate, but when you try to convince people of stuff its the worst thing to do ever

How else are you supposed to convince someone that they are wrong?

>> No.1137657

Two birds with one etc^

>> No.1137660

How about this, atheists? If I put a hamster in a bowl of water, and on top of the bowl I put The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins so he cannot escape, will he evolve to breathe water, or will he drown?

Intellectual checkmate.

>> No.1137666
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>> No.1137685

You're right. There's no arguing with that. On behalf of every atheist worldwide, I give you our sincerest apologies; you have won.

>> No.1137699

AHAHAHAH! Holy shit... That is one dumb bitch...

>> No.1137727


>Surely there would be ONE evidence of birds going to mammals! lol! CHECKMATE ATHIESTS

Fucking bitch

>> No.1137837


You can't say anything, fucking sugartooth

>> No.1137895
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>> No.1137899

he says "if humans evolved from monkeys why arent babies born monkeys?"

>> No.1137908

>if humans evolved from monkeys why arent babies born monkeys?


>> No.1137958

impossible not to rage


>> No.1137991

lol i know i now embrace jesus as my saviour(!)

>> No.1137993

Wright: The fact that we care for this mentally and physically damaged girl shows that natural selection is untrue.

Dawkins: Fails to refute this stupid point.

His writing is good but his wit isn't quick enough to smash the stupidest of points from the stupidest of people.

>> No.1137999

>But there isn't any evidence. Show me the evidence.

>*displays list of evidence*

>But evolutionists don't have any evidence. Why can't you show me the evidence?

>> No.1138023

He could if it was a debate but he's only "interviewing" her, so he's really reserved

>> No.1138037


Next in playlist: A Fistful Of Evidence

>> No.1138043
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>my face when I'm watching this video

>> No.1138048


It turned into a de facto weak debate. An interviewer would sit, listen and ask questions. He was trying to tell her the business and failing. I really don't know what this was.

>> No.1138067

Neither do i and tbh i just want to erase the memory of that woman from my mind

>> No.1138087

It was still an interview. I'm surprised this kind of semi-confrontational interview is new to you. He was still asking questions rather than making points, but the idea was to force some real answers out of her.

>> No.1138268

God exists
Evolution is false and scientists hide evidence to the contrary

She doesn't give any examples, she doesn't back this claim up, she just assumes these three points are absolute truths, and constructs long, wordy speeches that pretty much equate to "nuh uh" based on those "truths." Her speech is riddled with logical fallacies. An obvious sign of a retarded, close minded creationist. Now I've watched some good debates, and heard some damn good arguments from creationists before, but her words aren't even worth the air it takes from the rest of us.

Another good sign of idiots like her is that they are almost always completely unwilling to talk about their subject in a joking manner.

Take "black hole" for example. It sounds like someone came in and said "You're telling me there are super massive objects floating around in space so dense that light can't escape the surface? What do you call that, a Black Hole? HAHAHAHAHAHAH!"

People with facts behind their arguments tend to not have a problem talking in a humorous manner about their subject from time to time, while people people with nothing to back up their claims tend to make it sound grand, and "deep" in an attempt to play on emotion and make the argument -sound- more appealing.

The only coherent thing she said was that a society based on religion is a better one to live in (which is a very debatable point in itself), which implies to me that she's just afraid of the implications of a world without a God, and refuses to acknowledge any evidence that might shatter her delusion. Funny enough, Dawkins inquired her as to a possible ulterior motive such as that, and she outright denied it, only to confirm it later on (repeatedly).

tl;dr fuck you, planet earth, and your overabundance of ignorance.

>> No.1138285


u mad atheist

>> No.1138300

Yes, I mad. People get mad sometimes. Not all of us are emotionless aspies.

>> No.1138313


Quit replying to trolls bro

>> No.1138314

Why would you even talk more than 30 seconds with such a retarded person?

>> No.1138325


>> No.1138344

no evidence u fools!!! till this day primates are still giving birth to primates. fuckn dumb fuck!

>> No.1138346


tl; but i read it anyway and i agree

>> No.1138357


lul but no evolutien is rite n ur a dum fuk

>> No.1138386

why havnt any other animals evolved? y is it limited to humans? CUZ GOD CREATED US!!

>> No.1138397


u fukn niger all da mamels evalved from da fish u no nuttin gay fag

>> No.1138398


Every fucking time she refers to evolution as a belief, i want to punch her in her smug little mouth.

