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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11350242 No.11350242[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are there always so many threads about IQ on a board that's ostensibly about math and science?

>> No.11350256

Because people who think themselves to be smart can become obsessed with proving and measuring their smarts so they resort to flawed tests that don't measure smarts and instead measure the ability to complete the test.

>> No.11350265

cause smart people scores better at IQ tests and you have to be smart to be in STEM.

>> No.11350279

smart people don't take IQ tests as they aren't that insecure about their intelligence
A "high" IQ score therefore doesn't mean much

>> No.11350283

>fail at life
>nothing to prove self
>take an online IQ test
>wow I'm 140 IQ!
>go on /sci/ and brag about how you're smart but lazy

>> No.11350286

That is akin to saying "Fast people don't time themselves because they aren't insecure about their speed. A low "clock score" therefore doesn't mean much.

Yeah, it does mean a lot. Its means they're fast. Same as a high IQ means one is smart.

>> No.11350300

why would a supposedly smart person be dumb enough to pay for someone to tell them that they are smart

>> No.11350304

IQ tests are just some big boy puzzles, made so people can be proud that they knew the next figure in the sequence and brag about their number to others. At the end of the day it won't be a benchmark for how suited you will be for life, or even how "smart" you actually are. If you want to stroke your ego then go and do 20 IQ tests until you get the number you want, otherwise just carry on with your life.

>> No.11350308


Most IQ tests (legit ones, not the shitposts/approximations/MUH ONLINE NORMED IQ EXAMS) are given to children at a young age who excel very strongly in school by professional psychologists and take multiple days and sessions to complete.

>> No.11350338

I was treated and on therapy for avpd and depression disorder They are still doing IQ tests (alongside EQ - which are silly and any non-brainlet can score max on them without problem by just well... thinking and some linguistic tests) in all mental health / neurology facilities (alongside mri/pet/eeg) as a standard procedure, so no, it's purpose is not only dick-waving.

Paying for the test is stupid though.

Say two test subjects has similar background and personality traits, one with higher IQ will have more success chances.

>> No.11350897

Half of /sci/ is /pol/tards with racial IQ gaps and half is coping leftoid midwits.
The race aspect makes it political and midwittery makes it personal which means facts won't ever settle it, and as long as it's unresolved we'll get threads on it.

>> No.11350903

IQ threads were once bannable offence.

>> No.11350910


Probs triggered brainlet jannies desu

>> No.11351053

It's a useful metric for people who care about politics but need better answers to why things happen than "people just choose to do things lol"

>> No.11351147

IQ threads should be banned and so should race

>> No.11351150

Then they should discuss IQ on the politics board >>>/pol/

>> No.11351227

If you're so sure you can defend your stances on IQ and race, why would you want to ban them? They are both completely valid concepts for scientific discussion and research, regardless of which way you personally feel about them.

>> No.11351440

>smart people are exactly how I idealize them to be because they are flawless being due to their intelligence
You are as sensible as an IQ test

>> No.11351470

We've already proven cladistic race doesn't exist in humans
It's a closed case yet /pol/tards wish to live in a fantasy reality where their ideas carry any semblance of weight

>> No.11351850

>Closed case
Not even close(d)

>> No.11351886

Okay do you have a cladistically valid grouping of human races

>> No.11353331

let me guess, you are neither and instead an enlightened individual. no, youre a moron and a nigger

>> No.11354009
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Does the cope ever stop?

>> No.11354012

Why does self-identified race match with the actual classical race groupings at 99.8% then?