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11340920 No.11340920[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you made a fool of yourself yet in the new semester?

>in English class
>split into groups to work on philosophical topic of our choosing
>group behind me is doing free will and I'm listening in on their conversation
>one guy says "I'm pretty sure heisenburg's uncertainty principle implies we have free will"
>girl in the group asks "what's that?"
>"imagine you're blind and you have a basketball in front of you but you don't know where. In order to find it's position you have to touch it. But once you touch it you have moved it by a tiny bit, so it's impossible to know where exactly it was because the mere act of observation changes the system. This is also why science can never explain consciousness."
>"oooooh now I get it"
>at this point I can take it no longer and I butt in
>"But why can't you take the force you exerted onto the ball into account and compensate for it in your calculations?"
>"Uhhhh, because that's not how physics works? When you exert force onto the ball it also exerts some force back and there's an infinite feedback loop."
>"Well, not really, but even if that were the case we're perfectly capable of summing up an infinite series as long as it converges."
>guy shrugs: "umm okkaaaay? your point?"
>"Sorry, didn't meant to put you on the spot. My point is that you have conflated the observer effect with the uncertainty principle. Common misconception. In quantum mechanics particles do not simultaneously have well defined position and momentum. It is a fundamental aspect of reality rather than a limitation in our measurement instruments. The classical analogue I like to use is taking the fourier transform of a time domain sig-"
>girl he was explaining this to cuts me off with "Um, are you in this group?"
>"No? but couldn't help overhearing-"
>"Then why are you even talking to us?"
>I say nothing and turn back to my own group
>guy behind me says "thanks"
>girl: "don't mention it, I just don't like assholes who think they know everything"

>> No.11340923

Autistics shouldnt be allowed on university campuses

>> No.11340929


>> No.11340942

Yo I would’ve fucking wedgied you, you fucking nerd

Protip; your gay ass would have liked it

>> No.11340944

>socialized in college

>> No.11340946

nice story, it would be funny that this actually happened irl

>> No.11340965


op, there's no English class at college.

>> No.11341158

>>one guy says "I'm pretty sure heisenburg's uncertainty principle implies we have free will"
what does that have to do with free will?

>> No.11341158,1 [INTERNAL] 

So that cunt thought that asking a question to try to verify and understand something was you thinking you knew everything? That's exactly how I remember most "people" in college--dumber than a goddamn box of rocks. I swear, they think authoritiah is a magic mark that makes everything a-okay.

I would love to see any of those losers come up with anything worthwhile.

>> No.11341199

Students with autism/aspergers really are the most obnoxious in the class. So quick to butt in to try and sound smart with inane comments and off topic questions. It's awful. Thank god introductory physics and calculus tend to be the filter for these people but fuck, why do we enable their existence in society? They are literally less than useless.

>> No.11341210

>is a fundamental aspect of reality rather than a limitation in our measurement instruments
Hm, no
Lol yes there is, not everybody lives in South America

>> No.11341218

But actually yes.

>> No.11341222

You both sound like retards

>> No.11341226

You have to realize that this is why they clamp and vaccinate.

>> No.11341277

The purpose of knowledge isn't to know things or share it, but to further your goals. What were you hoping to accomplish there? In general, any time you correct someone you're entering a sensitive situation where they will definitely lose face, unless you are very skillful. If you are not sure what the skill looks like, watch what other people do that doesn't get a bad reaction, until you understand and can do it yourself.

>> No.11341416
File: 284 KB, 644x469, Screenshot_2019-07-02-21-00-43-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck did you turn around in shame? You really looked like a bitch at that moment.

>> No.11341431

This is why I hate you undergrads.
Sure I was an undergrad once, but I kept my fucking mouth shut because I'm fully aware of what a retard I am.

>> No.11341542

You didn't make a fool of yourself at all. You were correct. She will achieve absolutely nothing and he will maybe manage a stable job for a few years.
You should print up a copy or two of an early expository paper on the topic and hand the copies to them next class without explaining what it is.
The thing that frustrates me most about this is this "assholes who know everything" business. Imagine seething so much about being ignorant and incorrect about the world you live in that you project your frustration onto people who have some idea of what they're working with.

