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File: 774 KB, 1218x1321, C57204C7-DC07-46D4-9711-BE642F813EB1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11347846 No.11347846 [Reply] [Original]

just how much danger are we in?

>> No.11347855

very much danger

>> No.11347864

The results of the economy is likely going to be the most impacted.

>> No.11347871

>100 million die
>Jewish bankers: "economy most impacted"

>> No.11347875

We are at officially 10.000 infected.
I would at least multiply it by 10 for the real number.

100.000 infected and we finally stopped the flights. Lets assume we have about 5k - 15k infected walking around Europe, US, Australia etc

Each person infects 15-25 people.

It takes 2 - 3 weeks for the virus to kick in and you are dead within 3 - 4 weeks if you receive full time care.

You can assume we will enforce serious containment measures when we reach 20k - 100k infected, because that higher then the total hospital capacity of most countries. It will then still take another hundred thousand infected until they make it stop.

You can assume 600k dead per country at least.

I would argue 10% of world population if we do a good job. 30% if we fuck up.

>> No.11347885

How are you getting 10 to 30% if the mortality rate is 2%?

>> No.11347897

more like people aren't getting as much products as before, which could ruin service jobs and limit food capacity.

>> No.11347904

Hard to say, since China's numbers aren't exactly reliable, but if their reaction is anything to go by, it could be the worst epidemic since the Spanish flu, which killed 5% of all mankind in 2 years. Though, unlike that one, 2019-nCoV isn't all that dangerous to young and healthy people.

Still, even if you don't catch it and aren't immunocompromised enough for it to kill you, it wouldn't be insane to secure a few month's worth of non-perishable food for the likely skyrocketing of prices due to failing supply lines and immense pressure on healthcare systems and society in general.

>> No.11347905

Because it isn't 2%. We don't have accurate nuembers since the Chinese gov is not classifying the deaths correctly in order to prevent a mass panic.

However we can look at relations between the infection rate, incubation time, new deaths.

In the best case its 10%.

>> No.11347908

The Chinese aren't releasing "infection rate, incubation time, new deaths." So how did you get 10%? I don't deny that China is lying though.

>> No.11347910

Agree its as bad if not more potent then the Spanish flu. Also we have means of transportation for hundred of thousands of working class Chinese carrying the disease.

Also people die in their 20s and 30s, I think its a rumor that it only affects old people.

>> No.11347911

Wasn't mortality rate like 55% and not 2%?

>> No.11347930


The death toll of the official numbers are approximately doubling it self every two days.

While the rate of infection is doubling every third day.

At the same time the duration till mortality is between 2-4 weeks.

>> No.11347948

As far as I know, it's not about old or young, but whether you have an immune system that's well-equipped to combat it.
Children are more vulnerable because their immune systems are underdeveloped, while the elderly are more vulnerable in general, but you're not completely safe if you're an adult, especially if you're already struggling against other illnesses such as the common cold, flu or AIDS.

>> No.11347960
File: 43 KB, 920x200, Screenshot 2020-01-31 at 12.36.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its not killing children. Also young males affected and dying in their 20s and 30s

>> No.11347962

Either the virus is picky or this is a bioweapon

>> No.11347976

We need to wait for data from countries that don't have millions in extreme poverty and where there aren't any slums and people shitting in the street. It's not as bad, but it's like looking at how something is killing africans and deciding that's the same rate it's going to kill people in north america... wuhan has bad poverty and toxic living conditions. HHS says the treatment is liquids and humidifier.

>> No.11347981

This virus will change the political landscape in Asia. Chinese are fed up with their government, Koreans and Japanese are sick of China which keeps on causing problem and will change the way they vote (chinks will riot).

>> No.11347983

Eh no. China is too large and powerful. Only America can keep them in check. Europe eat dogshit as usual.

>> No.11348005

My nigga the disease has grown exponentially
You can’t just divide the dead by the infected and multiply by 100 to get the percent of people who die.
The simple answer is we don’t know yet and the experts are pitching 11% last time I looked.

