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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11358247 No.11358247[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>To be Black in America is to literally feel greater pain than non-Hispanic white people and Latinxs do — at least if the pain is being inflicted by a white man wearing a white coat, if it’s happening in a lab, if it follows years of racial discrimination, and if the findings of a sobering study reported on Monday are correct.

>Despite the persistence of the slavery-era myth that African Americans are less sensitive to pain than people of other backgrounds (as a large fraction of white laypeople, medical students, and hospital residents in a 2016 study believed), the science is unambiguous. African Americans, and in some studies Latinxs, report more pain from the identical stimulus (being touched with something very hot, for instance) than non-Hispanic white people. Yet somewhat surprisingly, when it seems that every mental and emotional experience has been analyzed with brain imaging, the neurobiological mechanisms for that heightened pain sensitivity have been unclear.

>Hoping to remedy that, neuroscientist Elizabeth Losin of the University of Miami set out to examine brain activity when people of different ethnic backgrounds experienced the identical pain-inducing stimulus. She persisted for eight years, through funding denials (the National Institutes of Health said she’d never be able to find enough Black participants), journal rejections (they worried that her study, like others involving race and biology, would spark controversy), and a 2,000-mile move (she started the research at the University of Colorado).

>“It’s been an extremely long labor of love,” she said. “But I think it’s important that the findings get out there.”

So think twice before you say the N word.

>> No.11358250

black fragility confirmed

>> No.11358253

link her paper not some article we'll judge her on the science

>> No.11358257


Stopped reading right there

>> No.11358267
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Gee, I wonder (((who))) could make up such nonsense, and to serve what agenda?

>By Sharon Begley



A pro-jewish diatribe written by her to defend her fellow tribe: http://www.sharonlbegley.com/the-roots-of-evil

She writes for ((( Jewish Ideas Daily )))



>> No.11358280


Sharon Begley: https://www.worldjewishcongress.org/en/news/genetic-study-offers-clues-to-history-of-north-africa-s-jews

>World Jewish Congress

>> No.11358290

Translation: if you don't give black extra drugs, you're racist.

>> No.11358291

has anyone noticed a recent increased number of articles on a proposed intergenerational trauma from the Holocaust?

>> No.11358292

No surprise.

>> No.11358293
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>> No.11358298
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>> No.11358299

I was curious if there were any legitimate research to back it up, I know the dutch ww2 famine baby study found epigenetic effects.

>> No.11358301
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>> No.11358309

Why did they choose that hand gesture?

>> No.11358311
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this is a gud question

>> No.11358317



backup: https://femto.pw/muj6.webm

>> No.11358342

>blacky can't even handle a little pain
It's like they actually write these articles to make /pol/ laugh. How were they thinking people would react, "oh, black people are super sensitive we should gibs dem moneys."?

>> No.11358343
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the varg man. thanks anon

>> No.11358367
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>> No.11358380
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You can cry and moan all you want, but you can't stop the mass awakening that's going exponential. The sun of truth is rising and all your filth and lies will be exposed for the whole world to see.

>> No.11358397

As a latino this is pretty fucking offensive. As if our own words to describe ourselves aren't good enough.

>> No.11358402
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/pol/ tards can't even rub enough pennies together to help daily stormer, /pol/tards are on the decline.

>> No.11358412

What the fuck is this?

>> No.11358419

>it truly is afraid

>"(((daily stormer))) is /yourguys/!"
Lmao, go choke to death on some baby foreskin, Goldblatt.

>> No.11358422

I.e., are more dramatic.
Since stereotypes are generally true, blacks probably do feel less pain than whitoids.
Also, given how addictive and deadly these drugs are, shouldn't this supposedly racially concerned Jewess be worried about the negative consequences of over prescribing pain meds to "vulnerable" minority groups?

>> No.11358465

I find it amusingly unsettling that as I go about unraveling and exposing the control structures of this world, ultimately I do in fact have a bit of Jew nose and Jew ancestry. So if the Zionists etc come to power, will they not kill us half breeds preferentially? If there's some sort of organized Jewish extermination family trees are now digitized. How much is too much? Odds are they will come for me as well.

Fortunately I don't have children. If I did however, I look at all of you, Jew and Goy alike, as practically another species, and I would have to work to subjugate or eliminate the threat accordingly.

