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11344613 No.11344613 [Reply] [Original]

Civilization is just a dress up. At our core we are still animals, slaves of biology, not much different than cavemen.

>> No.11344615
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But we can become more.

>> No.11344678

Based. People against transhumanism are truly plebeians.

>> No.11344741
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>> No.11345802 [DELETED] 

For some reason people loving to say that human bad.
We all know about " white and black pyramid" and "motionless woman " experiments. They kind of prove your point but this problems can be solved with upbringing

>> No.11345813

For some reason people loving to say that human bad.
We all know about " white and black pyramid" and "motionless woman " experiments. They kind of prove your point but these problems can be solved with upbringing

>> No.11345832

>" white and black pyramid" and "motionless woman " experiments.

>> No.11345834

See if you can find a multigenerational biography, they are really fascinating

>> No.11345908


>> No.11345910

i wish that was me

>> No.11346138

(sorry for bad english) white and black pyramid experiment shows that if majority affirm something you will very likely agree no matter what they saying (even if they saying that both pyramids on the table are whithe when they are not). Motionless woman experiment shows that if you standing completely still and letting people do what they want they will do some shocking stuf.

>> No.11346180

The irony of that is by realizing it, you have broken free.

>> No.11346212

I didn't interact with other people that much as a kid. If I had been shown how to make artificial intelligence as a kid, I would have enjoyed it. I didn't learn how to code until I was 27.

The computer programs I make are an extension of myself. Therefore, I'm more like a computer than an animal.

The human brain is more categorically significant than genetics and other biological function. Imagine making a computer program that's like an animal. Would anyone say it's like a human? No, the two categories could not be more different.

A super intelligence would basically just be faster version of a person. Something that takes a lifetime, it would do in a minute. The same cannot be said of the relation between animals and humans.

This post could never have been written by an animal. Even if the animal was immortal. Therefore, a human is more like a super intelligence i.e such as God or the combined intelligence of all humans than it is like an animal or the combined intelligence of all animals.

"Combined intelligence of all animals" isn't really saying much since animals are not capable of such cooperation. It's the ability to share information without limit (except for life expectancy) which makes us human.

>> No.11346886

A way to get you to act against self-interest. Species is an aritificial classification by humans. There is only the conditioned individual (me) and culture (this.)

>> No.11346931

Civilization is more brutal and less personal. You learn to love the stuff that’s complete foreign to you and against all instincts. Getting into a complex world of stimuli that are controlled, through model learning and different kinds of conditioning you become just a tool of other interests and current trends. Most people don’t know what they want, they need advertisement to figure it out. In the end their life is still empty, because they are just a vessel and don’t understand why they need constant distraction to get away from their existence.

>> No.11346981

Slightly based

>> No.11347554
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I think the capacity for rich, verbose language, such as the languages that that the Bible was written in, makes us sufficiently different than the other animals. This is one reason why I believe that psychic crowd is mostly feeble-minded. They seem to think grunting and pussy whiffs are a superior form of communication than plain speaking. I disagree, obviously.

>> No.11347612

>I think the capacity for rich, verbose language, such as the languages that that the Bible was written in, makes us sufficiently different than the other animals
Yes, this is the "dress up" part. We obviously are different enough and more capable than animals, but at our core we pretty much like them. This core influence our daily lives too much, most times negatively just for being hardwired to care about the preservation of species.

>we love sugar because its extra energy to keep going, no matter if we get fat and sick
>we get sad if we don't get pussy
>we get sad if we don't have friends
>motivation is largely regulated by your body instead of rational thought

We would to fine without those shitty primal instincts getting in the way, we could be rational enough to not die of hunger without your body urging you to stuff your face with junk food, its like a shitty auto-pilot that you can't turn off.

>> No.11348411

welcome to 5th grade philosophy.

>> No.11348430

as symbolic creatures, we're much more than just an animals.

>> No.11348522

Cringe, Start with the Greeks

>> No.11348524

Reductionist pedantry. No mere animal put boots on the moon.
Accept your birthright as the most powerful and important species in the known universe.

>> No.11348526

> We would to fine without those shitty primal instincts getting in the way

Cope. You’re just triggered you’re a Virgin with no friends.