>> No.1138412


She's right though, it's just a theory

>> No.1138415

i find it hard to take the words from someone who cant even spell serious. Evolution is still a theory. do u know what that means?

>> No.1138423


my spelin is sirkumstanshel u fgt stop w/ ur ad huminem

>> No.1138433

where is the fish-man?

>> No.1138441

"I think that the DNA is a proof for creation"


>> No.1138447

creation is a constituent of evolution

>> No.1138448


tranzishnel fosels in teh museum show teh jaw bonez of repteyes movin to mamel inar ear fgt

>> No.1138451

"Mutations die out"

Haha this is comedy gold. Still sageing though.

>> No.1138455

>teach the controversy

>implying there is a controversy

>> No.1138464

well neurons and neuron pathways are the same in us as in insects so ur saying that we evolved from them too? next thing ur gna tell me is we evolved from plants because they have cell membranes!! haha fukn newfag!!

>> No.1138468


0/10 reed up on konvargent evolshion nub

>> No.1138474

I do but you dont seem to know.

>> No.1138485

oh another "theory"? yeah okay, right after i read bout trolls and nymphs!!

>> No.1138501

evolution is not a natural occurance that just "happens" God shapes life, this "evolution" is just a term u can apply to describe God shaping of life everywhere.

>> No.1138518

no its the tool of the unicorn made of crayons to draw everyone into life!

>> No.1138525

unicorns dont exist

>> No.1138534


>> No.1138538

u win dat one. i seen da movie legend but i thought that unicorn was fake.

>> No.1138558

Humans are diff. from chimps!!! whens da last time u had a chimp for a neighbor or had a chimp for a boss? I am a human being with far more importance than a fukn chimp!!

>> No.1138559

Debating creationists on the topic of evolution is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon; it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory

>> No.1138564

I lol at how she trolls dawkins and just treats him like some random idiot

>> No.1138565

stupid evo pigeons

>> No.1138574


I love chimps since ever I saw that photo of one chimp just grabbin' some blond bitches boobs like a motherfucking pimp and the other one is all like LOL at it

>> No.1138579

God is being that created humans. just check out ancient sumerian history.

>> No.1138580

Why does she keep saying crea-thor? Is she a norse?

>> No.1138582

would u fuck a chimp?

>> No.1138586

No, create-oar.
God, he makes oars for boats.

>> No.1138587

Too awkward to watch for me...

>> No.1138591

Damn, I wish these creationism people would manage to throw evolution out of schools in america, I would fucking lol so hard.

But I guess even you americans aren't that stupid. One can dream though.

>> No.1138594

she looks like she evolved from a bird

>> No.1138605

Do you even know what a scientific theory is?

>> No.1138607


Well Dawkins evolved from a shit

>> No.1138622

so where are people with down syndrome in this theory? are we evolving into retards?

>> No.1138639


>> No.1138641

Please let this be a troll

>> No.1138645


Who are you pleading to? God?

>> No.1138654


That's actually one of those valid points evolutionists won't ever answer, one of those questions that always provokes a shit flinging fest on their part

>> No.1138660

a theory that explains scientific observations

>> No.1138661
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You yourself are obviously afflicted by that syndrome

>> No.1138666

Mutations in incredibly complex creatures. Derp?

>> No.1138671

To myself mostly. Do you think all pleads have to be directed to god?

>> No.1138678


Well, he IS all-knowing

>> No.1138683

so in the far future beings are gna look back and say after homo sapiens there were retards then after retards came.....

>> No.1138685


That's because that argument is so freaking retarded there's no really point anwsering.

People with down's can barely reproduce.

>> No.1138687


so why are there no zombies or people with two heads and six arms

>> No.1138688

Imaginary beings are everything and nothing like we want them to be.

I'm sure he is though.

>> No.1138692

ok I'll bite. genetic mutations happen all the time, they don't HAVE to be beneficial. but if they are, there's a big chance of these genes being spread trough the population. mutation =! evolution

>> No.1138693


Down's syndrome isn't a mutation, it's a chromosomial disorder.

>> No.1138694


I don't know, I had this video once, and man, were they furiously reproducing

>> No.1138698
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What the fuck is a zombie you idiot

>> No.1138700

even chimps get down syndrome!!! so retards are going to inherit the erf one day!!

