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1136728 No.1136728 [Reply] [Original]

God's energy is the effective and salvific presence of the Transcendent in the domain of the immanent.


>> No.1136736

G*d is the way the truth and the light

>> No.1136749

go date a 9 year old

>> No.1136757

9 year olds have pride and intelligence.

OP, go date a 3 year old. If you bring candy, you might succeed.

>> No.1136759

The Universe was created by an omnipotent, omniscience and omnimalevolent being to facilitate the suffering of independent freethinking being.


>> No.1136764

So, basically you mean Lucifer won against god and stole god's powers?

>> No.1136767

Lets try something. No one else reply to this thread and just let it 404. For the sake of /sci/. Please.

>> No.1136770


Theology is a science.

>> No.1136774


Why? Is /sci/ scared to actually discuss G*d instead of half-assedly dismiss him (thereby dismissing all the wonder and beauty in the universe.)

You are pathetic.

>> No.1136776

Nope, no Lucifer, just a God that is totally and completely evil.

>> No.1136795

I don't discuss god, I am agnostic.

>> No.1136793


>a God that is totally and completely evil
God makes us suffer for our benefit.

>> No.1136787

I was just trying to translate it into christian speech ;)

>> No.1136797

No, God makes us suffer for his benefit. Good only exists to make our suffering all the sweeter for him.

>> No.1136817


Are you implying that God derives pleasure from the suffering of humans? How have you come to such a radical conclusion?

>> No.1136822

Alright, since this is the science & math board, lets just drop the topic.

>> No.1136824


Can't validate your own 'belief' structure, eh atheist?

>> No.1136826

Because it's less radical than an omnibenevolent God creating a world as crappy as this.

>> No.1136832


You think a world without suffering would be better?

>> No.1136835

Atheists don't "believe", christfag, they only "know".

>> No.1136842

It's obvious that God, should he exist as we know it, meaning a personal god, had some kind of motivation for creating everything.
So, since this world is shit and you know it, it's obvious that his intention was not to see everyone happy (and if it was, he failed horribly, thus he is not omnipotent). So, that's just the next best thing.

>> No.1136846

My belief structure is that people are incapable of knowledge. Mind disproving that to me? Note: The burden of proof is on you if you claim you are capable of ascertaining the truth value of a statement. Pro tip: You aren't.

>> No.1136855


Prove to me G*d doesn't exist.

>> No.1136856

The Demiurge.

>> No.1136851

That's not what I'm saying, I'm not hypothesizing anything better, simply that the world was created by an evil being that takes pleasure in our suffering.

>> No.1136849


Wow way to paraphrase Hume but make it sound completely faggoty. Did u just learn how to read widdle baby?

>> No.1136861


>had some kind of motivation for creating everything
Creation happens because it is good.

>since this world is shit and you know it
Gold in the fire shines even brighter.

>his intention was not to see everyone happy
A world without pain already exists. It's called heaven. You can't create something that already exists.

>> No.1136862

actual, im a normal church going christian that doesn't come to /sci/ to discuss God

>> No.1136866

I know that I am male. I have no doubt in this. Evidence is present.

>> No.1136867

Oh, shit that wasn't me.
Don't pretend to be me.

>> No.1136868


Athiests: 0

>> No.1136874


>> No.1136878


>the world was created by an evil being that takes pleasure in our suffering
God cannot experience pleasure.
Pleasure result from the filling of a need(or perceived need). God has no needs.

>> No.1136879
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>> No.1136880


If you actually listened in church and could comprehend your bible you would realize the amazing truth to be found in it. Much more worthy of discussion than a lot of the 'solve this equation' threads here.

>> No.1136887
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>> No.1136890


Salvation is the "one thing needful".

>> No.1136891

Creation happens because without it their would be no suffering.
Not true, good is created to make our suffering meaningful, if we didn't know what we were missing out on, then our suffering wouldn't be as great.
Why is this any less plausible?

>> No.1136896
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>> No.1136898

Sorry for not being a native english speaker.
>Creation happens because it is good.
Is it? Why?

>Gold in the fire shines even brighter.
Suffering is happieness.
Slavery is freedom.
War is peace.

>A world without pain already exists. It's called heaven. You can't create something that already exists.
1. If you're god, you can.
2. But why don't we directly go there if everyone is meant to be happy?
Sorry, I didn't intend to. Adding trip.

>> No.1136902


"Explicit content" makes something bad now?
What about your precious videa games?

>> No.1136903

Burden of proof lies on the one claiming something exists, not the other way around.

You know that your senses tell you certain things, how do you know your senses are accurate?

>> No.1136906
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>> No.1136914

At least video games have intelligent and well written storylines that state they are fiction.

>> No.1136915


>> No.1136923

Alright, what with the amazing truth and all, please explain how impact velocity effects car drivers. You know, its not like these "unworthy" equations save lives of keep society from crumbling.

>> No.1136927


Video games also don't have mountains of proof supporting many of their claims and historical documents proving their authenticity.

