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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11344752 No.11344752 [Reply] [Original]

it's not a secret: current trasnsgender technologies is not ideal.
This thread is dedicated to discuss how can we improve transition using science power & future techs.

My ideas:

1) "I Will Fear no Evil" (Robert A. Heinlein) -way: use a donor body after donor's brain dearth to transplant brain inside it.
Possible problems:
1.1 immune system compatibility. Can blood–brain barrier helps??
1.2 very short timeline to attach brain to blood arteries in new body. We can use low temperature for brain, but it can give us maybe 20-30 hours, not more
1.3 Too comlicated process to attach all arteries and veins, and nervous

2) edit genome, and change Y chromosome for X(for m2f), or one X to Y (for f2m) and 3d print a new body without brain using 3d bio printer. What will happen with immune system compatibility?

3) Near future(?)
transpant vagina + uterus (for m2f) or penis(for f2m) and gonads from dearth donors
immune system compatibility problems :(

4) hack immune system. How can we do it? And force it to not attack transpanted organs.

5) nanobots in blood/cell - so, it's a godmode

>> No.11344760

Slide thread from leftypol
Sage and ignore

>> No.11344767


>> No.11344837

>Using science to advance and further mental illness

Nah, I am good

>> No.11344900

Dude, but transition is worked and science-proofed way to fix gender dysphoria

There is no another way. Until you want to repair trans people and let them pay taxes and be happy. There is another way, Sparta-way:
But do you really want to force TG persons to die? Are you nazi?

>> No.11344902

I can't send links to scientific articles. Antispam blocks it. How to share it in /sci?

>> No.11344922

>Dude, but transition is worked and science-proofed way to fix gender dysphoria
Tell that to the victims who keep coming forward and tell the government to NOT ease up on legislation for lopping off tits and cocks and allow for kids to get hormones and blockers in Norway right now.
They had it done to themselves by their own volition and severely regret it. There's your "gender dysphoria" cure.

Get real help instead, you don't play along with any other symptoms of mental illness.

>> No.11344924

t. autist benefiting from science.

>> No.11344926

Does autism tell you to mutilate yourself?

>> No.11344929

most trans women never get SRS or have genital dysphoria

>> No.11344931

Read what the fucking thread is about before you have an opinion then.
And for the record, you are a crossdresser.

>> No.11344933

>being this buttblasted because crossdressers on HRT exist

get a load of this guy

>> No.11344935

What part of not playing along with the symptoms of your mental illness was hard to understand?
You are not a girl, no matter how much hormones you ingest.
You are not a cow if you wake up one morning and decide to take bovine growth hormones.

Get help, real help. Don't go and get "reinforcement" from your little circlejerk of mental illness on the internet.

>> No.11344940
File: 128 KB, 664x825, Screenshot_2020-01-30 Structural connections in the brain in relation to gender identity and sexual orientation(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't claim to be a biological woman.
HRT is simply for treating physical dysphoria due to pic related (see the highlighted part)

That said I don't believe that having dysphoria should be a prerequisite for hormone therapy in case of adults. It's just body modification.

Some cis men even use it to stop male pattern baldness, for example:

>> No.11344943

The only valid medical reason for taking estrogen as a man is if you've removed your prostate due prostate cancer.
Now take your junk science and begone.

>> No.11344955

>The only valid medical reason
Nice opinion that has no objective merit.

>"junk science"
>no rebuttal
Like pottery.

>> No.11344958

/lgbt/ is that way.
This is /sci/

>> No.11344965
File: 131 KB, 2046x738, nature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nature is good enough, I think?

So, transition is works

>This is /sci/

Let's move to on-topic: advanced transition techs. Gender disphoria and nazi ideas is off-topic!

>> No.11344969

Then why are you spouting your worthless opinions without backing them up by science?

>> No.11344972

I don't believe in gender transitioning as a medical intervention but since we do it anyway not giving males estrogen and only giving high dose progesterone + a little dhea would do the trick without the nasty mental and physical effects estrogen has on both the female and male body

High dose progesterone is anti-androgenic by nature so a Testosterone blocker probably wouldn't even be necessary either

>> No.11344976
File: 136 KB, 1640x636, bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com.s12889-015-1867-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't believe in gender transitioning as a medical intervention
Because you're stupid, and don't bealive in the statistics, which was public in the scientific articles. It's strange way: aprrove ony part of science, which is not against your view in the world:

>> No.11344981
File: 540 KB, 732x814, 1559589921965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of these people then went on to kill themselves?

