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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11347347 No.11347347 [Reply] [Original]

This is the definitive list, right?

>> No.11347351

you are beyond disabled, go back to /g/

>> No.11347354

kys my dude

>> No.11347357

By getting a degree in physics?

>> No.11347410

No. Off the bat? You're way off on Nuclear Engineering... Industrial Engineering... Uh having worked with ECE and Comp Eng. Guys, you'd be surprised...there are so few players in the IC/emdedded electronics fab-game that the jobs aren't actually all that plentiful. Comp Sci should be god tier. Aviation should be good tier. Most pilots I know pull 150k a year. Overall crap list.

>> No.11347428

I've found math to be good tier for the lazy but unbelievable tier for the hard working.

>> No.11347429

Absolutely not. If this was based off of employment statistics it's way outdated.

>> No.11347438

Aviation should be shit tier amigo, who would want to spend their life sitting in a cabin staring at clouds?

>> No.11347503

Same guys who are making 150k a year while working 12 days a month. Reserved for non-mouth-breathers, don't worry yourself with it.

>> No.11347507

>geophysics in god and great tier
this isn't even well made bait
put some effort into your shitposting

>> No.11347514

>Comp Sci should be God tier
Are you delusional or just biased?

>> No.11347534

It's not all about money. It's about looking back at your life and realizing you spent most of it staring at clouds. Fuck aviation, and medicine too

>> No.11347537

I did not make it. If there is a better list I will be happy to see it

>> No.11347553

t. Flightless cuck who doesn’t know what he’s talking about

>> No.11347570

Would rather be a flightless cuck than throw away my one life to sit in a cockpit, stare at clouds, and sleep in shitty hotels, far away from home

>> No.11347597

I really wish I could fly planes but I'm blind in one eye so I can't. It's sad because I wanted to be a pilot and I found out the most depressing way.

>> No.11347625

Sorry to hear. Have you thought about playing the new flight simulator? it's better to fly a personal plane than sit in an airpilot passenger imo, don't need a career for that

>> No.11347640


pretty accurate yeah, though i think chemical engineers could probably qualify for unbelievable.

>> No.11347653

>who would want to spend their life sitting in a cabin staring at clouds?

As opposed to what? Doing math calculations all day long? Putting boring numbers on some 3D programme to come up with a new design?
Being a cup holder?

>> No.11347658

This list is fucking retarded, but still, are there no applications for a degree in transportation? Whatever the fuck that entails

>> No.11347683

>for money only undergrad level degrees
lets move it to the bottom and call it the false intellectual tier.

>> No.11347689

Math is awesome and will keep my brain functional. Alzheimers is what you get for sitting in a cockpit while autopilot does everything
Fuck aviationcucks

>> No.11347693


No offense, but you sound like someone who wanted to be a pilot, couldn't cause of medical condition and feels resentful towards it. I cannot see how being in front of a Computer all day writing code would be any more fun than flying a plane.

>> No.11347701

Never had any interest. I just know a pretentious douche who got into aviation and thinks he's the shit. That's why I hate it. The truth is simple, (at least for piloting airliners) it's a lousy, boring job. No idea how one would subjugate themselves to such a fate and feel smug about it. Code, math, is rewarding because you use your brain to find solutions, it's a creative activity. Being a glorified bus driver is not

>> No.11347706

>thinks solving rudimentary, and dare I say elementary, puzzles is 'rewarding because you use your brain to find solutions, it's a creative activity, etc...' honestly pretty low IQ. Of course an autist such as yourself would never understand what it feels like to feel joy. Sort yourself out buddy, you're getting everyone around you dirty.

>> No.11347707

Shitty bait. Try again later, chump

>> No.11347738 [DELETED] 

Does Sociology count as Anthropology?