>> No.1136925
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>> No.1136937

Creation is Good because the actualization of potentialities is Good. If this confuses you, please read up on the 'principle of plenitude.'

>> No.1136941


Christianity has saved lives and kept society from crumbling for millenia before modern 'science' came along to rescue us from what we didn't need rescuing from.

>> No.1136943



>> No.1136944

So the potentiality for evil, if actualized, is good

>> No.1136946

So, if I actualizate the potentiality of you being dead then I'm doing something good?

>> No.1136939
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>> No.1136949
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>> No.1136958

Turns out Christians are just as trollable as everyone on /sci/

>> No.1136959


No because that is not up for you to decide; it was up to the Most High

>> No.1136967


>So the potentiality for evil, if actualized, is good
Evils are privative. You can't actualize a lack.

>> No.1136970

>saved lives

Like the Crusades? Slavery? Witch burnings? Destroying other cultures?

>> No.1136978

Isn't that just double standards? If this dude kills then it's good, if another dude kills it's not?

>> No.1136980

I propose an alternative.
Creation is evil because the actualization of potentiality is evil.
The actualization of potentiality is evil because God is evil.

>> No.1136983


Like missionaries, Mother Theresa, modern philosophical and political theories and thoughts. Ethics for scientists. Widespread distribution of medicine. Help for Africa.

>> No.1136984

wow, this is the first time I see such a huge wall of text in a comic.

>> No.1136989

Good is a privation.

>> No.1136990

if christanity was the only thing that kept the wold from ending, then how did the ancient Egyptian culture build pyramids and survive for 2000 years?

>> No.1136992


>Like the Crusades?
Defensives wars seeking to protect the Holy Land.

A pre-Christian institution abolished by Christians.

>Witch burnings?
Done by protestants(heretics)

>Destroying other cultures?

>> No.1137004


Because G*d hadn't sent his only son to deliver us from our sins yet. It's like saying that if medicine is the only thing keeping us from all dying how did anyone survive the black plague?

Man was spiraling out of control and Jesus came to sacrifice himself for our salvation.

>> No.1137012


>Good is a privation.
Being is a good. Hence, lack of being cannot be good.

You're making a fool of yourself.
Bonum est diffusivum sui

>> No.1137017

Native Americans.

>> No.1137026

>Defensives wars seeking to protect the Holy Land.

More like genocide against the Muslims.

>> No.1137035

Do you see what is going on in the Middle East today? Are you seeing what happens as soon as Muslims regain a certain degree of control? Yet you don't think the Crusades beat down the maniacal beast of islam benefitted us???

>> No.1137043

>implying christians were any better
>implying this shit doesn't belong to /new/

>> No.1137044

Someone reads a little too much Fox News.

Take a look at Egypt.

>> No.1137045

Im simply proposing the opposite. The evil is self diffuse.

>> No.1137050

Jesus was an attention seeking fraud with a superiority complex and his mother was a whore who stuck to her story.

>> No.1137059

Christfags like you forced their hand.

>> No.1137060


Prove it

>> No.1137080


Period goes on the outside of the parentheses, you retard.

Furthermore, God is a fucking lie and you're well aware of it. Fuck off, and get out of /sci/.

>> No.1137082

Prove that your faggy non existent god is real, oh wait, you can't.

>> No.1137114


The existence of a necessary being need not be proven bro. He MUST exist.

>> No.1137118

Kant would get all up in yo shit, nigga.
Existence cannot be a predicate, fo sho!

>> No.1137121
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>> No.1137131


OK, just look at all of creation.

>> No.1137133

...and what about china and india? Why are they world powers?

>> No.1137151


What the fuck are you talking about? I think my post must have gone over your head.

>> No.1137183

so the greeks were a civilization that was spiraling out of control? And why did he leave out the native americans? Both of which we polytheistic and probably needed a wake up call.

>> No.1137186
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>> No.1137288

Hey guys, upon analyzing atheist claims and comparing them with Fundamentalist claims, I have observed three key similarities.

1. Both use "absolutes" in their claims. They "KNOW" (no evidence included) that there is or is not a God.

2. Both quote directly and interpret literally from the bible. (Atheists use it to decry christian views, Fundies use it to support their views)

3. Both are intolerant of other peoples opinions, especially moderate opinions of many theists and agnostics.

So whats the fucking difference. Atheists act like fundamentalists, but just think they are "smarter" and "scientific". Here is a fun science story for you.

2 years ago I was working in a professors lab taking apart and constructing polypeptides. I was using Carboxypedpitade this one time and upon seeing the degradation of this one polypeptide I noticed the absence of Thymine in the mixture.

I reported this to the professor, and I said that I concluded that Thymine was removed from the polypeptide, and thus it is in this specific location in the PP.

The professor asked me, "What proof do you have"

I told him it was not in the mixture.

The professor told me to rerun the experiement using a labeling molecule because negative evidence does not look professional, is not scientific, and unless that Thymine was labeled, we do not know where it could have went.

Negative evidence is unscientific evidence.

>> No.1137297


Again I counter:

G*d is the way the truth and the light.

>> No.1137332
