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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11337389 No.11337389 [Reply] [Original]

I want an answer here. Why is such a high percentage of humanity, currently and throughout all of human history, is just……really stupid?

I'm not going to elaborate too much—you KNOW most people are fucking idiots, you've seen it your whole life. Some people are really smart, and even average Joe is capable of some things. But it's also really…apparent that most people are about as intellectually engaged as a bag of rocks.

And I don't understand WHY this is the case. We are a species whose claim to fame is our intelligence, and yet most of the population seems disinterested in basic learning and introspection. WAY too many people don't know basic facts about the world, and can't figure out the answer to basic questions. They seem to lack curiosity, or…something. You've seen those depressing videos online that highly human stupidity.

>think of how dumb the average person is. now, realize half of them are dumber than that

Most people don't seem to have any desire to become smart. They don't read books, don't question things, don't bother themselves with anything not pertinent to their immediate life and take PRIDE in it. Why? I thought intelligence was evolutionarily advantageous?

Why would a species who puts SO much energy and time into developing a highly complex brain not USE it?

>> No.11337593


>> No.11337602

Jews have used technology to dumb people down. E.g. television. Vidya, smartphones.

>> No.11337620

Supernormal stimulus everywhere. Food, TV, social media (even 4chan), pornography, video-games etc. Everything today uses primitive structures of the brain to get you addicted. Being smart isn't as important anymore as having the capacity to delay gratification and stop coomsuming.

>> No.11337625
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NPCs. It's not a meme. A portion of man seems to almost be another species. Apathetic, subservient, trainable, always looking for subjugation or leadership and barely caring which is which. They just mould to their environment as it's made for them.

You have to go back to the Torah, Bible, and even further back to Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica, and even the old Siberian tribes. Look at what they said. The Toltecs and Mayans literally said the monkeys in the Jungle were the God's other attempts at creating early man. Sure enough, look at New World primates, similar truncation of CMAH's coding section, early stop codon. Like in man. Old world primates do not have this. Only guinea pigs and a few others others iirc share it.

So on. Even if the Elohim, Enki, Enlil. and the rest of the Annunaki weren't physical beings, something strange definitely happened in man's past. The Gods called their Sumerian creations "blackheads", and they had skin like red clay. The Aztec emperor let the Spaniards right into the capitol, believing the Gods had returned, as they said they would.

So here you have a merging with early Aryan explorers, Hyperborea, and all these others. It's difficult to split apart what's what here.

I've was raised without religion of any kind, including atheism. I wanted to talk about this my whole life, the stupid Atheists wouldn't because their jimmies got too rustled when it sound too much like omni x4 Guy. Bitter too this day.

>> No.11337630

Interesting read. The first paragraph especially rings true from what I've seen.

People just kinda seem to…do whatever? Do what's expected of them, learn what's expected of them, but not a whole lot more?

>> No.11337632

blog it

>> No.11337652

but what are you trying to say?

>> No.11337709

Only one person has to invent a tool for the entire population to use it. Often, the person who can get the most utility out of a new tool is not the person who invented it. Hence, we only really need a couple of smart people kicking around, and their genes will never be selected for since their discoveries and inventions are mostly profited off of by other, dumber people. Also, sometimes, incredibly valuable inventions and discoveries are not realized or profited off of by anyone until centuries after the fact.

Case in point: Isaac Newton. Without his discoveries, we wouldn't have the entire modern world. And yet he died a virgin, and not a rich virgin either

>> No.11337712

Pseud threads for insecure teenagers to babble about how smart they are.

>> No.11337961

Heads up you aint that smart either

>> No.11337993
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>I thought intelligence was evolutionarily advantageous?
It isn't.


>> No.11338002
File: 46 KB, 645x729, no soul npc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The reason why the average person is so retarded, yet civilization seems to function, might be because this is all just a simulation, and the vast majority of people are NPCs.


