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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11323912 No.11323912 [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/ is there any evidence against the NoFap hypothesis? it seems pretty compelling

>> No.11323922
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There's no real counter evidence. Don't let anything stop you, king. I relapsed after 2 weeks yesterday night, I'm gonna try going for at least 3 weeks, currently on day 1.
Frequent masturbation lowers testosterone utilization https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alonso_Fernandez-Guasti/publication/6536830_Relationship_between_Sexual_Satiety_and_Brain_Androgen_Receptors/links/54b6c2970cf2e68eb27f0321/Relationship-between-Sexual-Satiety-and-Brain-Androgen-Receptors.pdf

Three weeks of abstinence increases testostorone levels https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11760788

Masturbation is associated with lower psychological health and reproductive well-being https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14681994.2019.1677883
Men who are sexually active in their 20s and 30s are more likely to develop prostate cancer https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2008.08030.x

Masturbation decreases dopamine levels https://sites.tufts.edu/emotiononthebrain/2014/11/18/postcoital-neurochemistry-the-blues-and-the-highs/

Watching porn reduces gray matter in prefrontal cortex https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/1874574

Porn addiction has similar mechanism with substance addiction https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4600144/

Making sperm shortens lifespan of male worms https://www.nytimes.com/1992/12/03/us/in-worm-at-least-making-sperm-is-found-to-shorten-a-male-s-life.html

Masturbating 3 days in a row decreases sperm count by 20% https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2054949

Increasing ejaculation frequency decreases sperm count significantly https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15497706

Prevalence of erectile dysfunction doubled between 2004 and 2013 http://cir.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Genital-Image-Sexual-Anxiety-and-Erectile-Dysfunction-Among-Young-Male-Military-Personnel.pdf

Pornography consumption is associated with mental health issues https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6327603/

>> No.11323936

hey anon thx for the info, i'm checking it

>> No.11323947

No, its objectively good to practice celibacy, we have known this for millennia.
Delete that softcore bro

>> No.11323971

based, never give up king

>> No.11324010


I use to fap all the time and not think twice about it.. I never really considered it a sin or degenerate because it was not something I would do.

It didn't make me lust after women or anything.. irl anyway.

But then I got married and had kids.
My brother got married and had kids.

We all live together with my parents simply because that's how it's always been.

But these days if I jerk off I literally become schizophrenic for a while.

Hearing voices in my head and even having visual hallucinations.

These calm and subside by themselves but they are about as predictable in tone and matter as the fapping is.

I could blame any family member or extended family member..

But in all honesty, it's some way towards a nofap hypothesis.

..I cant explain sht so I hope you understand what I'm saying.

>> No.11324182

good idea I'm hiding this thread

>> No.11325200

We have yet to find a single nofap practitioner who isn't a sub 100 iq retard so it doesn't look great so far.

>> No.11325212

Reminder that cumming on a woman's face is degeneracy.

>> No.11325232

Most acts across pornography are pretty degenerate senpai. There is nothing like cooming inside a tight, wet pussy.

>> No.11325239

>hey /sci/ is there any evidence against the NoFap hypothesis?
How about the literal billions of completely normal, functional men throughout human history who whack off all the time?

>> No.11325245
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>be lowlife depressed neet for 5+ years
>start feeling like shit, headaches, seizures etc.
>it's benign brain tumor
>surgery's long and complicated
>it goes fine, que 2 weeks reabilitation
>for whatever reason brain seem to "reset" dopamine pathways and habbits
>become revitalized and happiest i've ever been, socialization is easy and enjoyable, love is in the air., music feels like meth, don't whant to even fap anymore
>do it "once" anyway because why not
>here it fucking goes again, months of binge
>half year of porn and internet later im back to square -1 at the end of huge manic episode trying to salvage my sanity

>> No.11325255

yeah but I don't want to be a braindead normalfag

>> No.11325258

Have sex.

>> No.11325259

better stop shitting then
too mainstream

>> No.11325273

that has nothing to do with the NoFap hypothesis kys

>> No.11325277

>Three weeks of abstinence increases testostorone levels https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11760788
Abstinence from sex, not specifically masturbation.

>Men who are sexually active in their 20s and 30s are more likely to develop prostate cancer https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2008.08030.x
Sexually active means not only masturbation.

>Masturbation decreases dopamine levels https://sites.tufts.edu/emotiononthebrain/2014/11/18/postcoital-neurochemistry-the-blues-and-the-highs/
Actually investigates orgasm, not masturbation. Also a blog post.

>Watching porn reduces gray matter in prefrontal cortex https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/1874574
Study about porn, not masturbation.