>> No.11347739

>jobs rated by employment, usefulnes to market, salary, and job environment
>all these things and yet I made them into arbitrary ranks myself

Good job anon. Here's a gold star sticker to put up on the board. Also:

>usefulness to market
>on the same level as a Mechanical Engineer
>above Construction, Law Enforcement, Agriculture, and Biochemistry

Lmao, someone's clearly a Math major. Go drop a brick on your head, retard. Mathematics as a major is about as useful to the market as Psychology.

>> No.11347741

So you got cucked by an avionics Chad flyboy

>> No.11347746

>pilot of a jet fighter

>glorified bus driver

Boy, you're REALLY seething about that one "douche".

>> No.11347771

Yes, I too remember when I was in high school. Nothing but vanity and approval-seeking.

>> No.11347772
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>i'll never be a pilot

>> No.11347774

Which tier is Dentistry and Psyiotherapists?

>> No.11347778


God, I know that feeling

>> No.11347793

I'm working towards my MBA, but isn't managament circumstantial? Even at a shit-tier company you can manage to pull in a descent amount of money, if you are able to advance within a largee corporation, the yearly pay reaches six figures. Note many fast food places already pay six figures for management

>> No.11348405

who determines which properties to use as the metric?

>> No.11348406

>just trust me bro i know some guys

>> No.11348417

No, basically everything in the list is wrong.

>> No.11348435

>I'll never be a pilot due to a medical condition
At least FS2020 comes out soon

>> No.11348442

Lol'd hard. A math hardworker makes 30k a year and a math lazy is living in the streets. Literally even gender studies is more likely to get you a job you can live on in 2020.

>> No.11348445

This is correct.

>> No.11348777

Retard, when did I say he was a jet pilot?

>> No.11349471

No, being a diversity hire is more likely to get you a job. A straight cis male would not get a job with a gender studies degree.

>> No.11349503

To be fair, I only know of diversity people studying gender studies, so the variates are confounded for sure. That said, a white woman mathtard is not getting a job over a white woman gender studies for shit like diversity lead, community and writing.

>> No.11349512

>meh tier : aviation


>> No.11349587

Fuck aviation

>> No.11349766

where does hydrology fit on here? great-tier?

>> No.11349836

dentistry is above unbelievable tier, the absolute highest

dentists are
Doctors ENgineers and arTISTS

>> No.11349842

Explain to me how someone could dedicate their life to picking at teeth

>> No.11349857


>> No.11350024

Those are some objectively awful personal opinions you have there OP.

>> No.11350278

>he doesn't want to be responsible for reuniting people with their loved ones and bringing them happiness

>> No.11350424

Definitely not, never crossed my mind, because I do not care about feelings of others. Also, as of right now pilots are bringing corona virus all over the world. Fuck aviation

I did not make the list, but please refute it. Provide a better one if you can. It seems pretty accurate except for math

>> No.11350426

doing pretty well with the ee+physics+cs route

>> No.11350444

>their life
Easy, they end it when they can't take scraping plaque any longer.

>> No.11350448


>> No.11350494

I'm currently thinking about dental school and I assure you most dentists treat it as a day job to their other hobbies/passions.

Full time dentists barely put in 36 hours while many become part time bc. they're earning more than $100 an hour(US).

It's the big chillin career choice if you 're intelligent enough to realize every job outside of research is pretty much the same in terms of the big picture.

>> No.11350506

>your job is not your passion/hobby
Not gonna make it

>> No.11350518
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Fixed that for you.

>> No.11350520

Feels good to be an info tech chad

>> No.11350521

yea all those folks workin retail/fast food fuckin rave about their work

>> No.11350528

>biomed eng, medicine, chemistry all in god tier
>biochemistry below them
but y tho?

>> No.11350905
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>Meh tier

Lmao, what is this level of mega cope?

>> No.11350933

biochemistry is also in great tier twice, i guess we're just that great

>> No.11350970

holy shit the seethe

>> No.11350980

getting a job in pharma is really hard and it's getting harder, at least in yurop

>> No.11350984

>use your brain

>> No.11351133

I think it looks accurate! But... nah never mind.