The strange midway state,

>> No.11358879

They got it from an old and famous painting where the crowd pays respect to some king by doing that gesture.

>> No.11358882


I guess that's also why they react so much to good things and start dancing around, desu I al half arab half white and I feel numb most of the time, and go shirtless in the cold like its nothing.

Only thing that disturbs me is extreme heat and not being able to breath properly

>> No.11358922

All you can do is shoot up mosques and synagogues. You're not saving anything. And you don't even have enough money to beat liberals. You're poor.

>> No.11358940

Uh, we want the foreskins to stay on the babies, anon. Goldschmeckelsteinenberg will just have to go without.

>> No.11358954

Get the fuck off the science board you retarded incel shill. No one gives a shit about the background of anyone who writes an article. Your IQ is literally in the 70s.

>> No.11358981

It's a ancient Roman salute.

>> No.11358983

yes we do, the identity and history of the commentator is important to identifying any bias or flaws in their analysis

>> No.11358996

Wrong, the article is either accurate or it isn’t. The only thing you’re looking for is justification to disregard uncomfortable truths by appealing to your own delusional biases. You are scum.

>> No.11359000

APA- tier science

>> No.11359026

Anon, my only other contribution to this thread was asking someone to post the paper not some article by a journalist.
scepticism is a virtue, and still no one has posted an actual paper from this researcher.

>> No.11359035

>blacks feel more pain

Makes me feel better seeing them shot dead on PoliceActivity youtubes.

>> No.11359058

Like half of scientists are Jews. You can't just throw out science.

>> No.11359065

>Like half of scientists are Jews.
not even remotely true

>> No.11359068
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>> No.11359070
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Greetings fellow white people

>> No.11359072


>> No.11359074
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There’s more

>> No.11359077

You know what I meant. It's a huge portion. 22.5% of Nobel Prizes. Do you throw out their findings?

>> No.11359078
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Much more

>> No.11359079
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Pain control is largely a function of iq,-more or less.
Wrapped up in impulse control and long term planing and denial.
If you are horny, can you keep building your shelter? Or do you go rape the local women? If you get hungry can you finish the roof or do you start to complain? Basically when something bothers you, how much does it bother you? Can you keep walking an extra mile or do you quit?

>> No.11359081
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>> No.11359083
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Go on, call me an incel. It has the same effect as calling me a virgin, because it’s the same word.

>> No.11359086
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Their own Newspapers get caught out on it.

>> No.11359088

Is it already too late? Realistically, the goyim are too dumbed down and permanently asleep, they both desire and require their subjugation. They are a withered sleeper, rotting from within in a suicidal apathy.

What can even be done at this point? I don't think any agent in man's history has ever gone up against something so long range, cold, ruthless, relentless, highly organized, omnipresent, and too nebulous to get ahold of. And actually won. I question if it's even mechanically possible for people to organize against something like that, especially now.

What do we do?

>> No.11359090
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Just because it isn’t on the news...

>> No.11359091

Many people have come to the conclusion that the nobel prize awards seem overly influenced by ethnocentric nepotism.
but I'll admit that isn't really a relevant argument here.
the issue is a political one along the lines of subversion and ethnocentric bias, it relies on promoting eternal victimhood within a group to maintain some sense of unity against a perceived foe.
the relevant question here is , is the science accurate and is there some form of bias in the way the data is being presented that we should be cautious of

>> No.11359092
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>> No.11359093
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>> No.11359096
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Two percent of the U.S. population

>> No.11359099
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>> No.11359101
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>> No.11359102
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>> No.11359103
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And one for the road

>> No.11359105
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>> No.11359109

so does that mean this whole corona thing is a psy-op since the media keeps saying it's from a wet market despite the evidence pointing to an accidental/deliberate stolen bioweapon leak?

>> No.11359112
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>> No.11359116

Maybe. They probably don’t want to create too much panic or damage the economy with China boycotts and riots. But it might not be a bio weapon? I don’t know. I’m not a biologist.

>> No.11359155

>race doesn't affect the brain
>Except when we want it to

>> No.11359250

Is the point of this to show that these few people consider themselves both white and Jewish? Incel low IQ is interesting

>> No.11359255

>80% lies, 20% meaningless nonsense
I love how this poster is literally a shill with propaganda images saved on his hard drive to spam the website with and yet he won’t be permanently banned from the site

>> No.11359257

>80% lies,
which ones?

