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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 34 KB, 496x282, 1580327539612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11344758 No.11344758 [Reply] [Original]

evolution-tards be like:
>yeah this is my grandpa

>> No.11344761

Nice strawman. It would be at least their great great grandpa

>> No.11344775
File: 89 KB, 608x566, 5F5E5B74-16E1-402D-9B3B-9DF8CB82ECC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandpa

>> No.11344798

Why is your pic pointing the wrong way? We don't know if this particular Tiktaalik is grandpa or if he was an incel. We don't even know if they originated in poland or Canada. Why can you not consider that, from the perspective of your god, combined with our place in the world, we may still be in the middle of the sixth day? From the dust of the earth, man was. It doesn't mean hat he wasn't a fish before that.

>> No.11344811

dumb teenagers be like:
>i think i'm being real cute with my memes contradicting everything the OLD PEOPLE say is true

>> No.11344816

Why aren't the dumb teens contradicting 9/11 and the moon landings anymore? Did that just get boring?

>> No.11344827

To continue fagging: you can take our "ingredients" and make a monkey, fish, worm, or a stick of celery. We have the top mutations. Why would your deity not use the science he created or was created by? How is the word "nature" any different from the name of "god" that you have assigned?

>> No.11344845

Because old people are doing it now so it's not cool anymore.