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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 181 KB, 1200x900, paquete-de-5-calculadoras-casio-fx-991ex-552-funciones-solar-D_NQ_NP_745073-MLM26371551445_112017-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11358163 No.11358163 [Reply] [Original]

Bros, How can i recover from this?
Basically in all of "Highschool"(equivalent) they allowed me to use Pic related, even on Tests.

In 4 months i gotta take the hardest admission exam in my country with no calculators at all.
70 advanced Math questions, 20 "IQ" questions, 40 (physics, chem, bio) questions in 3.5 hours.
the last 60 are no biggie, but now i'm not able to do simple operations under 20 seconds (/ * + -)

How can i prepare for this? did i fucked up too bad?

>> No.11358166

>How can i prepare for this?
Practice without a calculator.

>> No.11358174

lol When I was in school all calculators were confiscated if any teacher ever found one, no matter where it was. They were banned.

>> No.11358177

choose one of the online courses available (like khan academy) and just run through all of the simple mathematics that you need help on. do the courses and tests and everything several times over.
i think you will find that you do know this stuff you just need to catch up on it. good luck

>> No.11358201

is the brain like a muscle? i've been doing all of them over and over again since december. but unlike my lifts i haven't been able to do them in faster time.
"lucky" you?
been doing that, but ego is making it hard for me to focus.

>> No.11358241

if you want to learn something faster as an adult you should do aerobic exercise 7 days a week, play an instrument and occasionally use psychedelics/pot.

>> No.11358596


>> No.11358610
File: 142 KB, 612x792, BE A WOMAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11358655

Do you have any test from a previous year to practice on, curious to see if there are some shortcuts that can be used in those calculations.

>> No.11359327

>capital letters
cringe af

>> No.11359329

lol? that's over 90 seconds per question, what are you worried about?

>> No.11359362
File: 255 KB, 488x668, Captura de pantalla (63).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that i became basically brain dead for simple mental math.
here are some of pics.

>> No.11359372

here is the "guide", is just the test of the year before.

You have to download it tho, Drive is too shitty and cant show the preview.

>> No.11359409


>> No.11359418

what do you have problems with specifically?

>> No.11359451

For 2/3 digits Learn to mentally resolve numbers into 10s. You want to make one of the numbers "clean" by adding the final digit of it to the other number until all of the digits become 0. (83+28=80+31=111
Another method is to "borrow" from the other number to make a number clean
Instead of viewing it as x-y=z, try viewing it as y+z=x
That is to say, try to count up from the number with the smaller absolute value to the bigger one mentally. Add numbers so each digit matches
(537-343: 343+4=347,347+90=437, 437+100=537, the difference is the sum of all the numbers you added 4+90+100=194)
If you reversed the numbers, you'd use the same exact process but just remember to add a negative sign to the result
You want to resolve one of the number into clean numbers
The way you resolve the numbers depends on the specific problem though
view it as a fraction, remove any common factors , in some cases it's useful to do it this way
Remember, these are all just mental tricks

>> No.11359475

Calculate FAST(5 sec Max)
At least 6 digits addition/subtraction,
At least 3 digits digits multiplication/division
At least 2 digits square roots/exponents
Linear Equations

i want to have a basic calculator in my head basically; i was able to do the first three at the end of middle school, but now i struggle with
all of them because i got used to only typing it on the Calculator.
I been speedrunning this shit with the 10 times table over and over and over again.

>> No.11359657

lol im not sure if youre the OP, but in the case that you are, I was in the exact same situation a couple years ago. Theres nothing to sweat. First thing I would advise is you get rid of your calculator. Chuck it somewhere and never use it again (despite how comfy it is and how it does fractions do smoothly- forget it all). Its rare youll come across harsh computation but when you do, just use your computer and some easy language (julia works out of the box). Going forward (im assuming you are in high school), what is important is not how quickly you can computer 6969*1488, its your ability to deal with abstract ideas and think fast on your feet (in the sense of creativity not robotic computation). Start reading some good books and if you havent yet start calculus, its very easy and I suggest you start on sequences,series then limits, then derivatives (I was taught it differently but this is better).
>linear equations
i assume this means youve taken lin alg but it doesnt matter how quickly you can complete a gaussian elimination on a matrix, what matters is that you can handle each and every case (diagonal, surjective injective operator, etc.) and once youve got that down, computers can handle algorithms (thats what they are there for)
dude, dont go on these retarded sites. Like I said, books are your friend and math stackexchange is also pretty good. good luck

>> No.11359735

yeah, i'm OP, i went to that retarded site because i wanted to improve my "raw" calculus speed, like my man Arthur Benjamin. but i read books too, i already sold my Calculator.

>> No.11359930

Are you doing the NSAA?
4 months is a lot of time man, just put down the calculator and do more questions in your head and it'll also help for the interview since you'll start thinking in your head.

Ps. It's not the hardest test in the country

>> No.11360087

Get at least the single digit multiplication table under your belt.
Also for addition. I learned that by doing, but you are hard pressed for time.
Multiply and divide large numbers manually to practice.

>> No.11360220

For Cambridge?

>> No.11360339


>> No.11360694

nigger this is just algebraic, you need no arithmetic operations..... mexichit or peruvian i am guessing

>> No.11360697

>Calculate FAST(5 sec Max)
>At least 6 digits addition/subtraction,
>At least 3 digits digits multiplication/division
>At least 2 digits square roots/exponents
just use the properties of operations you learned in elementary.

>> No.11361340

You don't need anything like that if the test is like in the picture. Just learn to do the actual math.

>> No.11361416

>here is the "guide"
Thank you. This will be fun, especially since it is in Spanish.