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11339961 No.11339961[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Refer to the 5G section of -Documents, links, information.txt. Look at what mmWave exposure would cause.


>> No.11339965


>> No.11339972

Wait until they come with the forced injections.... or we see what "side effects" their emergency vaccine has when everyone rushes in for it.

>> No.11339981
File: 85 KB, 960x731, 75419105_2481069788849071_7648777665398177792_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep up the good work

>> No.11339987

Alright, Ill wait. In the meantime, have fun with the paranoia.

>> No.11339992

Do you think the 5g is activating vaccines people got when they were children as part of a population reduction effort by the Chinese government and the new vaccine will just be to sterilize them?

>> No.11340010

I'm not paranoid.

RF can alter gene expression, and thus activate inserted genetic material, there's nanotech, it's possible through a number of avenues. You don't need any of that for millimeter waves (especially 60 GHz) to cause these effects though. Do we know if WiGig has been widely deployed in China?

Look into beta-HCG spiked tetanus toxoid, and immunocastration.

>> No.11340669

>Implying it's not chemtrails

>> No.11341053

Copied verbatim.

5G and Millimeter Waves:

A short summary of research

Overview by Martin Pall.
Prof. Lennart Hardell, Prof. emer. Martin Pall and Dr. Ivo Müürsepp discuss EMFs, 04.06.2019

Summaries and general reviews:
[m]Pall 2018 - 5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them

5G builds on top of 4G, and has four main elements:
-LED streetlights, which can be potentially fitted with urban scanning radar
-Millimeter wave small cells
-New forms of WiFi
-Densification of new and existing exposures
And running fiber optic cable as the spine, which will allow all this data collection and transmission.

ICNIRP, regulatory structure
Joel Moskowitz 2019 - The ICNIRP Cartel and the 5G Mass Experiment

Wi-Fi "WiGig". This new version of WiFi will use the 60 GHz band and new modulation schemes.
Pogam 2019 - Untargeted metabolomics unveil alterations of biomembranes permeability in human HaCaT keratinocytes upon 60-GHz millimeter-wave exposure
[4chan detects nature articles as spam]

>> No.11341060

Current news:
Joel M Moskowitz - We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe
And its counterpart
David R Grimes - Don’t Fall Prey to Scaremongering about 5G
Offers very little actual evidence and seems to try to wrap it up by drawing in other controversies (vaccines etc). The claims (and points) made are addressed throughout this document. Some of them actually go way back and down some very interesting avenues. Despite claims of cherrypicking, a massive amount of data has been produced over the last 115 years, and the bulk of it, its indications, and the direction the total body of literature is pointing, has been omitted from this analysis. For example it's implied the NTP study's methodology must be of low quality, and its results useless, because male rats had a longer lifespan, which therefore inherently contradicts DNA damage and higher cancer incidence in certain animals. Now taking this from a broader scope, when research was still being funded and carried out properly from the 50's to mid 90's, this was a relatively common finding. Soviet researchers were reporting an initial increase in lifespan and certain metrics of health in offspring for a generation or two as early as the 1960's, Magras and Xenos of Greece during the 90's found the same thing in rats, but nonetheless, with population level irreversible infertility occurring within 5 generations. Why is he talking as though no one has ever done multi-generational exposure studies? Why is he acting like teratogenicity research was never carried out? Was it just that no one bothered to do it? No. Because research is "old" (generally the argument), should it be excluded from our risk assessment, particularly when no one has bothered to fund

>> No.11341067

modern research before "deploying" these systems onto the citizenry? Hence, "we have no reason to believe 5G is safe"

Articles like this do a decent job at carefully reframing and talking around certain aspects. Who knows whether it's intentional.

