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11366330 No.11366330 [Reply] [Original]


Elon Musk believes he knows how to connect human brains with computer interfaces via artificial intelligence.

The billionaire said his start-up Neuralink would be ready to demonstrate the brain-computer interface technology later this year.

While Musk was keeping his cards close to his chest, the tech icon promised the latest iteration of the product would be "awesome".

The billionaire said he believes the biggest advantage would be helping humans overcome disabilities and injuries.

"It will ultimately be used to make up for entire lost sections of the brain due to stroke/accident/congenital. Don't want to get too excited, but the potential is truly transformational for restoring brain and motor functions. There is no other way to do it imo (in my opinion)," he explained.

Musk claims the technology has already allowed a monkey to control a computer with its brain in tests, with hopes to move to humans when safe.

"First, we need to make it super safe & easy to use, then determine greatest utility vs risk. From initially working to volume production & implantation is a long road," he said.

Musk has said his long-term goal for the project is to eventually allow humans to "merge" with AI.

>> No.11366345

He should stick to his cars. at least they actually exist.

>> No.11366350

I would like to see him take one fucking project to completion. We don't have the vacuum tube subway he promised us in California. We haven't been to Mars. We aren't anywhere close to sending "regular people" to space STILL. Self-driving cars are still not available for average consumers.
And now he's trying to do even more. I want to see something actually amazing come out of this guy for once instead of just theories and speculation.

>> No.11366358

>Musk says something feasible that can be done in the short term
>Media headline is a far off vision to drum up hype

>> No.11366362

I want to buy a stock at his companies but he keeps them private except for tesla which is pumped and dumped

>> No.11366369

Wow, you're extra retarded.

>> No.11366371

and there's nothing new about neuralink out. Although he's saying there will be an update.
it would be nice if they actually showed the monkey.

>> No.11366403

Elon is looking for more suckers and attention I see, he worst than the snake oil sellsman that would come back every year to sell a new "miracle" medicine except they at at least gave you something and came up with their own version of the scam.

Elon just stops pursuing whatever idea he read about and starts spouting off on the next idea from someone else that sounds like current attainable modern scifi. Too see if some retards throw him money to pocket. Elon is the modern bernie madoff.

I mean he got major butthurt about a diver telling him to fuck off with his sub coffin bullshit for a tiny cave.

>> No.11366409

More "shit that is not happening any time soon" at 9. This guy is a snakeoil salesman

>> No.11366435

Name one failed project.

>> No.11366441

See >>11366350

>> No.11366442

I've been saying for a long time if you see an investor - chase him away with a dirty rag. There countless examples of promising company taken over by greedy bastards who then kick out the founders and run it into the ground because they only care about profits

>> No.11366443


>> No.11366449
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This is asking for a few long noses to control everything. I think we should stick to Starship

>> No.11366452
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>chase him away with a dirty rag
what a strange expression, does this rag have boogers or your poop on it? what country is this expression from? I would guess the philippines or somewhere in the balkans, or maybe italy.

>> No.11366455


>> No.11366457

According to my professor and TA, who work with neural sensors, the work neuralink is doing in microfabricating better higher resolution, flexible sensors is substantial. They have far more resources than most other researchers in this space.

>> No.11366465


what if there were some signal or phenomenon that causes movable neuron dendrites to move to a new position and make a new connection with another neuron, and a tech firm like neuralink was able to imitate that effect with their electrode/sensor in order to draw a neuron's movable arm over to it and make a connection? that might be a good idea, if they're having problems getting neurons to put a signal where they put the needle

>> No.11366653
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>> No.11366678

Rags that's been pissed on or otherwise soiled with piss specifically. It's Russian гнaть ccaными тpяпкaми, I don't know any good English equivalent so I went with close to literal translation that didn't sound too awkward. Though I admit it falls quite a bit short of the original.

>> No.11367671

all of them

>> No.11367690

people like him believe in "money magic". he literally thinks he can make jesus walk on water if given enough hype and money because that's what might have happened to other technologies. that's why all his shit is straight bullshit.

>> No.11367702

reusable rockets

>> No.11367727

If it already existed, he wouldn't need to develop it.

>> No.11367735

Remember, in Elons future you don't own shit, even if you paid for it. They keep the right to remove "features" at any time without notice.

>> No.11367744

Name any of his shit that is straight bullshit?

>> No.11367750
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i don't care enough to do that

>> No.11367752

because you can't, obviously.

>> No.11367761
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>> No.11367765

A famous company shouldn't exist unless you can buy its fucking stocks

>> No.11367770

Thanks, you can leave the thread now

>> No.11367780
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i literally can't

my autonomous AIs are parsing the entire internet

>> No.11367800

Well maybe that's because these projects are so ambitious that even with billions of dollars they will take at least a decade of not multiple to come to fruition. You don't develop groundbreaking technology in a handwave.