>> No.11348010

In terms of dead v recovered that’s pretty much 50/50, but also not that useful since dead people could be folks early in the disease who didn’t seek treatment. And if the disease doesn’t particularly hammer people they may never seek treatment to begin with.

>> No.11348033

Also consider that it doesn't really matter what the ratios are. It's like, you aren't very likely to get hit by lightning, and if you decide to stay inside rather than go outside with a metal rod, you're chance is zero. If you're a shitty starving African your chances of dying are high, if you're a healthy, not taking any medications, normally functioning human being, your chances are back to zero... it isn't Ebola, it's a shitty genetically engineered common cold that they were probably using for a sars vaccine. Do you wipe your ass with your hand and then eat? Does your water glow when you shower? Do you fry your food from oil taken from transformers? You will be fine...

>> No.11348043

Fine is a relative term, even people who are "recovered" have lungs like swiss cheese and have to take medicine for life, when the infection rate reaches a certain tipping point and hospitals become overburdened even the recovered would start dying, the low mortality rate will become irrelevant when no one has access to medicine.

>> No.11348048

Probably in places with poor hygiene, lack of access to medical supplies and a government that doesn't give a fuck about the majority of its population. Even if 10% of the world's population is wiped out, this could be entirely within China, India and Pakistan and not have even made a global changing dent.

>> No.11348062
File: 58 KB, 1100x619, 934D41DF-4B80-435C-98B7-72CE419A4F1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, will people with stds be more vulnerable?

>> No.11348104

Of course it's all relative... but probably to your situation. I stated in an earlier post we have to wait and see what the data is like from places like USA where we don't sleep in garbage and eat dirt chips and millions are in extreme poverty. It is not a wild type virus and I'm not a doctor or anything so I don't know, but I do know some viruses can cause neurological problems in a small group of people, I wonder to what extent that might be true with engineered viruses? I don't know. There was an independent research institute IPAK that looked at the genetic sequencing and found vector technology and sars spike protein, so it's clearly not a wild virus. You're right that there's more than just death, but it's like, some people are just fine and some people aren't. So what's the difference between them? You can't say both are perfectly healthy because one is fine and one isn't but they have the same thing, so there's just something you don't know going on with the "healthy" person right?

>> No.11348108

As if /pol/tards give a shit about dead Chinese either

>> No.11348110

>it's like looking at how something is killing africans and deciding that's the same rate it's going to kill people in north america
Similar demographics and hygiene habits, though

>> No.11348111

>Another virus meme thread

I screenshot every one of these so I can put them into a big collage that I’ll post after it turns out to be nothing.

>> No.11348116

>My nigga the disease has grown exponentially

Wrong. The disease’s growth has never been exponential. Look at the charts.

>> No.11348118

>slums and people shitting in the street
Yup, sounds like San Francisco

>> No.11348124

Environmentalists shouldn't give a shit either but they're not really environmentalists since mentioning population growth is a no-no.

>> No.11348130

I hate environmentalists and want them all killed.
If we want coronavirus to stop happening, we need to enact an extermination campaign against bats. Kill them all.
Turn all the forests into lumber camps and strip mines

>> No.11348132

It's not a big deal it's just overglorified flu. Yeah it infects a lot of people but who's dying? Last I checked out of the 10k original cases in china with a population of 2 billion (estimating), only 9 people died from it. That's actually pretty low spread and mortality rate all things considered. It's highly likely the deaths were from lack of immune system. So assuming you dont have aids or something you should be fine. You might miss a few days work but some chicken soup and sprite will fix you up in no time. This whole thing is just another scary thing to make the masses paranoid. Its fucking swine flu all over again

>> No.11348139

will surgery masks prevent infection and do we wear them now 24/7?

>> No.11348215

As if you do.

>> No.11348220

>Turn all the forests into lumber camps and strip mines
You'd like that, wouldn't you, (((Christian))).

>> No.11348225
File: 15 KB, 410x357, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to know if any of you lads are in London right now.