>> No.11344983

Science isn't a consensus, never has been and it never will

As it stands transgender people have a high mental illness rate regardless of intervention, I'm much more interested in the systemic causes of that, not whatever medical intervention reduces their risk of suicide by some arbitraty number

>> No.11344986
File: 226 KB, 946x740, 15802614230650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many of these people then went on to kill themselves?

Significantly less amount . No transition - than suicide. And kill themselves - because transition techs not good enough. And this thread about this techs

>> No.11344993

>As it stands transgender people have a high mental illness rate regardless of intervention
Yeah. Before I fixed my Gender Dyshoria by transition, I was associal peace of meat. I had no friends, no work. I even was pushed off from Univercity.
Right now I live in stealth, I have friends, good job, I have husband (he knows, his parrents and our friends not)

> I'm much more interested in the systemic causes of that
Create your own thread. This thread is about transition techs

>> No.11345014

I asked how many actually killed themselves.

>> No.11345035

>I asked how many actually killed themselves.
After transition? About 1-3%

>> No.11345037


>> No.11345041

I'm going to call complete bullshit.

>> No.11345047

Nazi and alt-right point of view complete wrong.

It based in wrong ideas. Do you understand, for example, that crispr/cas9 and similar techs can significantly improve intellegence/IQ in the future? And current very small difference between black race and asian race(most clever race) run out?
Also the nazi and alt right idea is human selection. But selection idea in the genome-edit epoch is BULSHIT.

Also there is a very big chance that humanity will get anti-aging meds in the near future. It will destroy religion and electoral base of alt-right as well. So, you're dinosaurues.

>> No.11345049

>Nazi and alt-right

>> No.11345125

This is great news. Bye nazi

>> No.11345131

go back to plebbit

>> No.11345160
File: 1.83 MB, 540x304, z9e8gj8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

srsly, all it rly comes down to is fucking toddler attention seeking. fuck transgender cunts, i expect the same from them as everyone else: SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DO SOMETHING OF VALUE WITH YOURSELF

>> No.11345228

>cancer killing millions every year
>people literally dropping dead by the thousands to a virus with no known vaccine
>life expectancy for men dropping across the west
>lets allocate the best medical minds in the world toward solving the transgender problem, rather than sending these “people” to the loony bin
No. Mods allowing this garbage to stay up but deleting race and IQ threads should really make the impartial anon browsing this board think

>> No.11345230

>Dude, but transition is worked and science-proofed way to fix gender dysphoria
Not at all, suicide rates are high even after transitioning. These “people” need mental help

>> No.11345233

Could you be any more intellectually dishonest?

>> No.11345235

You want to allocate precious medical research toward this population control SCAM. No one here is fooled by your “just let us exist” argument

>> No.11345236

You're just looking for anything that validates your mental illness. The truth still is that you need real help and chopping your dick off and fucking with your hormones isn't that.

>> No.11345242

He's a mentally sick tranny that gets off on manipulating the weak into joining his little cult. He will say anything to get people to go along with his fetishistic delusions.

>> No.11345315

>not ideal
>literally mutilating the genitals of sexually abused boys
>... not ideal

>> No.11345324

>Are you nazi?

No, but people like you make me understand why such an ideology would come to shine and resonate in others

>> No.11345325

>It's another anons call other anons trannies and circlejerk about muh cutting dicks off on 4chan.
I thought at least this board could get away from this whole autistic shitstorm but I guess everywhere is just another flavour of /v/, thanks hiroshimoot

>> No.11345327

No, it's another mentally ill person coming in demanding everyone accept their mental illness and allow underage children be irreversible mutilated and play along with it otherwise they're nazis and alt-right thread.
And that shit does not fucking fly.

>> No.11345328

It's called a 12 guage shotgun

>> No.11345329

Go back to re/ddit with all the other freaks you faggot

>> No.11345331


The absolute level of cope

>> No.11345332

Fuck that, i like my trannies with floppy smooth dicks that dribble cum while being assfucked.