On this note, yet another paper was published recently showing behavioral changes into adulthood with prenatal 4G LTE exposure. Yet papers like this aren't mentioned.
Broom 2019 - Early-Life Exposure to Pulsed LTE Radiofrequency Fields Causes Persistent Changes in Activity and Behavior in C57BL/6J Mice
A behind the scenes look at Scientific American's editorial process for these articles:

A class action lawsuit has been brought against Apple and Samsung after independent testing by the Chicago Tribune found they were emitting as much as 500% in excess of the FCC's safety standard.
Health effects reported in Geneva
Protest over small cell siting in San Diego
Swiss Re has classed 5G as high risk for insurers.
This distancing of insurers from telecom is a continuation of a trend that began and solidified in the mid 90's.
http://www.emfandhealth.com/Swiss-ReElectrosmog.pdf (SwissRe in 1996)

>> No.11341079

https://microwavenews.com/news/backissues/m-j95issue.pdf (page 3, etc)
Mobile phones are perceived as high risk, and recongized to be a powder keg where it's just a matter of time. This also means these companies, and their shareholders, are personally liable and have quite a bit at stake financially. This financial vulnerability odds are is partly the basis for their behavior. Regardless, assuming there isn't some manner of corporate compartmentalization unto their liability, a few good lawsuits could take these companies out, permanently. Investors, if properly informed, wouldn't go anywhere near 5G. Probably why some reports show they aren't stating any risks in their marketing material, a form of fraud.

Martin Pall to the NIH on 5G
Dr. Sharon Goldberg Testifies at Michigan's 5G Small Cell Tower Legislation Hearing October 4, 2018
Scientists Warn of Health Effects: Washington DC Council 5G Small Cell Roundtable
Claire Edwards, UN

Government and industry:
United States:
Senator Blumenthal Raises Concerns on 5G, industry has made no attempt to study effects
Worth noting, at least one industry interest group later made a (fairly trivial) donation to Blumenthal's next campaign.

FCC plans

White house disposition (Long):

>> No.11341084

DARPA and 5G
5G & Spectrum Sharing Panel, Mobile World Congress LA 2019
Most relevant parts begin ~35:00
-Use of 37 GHz
-Signal densification
-AI assistance
-Optimizing beamforming configuration
-Environmental mapping
-Temporal pattern recognition, routines, time of day, etc
DARPA Seeks to Improve Military Communications with Digital Phased-Arrays at Millimeter Wave
-New program aims to create multi-beam, digital phased-array technology, operating at 18-50 GHz to enhance secure communications between military platforms
Millimeter Wave Digital Arrays (MIDAS)

-Media and disinformation

Research and mechanisms:
Millimeter waves:
-Prior work, effects, unique actions, and mechanisms:
Adey 1993 - Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields:

Research at the other extreme in the EM spectrum also support concepts of free radical interactions. There may be special significance to biomolecular interactions with millimeter wave EM fields. At frequencies within the range 10-1,000 GHz, resonant vibrational or rotational interactions, not seen at lower frequencies, may occur with molecules or portions of molecules. Biomolecular and cell research in this spectral region has been meager. Studies in solutions of DNA and of growth effects in bacteria have yielded conflicting results that may relate to extreme technical difficulties not encountered at lower frequencies.[...]

>> No.11341087

There are major problems in the engineering of suitable exposure systems, in ensuring biocompatible exposure devices, and in evaluation of experimental data for physical and biological artifacts.

Studies of yeast cell growth by a team of German scientists over the past 15 years using athermal millimeter wave fields have shown that growth appears finely "tuned" to applied field frequencies around 42 GHz, with successive peaks and troughs at intervals of about 10 MHz. In recent studies, they noted that the sharpness of the tuning increases as the intensity of the imposed field decreases; but the tuning peak occurs at the same frequency when the field intensity is progressively reduced. Moreover, clear responses occur with incident fields as weak as 5 picowatts/cm^2.

In a recent synthesis emphasizing nonthermal interactions of EM fields with cellular systems, Grundler et al. [1992] present models of the sequence of EM field transductive coupling, based on magnetic field-dependent chemical reactions, including cytochrome-catalyzed reactions that involve transient radical pairs, and production of free radicals, such as reactive oxygen or nitric oxide, leading to further highly cooperative amplification step. Based on Frohlich's [1986] model of interactions between an imposed field and high-frequency (10^12 Hz) intracellular van der Pol oscillators, they conclude that "imposed fields can be active even at intensities near zero." In other words, a threshold might not exist in such a system."