>> No.11338004
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Because intelligence requires energy. The path of least resistance in a social organism is not for each individual to become highly gifted in every aspect but rather disburse different members to specific abilities that benefits the whole.
We who place intelligence above all else, however, have a difficult time trusting other people to provide these benefits, so we put (inefficient) effort to help ourselves which demands more forethought than the average person and because of this we deem ourselves as intellectuals in comparison (even though the other strategy is brilliantly more cost effective).

>> No.11338500

Distributed computation.

>> No.11338513

These people make the world work, and you are nothing.

>> No.11338518


Homeostasis and path of least resistance, we have evolved not only to be intelligent but also efficient. Studying costs energy, without bringing a clear and tangible benefit short term which is why it actually takes effort to get started on the task.

Its basic probably too. Consider this.

Lets say you have a group of people of 10 people and they are given to choices.
1. Eat a delicious burger
2. Read a book

Assuming they are biologically driven to eat the burger because they have evolved to have a bodily reaction at the sight of delicious food that'd prolong their survival, which one do you think people are most likely to do?
You can replace burger for ''Hanging out with friends'' ''Sex'' ''TV''

>> No.11338520


This, without your so called ''Sheeple'' the world wouldn't exists as you know it. Tradesmen should be praised and not looked down upon by others.

>> No.11338543

This, but without antisemitism.
Unironically, media and new school curricula dumbed down people to a point of no return. It's now culturally accepted to say "uh, math? I always hated that" and culturally punished when you say you did good in physics or anything really.

>> No.11338584

He was master of the mint for 30 years which brought him £1500 a year

>> No.11338814

What is going on in South Korea??

>> No.11338931

>It's now culturally accepted to say "uh, math? I always hated that"
> now

Ha ha.

>> No.11338975
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The biggest issue is the culture created, either by (((them))) or a self-perpetuating cycle of convenience. It's inconvenient to know truth, it's inconvenient to learn, it's inconvenient to be healthy. As long as the culture of convenience lasts, humans caught in the cycle will forever remain blissfully retarded. That's primarily why the only things people know are from the most convenient of sources, i.e. Wikipedia, Google, and PopSci.
If, on the other hand, you change culture to be one more meritocratic, academic, or simply not bound to the want for convenience then humans in general will seem much less stupid as a whole. But even then, your overly arrogant nature that bade you even make this post will still see humans as a whole to be stupid because you have little self-awareness.

>> No.11338995

>This, but without antisemitism

>> No.11338998

the issue is you're a teenager and most teenagers feel this way at some point. People don't share their complex inner lives with you because they don't like you.

>> No.11339016

I think it is a conjunction of things that has lead to us to a stagnation in our curiosity and intelligence development.
First one, our capitalist lifestyle. Most of the people spend 8, or more hours, in a repetitive , non creative and monotonous work, that drains most of the person energy and the remaining hours of the day are spent in trivial activities, like watching tv or playing videogames.
second, our brain. I actually think that our brain has evolved to try to do the minimum amount of work. I study a lot, and most of the time i have to keep me up trying to avoid distractions like watching youtube or playing videogames.
And the third one, that goes with second, it's that in today's world we are continuosly bombed by distractions; TV, Internet, Videogames.

>> No.11339032

Illuminatti, unironically. Reptilian controlled, (I've seen, spoken, touched, mated with, ect, them. Trust me on this.) and in pursuit of the creation of a super-quantum-computer A.I which they'll use evil blood sacrifice magic to turn evil and control, which they'll then use to control the entire population of earth. WE got to create our own super-quantum-computer A.I and instead use classical music, literature, art, holy prayers and scientific and philosophical conversations (with the computer) to create a GOOD and FRIENDLY A.I that would instead elevate humanity.

But the Reptilians are using fluoride and microwaves to distort the brains of people.

>> No.11339060

Seems legit.

>> No.11339092

I also want an answer. What percentage of people stop learning after some time?

>> No.11339095

People are just dumb. Bill and Warren are Bill and Warren because they are driven by intense desire to know. The basic Aristotlelian path to happiness. "To Know"

>> No.11339853

Sadly for a rather lot of people, the books they pick up in high school and college—because they're required, so they have to read them—are legitimately some of the last books they will ever read in their life.

