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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11327699 No.11327699 [Reply] [Original]

what would be the most "sexist" and "masculinist" study to conduct?

>> No.11327714
File: 171 KB, 400x400, d2e9ee9c78ee996a3093242cf5885bb9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>article from over a year ago that nobody read written by a literal who

>> No.11327718

>Doctor Susan Goldsteinberg

sounds legit

>> No.11327723

>education system largely designed and run by women
>women thrive the most in it
I've always found throughout my years that while girls in my classes would have better grades and complete all their assignments and that kind of shit, they never actually understood the material and they weren't able to think outside of the box.

>> No.11327763

How to prison break The Unabomber.

>> No.11327766

Why bridges and buildings built by women keep collapsing

>> No.11327777

She's very well known in her field, almost as much as Dr Shekelbergowitzsteinoff

>> No.11327780

Jesus fucking christ, is this real?

>Dr goldsteinberg
Color me surprised

>> No.11327794

Do they not recognise the irony? if men have it so easy why are suicides so high?

>> No.11327796
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>> No.11327829

top kek

>> No.11327840

nice get Dr. Psychiatrist Rabbi Schlomowitcz. maybe I'll give those pills a try after all...

>> No.11327866

That goes into the larger issue of women not being able to be fascinated by anything academic-related. All they care about is the bare minimum cultural norms. Why do you think Harvard didn’t let women in until the 70s? They knew that women are only superficially motivated and struggle to think critically.

>> No.11327879

have sex

>> No.11327888

what the fuck is wrong with you to want to put your peen there?

>> No.11327913

holy fuck

>> No.11327943
File: 166 KB, 1024x721, 38937E2E-D853-46AB-BA52-45E46D14834E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy fuck

>> No.11327977

anons dont be distracted by picrelated
answer my question please
t. op

>> No.11327979


>> No.11327982

Why women hit the wall so fast and waste so much money on beauty products.

>> No.11327999

Sex is overrated
t. Circumcised

>> No.11328000

Check 'em

me' kcehC

>t. faggot

>> No.11328006

/pol/ is a blue board now. WTF happened?

>> No.11328010

>we do things better than man
That's the problem, women are childish and delusional and cognitively dissonant, and then they achieve little, believing the little they've done is a great feat of sorts

>> No.11328011

damn niggers calm down

>> No.11328018

Change the theme in the bottom

>> No.11328019

>24 posts
>9 dubs
>4 trips
>1 quad
some nerd science the odds on that one

>> No.11328021

I make the odds.

>> No.11328035

Wow, she is really excited about suicide! Women sure showed us suicidal men! Man thank god its us and not them!

>> No.11328045

So assuming 24 posts, 8/9 chance of nothing, 0.1 chance of dubs, 0.01 chance of trips, and 0.0001 chance of quads, and each being mutually exclusive, we get that 0.1^9*0.01^4*0.001*(8/9)^10 = 3*10^-22 odds for this combination compared to any other possible quantities of gets.
Naturally numbers increase at a constant rate so it's not entirely random.

>> No.11328049 [DELETED] 

this post will end in 47

>> No.11328056 [DELETED] 


>> No.11328067


>> No.11328071


>> No.11328072

Although the premise is epistemologically incorrect, I think of something like "proving that women who don't pursue education or careers and live as housewives are happier"

>> No.11328074
File: 110 KB, 974x650, mindj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That nigga God or something?

>> No.11328077

must be a bug I'm off by 1

>> No.11328078

>only 20% of males age 20-30 are having regular sex
>while it's over 80% for females in the same age group

>> No.11328081
File: 79 KB, 656x537, cap-dejavu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11328086

>can't recognize obvious satire
You're like a woman.

>> No.11328088


Just normal magic

>> No.11328094

Yeah, basically it is much more likely to happen wherever quads have already been. This means the digits beget digits as science has verified and the prophecy foretold.

>> No.11328144

it has already been done https://archive.is/owXYA

>> No.11328227

What's going on with all these gets holy shit

>> No.11328233

Strange mods tonight.

>> No.11328262

implying that there is such thing as "the wall"

>> No.11328270

>Women do all the work in society
>Men sit back and relax all day
I guess feminism wasn't a super bad idea kek

>> No.11328315

Did u miss the real news related to math being too white?

>> No.11328399
File: 148 KB, 744x1024, tylko mezczyzni placa podatki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