-Brillouin Precursors

>> No.11341092

-Millimeter waves and the skin:
Hayut 2014 - Circular polarization induced by the three-dimensional chiral structure of human sweat ducts.
Samaras 2019 - Theoretical evaluation of the power transmitted to the body as a function of angle of incidence and polarization at frequencies >6 GHz and its relevance for standardization
Skin was modeled as either homogeneous or layered. Sweat glands and other structures were not taken into account. Coupling was calculated for various frequencies, at various incoming angles, at a constant power density of 10mW/m^2
Results showed much greater energy deposition than ICNIRP's 2018 guidelines suggested.
Neufeld 2018 - Systematic Derivation of Safety Limits for Time-Varying 5G Radiofrequency Exposure Based on Analytical Models and Thermal Dose.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30247338 https://itis.swiss/news-events/news/publications/2019/response-to-professor-fosters-comments-on-systematic-derivation-of-safety-limits-for-time-varying-5g-radiofrequency-exposure-based-on-analytical-models-and-thermal-dose/
Feldman 2008 - Human skin as arrays of helical antennas in the millimeter and submillimeter wave range.
Feldman 2009 - The electromagnetic response of human skin in the millimetre and submillimetre wave range.
Tripathi 2015 - Morphology of human sweat ducts observed by optical coherence tomography and their frequency of resonance in the terahertz frequency region
Betzalel et al 2018 - The human skin as a sub-THz receiver - Does 5G pose a danger to it or not?

>> No.11341096

Foster 2019 - Comments on Betzalel et al. "The human skin as a sub-THz receiver–Does 5G pose a danger to [skin] or not?"
Betzalel 2019 - Response to the comment of Foster et al. titled "Comments on Betzalel et al. "The human skin as a sub-THz receiver-Does 5G pose a danger to it or not?"

Millimeter wave devices have a long history of medical use in Russia and Eastern Europe, and to an extent Germany. China is now making use of it, like most of the technology the West mothballed or abandoned.

>> No.11341103

Soviet and Eastern European work (covered below) in the 60's and 70's arrived at their own issues and speculations about a role for the skin. It was observed that long term millimeter wave exposure caused broad degenerative changes in organs (including brain), demyelination of peripheral and spinal nerves with fragmentation of their axons, greatly altered enzyme (metabolic) activity in organs, and behavioral changes. And yet the bulk of the energy was thought to be absorbed within the first few mm of the skin surface. This means at least one of the following is true, the changes in deep structures of the body are downstream of stimulation of the "receptor apparatus of the skin" (nerves, sweat glands, eg integrin, etc), or that the wave penetrates further and propagates more easily than expected. Along with some later work in the USSR, modern day there's data to support both of these.

Some speculation: The entirety of the skin surface acts as a massive EM (inc mmWave) transceiver array.
In this report, children in China were able to determine characters written on folded pieces of paper using their palms, and for one child, the ear. If the report is accurate as stated, perhaps this works like mmWave airport imaging? It's known that there is a voltage difference between the hands, (probably why in many ancient systems the right hand "gives" the left "receives", relative to the left the right hand is positive), but this doesn't seem to rely on that with the single ear. Perhaps this also relates to the human ability to feel when we're being watched. If eyes generate a field of some reliably relative specific character, an animal which could detect this would be at a great survival advantage. The brain already keeps a fine grained map of the body's location in space, via this it could easily infer direction based on stimulation of the skin.

>> No.11341125

Low infrared (THz waves) could also be at work.