>> No.1138705


A living dead you dipshit

>> No.1138718


but why aren't there any solid gases!?!?!

>> No.1138719

oh my god, the stupid it hurts

>> No.1138720

Chimpanzees share 96% of their DNA with humans, and they have the same amount of chromosomes as humans. Humans and chimpanzees can not mate successfully. Therefore they are classed as a different species.
Down's syndrome people have an extra chromosome compared with 'normal' humans, because they have three copies of X21. That means they have 47, not 46 chromosomes. That means we only have 97.87% of similar genetic material, and a differing amount of chromosomes. Humans and Down's syndromes can not mate successfully.
Therefore, they should be classed as a different species.

>> No.1138725
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>> No.1138726


Like I said, you keep evading

>> No.1138727

That wasn't me, you idiot.

You're still a fucking idiot btw.

>> No.1138734

>You're still a fucking idiot


>> No.1138736

Brought on by gene mutations. Do not try to talk what you don't know.

>> No.1138760

This seems like an appropriate thread.

Fore any of the faggots who believe that all living things have "souls" or "spirits", does this go for living cells, or organisms? Does an amoeba have a soul? What is it about the assortment of LIVING cells in a LIVING organism that give them a "soul" but not their constituents?

I asked somebody this as politely as I could and he just said I was intolerant of everyone's beliefs and didn't answer the question. I am genuinely curious.

>> No.1138761

the video is especially hilarious since dawkins doesnt understand half the shit he's saying

>> No.1138764

Some of them can still reproduce, just most of them can't.

>> No.1138772
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>> No.1138776

The only answers you will get are the following
1. No answer and/or some defensive shit like you got
2. Something even more retarded

>> No.1138778

You know Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist, right?

>> No.1138784

Of course he does. He's trolling.

>> No.1138787

For*, whoops
That's what I expected, but /sci/'s deists actually seem to look down on the dumbasses that make them look bad so I figured this was my best bet.

>> No.1138795


I'd have never guessed. Seemed when you become an evolutionary biologist you're allowed to forget everything you've learned up to that point and you can now spout random bullshit.


>> No.1138797

I hate these ambiguous fags. Whenever someone says they are spiritual that's a 100% sign gurantee that they are a FUCKTARD.

>> No.1138798

if there are mutation why dont we all have cancer

>> No.1138801

They make themselves look bad. Also I don't deism requires belief in souls.

>> No.1138814

I'll bite. What random bullshit was Dawkins spouting?

>> No.1138820

But belief in souls or spirits is generally associated with some kind of deity. I've never met somebody who believes that we have souls that didn't believe in a god/creator.

Also, anyone else hate how this bitch says creator? Sounds like Dexter.

>> No.1138826


how about that shit about australopithecus I don't think a single complete skeleton has ever been found. inb4 lucy that was just put together from random fragments. It's puzzle for grown men

>> No.1138835

Open your eyes
and see

>> No.1138847

Stopped pageloading when read this
>a creationist

I just always feel so ashamed and... dirty, when I see people like that and know that they share the same species with me.

>> No.1138850

You don't need an entire skeleton to make these deductions.

Also, http://www.sciencenews.org/view/feature/id/52228/title/Evolution%E2%80%99s_Bad_Girl

This is interesting but sort of unrelated, never saw much on /sci/ about this when it first came up.

>> No.1138859
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Like I thought, you're a fucking retard. Get out.

>> No.1138863



>> No.1138865

You're a fucking idiot. It's not like they stick a bone next to another bone and see if the cracks match up. Shit doesn't work that way. We can date the different bones back to the same age.

>> No.1138866
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So uncomfortable to watch...

oh my gah..
>"perhaps your hostility stems from something emotional"

>"ha aha ahahaha"


>> No.1138870

>I've never met somebody who believes that we have souls that didn't believe in a god/creator.
You are looking at it backwards. You are saying that a belief in a diety would mean a belief in souls. I'm not sure how common this is among diests, I don't really care though.

>> No.1138873

>Dumbass smile because she thinks she's now a genius

>> No.1138884

Oh, I was just using "deist" as a term to blanket all people who believe in a god, which is a group that usually contains people who believe in spirits and souls.

Shitty wording, but you get the point.

>> No.1138894

Yeah. I love it when Dawkins asks her where she studied science and she COMPLETELY dodges it.

