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File: 125 KB, 1581x981, heat_pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11356637 No.11356637 [Reply] [Original]

Just learned how the fuck heat pumps work. I remember reading some anon claiming it has around 300% efficiency (for every KW of electricity, you get 3 KW of heat) and I was thinking how it doesn't make any sense, some morons were arguing with him as well.
It makes sense and it is fucking amazing. It is basically like getting rich (heating air) by throwing debt on other people (cooling outdoor air), or if you like: a reverse air conditioner where you are cooling the outdoors and heating your indoors. You are literally stealing heat from the outside, even if the outside is just above freezing temperature.
Only problems with heat pumps is that they get less efficient the closer you get to freezing outdoor temperature, and they cost a lot upfront. I read that you get a return for your investment in less than 3 years though.

>> No.11356645

>It makes sense
anon, I...
Learn how a fucking fridge works first.

>> No.11358115

you're forgetting they are loud as a mother nigger

pretty much this. feel the back of your fridge (its hot if youre a lazy nigger) and you'll understand why the two ideas are the same thing

>> No.11358129
File: 196 KB, 685x554, 1577652895674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>300% efficiency (for every KW of electricity, you get 3 KW of heat)
Tou are confusing efficiency with coefficient of performance (CoP), which for a heat pump would be the ratio of the rate of heat *transfered* to whatever you are trying to warm up, to the power required. CoP can very easily be greater than 100%=1. Your typical heat pump can pull a performance of CoP=3.5
Basically, you are stupid.

>> No.11358153

Anon discovers air conditioning.

>> No.11358171

what about when anon discovers ground source heat pumps or Seabeck devices?

>> No.11358208
File: 65 KB, 1200x514, 35hp79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>300% efficiency
based schizo retard

>> No.11358215

you typically call it coefficient of performance, but yes, heat pumps can achieve efficiencies >100%. So basically you're the retard.

>> No.11358287

efficiency can never, under any circumstance even theoretical be above 100%.

And in any practical situation its lower or much lower than that.

Efficiency is the ratio bewtween the amount of energy consumed by a device and the amount of it that's converted into a specific useful type of it.

For instance, a cars desired type of energy is kinetic energy, movement. Fuel has a certain energy density, when you burn it you can convert a portion of that into kinetic energy, its usually quite low, around 20% the rest is converted into other types of energy like heat or sound.

>> No.11358305

the energy to run the pump os less than the energy of the heat it's moving around

>> No.11358375

theres no discussion, no argument im right and youre wrong, my explanation is 100% perfect, if you dont understand it youre so stupid you cant be helped, read it again until you understand or descend into hedonism cause theres no hope youll ever be good at anything.

>> No.11358393

It takes less than a barrel of oil of energy to move a barrel of oil.

>> No.11358404

...anon, here is a litre of kerosene for you to burn, vs the same energy to run a heat pump
which option will have the greatest localised heating/cooling potential?

>> No.11358421

the concept of efficiency is useful output energy/expended energy.

this is so basic you should build a monument each time a person as bright as me devotes a second to even acknowledge you exist much less to try to educate you.

>> No.11358435

From where I'm standing you seem pretty insufferable.

>> No.11358444

yes, that's what happens when youre an idiot and a smart person who doesnt sugarcoat how hopeless you are appears. Dont worry if you catch your mother without a cock in her mouth she will probably say something nice about you, you know, maybe.

>> No.11358450

well your reading comprehension seems underwhelming.

>> No.11358525

if your mother wasnt such a whore maybe you could come from sperm from a man with an iq of more than 70. But she probably just went into a mental hospital and started fucking the dumbest retards she could find until the one who had dna barely coherent enough to not be sterile miraculously made it to the egg trough the almost solid block of cum that constantly inhabits your moms uterus.

>> No.11358530

I got that coherent dna

>> No.11358833

No, you don't typically call coefficient of performance efficiency. you call it coefficient of performance. idiot.

>> No.11358852

>300% efficiency
Woah heat pumps are perpetual motion machines

>> No.11358855

>It makes sense and it is fucking amazing
>it has around 300% efficiency

>> No.11358861 [DELETED] 

This was a wild ride

>> No.11358871

>or if you like: a reverse air conditioner
How the fck do you think a air conditioner works you dumb fuck. Theres a heat pump in it

>> No.11359146

>>ITT brainlets getting filtered

>> No.11359159

What's the electrical conversion efficiency of a fossil fuel power station?

>> No.11359226

Thermal efficiency of a coal burning power plant is typically like ~20%

>> No.11359243

Yes, there's no way that OP is just a brainlet and confused the two, right?

>> No.11359246

so add to this transmission losses and the mechanical efficiency of a heat pump

so even if we take OP's 300% figure at face value it's already a net loss over just burning locally.
I recall a study that said it was more energy efficient to cook on an open fire propped with a few rocks than with an electrical stove.

>> No.11359252

I've taken three semesters on the physical theory and engineering applications of thermodynamics and I have no idea what the fuck you are trying to say. OP was trying to talk about CoP but is actually just stupid.