>> No.11348226

Because the rate of infection was higher at the beginning when there were fewer countermeasures. Next conspiracy theory please

>> No.11348239
File: 91 KB, 800x450, airplane-cabin-owned-800x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have gigabit per second internet now and video streaming. You can have people appear at meetings, and even tour facilities digitally now. Travel for work crews (mostly manual labor) can be done over the highways and roads. The only part of the economy that will be impacted is air travel, which was a mistake anyways. The world would be a better place if 99% of airplanes were banned. They pollute and encourage useless travel for the sake of it (muh family, muh meeting). You don't need that. The smartest man who ever lived, Immanuel Kant, never traveled more than 10 miles away from his Königsberg .

Give me ONE good reason why this (pic related) is acceptable

>> No.11348251


>> No.11348253

Stfu junior, the grown ups are talking now.

>> No.11348254

>You'd like that, wouldn't you, (((Christian))).

Fuck Christianity too

>> No.11348255


>> No.11348257

I do.

>> No.11348260

>The smartest man who ever lived, Immanuel Kant, never traveled more than 10 miles away from his Königsberg .

Can’t have been the “smartest man that ever lived” if he never left Konigsberg and was so retarded he thought moral facts existed.
Philosophers are basically useless cretins who look at the world through a keyhole and think they know everything about it.

>> No.11348262
File: 76 KB, 437x456, t..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can’t have been the “smartest man that ever lived” if he never left Konigsberg and was so retarded he thought moral facts existed. Philosophers are basically useless cretins who look at the world through a keyhole and think they know everything about it.

>> No.11348266

I'm curious to know why the entire nation of China has not been infected yet - Viral transport is so easy and you can't be 100% blocking the virus? So why doesn't everyone have it yet?

>> No.11348268

>Can’t have been the “smartest man that ever lived” if he never left Konigsberg
That's a sign of intelligence, moron.

>> No.11348272
File: 177 KB, 667x750, 1552431759407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11348273

>It’s a sign of intelligence to waste your life living in one town and never seeing the world

It’s not even true. Kant travelled to Russia.

>> No.11348275

Not an argument.

>> No.11348276

Avatar-posting now?

>> No.11348336

Have you seen the level of containment? Some guy in Shanghai posted a pic on reddit and it's a ghost town over there. On Chinese New Year as well. Viruses need hosts to survive.

>> No.11348426

You can't sterilise every building though.

>> No.11348515

My understanding is that the virus, while very contagious, is not that potent (compared to SARS, H1N1 - some people are already recovering or have recovered) so the idea is just to isolate as many people as possible and wait for it to die off.

>> No.11348520
File: 3.18 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_0076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plz die in horro europeans

>> No.11348527
File: 802 KB, 245x275, 1396723703065.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you only leave the house once a week
>tfw you live in the middle of nowhere
>tfw you thought about investing the the stock market but held off

>> No.11348547

You should buy as much stock as possible right now.
Apparently it takes only 5-7 days for symptoms to resolve, a lot of the infected persons are likely classified as such solely due to still having positive infection markers.

>> No.11348633

Only like 173 died from it since early December, it's definitely an over glorified flu honestly while 145 have recovered from it as well.

>> No.11348638

I've also been hearing that even the ones that recovered have suffered permanent organ damage though.

>> No.11348714

what do you think einstein.

>> No.11348718

It's almost like the virus has an incubation rate and will kill far more soon enough

>> No.11348727

I live in a village close to a town, which has a train station that is an hour away from London.

>> No.11348746
File: 471 KB, 2000x1715, novel-coronavirus-algorithm-management-contacts-probable-or-confirmed 2019-nCoV-cases.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are at officially 10.000 infected.
>I would at least multiply it by 10 for the real number.
>100.000 infected and we finally stopped the flights. Lets assume we have about 5k - 15k infected walking around Europe, US, Australia etc
>Each person infects 15-25 people.
R-nought falls between 1.4 to 3.9, so that would be one to four secondary infections, not 20.
>It takes 2 - 3 weeks for the virus to kick in and you are dead within 3 - 4 weeks if you receive full time care.
The incubation time is between four to seven days.
>You can assume we will enforce serious containment measures when we reach 20k - 100k infected, because that higher then the total hospital capacity of most countries. It will then still take another hundred thousand infected until they make it stop.
>You can assume 600k dead per country at least.
>I would argue 10% of world population if we do a good job. 30% if we fuck up.
Where the fuck are you getting these numbers? One would need a seriously cavernous arse to pull out these massive exaggerations from it! I'd be more worried about that if I where you.