>> No.1138899


>implying only scientists are allowed to have an oppinion on a topic that's 200 years old and proven to be a hoax many times

>> No.1138905
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>> No.1138909

It's never been proven to be a hoax

And yes, only scientists should be allowed to go around trying to determine what we teach to children regarding scientific fact.

>> No.1138923


Scientists often neglect spiritual needs

>implying the curator of a museum cannot go around and put gypsum skeletons on display

>> No.1138928

I lol'd

Bitch is just trying to sound like the smart guys she watches in movies with her fake christian bullshit smile and fake laugh.

>> No.1138937

>implying that her opinion wasn't uneducated and people irrelevant to science can disprove scientific things

>> No.1138940

Spiritual needs? elaborate

And they can't. You don't think there are scientists and paleontologists who evaluate the legitimacy of ANY display in a major museum?

If any museum tried this, they'd be exposed very quickly and it'd be all over the place.

>> No.1138942

We scientists for that kind of stuff too. They're called neuropsychologists.

>> No.1138944

Why doesn't she need to present evidence?

>> No.1138947

yes its all a big conspiracy

>> No.1138952


>> No.1138954


Something cannot come from nothing. If you state there was no God to create the universe (or the big bang for that matter), YOU have to prove it

>> No.1138957

I started laughing out loud when the woman was speaking. Richard Dawkins is quite a gentleman not to do that.

>> No.1138965

God something. Therefore by your logic he does not exist.


>> No.1138972

What the fuck am I reading? You can't prove that something doesn't exist. You cannot prove a negative. She is the one that has to provide proof because she is saying that there IS a god. That's the main gripe with Christianity, that there is no evidence for god other than the Bible which is true because it is the word of god. Circular logic.

>> No.1138979



Just where DID the big bang come from then?

>> No.1138981

So what do you have to say to the Muslim? Or the Hindu? Etc?

Prove the Jesus tale to me.

If the fossil record Dawkins presented isn't proof enough, refute that with what you would call viable evidence.

>> No.1138984

cool special pleading bro

>> No.1138986

We don't know, but we don't go around saying we do. All we know is that the Big Bang Theory is accepted by many different observations, but it is still a theory. No self-respecting scientist would declare the Big Bang theory absolute truth.

>> No.1138992


You keep evading the question. Where did the physical universe come from?

>> No.1138993

lets talk bout retards again

>> No.1139001


>> No.1139005

God created the heavens and the earth with a great Big Bang. duh!

>> No.1139010

>why doesn't SHE have to prove it
>ok, prove it to me

>> No.1139014

of course God exists! who else gave us the concept of right and wrong?

>> No.1139020

Watch 2/7


"I confess to being frustrated."

HAHAHA such a Dawkins thing to say.

and christfuck... this woman is a fucking idiot...

>> No.1139021

if you tell me where god came from i will tell you where the universe came from (hint: it will be exactly the same answer)

>> No.1139026


i dont know

>> No.1139028

LOL PWNT. She's all about beliefs, and the guy shows facts, she goes back to BELIEFS LOLOLOL. It's like arguing with a 5 year old.

>> No.1139031

higher dimensional space!!! duh!!

>> No.1139032

It's like arguing with a retard

>> No.1139035

1139028 here, first time I ever screamed at an inanimate object.

>> No.1139038
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>Lack of basic understanding of what Big Bang means

The Big Bang is a model used to describe the creation and evolution of the universe. Lemaître took the expansion of the universe and played it backwards and determined that the universe at some point was just this mass called the singularity.

The Big Bang came from the singularity. The origins of the singularity (and thus the universe) is a mystery in science. But bitch, this is science, and science is a process. Stupid little twats like you are always like

Bam, diseases are actually 'caused by biological agents.

Bam, blue light is actually captured by the atmosphere.

As far as we know, the singularity could have always been there and shit. That is especially taking into consideration that before the big bang, there was no time as general relativity says.

>> No.1139044

God created everything and thats that!

>> No.1139047

>The origins of the singularity (and thus the universe) is a mystery in science.

In that case, religion has the upper hand, its not a mystery there

>> No.1139052
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>> No.1139055

Where god came from is still a mystery. It's NEVER explained. We could just as easily say that the singularity always was, but that's just not true. We don't know, but we admit it.

>> No.1139074
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Religion has never had the upper hand in anything since it's inherently nonsensical, illogical, and has never been right for anything, and is constantly proven wrong.