This is similar to a story from ancient Egypt about reading a sealed scroll without opening it.
Millimeter waves and the plasma membrane and similar structures:
Albini 2014 - Induced movements of giant vesicles by millimeter wave radiation

Albini 2019 - Movement of giant lipid vesicles induced by millimeter wave radiation change when they contain magnetic nanoparticles.
-Giant unilamellar vesicles were irradiated at 53.37 GHz, SAR was calculated 0.2 W/Kg at the center of the dish
-Their movement changed
-When iron nanoparticles were added their movement initially remained unchanged, but became "polarized" afterwards

Millimeter waves and membrane polarization:
[m][NASA] Siegel 2011 - Diagnosis and Treatment of Neurological Disorders by Millimeter-Wave Stimulation (NTRS 20110012604)
"Increasingly, millimeter waves are being employed for telecomm, radar, and imaging applications. To date in the U.S, however, very few investigations on the impact of this radiation on biological systems at the cellular level have been undertaken. In the beginning, to examine the impact of millimeter waves on cellular processes, researchers discovered that cell membrane depolarization may be triggered by low levels of integrated power at these high frequencies. Such a situation could be used to advantage in the direct stimulation of neuronal cells for applications in neuroprosthetics and diagnosing or treating neurological disorders.

>> No.11341131

indicates that low levels of RF energy may be able to trigger non-destructive membrane depolarization without direct cell contact. Such a mechanism could be used to stimulate neuronal cells in the cortex without the need for invasive electrodes as millimeter waves penetrate skin and bone on the order of 1–5 mm in depth. Although 50 GHz could not readily penetrate from the outer skull to the center of the cortex, implants on the outer skull or even on the scalp could reach the outer layer of the cerebral cortex[...]"
-Continuous wave 50 GHz was used at 5-10mW/cm2
-Lung cells and neurons in vitro
-Depolarization occurred within 30 seconds to 2 minutes
-Repolarization a few minutes later

[m][Navy]Rozzell 1984 - Bioelectromagnetics Research in West Germany An Assessment
"For several years now a number of researchers have been stimulated to look for the frequency-dependent effects predicted by Frohlich and suggested by the experiments of Webb in the US and by a group of 5oviet workers led by Smolyanskaya and Vilenskaya. Frohlich suggested that critical oscillations exist in macromolecules that determine the activity and function of the organism. It is believed that the frequencies of these oscillations lie roughly between 100 and 1000 GHz. It is reasonable to conjecture that functional activities occurring at the macromolecular level depend on critical, and perhaps matching, oscillations being present at the right place and time for a given reaction to occur. Such oscillations might be finely tuned and "metastable," in which case small inputs of energy to one or both halves could cause disruption in the progress of the function or reaction. Frohlich and others actually postulate that there is a type of threshold or limit cycle in metabolic excitation of large-amplitude vibrations."

>> No.11341133

-Eastern Europe, Soviet and Russian work
[m][Studies in Soviet Science] Pathological Effects of Radio Waves (1973) - Mariya Sergeevna Tolgskaya, Zinaida Vasil’evna Gordon
Includes a section on low intensity mmWave exposure and images of such exposures.
-Wistar rats and CBA mice were irradiated with 5-8 mm waves (59.95 - 37.47 GHz) at 1 mW/cm2, 15 minutes per day for 60 days

-mmWaves propagate readily through the extracellular space
-They travel along the surface of the plasma membrane
-Free H+ aids this.
-Irradiation caused broad degenerative changes and functional decrements in most organ systems.
-This is supported by human occupational exposure studies.
-Irradiation caused the formation of "temporary structures" on the plasma membrane that can remain long after irradiation has ceased.
-These altered the cell's signaling characteristics.
-The function and longevity of these structures could be enhanced via "the addition of fine, conductive thread-like filaments."

