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11337078 No.11337078 [Reply] [Original]

How advanced do you expect first world cultures to be by 2040? Do you expect a technological singularity by then?

>> No.11337144


I am hoping for complete catecholamines and hormonal regulations you can implant on yourself and play around like an ECU on your car. Want bigger balls? Up goes LH
Need more focus?
Up goes Dopamine and Noradrenaline

I don't know what I am saying by the way, I am a brainlet

>> No.11337163

We've reached a downward inflection point in technological progress (following the slow down in scientific progress decades ago). We're approaching tech progress = sin(π) and we'll start rolling backward in the next few years.

>> No.11337187

Fusion still not developed, resources starting to run out for real, slow technological scaleback beginning a process that will eventually lead to permanent middle ages

>> No.11337188

low hanging fruit all gone, its a grind for diminishing returns now

>> No.11337194

>Do you expect a technological singularity by then?
Its possible but I don't expect it.
20 years ago technology was pretty shit. I would have never predicted that everyone would have a cell phone capable of streaming hd video from netflix over the cell network. So its possible adoption and advancement of things like self driving cars will happen just as quick. There will probably be things like drone delivery, that deliveries to wherever your cell phone is. You could be sitting on the beach and order a hat and a drone brings it right to you. The majority of jobs will probably be automated and there will be a basic income for everyone. Several companies, amazon, walmart, microsoft, are working on checkoutless stores, where you just walk in, pick up an item, and walk out, then your account gets billed. I imagine that becoming the norm, even in small shops. I don't expect AGI or a singularity in 20 years, but its a definite possibility. I epect major breakthrough in medicine cause by AI though, new drugs dicovered by AI, faster and more accurate diagnosis, treatments monitored and adjusted by AI, etc.

>> No.11337206

>How advanced do you expect first world cultures to be by 2040?
Genetic engineering has widespread useage, genetic engineered babies become socailly acceptable
Robotic and AI is not on a human level yet but have become smarter.
Nanomachines have advanced a lot, it is used in average medical operations and carbon nanoweave is now mass-produced
Fusion was achieved and DEMOS makes it commerically avaible but widespread useage will need 20 years to implement it on a global scale.

>> No.11337207

Imagine if the continent of Africa got its shit together and industrialised instead of lagging behind in nearly every metric. The potential is enormous - a continent of billions with immense natural resources. If Africa got its shit together I truly think strong AI would be around in 15 years. As it is, only America, China and some European countries are pushing humanity into the AI revolution.

>> No.11337214
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, asteroids.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expect we'll still be working on getting permanent settled anywhere in space. Cancer will be cured through gene editing, but be prohibitively expensive for the average person. Cars will be 99% automated, but still have drivers at the wheel for the simple fact of liability. There will have been no population crisis or job automation crisis, people just move towards "micro-jobs." Retards like >>11337163 will still manage to convince themselves they stand on the precipice of apocalypse, exactly like every other pessimist in history. We solve our big problems and our small problems become the big problems of the next generation.

>> No.11337227

>>11337214 will still manage to convince themselves they stand on the precipice of a golden age, exactly like every other optimist in history. We fail to solve our big problems and our small problems become the big problems of the next generation.

>> No.11337237

maybe, just maybe gene editing will allow the production of enough geniuses that we can simply brute force it?

>> No.11337241

it's cute when you try to turn it around like that, but hopefully you realize how wrong it is when you write it down

>> No.11337252

We have more high IQ people just by sheer population and more of them doing STEM than ever thanks government funding and pushing STEM in schools, and yet science and tech have slowed to a crawl compared to decades ago.

>> No.11337255

Why don't you teleport back in time from 2040 to today in your Space Tesla and let me know how it's going.

>> No.11337567
File: 76 KB, 1500x750, 1A6F01A9-822C-407D-97CD-60022BEE52F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apple glasses
Level 4 self-driving

No singularity though

>> No.11337935

"the golden age of humanity"retarded optimist BTF0

>> No.11337983


No offense but you sound like someone that has never been to Africa, and actually think these people have a hope if you inject them enough money for infrastructure.

>> No.11338470 [DELETED] 
File: 505 KB, 900x1046, refugees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There won't be any first world nations by 2040
