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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11330726 No.11330726 [Reply] [Original]

Got 3 Ds last semester because I wanted to be an alcoholic druggie sophomore, how do i ever recover from this shit. 2 of them were in classes from my major (CS) and one was math. Should I retake them now (and risk not getting an A, heard a non-A retake looks even worse) or do I still have a chance at grad school if I get all As from now on (yes i'll commit social suicide if that's what it takes).

>> No.11330739

Sorry, you're fucked. Might as well an hero.

>> No.11330740

Just retake them and do better this time. No one is going to care.

>> No.11330742

Just retake them

>> No.11331030

That kinda puts me behind though, one of these classes is a prereq for another important class. I guess I could take that class along with retaking the prereq though.
Is retaking and getting a grade lower than an A really that bad?

>> No.11331037

If you can't maintain at least a 3.5 while being an alcoholic degenerate, you have no hope. Try a business degree program instead.

>> No.11331084

you don't deserve to go to grad school