Changes in bacterial behavior

>> No.11341139

[m][Symposium, Moscow] 1998 - Electromagnetic fields biological effects and hygienic standardization
Page 171: Betskii - On the sensitivity of living organisms to superweak electromagnetic waves in the millimetre range
Page 429: Ushakov - Cooperative influence of the circularly polarised millimeter waves and EtBr on E.Coli cells

Belyaev 2000 - Nonthermal Effects of Extremely High-Frequency Microwaves on Chromatin Conformation in Cells in vitro — Dependence on Physical,Physiological, and Genetic Factors

-mmWave Weapon Systems
Active Denial, crowd control

-Body scanners, surveillance, remote sensing, smart dust

Sub-GHz components and LED Streetlights:
LED streetlights are an optical hazard due to:
-Spectral content, particularly blue light
-Potential for coherence after a certain distance
[springer link detected as spam]
-In some cases pulsed / square wave modulated light

The blue light (440-450nm) component
-Permanently destroys the photoreceptors in the eye.
-Suppresses melatonin synthesis. Lack of melatonin and poor sleep is involved in most forms of disease, including cancers and degenerative disease, and permanently lowered fertility especially in prepubescent females.
-Measurable brain damage in a few studies (animal models) due to the above and other functional changes triggered by blue light (time of day signal) in brain activity and metabolism. This was also present with fluorescent lights to a lesser degree.

>> No.11341142

Thielens 2018 - Exposure of Insects to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields from 2 to 120 GHz
[nature]Halverson 1999 - Microwave and millimeter wave method and apparatus for controlling insects in stored-products

(High voltage) power lines, etc
Shepherd 2019 - Increased aggression and reduced aversive learning in honey bees exposed to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields.

LED streetlights suppress nighttime pollinators
[m]_Blue light, LEDs, lighting.txt

Nature's machinery has traditionally provided the bulk and basis of human GDP, automatically, for free. That way of things will be coming to a close as we become more efficient at destroying our own life support systems. Pollinator loss is spreading, the (inevitably short lived) era of crop pollination by hand began in some areas of China some time ago. Aquatic and terrestrial insect populations overall have plummeted. Bird and amphibian populations are dropping in turn.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2018/10/15/hyperalarming-study-shows-massive-insect-loss/ (Old news stated as new news)
This is a matter of total toxic load, but also some aspects of specific toxicity. Radiofrequency transmissions are one such very specific toxin for insects.

When it comes right down to it, when in human history have we ever had massive, near omnipresent contamination with a lethal toxin, that could all be cleaned up with the mere press of a button. The flip of a switch. Cutting the power to these towers. That is a near ideal case, but if we keep accepting the current direction of embedding this more and more into common infrastructure, where is it leading? What is it all even for?

>> No.11341150
File: 60 KB, 733x717, spam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It thinks one of these is spam and I don't care enough to figure it out.

>> No.11341151

Why does everything new leave us more and more fucked?

>> No.11341152
File: 216 KB, 894x669, USSR, 1960-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's long been suspected that bird feathers could act as antennas, or facilitate some other form of transduction.
[m][Symposium, Virginia Commonwealth] 1969 - Biological Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radiation
Page 185: JA Tanner, C Romero-Sierra - Bird feathers as sensory detectors of microwave fields
Bigu-del-Blanco 1975 - The properties of bird feathers as converse piezoelectric transducers and as receptors of microwave radiation. I. Bird feathers as converse piezoelectric transducers.
Bigu-del-Blanco 1975 - The properties of bird feathers as converse piezoelectric transducers and as receptors of microwave radiation. II. Bird feathers as dielectric receptors of microwave radiation.


And that's it for the 5G section. 4chan strips the formatting so it's a bit of a wall of text.

>> No.11341154

try removing the news.com one

>> No.11341170
File: 186 KB, 889x626, USSR, 1960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't really matter at the outset, what's important is correcting our course. In attempting to do so, the system and the drivers of change, will reveal more of its underlying nature as it tries to respond.

some people think it's man's folly, money, and chaos. Some think it's factional at the top. Some think it's a monolith, In any case, everything sucks all the time because the general model and mindset used to solve problems, and weigh value and risk, is defective. And should have been uprooted a long time ago.

>> No.11341181

Well, it's all in the link in the OP anyway.


>> No.11341198
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>> No.11341212