Religion just has as much of a chance at being true as my saying right now that the origin of singularity is a big wasp.

>> No.1139076

There is no mystery to the origins of stuff, God is the omnipotent creator of all. God exists in all dimensional planes and all frequencies of perception. ur limited imagination cannot fathom the concept of God.

>> No.1139084


You don't get it, do you

Science acknowledges it doesnt know where things came from, religion (and common sense in fact) do!

>> No.1139088


>> No.1139089


fucking summer

>> No.1139102

>implying common sense is not a term ruthlessly warped and distorted out of proportion to describe what's usually oversimplified thought for philistines that have little to no understanding of actual logic.

>> No.1139109


Saying that the big bang came from something instead of nothing IS the logical and sensible choice

>> No.1139110

got lazy, didnt wana spell out your

>> No.1139123

She talks about creationist values, but what about CRUSADERS who killed people?

Anyone agree that the joke's on her?

>> No.1139128


lol rat face... shows her evolutionary inferiority.

>> No.1139132

evolution is just another one of God tools

>> No.1139140

The matter of the fact is that we quite don't know. Physics has its funny things here and there.

While that may be true, that in no way supports creation. We're expecting that with time, much more scientific explanations will surface like they always do so that people stop recurring to the God scapegoat.

Meanwhile, educate yourself on physics and whatnot. I don't understand why you're so stubborn on believing that the magic man in the sky is real.

>> No.1139141

Bitch don't know about twins/triplets/etc

>> No.1139145

That isn't what she's saying

>> No.1139156

Battle against religion is a valid cause. I may not entirely support his methods, but you should never say someone is in the wrong for wanting to correct the misinformed, or at the very least inform them of their irrationality.

>> No.1139158

>I don't understand why you're so stubborn on believing that the magic man in the sky is real.

Duh, because I am trolling.

>> No.1139176


Some people perceive it as being unkind or cruel

>> No.1139180

I agree. I'm entirely against religion, but I'm not against the idea of a god. I don't know if there's a god. There's no evidence for or against one.

>> No.1139181

Then shit.

>> No.1139187
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>> No.1139198

physics will never end. there will always be that one next theory. We lack the brain power to unfurl Gods creation. God gave us a limited brain on purpose.

>> No.1139216

I would say faith, and belief in a higher power should me measured in a spectrum.

On one end we have apathetic ignorance, these are the established religions, on the opposite end we have informed arrogance which would be the atheists.

>> No.1139238

If we unify science and spiritual science we can make far more progress.

>> No.1139266

Spiritual .... sc... sci.... sc... sci... SCIENCE? How dare you call that shit science?!

>> No.1139268

Are you thinking spirituality in the religious sense or Carl Sagan style spirituality?

>> No.1139275


Why must we be considerate of those who are willfully and blatantly ignorant? Ideas do not receive tenure, just because religion was here first doesn't make it a sacred truth that cannot be freely inquired, and disproven with that free inquiry. You can call someone an idiot for saying "I have this book, Alice in Wonderland stat states there exists a dimention called wonderland", why can't I call a christian an idiot for basing their life off a book like the bible. They ARE the same thing, it isn't a matter of "we don't know christianity is wrong" because we do, the religion and just about every religion on the same of this earth is contradicted by the reality that has been observed, tested and scrutinized for a thousand years. We need to drop these imaginary friends and continue on expanding our knowledge.

>> No.1139284
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>> No.1139295
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>> No.1139299

im talkn bout Chakra and quantum mechanics. to understand both gives us a betr understanding. Lets hack Gods blueprints

>> No.1139300

Grand words and ideas from a man who spends his time whining about religious people on a Japanese style image board know for rampant stupidity.

>> No.1139306
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>> No.1139310


haha, oh wow. Fucking relgious fag. That arrogance project onto atheists is just confidence. Confidence in what we know and what we know we don't know. There is a freedom in that way of thinking you couldn't even fathom because of your tiny little bubble faith has made for you.

>> No.1139313


It's cruel when talking to someone who has based his or her entire life around that stupid idea

>> No.1139323


You are obviously very young.

>> No.1139339

No, you dumbass. Not the guy you're quoting, but definitively saying that there is no god and no possibility that there is a god is arrogance.

>> No.1139342

okay well let me say spirituality, i cant help wit your studdering problem though

>> No.1139345

Wendy Wright is now a meme.

