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11362061 No.11362061 [Reply] [Original]

>coronavirus is steadily rising
>in locations other than China
Is putting a dozen of tourists into quarantine really that difficult?

>> No.11362141


>> No.11362149

Rounding up all Chinese tourists and throwing them in a quarantine camp is too politically incorrect. It is, however, the correct course of action. Along with imposing economic sanctions on China to pay for all the resources they're making other countries spend.

>> No.11362198

Makes me wonder will Africa be wiped out.
It would be weird if there wasn't at least one infected African that went back home when shit hit the fan.

If normal countries have problems with corona, then Niger doesn't stand a chance; they won't even know what hit them.

>> No.11362231

TFW stupid ass North Korea is the only one who got their shit right

>> No.11362306

They have suspected cases

>> No.11362339

There is a secret clause in the US-CHINA trade agreement. It says that China will release the virus as an attempt to assassinate Jonathan Tooker

>> No.11363143
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quite linear at world wide level

>> No.11363161

Mongolia closed their airports and border with China, US government is quarantining anyone from the province Wuhan is in, for a minimum 14 days iirc, and this was stuff I read a while ago, is old news

>> No.11363182
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big hmmmmm

>> No.11363683
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>quite linear
I believe it is closer to second degree polynomial than linear. Since 31 Jan we have seen the derivative increase (ommiting the very last data point), which means that the second order derivate has to be positive. The second order derivative of a linear curve is zero.
>at world wide level
Those numbers are for Mainland China, but there are so few cases outside of China that it would have been correct.

>> No.11363687
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>> No.11363707

So what does this mean? Is it speeding up? stable? slowing down?

>> No.11363710

According to the news 20 years ago, AIDS already killed everyone in Africa

>> No.11363721
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Seems like it's slowing down very very slowly. That is second order derivative is positive but constant or decreasing so slowly that it is practically constant. Epidemics tends to be in this very unclear state for a while, then suddenly crash. It's hard to predict when the crash will happen, but it will. Picture from 2009 swine flu. To me it seems like the growth is going to stay like this for quite some time, but I don't base this on much else than intuition from current R0 estimates at 2.24-3.58 and the fact that the quarantine efforts isn't particularly successful within China although it probably would have been much worse without it. Most data to calculate R0 is from crowded, unsanitary and polluted China during the chaos of chinese new year festival. So it might be that R0 is lower outside of China. By comparison, 2009 Swine flu R0 have been estimated 1.75, and been estimated to have infected 11%-21% of the global population. So even if R0 is lower than that outside China, it can spread quite well!

>> No.11363736

The stats are currently dominated by China, and all of that information is coming through official CCP sources. You're seeing a near-perfect fit because it's being released as gated information.

Once we start to see cases ramping up internationally past the first few rounds of incubation, it won't fit nearly as neatly and we'll get a much less sanitized picture.

>> No.11363758

Is it really informative to be doing second derivatives on the data when it's coming out in drips like this? I would have thought the data was inherently too messy for those kind of analyses to be meaningful

>> No.11363769

>quite linear
>graph clearly showing a non-linear increase

>> No.11363774

Muh human rights. If we had a bit of sense we'd shoot all infected and everyone who was near them and burn the bodies.

>> No.11363822

You have a point. I am implicitly predicting that the epidemic will not catch up exponential growth again and that the epidemic at least within China likely is
> in this very unclear state [edit: of nonexponential but rapid and quite stable growth] for a while, then suddenly crash.
Which is a common feature of epidemics, including the 2009 swine flu epidemic which I use an an example of this. This could very well be proven wrong, even within China as number really aren't that high. At least not the official detected cases! I am implicitly assuming that these numbers are proportial to the actual number of cases. As for the development outside of China I haven't taken any stance.

>> No.11363835

Quarantine is unethical and closing borders is undiplomatic.

>> No.11364112

Rare non-utilitarian! Melts my frozen heart! It was frozen by an utilitarian that thought it was better for most that I received this inhibition :(

>> No.11364113


>> No.11364118

>bad attitude

>> No.11364252

Very interesting read!

>> No.11364365

>Man needs dreams; they cannot be removed or refuted, only replaced. With big dreams we can act in small ways. But if the dreams are built for the act—they will be small.

Although I feel like he's using internationalism as a scapegoat for the reason west has been hesitant on these measures, I do agree with him on this
>Isolating the hemispheres, blocking human travel between Old and New Worlds, is a temporary measure for a temporary epidemic. Its motivations are utilitarian and transient. Only at very specific moments in very specific situations is it appropriate. One of those moments and situations might be right now—or not.

It still warms my heart to see >>11363835 argue for the right of a Chinese person to flee from a country with an ongoing epidemic. Even this person might really already have caught the disease and end up spreading it instead of escaping it. A symptomatic, kind and rational person would not flee from China. An asympomatic person might, but the kindest and most rational would still not. There is not much to gain for the infected to flee from China. Or maybe there is. But only for a while I suppose. Unfortunately this disease has an extraordinarily long incubation time with asympomatic transmission.

>> No.11365200
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>> No.11365319

thanks, Obama

>> No.11365409

It's not difficult at all, it's racist. If 10 million chinese people die, then 100 million whites will have to die to even things out.

>> No.11365431
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>steadily rising in locations other than China

Of course it is. The people who released the virus want travel to continue like normal, so that it spreads as much as possible.

See the official WHO (United Nations) statement: https://www.infowars.com/who-demands-countries-not-impose-travel-restrictions-to-avoid-fear-and-stigma/

And watch the Coronavirus simulation/exercise the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation held together with UN representatives 2 months before the virus was released, in which they discuss the """"importance""" of continuing travela and having open borders:






At that meeting they projected 200 million deaths but ended up with 65 million. One of the dudes (Timothy Evans) at the table then joked that they "only" got 65 million instead of 200 million.

