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11344540 No.11344540 [Reply] [Original]

How does "just a flu" cause kidney failure?

Source: Queensland Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young

>> No.11344544

It doesn't. That's just a scam by Big Kidney to make the infected give up their organs.

>> No.11344553

See my 5G thread. Soviets were seeing broad degenerative changes in organs all the way back in the 60's. They did human occupational studies.

We don't really know what'[s going on with this. It might be an excuse to shut down the markets.

>> No.11344558

Is it an excess of trash in your bloodstream doing that or the virus attacking the kidneys themselves or something?

>> No.11344559
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>> No.11344577

everything causes kidney failure. kidneys are stupid retard organs

>> No.11344578

More like human brains are stupid retard organs.

>> No.11344585

probably a misdiagnosis, keep in mind that a majority of the people who are dying are the elderly, they're prone to that shit

>> No.11344598


>> No.11344599

>Lungs fill with fluid because that's what ARDS is
>Oxygen doesn't enter bloodstream as effectively
>Gradual hypoxemia leads to tissue ischemia and necrosis
>Necrotic shit ends up in the blood stream and is filtered through the kidneys
>Eventually this surpasses clearance capacity and builds up
>Necrotic shit is also cytotoxic and begins to cause AKI
>AKI progresses to kidney failure
I think this is a sufficient explanation.

>> No.11344606

Do you even know what the words "potential" and "complication" even mean?

>> No.11344618

Do you know you don't always have to be an asshole?

>> No.11344622

>See my 5G thread.
>We don't really know what'[s going on with this.
>It might be an excuse to shut down the markets.
I was gonna tell you to fuck off to /x/ but I get the feeling you actually believe the crap you spout and it's probably coupled with a mixture of arrogance and Dunning-Kruger.

>> No.11344624

SARS =/= Corona Virus
Similar symptoms does not mean anything. This is a totally different beast.

>> No.11344628

Not that guy but the only people who mention dunning kruger are usually retards.

Post your GRE. You should have done one when you applied for college.

>> No.11344632

Sci is filled to the brim with Chinese bootlickers.

>> No.11344643

sars is literally a corona virus

>> No.11344645

No u
>t. Brain

>> No.11344663
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Well, then step up, make your case.


That's how it works.

>> No.11344853

not him but 168 quant / 162 verbal / 5(i think?) writing

>> No.11344855

mentally ill

>> No.11344857

>Big kidney
Fucking lmao. Also check'd

>> No.11345075

holy fucking kys

>> No.11345093

Oh dear. Leave this board and never return.

>> No.11346951

Similar genomes and phenotypes do not mean anything. This is a totally different beast.

>> No.11346967

20% infected need oxygen masks. This isn't as benign a virus as people might claim.

>> No.11346977

20% of infected people who present symptoms and are confirmed infected need oxygen masks from the induced pneumonia
There is presumably fucking thousands of people who either a) aren't showing symptoms b) aren't showing severe enough symptoms to be tested and confirmed immediately or c) are sick but haven't gone to hospital, but would be still counted in deaths if they died as the death would go reported

>> No.11347384

We can only breathe up to 20% oxygen normally.

>> No.11347399
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