>> No.1139360

how do u figure?

>> No.1139372

You're a prick. Oh wait, okay, let me say you are a dumbass. Who cares if we mean X and we say N instead.

That's the problem with you creationist fags. You believe that X is N when it is clearly X and not an N.

>> No.1139382

I might buy that, except his exact words were "on the opposite end we have informed arrogance which would be the atheists." He didn't say that on the far end is informed, arrogant atheists which would imply that one could be an atheist and NOT be arrogant. The way he worded it implied that to be an atheist AT ALL is be arrogant. And I say FUCK THAT! And fuck you too, you faggot apologist. Fucking lrn2readingcomprehension

>> No.1139392

no studdering this time good job!! did u get ur mom to write that?

>> No.1139395

Atheism is arrogant in and of itself. Agnostic atheism is a reasonable belief, but you cannot say that atheism is not arrogant.

>> No.1139437

Let me put that Ad hominem you have there in YOUR mom's anal orifice.

>> No.1139454

"oh really?"

how does dawkins not rage, i don't understand

>> No.1139457

honestly i think she has some points.

I mean, about academia, elitism, and the culture of science, not about evolution.

>> No.1139463

>impying intelligence is why he is a retard

>> No.1139481

and ill take a shit on your grandparents graves

>> No.1139486
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>> No.1139489

Most people who identify as atheists are, in fact, agnostic atheists. That proposed spectrum doesn't take this into account, though. I also refrained from pointing out that apathy, which he placed at the far opposite end to atheists, would more likely lie in the middle. The whole fucking thing was retarded, I just originally focused on what I thought was the most egregious of its insinuations.

>> No.1139538


In this video Wendy Wright is being compared to Dee Dee from Dexter's Lab.

>> No.1139542
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I'm not a religious fag, but the arrogance I "projected" onto you came through in colors in your post.

I consider myself agnostic. We're a few billion organisms on a tiny planet in a solar system in a spiral arm of a single galaxy. The fact that you think we're so intelligent says little for our race. We're arrogant and impulsive.

Christianity and established religions are ridiculous. Equally as ridiculous is thinking we know enough to account for all possibilities.

>> No.1139585

Don't even talk to me. You realize that agnostic is not a position on the existence of god. You either believe god exists or you don't. Beyond that, you can be gnostic or agnostic which means you either "know" that god exists or not, or you "don't know". Get a legitimate philosophical stance, then we can argue.

>> No.1139592

Ok guys, I "PAINFULLY" sat through the entire interview and have found out her condition. She actually knows that the guy is right, but she is fighting her common sense, to make herself seem right. She is saying that she wants humans to be treated with respect, which is the base of the religion yes, but she has been drilled with nonsense so much that, she immediately ignores evidence, and says that that itself is a belief. When he points that out to her, she talks about how bad a society based on the truth is basically, and she changes the subject. She seriously has a mental problem, similar to the ones with people that say that they don't have an addiction, or probably closer to ones that always think they are right about a situation, I can't think of the word for this. Probably a combination of both, but she obviously has a mental problem, and someone trained her to be the leader because she is perfect at her job. She knows how to derail shit better than the best troll on 4chan. Also, I noticed how whenever there was a connection of words between what he and she said, she would giggle, which is the primal function of the brain. It's used for recognition and helps to improve memory.Because the laughter is used to remember, anything after it that is said is not noticed because your brain is busy making connections, which is also good for a distraction, in which she used to block out certain facts that he said.

>> No.1139595

Point out to me when I mentioned god.

>> No.1139610

Way to appear humble.

>> No.1139631

"Just read a god damned biology textbook you whore"
"Funny you talk about the textbooks"
"... and now you're gonna talk about hepatomas and Heckles embryo"
"No, no, in fact what I was trying to talk about is they claimed the evolution of a foetus in the womb"
"That's Heckles embryo you dumb cunt."


>> No.1139655

Samefag. I just figured it out, why she opposed evolution so much. It's not about God at all, its about her. The thought about being created "individually" made her feel special, like she was someone important. Which is in contrast to what she said at some point in which she said she was worried about people saying that they are better than others. I wonder how she would laugh at THIS connection.

>> No.1139658

Don't mistake anger for arrogance.