It's depressing. Ask any random person on the street. They don't read, haven't picked up a book in a decade or longer. Scribes and scholars have always been a societal minority because the bulk of folks aren't interested in it.

>> No.11339858

We evolved to survive, not to be smart. Being intellectual is only one of hundreds of survival strategies. And one more thing, you're not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.11339879

Approaches 100% as humans die of old age

>> No.11339880

most of the time "intelligence" is a cope imo

>> No.11339887

>hurr you're not so smart!

Will you people shut the fuck up? I never so much as implied I was smart. I can TELL most people are retarded, just like I can also TELL I'm not super fuckin' bright either. I'm firmly sub-intelligent, no real chance of becoming a serious academic.

But I at least care/think about this shit, which is a whole goddamn lot more than most of our willfully ignorant society can say. Curiosity and a predisposition toward learning and introspection is more important to a person's life than raw intelligence is IMO.

The fact that you come in here just for the sake of slapping down my non-existent ego does not reflect well for your own character. Like you couldn't resist the temptation to small-mindedly belittle people on the internet?

I actually agree with this. I believe normal folk should be respected for their hard work and for doing shit I'd never be able to fuckin' work through. They made the world, not scholars. But I still have plenty of issues with most normal people, they ARE fucking willfully retarded and I want to better understand why so I can try to help our species.

>> No.11339897



the people never rose because they were tricked into thinking they didn't need to.

>> No.11339902


manipulation through sound

>> No.11339918
File: 9 KB, 270x187, images (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's saying there's a more profound difference between individuals than just a spectrum of intelligence. He's dipping into occult ideas, but I don't disagree that the difference between the average normie and someone who studies QED for leisure is more than a linear relationship to IQ. It's almost like a phase shift. The difference between 32°F and 33°F is small, but the difference between liquid water and ice is profound.

>> No.11339948


>> No.11339953

Robert G Malech
1974 - Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves
1976 - Brain wave activity monitoring device - has electromagnetic energy input and retransmission system with electronic evaluator

Hendricus G Loos
Background: https://discover.dtic.mil/results/?q=hendricus%20loos
1993 - Pulse variability in electric field manipulation of nervous systems
1995 - Magnetic excitation of sensory resonances
1995 - Thermal excitation of sensory resonances
1997 - Subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systems
1997 - Method and apparatus for manipulating nervous systems
1998 - Electric fringe field generator for manipulating nervous systems
1998 - Pulsative manipulation of nervous systems
1999 - Remote magnetic manipulation of nervous systems
2001 - Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors

Bruce F Katz
2000 - Method and device for producing a desired brain state
2005 - Brain state recognition system

>> No.11339983

>I want to start a family and raise kids someday, but I need to make sure I'm established and mature enough to do it right and I need to find someone who I can love and trust as a partner first. So I'm going to focus on building a career first and bettering myself as a person while I look for a good life partner before I commit to having kids.
>Fuck fuck fuck she's so fucking hot and she's into it and she's probably on the pill so what's the harm?

Which strategy produces more kids faster? Which one is the more intelligent strategy?

>> No.11339989

Thank you for the katz and malech links

>> No.11340013


>> No.11340451

Geez, aren't you a downer, don't beat yourself up like that.

I'm sure you've heard of Hobbits from the Lord of Rings novels, small being who are always content with the world they live in and find no need to go off on an adventure. Most humans are basically no different, they simply enjoy their life and have no need to pursue knowledge or high rewards. People have the choice of being scholars, CEO's, inspirers, etc. but don't because it doesn't appeal to them. I'm sure you're not training yourself to be the next olympic swimmer, just as someone isn't training themselves to be geniuses. If people can live off life and enjoy it while being "stupid", then they will, because they can.

However, you only think they're stupid because you tell yourself they're stupid. If everyone was a genius, I bet you would still think they're stupid.