>> No.11345347

>4chan isn't for freaks anymore
2016 ruined chans

>> No.11345355

4chan was never a big gay hangout. Everything was done for the lulz and only for the lulz.

>> No.11345440

The trannies and other degenerates showed up after 2016 faggot

>> No.11345449

I'd say they came earlier. Like around when the fappening and goobergate happened. 2016 just brought a fuckload more

>> No.11345451
File: 376 KB, 1280x1699, tumblr_pzksie8kX51tm163xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well /sci/?

>> No.11345461

Kids are not mature enough to understand the ramifications of their permanent and irreversible choices.
Stop grooming children you sick fuck.

>> No.11345476

transsexualism is a side effect of the traumas of capitalism combined with the liberal enlightenment idealist world view that rejects the primacy of matter and believes in the existence and virtue of the individual.

The capitalists will pay for this

>> No.11345480

A sex change is literally impossible.

>> No.11345579

I am, and I think mutilating children for progressive points and feeding the delusions of the mentally ill is one of, if not the worst part of our society.

>> No.11345590

Wouldn't it be easier to just fix the part of their brain that makes them indulge in these delusions. Also i wonder if some kind of tranny cure came out, how would people react?

>> No.11345602

Same way congentially deaf parents respond to cochlear implants for the deaf child

>> No.11345771

Yes they are

>> No.11345784

As if there wasn't sufficient proof of mental illness, I present Exhibit B.

>> No.11345822

>Not at all, suicide rates are high even after transitioning.
There is no proofs of it. I've shared proofs(above) that it significantly decreased.

>> No.11345855

> According to the National Center for Transgender Equality’s 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey, 40 percent of adult respondents reported having attempted suicide in their lifetime — almost nine times the attempted suicide rate in the general U.S. population

This is from a study nbc referenced.

>> No.11345862

>This is from a study nbc referenced.
**Lifetime**, idiot.

>> No.11345876

Is that supposed to be some sort of gotcha? 40 percent is still way above the national average and indicative of severe mental illness within the transgender subgroup

>> No.11345887

Yeah - he's in the majority you mentally I'll dimwit. Body mutilation is not the fucking answer schlomo

>> No.11345909

What are you doing in /sci? Are you fucking idiot?
Why do you expect here a something like normal, Gauss distribution? Is it reason of your brain damage?

>> No.11345923

>you need real help
Transitioning is how you treat gender dysphoria. If it was possible to solve this by simply seeing a therapist, no one would transition. However, I don't expect someone who has clearly read none of the scientific literature on this subject, and who refuses to do so, to understand this.

>> No.11346048

Lobotomy was how you treated various mental illnesses. That's how history will see your "treatment".
It was very well documented in science at the time.

>> No.11346068

Doesn't work in the real life. Sorry

>> No.11346074

...yes, exactly

>> No.11346091

It treated their symptoms really well. Just like your "cure".

>> No.11346095

>It treated their symptoms really well.
Fuck off nazi

>> No.11346098

Intellectual dishonesty will get you nowhere.

>> No.11346106

Why do trannies even exist, I don't care about your cope mechanism. I wanted to be a fighter pilot and always felt I was meant to be one, didn't get it and it hurts. So fucking what, I don't go around pretending to be one nor forcing others to refer to me as one.

Eat shit you narcissistic cunt

>> No.11346112

Duck test. You passes it.

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

If something looks like a nazi, than it's nazi.

>> No.11346127

No really, I have not even remotely touched upon anything that comes close to politics. You have just jumped to a sadly extremely predictable knee-jerk response of calling everyone who disagrees with you a "nazi" or "alt-right".
For the record, I'm not a "nazi", I'm not a "alt-right", I'm not even conservative.

Hell, I voted for the fucking greens at our last elections because at the time they were the ones I disagreed with the least, although I do regret voting for them. Now would you care to make some more sad, pathetic statements without even knowing what country I reside in?

Get help. You need it. This is not to be mean.

>> No.11346136
File: 89 KB, 858x1018, external-content.duckduckgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some transgender technology for you.

>> No.11346143

>fucking greens
Canada, eh? I'm here too, lol

>No really,
But you suggest to kill people by lobotomy. Only because they (we) have a gender dysphoria. No real difference between gazenwagen and Lobotomy. In both cases personality dies.
Nazi don't liked group of peoples, and than forwaded them into gazenwagens. Why are you not pass a duck test?