>> No.11341560

>You should print up a copy or two of an early expository paper on the topic and hand the copies to them next class without explaining what it is.
This, but don't forget to wear your clown costume.

>> No.11341570

this story deeply resonated with me
these cattle that think like this shouldnt have rights. if you're going to appeal to physics for free will, it would behoove you know the physics

>> No.11341644
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He stood up and fought for his beliefs which is more than what you sheeple are willing to do.

>> No.11341683

>intro physics and calculus as filters

Most autists never take these because they took and passed the AP's. The fact you thought they were challenging says more about you than anything. Nice try though english major.

>> No.11341704

>"Then why are you even talking to us?"
>"I just like roasting retards who think they're relevant"

Missed opportunity OP

>> No.11341735

I got filtered by AP physics not math though.

>> No.11341880
File: 85 KB, 1387x702, 8f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no worry anon, they are brainlets
>also somone got laid that day after classes

>> No.11341899

To this day, not OP tho.

>> No.11341906

You really should have been more firm with them.
>"Then why are you even talking to us?"
Right here you should have said something. "I didn't want him to make a fool of himself" "Just helping out somebody with the same interests as me" "I hate it when idiots spread their bullshit like it's a fact" anything would have been better than bitching out

>> No.11342089


Well done. He'll think twice about spouting shit next time to impress a girl. And if not, just put him on the spot again.
You are probarbly autistic but you still did the right thing.

>> No.11342112

If this story happened (which it did not), the girl was correct to put you in your spot. Autists be damned.

>> No.11342180
File: 8 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"not being autistic 101" homework:

assume fool Chad (C) talks to fool Stacey S about shit they both don't understand and are unwilling to understand, but C want to appear smart and S wants C's d..

What their response will be if Todd (T) tries to explain to them they are wrong and T is right?

>> No.11342216

>What were you hoping to accomplish there?
I'm pretty sure OP just wanted to share knowledge.
At least that's the impulse I get when in similar situations.

>> No.11342395


>> No.11342426

It is not the case where you can have a Chad and a Stacey not tripping on Chads D. Obviously, Toddles is doomed for implying otherwise. Autists are the most cringe pseud and that is what makes them the best.

>> No.11342589

what Todd is not understanding is his motive in the given social setting.

His motive is not improving their knowledge about non-trivial physical concept, it is just rationalization.

What pushed Todd to rudely interrupt their conversation was his hidden desire of Stacy wanting his d instead of Chad's. Little did he know Stacy made up her mind long time ago and Chad was only performing required ritual so Stacy could not feel like total thot she is.

>> No.11342707


>> No.11342724

Normal people enjoy learning about things they didn't understand very well. Stupid people don't. It's simple.

>> No.11342729

>don't mention it, I just don't like assholes who think they know everything
>>listens to assholes using popsci to (poorly) "substantiate" their free will cult.
The only thing you are guilty of is being autistic.

>> No.11342739

I stood in front of the lecture hall and denounced maths. Saying:

1 +1 = 2

Is not always true. 1 lump of clay and another lump of clay makes a big lump of clay.

That's 1+1=1

So I told them, no wonder science is struggling to find the answers.

They all clapped and I got a Nobel prize.

>> No.11342743

And then they all got down on their knees and sucked your 20 foot dick

>> No.11342746

Yeah. Then that happened.

>> No.11342756

>english class
wait isnt that a highschool course?

>> No.11342768

ignore the rest of the thread OP, retards should never feel comfortable in a college setting

>> No.11343997

I passed all my introductory courses about a decade ago without issue and have long since completed my undergrad and joined the workforce I'll have you know. If autists pass APs it's almost always a fluke due to good rote memory and not due to any actual cognitive ability like critical and analytical thinking skills. Most never complete their undergrad. It was true in 2010 and sure it's still true today. It's probably worse now since dumbass parents are popping out austistic retards faster than ever and we live in a society that coddles these fucking manchildren and praises them for absolutely everything they do, including their failures, in fact especially their failures.