>> No.11359267

All those lists of Jewish people in organizations are lies and lies by omission. Feel free to start from the bottom and google their names if you were somehow retarded enough to believe anything you read from a /pol/ incel in the first place.

>> No.11359592


>> No.11359643
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>> No.11359647
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>> No.11359651
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>> No.11359655
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>> No.11359660
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>> No.11359661
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>> No.11359663

There wasn't enough antisemitism in this thread. Thanks for the bump! Keep em coming!

>> No.11359665
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>> No.11359669

Being pro Native European means being antisemitic. You cannot be pro Native European and pro Jewish at the same time. If you are pro Jewish you are anti Native European.

>> No.11359671
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>> No.11359676

Being pro-Truth is also inherently being anti Jewish.

>> No.11359679
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>> No.11359683
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>> No.11359686
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>> No.11359691 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11359698 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11359701

Sure is science and math in here

>> No.11359705
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directly related, same witch

>> No.11359710 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11359717 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11359744

I don’t think you get it , when I get offended I gotta spam the same few images to prove my point , I don’t even look at the pics I just spam the same images that have been spammed for years

>> No.11359990

My favorite part about incel infographics is that if you type in the “source” at the bottom, they are never actually sources. They either don’t exist or the link is completely unrelated to the claim. Honestly there’s no group of people that deserves to be slowly tortured more than internet nazis do.

>> No.11359998

Probably decreased stress tolerance due to prenatal effects and epigenetic trauma.

>> No.11360029

Read the book, retard. Documents illustrative of the History of Slavetrade to America. It's all in there.

>> No.11360040

anon...just no, the trans atlantic slave trade was literally run and financed by the sephardic jews they found a ready supply of humans from the songhai civil war.

RIP Prof Tony Martin

>> No.11360050

The reason an entire old book is cited as the source with no page number or links to an online scan of the pages is that the claim is a lie.

Care to explain why this Emily Goldstein doesn’t exist anywhere outside of this fake article, and is clearly a fake name being used by an incel internet nazi? Only nazis are the right combination of dumb and evil to write fake articles and then repost them as “evidence.”

>> No.11360061

but for the bottom image, why do the sources have nothing to do with the claims supposedly being sources? from this I can reasonably conclude that the top half of the image is also nothing but lies.

>> No.11360068

which claim?
they literally used the official histories of the jews as primary sources to write "the secret history of the blacks and the jews"

>> No.11360071

Eventually you have to ask yourself why one ethnicity is so often associated with producing literature and "science" that exploits differences between other ethnicities, whether they're telling one color people what to do and what to learn, or feeding fires of racism with one hand while producing interracial pornography with the other. You have to ask yourself who benefits, and since pattern recognition is an indicator of intelligence, I would say that it is in fact you who has the two-digit IQ.

>> No.11360085

4chan incels spam leftist articles with Jewish author names, they don’t actually write more of them. Whenever a Jewish SJW pops up, incel shills here will repost screenshots of that person’s nonsense literally thousands of times.

>who benefits
Jews are being race-mixed out of existence way faster than whites. This one hilarious fact disproves everything you believe.

>muh patterns
You have never spotted a valid pattern in your life. Here’s a real pattern: neo-nazis are almost exclusively dumb, mentally unstable, and downright evil.

>> No.11360113

It seems you're too far gone, have fun being miserable when you're not licking buttholes for sexual gratification.

>> No.11360127

>”you are too far gone” said the cheeto-dusted overweight unhinged loser unironically stupid enough to fall for nazi propaganda
Your political party is the same as the inbred pathological liar who posted the images in this thread. What a dumb loser kek

>> No.11360209

"Jews are being race-mixed out of existence way faster than whites. This one hilarious fact disproves everything you believe."

>Israel court upholds DNA testing to prove Judaism - January 27, 2020

You can't be much more anti-race mixing than this. This one "hilarious" fact disproves everything you stated.

>> No.11360238

American Jews marry non-Jews something like 80% of the time, regardless of whatever brainless conclusions you think you’re drawing from that meaningless bit of legislation. Also presumably one could be heavily mixed and still pass that dna test. All around, you’re an idiot.

>> No.11360297

American Jew here, can confirm. Wife converted to Judaism but she is not ethnically Jewish.

>> No.11361162


>> No.11361165

Every time

>> No.11361167
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