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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11344346 No.11344346 [Reply] [Original]

Your personally held austistic / schziphrenic scientific theories that are actually true. Here's mine:

The universe is infinitely large, therefore every abstract though you have is actually you channeling telepathy into another part of space where your abstract thought is happening at that very moment.

>What if I were a chad.

There is a place in the universe with an exact copy of you being a chad.

>> No.11344367 [DELETED] 
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Yes, the center-point of all celebration. I couldn't think of anything MORE masturbatory, technically speaking, but everyone needs to open their conversations from now on (or as quickly as possible) about how and why they masturbate and if the other person they are talking to has any tips or recommendations.

This will yield only net positive gains and even more celebration.

>> No.11344372 [DELETED] 
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Fine, lock me in the prison of constant celebration and communication and climax, scramble/scromble my brains so I don't even bother to remember or reincarnate the key by either becoming/belonging, and unroll time from my now into everyone's past and future eternally.

>Anything else you retards need me to add?

>> No.11344539

>The universe is infinitely large, therefore every
Infinite doesn't mean every hypothetical event you can imagine is actualized. You can have an infinite amount of events that don't include other events e.g. There's an infinite amount of odd numbers and yet none of them are divisible by 2.

>> No.11344542

My theory that the only way I'll ever progress through life is if I master and manually produce a state for myself where delusions and mania run rampant, because otherwise I won't drive hard enough towards things or take enough risks.

I'm taking the mad man approach.

>> No.11344550
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Theosophy and the CTMU say the same thing, just in different languages.
Chris Langan is an idiot savant to the same degree as Terry Davis. Their greatest frustrations will be and were, respectively, the inability to find a successor.

>> No.11344561


its me

for both of them

>> No.11344562

The universe is a static unchanging object that exists in a higher dimensional space. The future already exists and is unchangeable as it is part of this object. The reasoning for this is that light travels instantly from its origin to destination in its own reference frame. So if you point a laser at a wall and turn it on, then before the light hits the wall you stick your hand in front of it, since in the lights own reference frame it had to know its destination as soon as it was created you had no choice but to put your hand up, because it already happened. So the future is already determined and we can do nothing to change it.

>> No.11344582

>Devices, media, and technology are a trap to keep you distracted from the physical world.
>Solipsism is the true view of the world since it’s the only verifiable one.
>Attention is everything. Where you PAY attention and SPEND time determines the quality of your life.

>> No.11344594

death is certain
a quick death is a blessing

>> No.11344688
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Everything exists or not from my perspective, i.e. existence itself is contingent not just on awareness or this whole notion that you and everything will somehow "go on" after I'm gone to where there is no time, but contingent on my awareness of it. At the most, this means reality is rendered unto me like a video game, i.e. you're just a really convincing NPC and your existence ends with this thread. At the least, this means my existence is somehow more than yours.

Think about if solipsism is rational, if you can think. If solipsism is rational, and you merely take the existence of everything or other people on faith, then not to be a solipsist is irrational.

>> No.11344702

Einstein believed pretty much this same thing. It's not an idiosyncratic or unique view, nor is it "schizoid".

>> No.11344721

That’s impossible, you’re not even in the CTMU Facebook group.

>> No.11344876

Back in my fucked up childhood years I had this theory that everywhere I looked things were normal and boring, but outside my field of view and in total silence to my ears there was this ongoing orgy party with alcohol and drugs that shifted perfectly with my movements so I could never get in on the fun, and everyone was in on the lie (including cameras and such).

>> No.11344921

Everything may be predetermined however that doesn’t mean we can’t change it. We do not know the point of determination or what other dimensions can influence. You can add more sides to say a infinitely flat plastic square or change its orientation or entropy and that is for the purposes of our thought experiment a static 2D object in a 3D universe.

>> No.11344932 [DELETED] 

Hi Tooker, I invited you into my neighborhood but you kept raping all the women and they complained so I wiped your memory. Why not just be friends with me? We can work it out from there, just don't be an angry or sad sack and we gud 2 go!

>> No.11344936 [DELETED] 
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That OP is me from the future trying to get everyone that reads 4chan to wake up together in batches like the Netflix show Travellers.

>I have to shitpost to keep the mods/jannies fighting fit!

>> No.11344956

I have this theory, too. Maybe none of this is real. I really need to get into meditation.

>> No.11344978 [DELETED] 
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Daddy Dragon saga is the best place to collect these people from all walks of life and I wanted to be the Elders of the composition.

>Meditation is the expression held still while all others pass.

>> No.11345247

If the exact copy differs from me in some respect then it isn't an exact copy, dumbass.

>> No.11345252

You were right.

>> No.11345546

Anyone who contradicts me on sci is usually some racist idiot from pol, but that's factual

>> No.11347089

People caused the end of the ice age, the catastrophe obliterated the original civilization.
People didn't use to age intil then, it's something they did that our bodies cannot deal with which caused it. Megafauna died out because of it, as most failed to breed before the aging killed them.

>> No.11347379

Although YouTube has tons of viewers, the pool of people who actually comment is very small.

After a while you get familiar with posters who post on videos of very different topics.

>> No.11347397

By mentally focusing on a part of your body, you increase blood flow to that area, Combine this with Wim Hof's breath method to increase oxygen in the blood, and you're able to quickly heal cuts and burns due to the increased rate of anabolic processes..

>> No.11347555

the big bang occurred within much larger, static universe in which there are many singularities creating big bangs. big bangs are the rejuvenation of matter and are happening all over the place. however, everything outside our own universe is undetectable except for the gravitational effect it has on our 'inner universe' (dark matter). matter of our universe is heading towards reconciliation with this much greater universe surrounding it.

>> No.11347595
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Don't know if this counts but I tried to write a diary and ended up writing a 1500 word essay in support of reproductive cloning in like 30 min. It's a bit of a mess, needs revision.

>> No.11347599

But racism is scientifically and morally correct

>> No.11347789

Depression is the final step of human intellect. A depressed person subconsciously feels that life is meaningless which is the truth about life. This is why they have no motivation to do anything in their life, they feel that there's no purpose.

>> No.11347813

So op isn't chad.

>> No.11347827

not true, universe being infinite doesn't mean everything that is possible will happen, infinite series 0,1,0,1... is infinite, does it contain every natural number?

>> No.11348233

I believe that over an infinite stretch of time every permutation of matter/energy will be reached (and every sequence of these permutations), therefore every person will be born again into every possible life they could have lived and ultimately everyone will have to undergo every experience

>> No.11348310

There are only 5 dimensions, and string theory is the real schizoid interpretation, endless extrapolations upon extrapolations by men desperate to explain the universe in terms that will allow them to believe that the universe has no need of an unmoved mover.

>> No.11349463

There are only 3 dimensions.
Modeling things in greater than 3 dimensions is useful sometimes. So fucking what? Fuck you.
The past has ceased to exist and the future does not yet exist.
Space and time do not exist, fuck off normalfags.
Superdeterminism is correct, hence communism.
The luminiferous aether exists and is the identity of dark matter. In ancient texts it is described as a rarefied air, yeah well that's pretty much the gist of it. Ever heard of The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics?
Some very compelling stuff in there describing a 5th state of matter, a special case of hydrogen below the ground state energy.