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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 43 KB, 1289x767, 1212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11353734 No.11353734 [Reply] [Original]

Was the decimal system a mistake, I mean duodecimal / dozenal system seems to be way more useful and easier.

>> No.11353741


>> No.11353755
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> off topic
>>> /pol/

>> No.11353769

t. didn't get the subtle joke

>> No.11353771

no I didn't and I still don't.

>> No.11353815

Dewey decimal

>> No.11353833



>> No.11353834

You are american arent you?

>> No.11353835
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>> No.11353839

No, and how this have anything to do with America?

>> No.11353849

hmm let me see


>> No.11353870

not really in base 12, but yeah, the imperials units are chaotic, but I don't mind a metric system in base 12 instead of 10 as long as it isn't the imperial one.

>> No.11353881

>the imperials units are chaotic
this would make it even more chaotic

>> No.11353903

not really, if you create a unit system that is incremented by 12 (instead of 10), it will work.

>> No.11353911
File: 16 KB, 297x255, XICuWLeBFz651J6X9-DZQFrFdco0M1FghsFfPIl6I-A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our universe works on 10

>> No.11353917

I think you are confusing the symbol 10 (which is arbitrary) and the number itself (what it represents)

>> No.11353920

Why stop at 12? Base 60 seems the most logical and would easily weed out the low IQ individuals.
In all seriousness, that's retarded. It's not more useful in any meaningful way. You will have infinite repeating decimals coming from fractions in both base 10 and base 12. Try representing 1/5=0.2_10 in base 12. The reason why base 10 is better is that we have 10 fingers on our both hands combined, and finger counting is a good way to learn for children, it makes the whole process more intuitive. Children would be confused as hell if you try to teach them base 12? "Why twelve?" "Well umm you see kiddo akshually there are more prime factors and so that means that some fractions which would have infinite representation..." SHUT THE FUCK UP RETARD. Keep it simple.

>> No.11353930
File: 197 KB, 996x610, i7hkuarjbipvjjptzhrlhg5cpbn6z5lg3lxtesix64k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But 10 is an amazing number, it's 2 times 5

>> No.11353931
File: 13 KB, 431x436, 8D0D89A7-690C-4B5D-BC0E-1046919C0DB8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prime factors AND easy to teach using hands.

>> No.11353936

If you think it’s hard to get yanks to switch from imperial to the demonstrably better metric system, imagine changing the planet to base 12.

>> No.11353938

Holy cringe, you are so fucking stupid, it's embarrassing, are you sure you'are allowed to use a computer.
Just go back to /pol/ or /b/ where you truly belong.

>> No.11353943

I'm not talking about a radical switch but rather a slow one.You start teaching both and slowly switch to base 12.

>> No.11353965

Not as cringe as someone calling someone else cringe without any arguments why. You think like a woman. Newsflash roastie: social shaming doesn't work online LOL

>> No.11353975

Its too late to switch, base 10 has been heavily integretated in humanity for centuries

>> No.11354022


In EE you are stuck with the convention that current goes from positive to negative, it's incorrect but impossible to change due to wide spread usage. Imagine changing base, that would cause a million times more problem than the unfixable sign convention problem.

>> No.11354034

>be scientist
>surrounded by scientists and engineers at work
>different bases come up
>casually mention how you could count with base 12 using your finger segments
>everyone looks at me like I have two heads

I have never felt closer to another person than I have to King Charles XII of Sweden.
>Swedenborg however argued that for people with less intelligence than the king such a big base would be too difficult and instead proposed 8 as the base.

>> No.11354040

>way more useful
Equally useful, it's just convention

Maybe, but base 10 is easy enough anyway. You wouldn't gain anything over the horrendous difficulty of swapping

Support for things like this (pi v tau is another one) is usually from people who want to seem like nerds by copying legit nerds (like Matt Parker) silly jokes

>> No.11354044

tau is kind of shit and doesn't offer much since pi is much more reduced, but dozenal actually offers something beneficial

>> No.11354071

ok butt-hurt, now fuck off and go back to /b/ you subhuman imbecile.

>> No.11354239
File: 56 KB, 960x720, guardsthiswoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am laughing at you, and you are seething. Now who is butthurt? Protip: it's not me.

>> No.11354256

in what way is it more beneficial? It is the same shit, only it would fuck up my keyboard layout.

>> No.11354272

If you want the change to actually be meaningful, you would need to introduce 2 new number characters, and change how we pronounce all numbers higher than twelve.
Any sort of change to this system would be incredibly painful. A sudden one will be a culture shock and will definitely fail. A slow one will result in people rejecting it because they won’t be fucked to deal with the unit conversions and language changes.
It will flop worse than changing to metric units for the exact same reasons but amplified.

>> No.11354284

It eliminates a lot of recurring decimals in fractions, and so would greatly help any occupation that requires mental maths. The benefits are real, it’s just the cons of a changeover vastly outweigh it.

>> No.11354597

You should check out the Dozenal Society of America for more info:

>> No.11354627

>Dozenal system
>From Old French "dozaine"
>From Latin "duodecim"
>meaning "two ten"
Even when you fight against ideology, you are nevertheless in its grip.

>> No.11354677

That's the joke

>> No.11354773

It makes everything in trigonometry twice as easy to memorize and calculate by hand. Not irrelevant in any way, especially to young math students