>> No.11348763

>Where the fuck are you getting these numbers?
Not him, but he's bullshitting and probably a HABBEDINGZ fag. Even the absolute worst case scenario we currently have indicate 14% mortality, and even that report implies the possibility of non-reported cases recovering on their own which could lower the mortality rate as far as 1%.


Because I believe that a pessimist never disappointed, I'm going to assume a 14% mortality rate. We're dealing with something slightly more infective and slightly more severe than SARS, yet we've detected and contained it sooner than SARS. My guess is that the number of dead will in the end be 2-3 times that of SARS (so 2-3 times higher than ~800). But again, I'm being deliberately pessimistic so things can only get better than expected.

>> No.11348779

>You should buy as much stock as possible right now.


>> No.11348804

To watch it drop when the economies do

>> No.11348810

Buy high, sell low.
That's the /biz/ way.

>> No.11348836


>> No.11348837

This, it's bad but we managed to contain it much quicker than SARS and done more research on it faster too. Plus the amount of people recovering from it is closer to the people who died from it. The current trend is more recoveries than deaths. Also it's mostly contained to a single city so I'm not expecting an out Another epidemic in a different country.

>> No.11348842

>Children are more vulnerable because their immune systems are underdeveloped
And yet no children are dead.
>especially if you're already struggling against other illnesses such as the common cold, flu or AIDS
There's no evidence that a cold or flu makes it more deadly, it's typically people with serious, long term illnesses are dying.

>> No.11348848

>The incubation time is between four to seven days.
That's the average, but can be as low as 1 day and up to 14 days. That isn't to say this guy isn't overestimating almost every metric. But the one I think he might be right about is the actual number of infected. The Chinese would have absolutely no chance in diagnosing all of those cases, and if the mortality is as low as they say (or lower), there ought to be a lot of cases that recover from this infection just fine in a few days before they get a chance to get the diagnosis. It is possible to diagnose after recovery from antibodies lingering in the blood for years, but when they have recovered they will be downpriotized because there are literally thousands of people that are waiting to get diagnosed. They cannot count the case before they have done the test. I doubt the Chinese will after epidemic is done test for antibodies in people that suspect they had it and recovered just fine at any point.

>> No.11348911

t. Saruman

>> No.11348931

>implying he ever implied that he cared

>> No.11348940
File: 687 KB, 1280x1830, Screenshot_20200131-193844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some estimates have the Chinese detection rate as low as five percent. This paper hasn't been peer reviewed yet as far as I know. But it is consistent with how the Chinese government works. It is also consistent with the assumption that the Chinese people rely on traditional medicine, rather than seeking professional medical care.

>> No.11348942

That depends. How good are you at tightrope walking across an active volcano?

>> No.11349597

as many people as possible need to catch this disease
china wants their citizens to have immunity to the virus, so that future versions won't impact them

>> No.11349656

Fuck you, flying foxes are adorable.

>> No.11349689

It's a glorified flu, basically.
No one is in any danger, except people that are in danger of being killed by the normal flu too.
Mortality rate, instead of what some anons might tell you, is dropping every day. At the moment, we're at a bit more deadly than the flu. We started at "a lot more deadly than the flu".

>> No.11349694
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>> No.11349700

Kind of reminds you of Chernobyl doesn't it?

>> No.11349713

We should fuck Islam while we're at it

>> No.11349719

That what I've been actually hearing lately and not just on the internet either but even people I know of are now saying the same thing, including the fact that it's only deadly to old people and the ones with other viruses. Perhaps it was overblown after all

>> No.11349724

>2% mortality? Why isn't China doing more about this new virus with 5% mortality? Why haven't we shut down our borders for this disease with 10% mortality? I can't believe these Chinks let out a virus with 20% mortality. Help! We've been hit with a Chinese bioweapon with 55% mortality!