Also see this interview with an expert on biological weapons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsyujjitOFM

>> No.11365442

Also I should add, that at that meeting they discuss the "importance" of making sure people only receive information from mainstream media news sources, and the "importance" of controlling the internet and technologies to censor people online.

>> No.11365524

holy fuck I'm watching those videos now, this is some predictive programming revelation of the method shit right here!

>> No.11365528

bit of a stupid question, but is the gradient of this graph limited by the number of cases which are able to be lab-verified each day? and then after surpassing a certain number of cases in a day, you would have something that appeared linear?
for example, say the labs can only verify 4000 cases per day. then even if the number of new cases on consecutive days were 10,000, 12,000, 17,000, the daily increases would still only be 4000.

>> No.11365535
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>18th October 2019

>> No.11365548
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doesn't seem too unlikely

>> No.11365561

The absolute hubris in recording this and uploading it to YouTube.

>> No.11365574

It speaks volumes about its spreading capabilities.
Corona-chan spreads way more easily and kills faster than aids, though.

>> No.11365589
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[math] \textbf{HELP US, DR. YABANI} [/math]

>> No.11365608

You're witnessing Cultural Marxism in action there.

>> No.11365637


What are you fucking getting at anon?

You think there is a conspiracy among the elites to kill off 200 million old/sick people with a bio weapon?

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. A couple of youtube vids showing literally nothing does not constitute evidence of a crime bigger than any in human history.

>> No.11365644

How much do you save on lighting every year from working for the CIA?

>> No.11365649

They’ll just shoot them

>> No.11365652


>> No.11365654

>Corona-chan spreads way more easily
AIDS spreads faster according to the chart from WHO that someone posted recently but that I didn’t bother to save a copy of because I’m not that invested

>> No.11365659

/sci/ is pozzed by /pol/ tourists who reside on mount stupid in the "knowledge by willingness to opine" graph. I wonder how many regular posters here dont even have an undergraduate degree

>> No.11365660

>muh credentialism cope

>> No.11365668


Nice dodge.

You just sealed your own coffin. Now anybody reading this thread will see you have no compelling evidence and that your only option is to resort to accusing me of being in on the conspiracy.

>> No.11365672

>muh smart but lazy cope

>> No.11365688

no one gives a shit about your iq or degree on 4chan, you can save that for your gay low t eunuch lab mates when you're dressing up for furry parties or whatever

>> No.11365694

no one gives a shit about your half baked fear mongering conspiracies that anyone with half a brain can see is a load of shit you uneducated swine

>> No.11365776
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>> No.11366260

Dumb mod put terry back

>> No.11366274
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>> No.11366284

french ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''education''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

>> No.11366381
File: 172 KB, 1332x932, wiki-6feb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bit of a stupid question, but is the gradient of this graph limited by the number of cases which are able to be lab-verified each day? and then after surpassing a certain number of cases in a day, you would have something that appeared linear?
Yes! It might even be that capacity fluctuates from day to day. I don't really know all the limiting factors here. One is obviously manpower, another is having buildings for it (a new hospital was finished 3. feb), another might be protective gear for the worker, other might various lab supplies. I hear they have gone low on the latter which they refer to as "testing kits". I suppose this is something that need to be restocked every day, which might fluctuate but hopefully gradually increase as demand increases. Interestingly, the number of new cases has been going down for the last 2 days for the first time since 28 Jan, from 4k to 3k.
> say the labs can only verify 4000 cases per day. then even if the number of new cases on consecutive days were 10,000, 12,000, 17,000, the daily increases would still only be 4000.
Yeah, they would likely prioritize the most severe cases. And remember that the testing is spread out many hospitals over almost all of China. Looking at this >>11365200 we see little over 2/3 of cases in Hubei, which is the region which contains all the 15 quarantined cities. Only 6k of the cases are in Wuhan.

>> No.11366461
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>> No.11366469
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>> No.11366472
File: 216 KB, 1138x969, who-6feb-outside-hubei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11367485

wtf based

>> No.11367494

It's over. Jews won. If it wasnt for muh liberals oga bogas and racism then rest of world would close Airports, seaports and other motherfucking roads from China.

At least i wasnt racist right?

>> No.11367704

The Endsieg will belong to the Native European People.

>> No.11367749

>Of course it is. The people who released the virus want travel to continue like normal, so that it spreads as much as possible.

This is the misinformation. In fact, there were no restrictions to travel over a long span of time and thats why its shown up outside of China.

So, where were u guys when posting about the Zika, MERS, SARS outbreaks? Oh yea. Same shit, different wildtype virus, same implied conspiracy.

Sadyly a lot of this is not just amateur idiots but employees for the state media in various Asian countries (China, Russia, Korea) who see using the internet this way to be of great benefit in defending themselves against an opportunity to examine and criticize the sufficiency of those governments' responses.


OP may or may not be a disinformation officer of a foreign government, or he may be an incel, difference isn't much

>> No.11367791

China's plan to destabilize the rest of the world via biological warfare is proceeding nicely.

>> No.11369161
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>> No.11369174


Why would they destabilise themselves so much more than everybody else?

>> No.11369913

Because Chings gonna Chong.

>> No.11369963

Looks polynomial.

>> No.11370075

If it really does mostly effect Asian men and the elderly, it would benefit them a bit. They can fix their demographics, eliminate more of the people who know what they've done in the past, and slow down protests for a long while. The CCP inherited the "one death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic" bit from Stalin. It spreading to other countries is just a side benefit if it's intentional.