It's insane. In ten years we'll have a society full of people with no knowledge, no skills, unable to do anything because of autism. It's the scourge of the 21st century and everyone is completely oblivious to how serious this problem really is.

>> No.11344011

>And then everyone clapped

>> No.11344078

There's your first mistake lil boi

>> No.11344088

>a weeb
opinion discarded

>> No.11344261

I don't think you know what autistic means

>> No.11344360

women shouldnt be in college, we all know that.

>> No.11344405

If this story were true, which it isn't, the only ones making asses of themselves were the kid running his mouth about a subject he didn't know and then having to be defended by a girl, and the girl for having the audacity to interrupt an actual discussion in an academic setting that supposedly exists to foster that exact thing.

>> No.11344425

are you acting like a schizo on purpose?

>> No.11344426

>if this story were true, which it isn't...
why not? this isn't a surprising story at all. plenty of people think that being corrected is a form of insult. they're wrong, but they don't want to hear that they're wrong to begin with.

>> No.11344442

Normies aren't people anon

>> No.11344449

>overhearing somebody being retarded and correct them
>"UM WHO ASKED YOU"-some random woman
this story happens thousands of times a day.

>> No.11344509

Are you seriously confusing autism for literal mental retardation? You can be an intelligent person and still have the social skills of a barnacle. Hell, this entire board is evidence of that. But you sir are most definitely a retard for 1. thinking basic calculus qualifies as an effective "filiter" for any STEM major, and 2. not understanding autism is a debuff to CHA, not INT.

>> No.11344973

>get group project
>someone says something wrong, leading the project into the direction of falsehood
>outsider helps by pointing out how thex made a mistake
>wtf how dare you
Yeah, the audacity OP must have to help people. Fuck these ungrateful niggers.

>> No.11345111

>a nigger
opinion discarded

>> No.11345120

no because im not a student any more ;_;

>> No.11345255

His beliefs are shit and fighting for them is wrong.

>> No.11345262

nah dude nobody asked this fat cringelord to explain shit fuck off

>> No.11345266

He won't, and you'll embarrass yourself again just like this time. You did the wrong thing.

>> No.11345269


>> No.11345271

Nope, the autist was the only one wrong.

>> No.11345272

As it should. Nobody asked you.

>> No.11345273

No, fuck the OP for not understanding that you don't invite yourself to other people's conversations.

>> No.11345283

>brings up calc and phys I despite nobody mentioning it
>thinks courses literally every major has to take are "filters"
>doesn't know complex analysis is after the courses you mentioned
>being intentionally vague about the highest math and physics courses you've taken

No please, enlighten us. Everything you've said so far indicates you're some liberal arts retard who is humble bragging abou two courses everybody has took.

>> No.11345287

But really no

>> No.11345289

>you don't invite yourself to other people's conversations.

You just ousted yourself as literally autistic.

But it's cute how you autists have a little notebook containing all the rules of social etiquette. Do you also stand in a corner at parties because talking to others uninvited is a big no no?

>> No.11345297

found the sperg lmao

>> No.11345309

This reads like an aspies attempt at trolling other autists because they hate themselves.
But thats just me.

>> No.11345343

>plenty of people think that being corrected is a form of insult. they're wrong, but they don't want to hear that they're wrong to begin with.
This is somewhat profound.
Thank you.

>> No.11345419

Being wrong is asking to be corrected.

>> No.11345423

>a little notebook containing all the rules of social etiquette
I wish this actually existed.

