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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1 KB, 58x48, pic-selected-200123-1153-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11325677 No.11325677 [Reply] [Original]

lads how do I write the Q symbol on paper? R and Z are easy and all but Q requires effort

>> No.11325767
File: 127 KB, 619x566, 20200123_204158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this

>> No.11325795

>3 strokes
just give up now

>> No.11325800

post yours then faggot

>> No.11325803

Not OP, but how does one write [math]\mathbb{H}[/math]?

>> No.11325819
File: 183 KB, 979x720, q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks extremely gay when I do it with one stroke tbqh.

>> No.11325830

>starting from the top

>> No.11325832

How you guys do N?

>> No.11325851

I do an N and then add a little line.

>> No.11325859

Wrote the N-word and delete the igger.

>> No.11325872

This is essentially what I do.
I write the N and then an extra vertical on the left leg. Double diagonal is WRONG.

>> No.11325875

Anyone else do blackboard Z by writing a 7 and then another 7 rotated 180 degrees?

>> No.11325886


>> No.11325893


>> No.11325895

yeah, this goes for N as well

wow great argument

>> No.11325970
File: 5 KB, 594x378, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clear circle first, then an inscribed oval

>> No.11325979
File: 1.01 MB, 4608x3456, 1579817759715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do it like these, randomly and interchangeable

>> No.11325996
File: 41 KB, 249x249, 1556850177904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I write $\mathbb{Q}$ compile it, and then print it on paper.

[eqn]\boldsymbol{Q} . \boldsymbol{E} . \boldsymbol{D}[/eqn]

>> No.11325999

>STEMfags have to write in a fancy fucking font
t. Philosophy major

>> No.11326007

We have to write in fancy fonts because people will actually read our useful and meaningful work, unlike your useless ramblings.

>> No.11326017


Autistic math puzzles are not useful nor are they meaningful, they're just a fun way to pass the time. I can assure you that more people read academic philosophy and popular philosophy (even though these two are frequently equally useless) than read the latest math paper. t. math grad/philosophy minor

>> No.11326124

Double line on the tail is the secret way.

>> No.11326556

This is how I write it.

>> No.11326559

I literally just write the characters $\mathbb{Q}$ on the paper.

>> No.11326597
File: 26 KB, 1173x388, Ns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you guys confirm that most guys find the guys that does the diagonal are smug and annoying? Especially when they are calling people out on "doing it wrong"? If I am doing a talk, will I increase my likabiliy on my talks if I do the vertical? What about doing the left vertical? What about mirroring the N? What is the best N for reducing smugness?

>> No.11326602

The humble yet practical way is to draw an N and then scratch a vertical line directly down the middle of that N.

>> No.11326632

[math] \displaystyle
\boxed{ \mathbb{T} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{S} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{O} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{H} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{C} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{R} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{Q} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{Z} \;
\boxed{ \mathbb{N}}}}}}}}}}

>> No.11326661

Tell us more about T, S, O, H

>> No.11326697


>> No.11326712

that's it? you just add 1 to the lower sets of numbers?

>> No.11327200


>> No.11327223

H = Hamilton's quaternions, simple central algebra of dimension 4 afaik (non-commutative)
what the fuck is TSO though, brainlet here

>> No.11327227
File: 5 KB, 750x486, nigggerfaggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop masturbating with your handwriting, only autistic brainlets care

>> No.11327229

>posts on /sci/
>isn't autistic brainlet
Nice try fag

>> No.11327233

We're not talking about a regular Q here. It's meant to be a hand-written boldface Q.

>> No.11327314


>> No.11327349

anything after Q does not exist
in fact N does not exist for high iq people like the ones who reject induction.

>> No.11327370

>Q does not exist
pathetic low iQ post

>> No.11327509

When you graduate kindergarten this shit is important you fucking autist

>> No.11327784

naturals: write |\ then starting below the first diagonal do \|
integers: 7 then starting before the first diagonal go /_
rationals: write Q three times on top of each other

if you dont do it like this nobody will ever respect you

>> No.11327933

>This is the kind of people that post on /sci/

Good lord.

>> No.11328060

Thank you, Anon! I will put this on my fridge.

>> No.11328069

black board bold shouldn't be curly, that's for the calligraphic Q

>> No.11328079

Octonions, sedenions

T no idea I don't think 32 dimensional Caley Dickson construction would ever be used if that's what OP meant

>> No.11328285

right one looks 3D in a wierd way

>> No.11328625

I do the left way more than the right but I taught myself most maths so the second slips out sometimes if I'm doing personal notes etc.