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11369259 No.11369259 [Reply] [Original]

Is this as polluting as everyone says? More countries aren't gonna phase it out anytime soon (including Japan). I heard there's a technology where you could "capture" the coal pollutions. Could anyone here clarify on that?

>> No.11369284
File: 10 KB, 445x648, Deaths-from-different-sources-of-energy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coal literally kills millions of people annually, even if you ignore global warming.

>> No.11369643
File: 136 KB, 1668x1251, the-average-cost-of-energy-in-north-america.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this as polluting as everyone says?
It's worse! People near coal plants get sick and die early.
Phasing out late is not smart for another reason. Coal becomes less and less competitive as energy source. Natural gas, wind and solar are already cheaper and getting even cheaper every year.

>> No.11370509

Yes, even if you ignore all of the climate effects and simply focus on human health, it's pretty much the worse energy source in existence bar literally burning damp wood. Given that countries like the UK have had no problems phasing out coal, I find it hard to believe that others will find it impossible.

>> No.11370547

Ignoring all the other pollution coal plants release more radiation per kWh than nuclear (even including shit like Chernobyl and Fukushima).

>> No.11370570

carbon capture

>> No.11370571

hahaha yeah right.. post PROOF you massive faggot

>> No.11370584


>> No.11370588

How the fuck does solar kill ANYONE? Is this people falling off roofs when they install if? LMAO

>> No.11370599
File: 170 KB, 800x595, 800px-GolodomorKharkiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

expensive power means more people starve.. thanks socialism

>was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine in 1932 and 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians.
>man-made famine

>> No.11370603

What are you talking about?
Fuck off /pol/ LOL

>> No.11371832

It's not as funny when you know someone.

>> No.11371864

What does this have to do with solar power, retard?

>> No.11371873


>Not gonna phase it out anytime soon.
They are. At least Europe is.

>Solar arrays and wind farms accounted for 18% of electricity generation across the European Union in 2019, at 569 TWh, while coal-fired capacity fell to just 15%, for 469 TWh, the thinktanks said, noting coal generated twice as much electricity as solar and wind on the continent as recently as five years ago.

In the past 10 years solar and wind probably rose with 469 TWh, it is very likely that is going to be just as much or even more in the coming ten years.
By 2030 the whole continent will use 40% wind and solar, 10% hydro, 20% nuclear and 30% gas or something. Very little coal will still be burnt.

The same picture will arrive in the US 10 years later and in China, 20 years later and then another 10 years later India will phase it out and africa as well.

I don't know why people are still making a fuss. The changes have already been made, you just need to give it time and let it play out.

>> No.11371895

>What does this have to do with solar power, retard?
Brian Wang theorycrafts ludicrously wrong numbers for renewable energy the same way Robert Conquest does for communist body counts.