>> No.11349725

none lol

>> No.11349731

reminder that during the SARS outbreak, the only people that died outside of china were in canada

>> No.11349743
File: 20 KB, 685x385, 653873DE-32E7-49AD-BFAD-B3E82027B811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese bio weapon which only impacts their own population

What level of chess are these guys playing on?

>> No.11349754

Nah. There were unreported deaths in the USA too.

>> No.11349758

Apparently not enough for anyone to notice all of the people dead from SARS

>> No.11349772
File: 84 KB, 640x788, 1575851205944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have rations, sterile water, and shelter, and can defend it from the vibrant and diverse roving gangs of looters, this is your best chance ever to get laid.

>> No.11349782

You have it backwards. Your immune system is what destroys your own lungs when reacting to it. People with normal immune systems are at most danger.

>> No.11349791
File: 15 KB, 718x420, 1466297363006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I work in a lab and have access to lifetimes' worth of water purification chemicals, disinfectants, and accelerants at a moment's notice

>> No.11349800

Yes and no. Innate immunity is different from acquired immunity and most of the physiological problems of pneumonia and ARDS are related to the former. If you had none of the former you'd probably get something more like a rapidly progressing emphysema until your lungs just stopped working but most immunocompromising conditions either primarily or exclusively affect the latter.

>> No.11349816

Of course mortality rate is dropping. You presumably die faster than you recover, so the statistics are skewed by the ongoing epidemic. But considering this mortality rate was at like 50% I'm not breathing or just yet.

>> No.11349834

You're telling me there is no case of the coronavirus in London right now? A place with 9 million people? Something's not right here.

>> No.11349864

I'm sure we'll be fin

>> No.11349869

Pranked by five eyes glows?
>steal Chink killing virus from Canada
>bring it into a transport hub of China
>pranked bro

>> No.11350078

I assume you mean from cytokine storms. What makes some healthy people with a disease perfectly fine vs another healthy person with the same disease not fine and dead? There's obviously something wrong with these "healthy" people we don't understand. Everyone has essential functions, you eat food, your stomach breaks it down, your intestines absorb nutrients, you shit and piss. Your heart beats, brain and bacteria sends signals, your immune system detects and destroys antigens. To have a failure in one of these processes is a series of cascading events, you do not simply have a heart attack, you don't simply not absorb nutrients, etc. If your immune system over reacts and can't fail safe like other people and you fucking die because of it, that means you got some shit wrong with you. Just because we don't have conclusive answers doesn't mean there was nothing wrong, and people have undiagnosed problems that can be missed in autopsy. I'm not going to look at a through z I'm just going to say you died of the cold but you seemed healthy so you must have not had any problems. It's like the kid that died on the rollercoaster from an undiagnosed heart problem, someone might seem one way but our life styles have become so unnatural and fucked that there's hardly even a basis for what healthy is anymore. It's like half of people get cancer and everyone is diabetic and autistic as shit. The medical view of healthy has slowly converted to if you have diseases managed by medications then you are healthy. My doc told my sister she is healthy at her last check up despite the fact that she is on multiple medications in her 30s. What the fuck? This is the story the media gets too.

>> No.11350085

>You can assume we will enforce serious containment measures when we reach 20k - 100k infected, because that higher then the total hospital capacity of most countries. It will then still take another hundred thousand infected until they make it stop.
The purpose is to limit self reliance and depopulate. Why would they contain it?

>> No.11350487

real zombie virus when? do you think it's possible in the decades ahead?

>> No.11351236
File: 78 KB, 485x713, 1580561002424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently, it targets ACE2 receptors, which are more common among certain groups than others.
I'm a layman when it comes to this. Does this mean that it would have a lower R0 and weaker symptoms among those with less ACE2, or would it fuck shit up to the same extent it did in China?