>> No.1139678

Okay, are you agnostic then about the existence of your own brain? Unicorns? Magic fucking farts? Nobody just says they are "agnostic" and means anything other than in reference to god. Don't try to be cheeky. Clearly you believe that "something" is unknowable, but what is that? Or is just claiming to be "agnostic" some epistemological mindfuck to piss off logical people?

>> No.1139707

>Bitches and whores.

>> No.1139743

Wow, you're an idiot.

You can be an agnostic theist, meaning you believe in a god but acknowledge the possibility of the opposite.

Or an agnostic atheist, meaning you do not believe in a god but you acknowledge the possibility of the opposite.

>> No.1139746

Lol Dawkin got told by a creationist
I didn't even think that was possible
I mean its not like she was even arguing about intelligent design, she was arguing about the bible fairytale and WON
Dawkin I am dissapoint

>> No.1139754

Why did she won again? I missed that part.

>> No.1139793


Watch 3:24 onward.
Enjoy, and rage, you will.

>> No.1139804

That's what I fucking said, you illiterate fuck. Here I'll lay it out nice and easy for you.
I am going to quote myself so I can point out where and when I said exactly what you claimed I DIDN'T say.
>You either believe god exists or you don't
right here is where I acknowledge the positions of atheist and theist.
>Beyond that, you can be gnostic or agnostic
And here is where I point out that you can be either agnostic or gnostic about either of the two previous ontological positions. I hope you are a troll because a person as retarded as you won't make it very far in life. I'm surprised you can even use a computer.

>> No.1139842

aren't they?

>> No.1139869

Because this

>> No.1140018

This woman needs a giant dick shoved in her mouth to keep the bullshit from leaking out.

>> No.1140046

That girl is a good doublespeaker.

>> No.1140056
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What the fuck man. When her god was handing out intelligence she was last in line.

>> No.1140060

watched first 5 mins then quit.

i wept.

>> No.1140076
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Oh, /sci/, relief me!
I can't take it anymore!
It just goes ON and ON and ON...

>> No.1140081
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kill her NOW!

>> No.1140082

I lol'ed at this part.

I got to the start of the third video until I realised I couldn't take any more rage without inducing an aneurysm. My eyebrow is also oddly twitching at the moment too.

>> No.1140123
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I got a headache from facepalming so much.

>> No.1140209

How does Dawkins not burst out in laughter at the ridiculousness of what she says. Whenever this cunt laughs I want to punch her in the face. She's so juvenile and ignorant.

>> No.1140220

Yeah man, I've actually never got that mad at anything before. Her ignorance and her ability to ignore any further information that is being produced shows that she should be censored. I mean you wouldn't let a filthy hobo speak and try to waste people's time talking when he has the edujumacation of a 2nd grader.

>> No.1140232

Richard Dawkins- MASTER OF CALM!

>> No.1140254

What the fuck. Both sides are going in circles.

>> No.1140256
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He goes on to make a clear and cohesive point and then that bimbo replies with some irrelevant random shit-- completely ignoring what he said.

>> No.1140261

>Im 12 and what is evolution

>> No.1140264

I would've totally lost my cool talking to that idiot woman.

>> No.1140266
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>> No.1140278
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>> No.1140289
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>> No.1140297
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2:42 o rly?

>> No.1140304
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>> No.1140314

His approach is just wrong, then again, nothing would change it really.

I realize it would be very rude to bring actual evidence such as a textbook or something, but the other side was really rude with the laughs..

>> No.1140322

his first mistake is appealing to logic, because she has none

>> No.1140333

> video about some idiot arguing with another idiot about religion

over 300 replies..

:( this board is dead to me

>> No.1140334



I didn't rage
I lol'd

>> No.1140342
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>> No.1140343

I hate how she laugh at his serious questions rather than giving him an answer.
I guess she realizes there is no answer that wont sounds batshit insane, so she just chooses to laugh like the ignorant retard she is.

>> No.1140377

I don't think she knows how fossils are made.

>> No.1140390


>> No.1140398


>> No.1140404

I love it. They both point out each other's fallacies, but, even when they're wrong, neither can defend themselves because they're both ignorant trolls.

>> No.1140414


>> No.1140431


>> No.1140460

I bet her brains are one small flow chart:
Is he saying I should go to museum? -> say there is no evidence

Is he proving me wrong? -> say he is agressive


>> No.1140798


>> No.1140969


>> No.1141288
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>Make this image hi-res
>Make out with computer screen

doin it right?