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11347703 No.11347703 [Reply] [Original]

When is the scientific community going to take a stand against these dangerous anti psychotic medications?

Mirtazapine is a medication which carries 10 international warnings for suicidal idealizations and was prescribed to me starting at 15. I later received a PTSD diagnosis only to learn that this drug causes PTSD like psychosis. I can walk into any medical center and get this stuff no questions asked. This drug is considered the most lethal of all anti psychotic and anti depressant medication.

>This was the drug Robin Williams was on when he took his own life.
>2019 approximately 400 murder suicides were carried out within the USA by those who were on this drug
>Antidepressant treatment not depression leads to reductions in behavioral and neural responses to pain empathy allowing a person to commit crimes they would never have though possible when in a clear state of mind.

As it turns out, these newer drugs are more dangerous than SSRIs and everyone should know how dangerous SSRIs actually are;
>The FDA admitted in 2007 that SSRIs can cause madness at all ages and that the drugs are very dangerous.
>A study on over 850,000 individuals found there was a statistically significant increase in the rate of violent crime during the period someone was taking the medication compared to the intervals when they weren’t.

>"spam detected" for trying to link nature and academic sources
Fuck 4chan.

>> No.11347705

Take your meds, shizo

>> No.11347709

>denying science
I hope you enjoy mass shootings.

>> No.11347712

drugs are wrong, period. schizophrenia is often OK, and it usually develops in drug users anyways.

>> No.11347719

>Brenton Tarrant was prescribed an unnamed anti psychotic in 2018, unsealed court records show.
The same people who cry about mass murder are the same who ignore this. This is why you need to learn to stop caring about others.

>> No.11347848

mirtazapine is an ssri and the fact you'd even compare it to the hell that is anti psychotics shows not only how week you are but how dramatic you are
t. force onto olanzapine and other anti psychotics for years

>> No.11347849

honestly i should've been on SSRIs years ago.

>> No.11348217

Anti depressants are the worst thing I could do, took them from 17 to 19 years old or so.
You lose your attention span a bit, good thing I didn't take them more. I've heard you actually lose brain tissue.
After weeks I noticed my focus kind of came back and I could understand better how I felt back then.
If it comes down to killing myself, so be it, but taking those meds you're not you.

>> No.11348249

I am 4 years on perazine and sertraline, how fucked am I?