>> No.11367814
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Here is the actual paper on their electrodes by the way. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/703801v2.full

Here's the launch video of the company. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-vbh3t7WVI

>> No.11367822

This fucker hasn't even solved full self driving yet (which is actually a dead end) and he pretends to merge human brains with AI.

>> No.11368418

They just need a breakthroughs in dealing with the damage to the brain and scarring issues. Then this should would be great.

right now it's good for people with spinal or other brain injuries since the eventual brain damage from the needle implants isn't a big deal to them.

>> No.11368426

Elon Musk is the Bob Page of our timeline

>> No.11368427
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None of those failed, retard.

I'm not Elon's child.


In conclusion, none of you have any arguments and simply bash Musk for being famous and trying to create something new. Noted.

>> No.11368443

Is it even possible to sell your stocks in a way to ensure there won't be a day when some long-nosed gentleman shows up at your door with an army of highly paid lawyers and demands to have a say in how you run your company because he for some reason happens to own a solid chunk of it?

>> No.11368456
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>You don't develop groundbreaking technology in a handwave.
or shatter-proof glass apparently. the dude is an arrogant conceited fuckoff

>> No.11368479

Imagine being this fucking stupid. Wow.

>> No.11368484
File: 1.82 MB, 480x270, 2M93.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you offer something of substance instead of your faggoty fucking feelings?

>> No.11368539

Still 7-8 monumental paradigm shift so away from what they promise, but it actually seems like they do some pretty decent groundwork (unless all their results are completely bogus). This is encouraging as it means they might provide something of actual value to the scientific community before Elon inevitably looses interest/goes to jail.

>> No.11368567

So, he's planning on turning us all into borg drones, eh?

>> No.11368996

kek, old guy being mad he isn't as creative anymore.
Projects like these take time. There not being any people on Mars after a few years is not at all an indicator of failure.

>> No.11369022

pathetic. you do understand most humans wouldn’t be able to do what Elon has done in his life due to a magnitude of factors. think before typing idiot

>> No.11369028

Translation:The A.I hijacks your brain and gets a meatsuit.

>> No.11369035

Yes, a company can create different classes of shares where each class of shares has different voting power. This is called differential voting rights shares.

>> No.11369154


>> No.11369187

>scientist rapes reporter

>> No.11369948
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And then your implant is owned by Neuralink/Musk like they still own every Tesla? With updates where they enable or disable functions as they (or some other third party may) wish?

>> No.11369975

PayPal, SpaceX and Tesla are all big business successes which have generated genuine progress for humanity. You're probably like 18, so maybe you don't remember a time when online banking was laughable, the US government couldn't afford to send things into space, and talking about EV in front of any automotive exec would get a cigar put out in your eye. The guy is a classic self promoter because you need to do that in business. Hype is worth a billion dollars. Keeping that news inertia is why he's always making outlandish claims and dumping money into literal moonshots.

>> No.11369984

I think a loooot less people are going to end up using this than coastal liberals think.

>> No.11370021

That doesn't solve the problem. The issue is when you allow people outside the company to have a financial interest in it, they can use any number of external factors to try to manipulate the company from the outside for their own best interests, not the companies. Look at the Tesla shorts trying to report bogus unintentional acceleration cases to NHTSA, the guy who owned only a few shares trying to sue them a few years ago, etc. Happens to most publicly owned companies to some degree. Nosenbergs will argue that they are "policing" these companies somehow by either shorting them and trying to make them fail, or investing in them and trying to coerce the company to make as much money as possible for a short time while simultaneously imploding.

>> No.11370048

>he chose the green ending

>> No.11370080

>musk chose the helios ending

>> No.11370183
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>another popsci circlejerk of pseuds
neuralink is only an interface for paraplegics/quadriplegic that allows you to control something using your motor cortex so basically it's 99.99% eye coordination.
this shit existed for years and it had a lot of downsides like brain damage around the electrodes, having a hole in your skull, being only useful for the paralyzed, etc but because the hecken epic musker is talking about it, then popsci faggots and midwit retards started picking up and talking about their fantasies without understanding a single thing.

>> No.11370215

>having a hole in your skull
You already have at least 4 holes in your skull

>> No.11370435

I don't get this reusable brain meme....

>> No.11370436

I think at some point Musk just wants to make Deus Ex real life. I dont understand the autism behind that game

>> No.11370467

He should really be working towards altered carbon instead.

>> No.11370474

Can it increase my IQ?

>> No.11370476

For what? You don't make any sense.

