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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11337298 No.11337298 [Reply] [Original]

This is straight up denialism and you stop calling us retarded for warning you idiots that this is a big deal. Its the big one.

>> No.11337302
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>> No.11337306
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>Its the big one.

>> No.11337317

>believing the msm and Chinese govt.
Good goy. Saddam had wmds, Assad gasses his people and vaccines don't cause autism

>> No.11337324

>USA Iran conflict
>Betelgeuse acting up
Yeah, I'm thinking we are fucked.

>> No.11337336

I acknowledge these facts. You're still a low IQ impressionable kid who thinks the world is like Plague Inc and that it is about to end. Calm down your autism faglord.

>> No.11337337

>to the chinese it's just as a harsh flu but after a short incubation period all other races will fall like flies.
It's over the Chinese finally did it.

>> No.11337340

>meanwhile in 2014
>By downplaying the Ebola virus you are being complacent This is straight up denialism and you stop calling us retarded for warning you idiots that this is a big deal. Its the big one.

>> No.11337342

>It’s totally gonna destroy the world!!!1111

Just like Ebola, yeah. Oh, and Jesus is coming back tomorrow
Reminder that while retards cry about slightly more annoying SARS, malaria kills a million people a year.

>> No.11337348

Epidemic denialists at this point that are also climate change hysterics is the greatest irony.

>> No.11337366

>no evidence of major incident
>lots of evidence of major incident


>> No.11337374

Why do frogs consistently make the worst threads? Not even memeing. With the except of that one (1) single anon who posts in /mg/, I've never seens a frogposter talk about science or math here. Ever.

>> No.11337546

If you want to die so badly why not just kill yourself?

>> No.11337560

They always make the worst threads on every board. They're extremely low IQ so whenever they need to make a thread they can't think of an image to use, so they go to google and type in "pepe" because they think that is the 4chan mascot. That's why you always see filenames like "download (1).jpg" in the OP. He thinks he's fitting in but is too stupid to realize he's giving himself away. All frog threads are like this.

>> No.11338031

I'm just trying to keep you retards informed. Can you be informed or you just going to be in la la land? Continue downplaying it I'm sure it will work oh wait it won't. You won't be so skeptical and making fun of me and calling me a basedboy when tens of millions of you in the United States and around the world are going to be dead. Expect a billion to be dead by the end of the year.

>> No.11338285


Cringe and unscientific.

>> No.11338296

>I'm just trying to keep you retards informed.
How? The only thing you niggers are even remotely correct about is that China is probably lying. Other than that it's conspiracies and HABBEDINGZ. How about you show us some evidence that it's actually that bad.

>Expect a billion to be dead by the end of the year.
So within a year you expect 1/6th of the global population to be dead? Despite there yet having to be a single casualty outside of China with at least 6 confirmed recoveries? Alright, let's zoom in on this: how did you get this billion number? That's a pretty big number to pull straight out of your ass so obviously you have an airtight reasoning that got you to this number that would make this corona outbreak over 113636 times worse than SARS. Also, what's the spread going to be? Don't tell me you expect me to believe literally all of China is going to die, so what are we looking at? A quarter in China, with the other three quarters of a billion in the rest of the world?

>> No.11339131

Do the math you retards. Okay not a billion but expect hundreds of millions dead by the end of the year. 1/4 of those who get it will develop severe illness. At this rate you can expect the death toll to be 500,000 by now and 1,000,000 infected. But go ahead keep shilling for the ccp and the msm media. Go goy and good comrade. Its alot worse than what they say. Its the big one. Downplaying complacent fags.

>> No.11339135

The frog has been a retard logo for years now

>> No.11339137

we don't wanna die, we just want our prepping efforts to bear fruit

>> No.11339147

>Okay not a billion but expect hundreds of millions dead by the end of the year
>t. too young to remember swine flu, bird flu, SARs, the like 5 ebola scares, etc.
You're an underage b& and a newfag. Damn.

>> No.11339173

Likelihood that you'll die from malaria/car crash etc isn't changing and is well known, this isn't. Precautionary principle makes sense.

>> No.11339201

Frogposters are racists

>> No.11339204

This is spreading way faster than SARS you fucking redditcuck

>> No.11339206


You're just a seething libtard.

>> No.11339218

This, Hillary Clinton and the ADL identified it as a neo-nazi hate symbol. The Nazis were really stupid, their scientists were terrible. No, NASA wasn't run by a Nazi rocket scientist, those are hatefacts spread by far right anti jewish Nazis like Alex Jones.

>> No.11339221

>le reddit
nu 4chan

>> No.11339818

and then what? are you trying to infer you care about our health and well-being? far from it. you don't give a rat's ass about us, you just are looking for approval to get hysterical over nothing. that bs doesn't work. whenever the apocalypse rolls around, I'm sure in the aftermath you'll be king and will find out who we all are and will divvy out our punishments accordingly for not respecting your opinion earlier. fuck you and fuck your virus. go to work, retard. take care of your family. do something meaningful instead of harass other people for not buying into your hype.

>> No.11339840

Is it really so hard for people to accept that a virus outbreak is very serious, but isn't a world/civilization ending threat?

>> No.11339869

If it's the big one my chances of survival are totally out of my hands, I live in an urban area. All I can do is hold my loved ones close and pray. Otherwise I'm going to continue to be a good worker drone and produce for society. Being a survivalist "man on an island" won't serve my society.

>> No.11340098
File: 385 KB, 750x1032, 9AE161F7-F5CC-444C-9D1B-D9261932FB7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malaria kills far less than a million per annum and its because of the extreme measures to combat it. But here you are calling for the ignorance of medical issues

>> No.11340100

Coronavirus will be someone nobody talks about/thinks about in 12 months' time. Mark my fucking words.

>> No.11340102

But malaria kills those in shitholes who can't treat it.

We don't have any treatment for corona

>> No.11340108

>dude it doesnt kill a million it kills a half a million!
so do you have an argument or what

>> No.11340120

>It only kills half a million!

Coronavirus hasn’t even infected half a million people yet and the infection rate is already plateauing.

>> No.11340212

>and the infection rate is already plateauing
proofs? Because I thought it just jumped a thousand in one or two days.

>> No.11340234

>doesnt know the difference between the first and second time derivative

>> No.11340246

>Expect a billion to be dead by the end of the year.

I fucking cant lmao. You realize that irl isnt like resident evil right?

>> No.11340247

being honest about the death rate =/= downplaying it

>> No.11340249

I don't, it'd be nice if you explained it rather than condescendingly greentexting.

>> No.11340252

>please spoonfeed me high school math

>> No.11340261

f’’(x) is the rate of change of the slope of f(x), when this begins to plateau you are approaching an inflection point where the slope will likely begin to decrease as the total number of infections hits its maximum, eventually of course the virus burns itself out and this number decreases towards zero. He’s saying that if there were a pandemic the infection rate would increase dramatically from day to day, an increase in total infections does not indicate that the virus is out of control you would have to not understand exactly this to think that.

>> No.11340273

It's only a problem if they start deploying it in the chemtrails. Even then, I have goldenseal, vitamin C, etc.

>> No.11340282

This is an astute observation about the frog menace.

>> No.11340285

Exactly, because everyone will be dead by then.

>> No.11340288

fucking schizo

>> No.11340295

Damn, /sci/ really has no sense of humor. I was being sarcastic you sperg.

>> No.11340317

Niggas played plague inc and think that a pandemic spread is just like in the game. No, virus don't mutate accordingly to how humanity reacts, infection rates are not strictly exponential and countries have far more several countermeasures that just closing borders.