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11360015 No.11360015 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, who was humanitys greatest mind?

>> No.11360031 [DELETED] 

Not the Jewish quack Einstein, that's for sure.

>> No.11360043

>photoelectric effect
>special relativity
>general relativity
Id love to hear your rebuttals

>> No.11360069

/pol/tards don't have arguments.

Really difficult to decide. I'd still go with Einstein, as he did a lot more than what he is praised for.
>Brownian motion
>asymmetric river bed erosion
>developed a cooling process
>advanced quantum mechanics a lot with his thought experiments

>> No.11360080

>asymmetric river bed erosion

>> No.11360082

Who's the guy that figured out that units make sense and cancel out mathematically?
My vote is for that guy.

>> No.11360121


literally responsible for none of those 0/10

einstein typically stole all his ideas from previous german, french, and italian scientists

>> No.11360131


>> No.11360133
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>> No.11360134

>special relativity meme
Completely debunked.

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zWy6_Mog70

>general relatvity meme
Completely debunked.

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBorBKDnE3U

>inb4 you stick your head in the sand and refuse to face reality
Yeah, carry on with that. It won't alter reality, you'll only accomplish deluding yourself.

>> No.11360137

Yes, yes, drink the koolaid

>> No.11360142
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>> No.11360147 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11360155

Go back

>> No.11360179
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Ah, there we have it, that willful ignorance of the facts.

>> No.11360193

Are you alleging a conspiracy is in place that prevents the true discoverers of relativity from getting credit? Then you aren't sane.
Are you alleging that SR and GR have somehow been debunked? Then you dont know any physics.

It's obvious to everyone here what your motivation is.

>> No.11360194

>black holes don't exist!!!
Bruh, we have pictures of black holes. Back to the psyche ward you dumb schizo.

>> No.11360212

Nobel prize winner Gerard Hooft vs College dropout/gardener Stephen Crothers

>> No.11360231

>wahh waah conspraceeez!!!
Just keep ignoring the science, bro.

>> No.11360237

Okay, so if there is no conspiracy then why is Einstein regarded as brilliant?

>> No.11360266


>> No.11360271
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>we have pictures of black holes.
Cringe. No, we don't. None. And we'll never have.

The "black hole" photo (and the theory of "black holes") has been 100% scientifically debunked over and over again. Of course, you'll keep ignoring the facts and will never confront the science. When small minds are confronted with an uncomfortable scientific truth, they resort to obsessing over people and personalities while running away from the uncomfortable science.

But to the lurkers here who wish to learn:













Following aren't specifically about black holes, but related and some of the following mention black holes:





















>> No.11360274

/pol/tards hate Einstein because he was Jewish. It makes them cry or something.

>> No.11360278

>Citing YouTube videos, not research papers published in scientific journals

This isn’t the board for you.

>> No.11360280

You love him because he was a Jew. His pseudoscientific garbage theoriues be damned, all that matters is that he was Jewish. That makes him great!

>> No.11360283

>attack the medium or the messenger instead of the facts and the science
Saul Alinsky would be proud of you.

>> No.11360289

>You love him because he was a Jew

Nope. His ethnicity is irrelevant to me, as is everyone’s ethnicity.

> His pseudoscientific garbage theoriues be damned

Cite peer-reviewed papers documenting observations inconsistent with relativity.

>> No.11360290

Bach was humanity's greatest mind, and his music is proof God exists.

>> No.11360291

See: >>11360271
There's your papers bro. You can try debunking a single thing, if you did you'd fail. But you won't even try because you know you can't. The science is rock-solid and you have no ground to stand on - your Einsteinian fantasy-physics can't support you, on the contrary they work against you.

>> No.11360292

imagine if instead of going down youtube schizo rabbit holes you opened a book and learned physics

>> No.11360294

Consensus science isn't science. The whole idea of consensus science is nonsense anyway because the truth is not found by a vote.

>attack the medium or the messenger instead of the facts and the science
Saul Alinsky would be proud of you.