>> No.11346150

post hog

>> No.11346158

>Canada, eh?

>kill people by lobotomy
Wrong. Most patients survived full frontal lobotomy, even though the procedure was dramatic in the extreme. Just like "reassignment".

And for fucks sake, stop bringing up "nazis". You're only making an even bigger fool out of yourself. Do you want to go fight "nazis" go larp with /pol/, they'll probably satisfy your cravings for fighting against the "ultimate enemy".

>> No.11346160

>getting treatment for mental illness is the same as getting a lobotomy or being gassed by nazis
This is your brain on crazy

>> No.11346176

Do you know that brain trauma usually changes personality? So, after massive brain damage old person dies, and than new person (usually with significantly less IQ) starts

So, lobotomy is same like killing by gasses

>> No.11346179

Careful so you don't hurt your limp wrists on those heavy goalposts there, canuck.

>> No.11346367

>Unironically thinking 4chan is isn't degeneracy itself
Go back to voat

>> No.11346376

If it's a lifetime statistic then it's probably because gender dysphoria causes them to want to kill themselves because it's a terrible thing to have to go through and transitioning takes time, retard. Has nothing to do with whether transitioning works or not, just shows that it sucks ass to have dysphoria, which is literally the definition of the word.

>> No.11346491
File: 98 KB, 946x740, stat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is retard, because he expects by default that it's gauss-like distribution, or even don't understand what is it exactly. But it's not gauss-like distribution. Biggest risk to die expects before transition

>> No.11346534

>getting so riled up at boys having the freedom to bodymod for aesthetics whilst making an exception to guys taking steroids with even less information than the tranners on /hrtg/

oh am i laffin

>> No.11346785

>get called out for being /pol/tards
It's funny to see the exact same reaction every single time.

>> No.11347030

I just suggest being nice to people

>> No.11347210

Why does 4chan and in particular /sci/ attract so many trannies? Their supposed to be <1% of the population. I know they try their hardest to be that at least.

>> No.11347232


>> No.11347237
File: 47 KB, 1000x500, offensive-halloween-costumes-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr version, everything they do revolves around failed attempts at validation, and "SCIENCE SAYS I'M A GIRL" is one of their common failed attempts.

>> No.11347516

Therapy isn't brain damage you autismo. And peoples personalities change over time.

>> No.11347596

Tell me, do you ever get tired of chasing your own tail?

>> No.11347833

Your gender dysphoria will be made trivial by body modification advancements, 'transitioning' and the trans movement will probably disappear as it becomes as commonplace as normal cosmetic surgery, perhaps more

>> No.11348158

>No. Mods allowing this garbage to stay up
>but deleting race and IQ threads should really make the impartial anon browsing this board think
bait or poltarded

>> No.11348971

i think transphobes are weak minded people who want to desperately seem strong. i think it is pathetic, anyways i am interested in hearing about advancements in transition tech.

>> No.11348981

Nobody gives a shit if an adult wants to cut their dicks into 16 parts and attach bells to each end. Knock yourself out with that shit.
It's when you start with the whole "let's make kids take puberty blockers and take hormones and do irreversible shit to their bodies while they are incapable of understanding the long term ramifications" that people start disagreeing.

And that does not make you a "nazi", "alt-right" or "weak-minded". That makes you sane.

>> No.11348984

i don't give a shit what some fucking liberals do to their kids, they are easily led fools. signs of gender dysphoria can show up at an early age and getting a child to a treatment is a result of a long process. i am quite certain that parents with actual trans kids will know what they are doing.

>> No.11348987

>signs of gender dysphoria
Except in most cases it turns out it's not "gender dysphoria" and they deeply regret it some time afterwards when it's irreversible.
It's some fucking Mengele tier shit and irony of being called a nazi for opposing it is pretty fucking palpable.

>> No.11348993

yea whatever, i will never have children and i hate them anyways. so i don't give a shit what happens to them. but i see adult transgenders as an oppressed group and i think bullying them constantly is not cool.

>> No.11350149

I suggest to return on-topic.
It's /sci, not lgbt

I think, discuss about possible transgender technologies can be interesting for transgenders and even for cis people (if they're not transphobes).
Because changing sex process is something not standard. We don't see it every day in our life.
