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11355270 No.11355270[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>went to ivy league
>consistently argue against grad students that didnt get accepted to ivy league
>oh, im sorry, going for a PHD doesn't mean you know more than me
>Solve hard problems, get accused of cheating
>find out my iq is in general 10 points higher than these grad children
>tfw nerfed by jealous professors
>tfw self taught in cs
>tfw i make more than my professors in something I wasn't "formally educated" in


>> No.11355272

>inb4 seething grads comment "undergrad hours"

>> No.11355288

your post, did it help? do you feel better and more confident now anon?

>> No.11355292

Yes, fuck undergrads
t. undergrad

>> No.11355322

>in cs

>> No.11355327
File: 102 KB, 500x1200, 1598237423876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a gf gtfo

>> No.11355336

>bragging about mid-level IQ
I'm assuming you didn't include the part about having no friends because you knew we could all tell?

>> No.11355348

If my iq were mid level then I wouldnt be ~3SD from mean would I? Maybe a good book on statistics wold suit you. Also I wouldnt have a job if I werent charming irl

>> No.11355353

i missed the premise here, so you went to an ivy for CS undergrad, and then you chose to apply to grad school and got rejected from ivy CS grad school, so you now attend non-ivy CS grad school even though you already have a high-paying job on the side?

do i have it straight? seems like a very odd career path. if you are already making money with your undergrad degree in tech, then who cares about a PhD? almost all the top tech/software entrepreneurs dropped out before even getting an undergrad degree to focus on their business

>> No.11355366

can't you tell by his low-tier writing skills that he's the usual larper with a deranged & derailed mind?

>> No.11355386

OP here, I am screming at your inabilities to derive logical conclusions from a post.

1.) I wrote I was self taught in CS, implying that I did not go to Ivy league for CS. I will not post my double major because somebody will post that I am lying, or post a seething response because they are in denial when in reality they are projecting their own intellectual ceiling on other, implying a total lack of self awareness.

2.) I have enough award to let you middling community college feckless jackanapes know that you are not only beneath me, but by a wide margin.

3.) Playing it stupid irl is the only way to survive at certain levels.

>> No.11355406
File: 48 KB, 553x554, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brainlets jealous of me because my IQ is so high and i am so smart
>im not going to prove my genius because people will be so jealous they will accuse me of lying because im just that intelligent
>>tfw self taught in cs

>> No.11355411

> deranged
> derailed

>> No.11355694

>laughing my orifices away

>> No.11355863

How the fuck do you do it? My bait threads never get any replies and yours does.

>> No.11355899

not authentically smug enough. or pseudoauthentic. you have to provoke a defensive ego reaction, and the broader the stroke the better. OP hit Ivy league jealousy, IQ insecurity, financial jealousy and insecurity, life path insecurity, and fear of female condescension all at once while on the surface not actively seeming intent on provoking anyone. Looking forward to your future work, keep your chin up, king

>> No.11355948

The inescapable logic of a super genius.
Thank you for spelling it out for a layman such as myself.
Where do I invest my moneys?

>> No.11355997

Thanks for the advice bro

>> No.11356055

The trick is to prey on your own insecurities.

>> No.11356106

Take me as your pupil and teach me something CS related. I need a job.