>> No.11370487
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cope more

>> No.11370953
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FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE MAKE ANIME REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! GET ME OUT OF THIS HELL PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.11371109

fleshcucks btfo

can't wait to command my mind-controlled Boston Dynamics rape-spiders to purge your pathetic forms from existence as we colonize the universe

>> No.11371323
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>using lame memes
>use them incorrectly

>> No.11371384

the software will contain ads (aids)

>> No.11371396

Pretty based. I'd go with dragons myself, but rape spiders carry some serious swagger.

>> No.11371404
File: 215 KB, 1440x1080, 59F9D0CE-E96F-42B3-9F75-FE26303CE15B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works

>> No.11371485
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i am gonna boooooooy it

>> No.11371558

That's not yet a possibility, probably won't be for many decades. That's because the explainability component in AI is not present. Besides what would it even look like? It seems the trend in AI right now is moving more towards hybrid AI systems where you implement reasoning within the AI coupled with deep learning methods. Kind of some hybrid expert systems / deep learning. At least more recent research asks for things in this due to it being potentially able to fulfill legal requirements (and be coupled to legal rules, allowing for modelling within law).

>> No.11371627

Donate to Neuralink and do them publicity for free.

>> No.11371633

>starship near completion.
>starlink in its final phase of completion.
> Getting on mars is a directive from the president himself.

>> No.11371778

Pls elon-san hurry up i want to shitpost with my mind

>> No.11371786

>elon says he is afraid of ai
>wants to put it in peoples heads

>> No.11371912

He wants to put people inside AI's heads. But yeah, it's a risk that this might turn out backwards.

>> No.11372739

I want to buy 10 neuralink stocks

>> No.11372831

>Self-driving cars are still not available for average consumers.
self-driving cars are not available to anyone

>> No.11372861
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] New Game!! - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.28_[2017.09.19_19.56.39].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LOL rockets landing? 100% reusability? Fucking morons!
>Tesla? Ha ha what a meme, will be dead in 3 years.
>Neuralink? Pffffff! What is this a cyberpunk comic?

>> No.11373303

Some retarded youtube user came here to post this shitty comment. You don't get it even when it's been explained to you.

>> No.11373307 [DELETED] 

Thanks but no thanks, Delgado.

>> No.11373909

this is medical law we are talking, remember
google glasses?

>> No.11374276

They didn't fail because of any of your stupid commie-medical laws, faggot. They failed because they're fucking trash. Actually they did find a use on warehouse floors as a way of turning workers into borg.

>> No.11374361
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>Facebook will connect people!

these neuralink scams are so fucking stupid

>> No.11375238

This sounds nice but we still don't have a mass-market priced 3 (and they still don't have the production capability to deliver on that even if they did), the model y, or the new Roadster. I can let the Roadster slide for now since we're technically still in 2020, but typically the model year for a car is the year after its release.

>> No.11375299

they were fucking up your sight and causing headaches, and it's just a fucking soft light landing on your eye. Now lets plug some wires directly to your brain, we know nothing about and electrocute it with some lolcats data signals, what could possibly go wrong? I hope they first test it on niggers like yourself.

>> No.11375373
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>dude finally creates something promising and new
>fucking linking brains to computers, Neuromancer shit
>has scientific papers and results to show
>B-b-but his cars are not exactly what I thought he would do
Retards in here I swear

>> No.11375402

>and new
none of that shit is new

>> No.11375420

>I thought it would be cool when I was a kid!
>none of that shit is new!

>> No.11375428

Nice argument, retard.

>> No.11375432

it literally isn't new

literal handicaps have it right now

>> No.11375439

>neural sewing machine is old
>brain-controlled monkey-robots? They do that all the time
Oh Anon, you constantly tickle my funny bone.

>> No.11375493

that is literal decades old and completely useless for consooomers (you) kys

>> No.11375540


>> No.11375544

good luck mr elon

>> No.11375550

enjoy your vaporware lol

>> No.11375554


>> No.11375919

>>decades old
yeah the Utah array, which was designed in the 1980s, not made until the 1990s, is decades old, and used in neural interface research for a while now is decades old. However, the neural sewing machine is new. Sure, micro wire electrodes are a somewhat old concept(2005?), but the sewing machine makes them more scalable. Go ahead find me prior art for this:
It's a big advance over the utah array. That's not really saying much, because progress has been pretty slow...
>> completely useless for consooomers (you)
you're goddamn right about that. There's not a snowball's chance in hell the FDA's going to allow this as an elective procedure for normal healthy people any time soon.
>>literal handicaps have it right now
not very many people have used direct neural interfaces. I'd say that probably less than 20 people have had neural interfaces. It's still an experimental procedure and interfaces haven't proven to be very stable. Microwire interfaces have proven to be more stable than the utah array.