>> No.11345522

It's only embarrassing if you let yourself be embarrassed by it. Who gives a shit what a bunch of idiots think of you? And whether the guy shows it or not, he may find he has some free time later that week and think about the situation, and realize he wants to know more about the uncertainty principle. After all, he was clearly interested in physics to begin with.
Maybe OP has done some good for the guy, and he certainly hasn't done any bad for himself.
Oh, it matters what we're asked to do then? If your professor forgets a key part of the proof in lecture, do you just sit there smugly in silence or do you remind them? As it turns out, a good amount of people enjoy when you join in their conversations and provide insight. Don't let a few bad eggs stop you.
Please qualify this statement.
You're obsessed with this strange social faux pas you've created, aren't you?
Oh dear, another reply of the same caliber. Perhaps you don't invite yourself to other's conversations. I see no reason to deprive others of my presence in them. If they respond poorly, how does that impact me?
And of course, they only way to break someone's aversion to being corrected is to subject them to it over and over. If you aren't correcting others in their "personal" conversations on the daily, you're doing these people a disservice.

>> No.11345557

it's not profound, being corrected is always an insult.

>> No.11345558

No it isn't.

>> No.11345560

You can jump into a conversation between other people but not when
>a) you have literally nothing of value to add and are just trying to jack yourself off over how smart you are/how dumb they are
>b) you are in predefined groups and supposed to be conversing between other members of your group and not between other groups

>> No.11345561

Wrong. It is embarrassing for you whether you are aware of the fact or not.

>> No.11345562

No one appreciates it and no one wants you to interrupt the instructor every thirty seconds. No one thinks you're smart and no one cares about you. You're not in a beautiful mind.

>> No.11345564

It's not created. The action was objectively wrong.

>> No.11345566

Your presence is neither necessary nor desirable.

>> No.11345567

There isn't any aversion, you're just obnoxious and smell awful.

>> No.11345568

>all the coping autists itt

>> No.11345570

You may NEVER jump into a conversation. Do not talk back to me.

>> No.11345571

It only is if you think being ignorant of something is a bad thing. Everyone has to be ignorant of any piece of knowledge, and then they learn it. It's perfectly normal to be wrong. I know that it feels strange sometimes, but once I came to terms with not minding being told when I'm wrong and taking it as an opportunity to ask, "please explain what is correct then," I think I became a lot happier in general as a learner and as someone for people to talk to (since I don't get set off at the slightest thing).

>> No.11345577

It is objectively an insult. What you think about it is irrelevant.

>> No.11345583

Or what, rainman? Fite me 1v1 fgt I’ll rek u.

>> No.11345587

Something can only be embarrassing if it embarrasses the actor.
Not interrupting anyone ever 30 seconds. The key to knowing how to correct people is knowing when to do it and when it's worthwhile. Also, knowing your audience and what sort of communication makes them feel good about themselves.
Sounds to me that you don't know much about socializing.
Please defend this assessment, you still haven't once in this thread. It's just been repeating "NO ITS WRONG!!!!11" over and over.
I don't intend for it to be either. Something can be beneficial and yet unnecessary and undesirable. It's like taking your cold medicine.
Whether or not I'm obnoxious is irrelevant. Plenty of good things are obnoxious.

>> No.11345588
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If you're going to go full autist don't apologize and learn some good putdowns. You could have made that Thot look like an absolute imbecile but you missed that golden opportunity.

>> No.11345592

No, it is objectively not an insult, as I literally just argued in the post you replied to.
Here's my thing: right now, it's looking less and less to me like you have an argument to back this up, and it's looking more and more like you are just another moron who is affronted that he is being told he's wrong about something.

>> No.11345597

How the actor feels about it doesn't matter.
You don't know how to correct people, you don't know when it's worthwhile, you don't know your audience, and you don't know what makes them feel good about themselves. You don't know how to socialize.
No defense is necessary. You're free to continue being wrong.
Your presence isn't beneficial.
You aren't a good thing.

>> No.11345600


>> No.11345612


>> No.11345674


>> No.11345721


>> No.11345808
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>> No.11346052

this. people dont like to be corrected on the spot because it makes them feel insecure and makes the situation awkward. op should've approached the situation differently if he wanted to participate, instead of going "well achtually" mode.