>> No.11360295

>nooooo my YouTube videos are just as good sources as scientific papers subject to peer review

>> No.11360296

>/pol/niggers still can't respond

>> No.11360299

>There's your papers bro.

No, that’s a bunch of YouTube videos.
Please cite actual papers.

>> No.11360300

Again, imagine if instead of using your time to go down youtube schizo rabbit holes you opened a book and learned physics. Not for my sake, for yours.

>> No.11360303

>Consensus science isn't science

That’s lovely, now cite some papers.

>> No.11360305


>> No.11360542

Relativity was pioneered by physicists like Poincare and Lorentz, you fucking idiots.
And Newton was a rip-off who stole the credit for discovering gravity from Robert Hooke

>> No.11360551

fpbp. albert was a hack
Isaac ftw everytime

>> No.11360747

...and it was pioneered by Einstein. Weird how that works.

>> No.11360768


>> No.11360875
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>> No.11361201

Big Einstein fan here, currently reading a biography about him from Walter Isaacsaon, but you have to remember that Newton lived in a time where there was fuck all communication, and he still figured this shit out. Einstein had regularly communication all over Europe.

>> No.11361226

He showed that it is caused by Coriolis force in rivers running from north to south or south to north, respectively.

Yes, but who saw the bigger picture and put it all together and most importantly, made sense of it?
Science is always done standing on the shoulder of giants. You're just looking for straws to hold on to for criticizing people of high intellect to appear knowledgeable and edgy.

True, that's why I mentioned it was difficult to decide between the two. The communication all over Europe was done by snail mail though. Tedious and time-consuming.

>> No.11361231

>first video
>relativity is wrong
So you're saying Maxwell equations don't accurately describe electromagnetic processes?

It's not worth giving any other of these shit shows any attention.

>> No.11361235

Newton hands down

>> No.11361242

Nobody outside pol gives a shit
Collaborating with others, getting inspiration from others, using models developed by others else, and so on, all valid, all common, and all do not take away from his contribution. And even (not saying this was necessarily the case though) packaging many already developed ideas into one model, is a (massive) contribution.
There's value in what he did do and that's that. Now fuck off to your Dunning Kruger den. And take this with you:

>> No.11361255

Also whats up with sudden einstein defence force

>> No.11361263

>le einstein was a kike he dindu shit and relativity is fake
is extremely tiresome

>> No.11361331

They hate him because they accuse him of stealing even though he cited the white losers in his papers

>> No.11361844

>Brownian Motion
Did he predict the migrant crisis?

>> No.11362456

Isaac Newton by a long shot. He's authoring theorems and developing mathematical methods almost 300 years after his death.

>> No.11362485

back to /x/

>> No.11362621
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>> No.11363234
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>thinking its anyone but him

>> No.11363278

>christcuck philosopher

>> No.11363282

Euler and Gauss > Newton and Einstime

>> No.11363401

Grug, the inventor of fire.

>> No.11364104

my nigga

>> No.11364125

Leibniz or Euler

>> No.11364128

Ya seethe?

>> No.11364206


>> No.11364210

>the only correct answer.

>> No.11364981

>True, that's why I mentioned it was difficult to decide between the two. The communication all over Europe was done by snail mail though. Tedious and time-consuming.

True, although most of the theoretical physics was done in Germany and Switzerland. Einstein regularly worked between the 2 countries.

>> No.11365120
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Not even a contest he jobs everyone else by a quantum metric.

>> No.11365140

either Galois or Euler.

>> No.11365356
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Choosing anyone other than Plato or Gödel basically admitting you're retarded.

>> No.11365361


>> No.11365433

>invented calculus independent of Newton
>contributed to philosophy
>invented the world's first calculator

>> No.11365542

Not the Jewish quack Einstein, that's for sure.

>> No.11365545
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>> No.11365547

Same reason Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber were successful.

>> No.11366837

Miles Mathis.