>Porn addiction has similar mechanism with substance addiction https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4600144/
>Pornography consumption is associated with mental health issues https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6327603/
Studies about porn, not masturbation. Also literally all addictions have """similar""" mechanisms as substance addiction.

>Making sperm shortens lifespan of male worms https://www.nytimes.com/1992/12/03/us/in-worm-at-least-making-sperm-is-found-to-shorten-a-male-s-life.html
Worms. Also about ejaculation not masturbation.

>Masturbating 3 days in a row decreases sperm count by 20% https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2054949
>Increasing ejaculation frequency decreases sperm count significantly https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15497706
Ejaculation includes sex, not only masturbation.

There is ZERO evidence that masturbation is any worse for you than having sex. None whatsoever.

>the NoFap hypothesis
NoFap is a business: https://nofap.com/
Everything NoFap """hypothesizes""" supports their business.

>> No.11325294

Theres a mountain of evidence that porn is fucking with us, probably why theres so many trannies too

>> No.11325296

That's the point. "Don't jack off because normies do it" isn't an argument.

>> No.11325306

either addict in denial or arguing in bad faith

>There is ZERO evidence that masturbation is any worse for you than having sex. None whatsoever.
its super easy and shortcuts your pathways&behavior

>NoFap is a business
drugs and rehabs are buisiness, everything is, nothing new

>> No.11325310

>hey /sci/ is there any evidence against the NoFap hypothesis?
No, you dumb incel. It doesn't even work cause you will just cum in your sleep anyway.

>> No.11325318

Are you adding to yourself? That post said, more than once that sex is no different. Idk but placing constant unneeded demand on cell division seems a bad idea. Also bad to never use your equipment. Moderation seem a wise solution. Like once a month. That's me. But I'm not a doctor.
What? Pervert!
Didn't know there was money in it but did that come before or after the "hypothesis/movement?" Seems most old wive's tails seem to, eventually, be confirmed by science.

>> No.11325348

>Also bad to never use your equipment. Moderation seem a wise solution. Like once a month. That's me. But I'm not a doctor.
Obviously, because no doctor would ever say anything that ridiculous.
If you went to a doctor and told him you were having sex once per month he'd try to hand you a Viagra prescription.

>> No.11325355

would a nofap experiment even be legal/ethical? you would have to order a srs of men (male) to remain abstinent for pre-arranged durations, and physically verify this abstinence (i.e., 24/7 uninterrupted monitoring).

anything less would be just as shit as "nutrition" studies.

>> No.11325370

Oh, i just meant fapping. Bj every Thursday and maybe a hump every other weekend. What is the ideal coomage?

>> No.11325371

Why would it be unethical? You get some volunteers who agree to not use their dicks for a while and see what happens. It's not like you're kidnapping random strangers and locking them in chastity cages.

>> No.11325385

you can't take only volunteers. that's a biased sample, likely self-selecting and unrepresentative.

true experimentation requires manipulation, i.e., assignment.

>> No.11325393

Volunteers are the only way to do it. Any other conditions contaminate the experiment via restraint stress, observation, etc.

>> No.11325470

>get free clean state card
>still fuck it up
Bro... well truth be told I wouldn't do any better.

>> No.11325499
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>study about porn, not masturbation

>> No.11325507

>zero evidence that masturbation is in any worse for you than having sex
I remember reading somewhere that there is a spike in testosterone after sex whereas a decrease after masturbation, and also that the level of testosterone stays at 20% higher following sex. I don't remember where, but it's worth investigating

>> No.11325786
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>> No.11325821
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>> No.11325972

>Saving posts from what I presume is /pol/

>> No.11326008

t. Coomer

>> No.11326045

>Watching porn reduces gray matter in prefrontal cortex https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/1874574
this looks promising...
of course

>> No.11326062

Instead of focusing that energy into "no argument" post you could gather what you have left and actually try to refute something in those posts.

Muh /pol/ is not argument. When will you get this.

>> No.11326070 [DELETED] 

They will finally understand only after they unclamp. Until then, you just cannot reason or converse coherently with a clamp.

>> No.11326084
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Hello /sci/entists, /sp/ here. If I have masturbated for 14 years from age 10 to 24 3 times a day on average whats the likelihood that bad shit will happen to me? Or has it already happened? I don't think my cum is less volume then other peoples. any way to test at home with out a mL beaker?

>> No.11326091

If you will stop now your balls will start to produce mustard gass

>> No.11326115

What the fuck is that thing I hate it

>> No.11326119

I thought it would happen when I got to Uni
It's not looking good bros

>> No.11326153

The benefits of nofap are less the no-ejaculation and more the empowering self-control, overcoming animal desires through the avoidance of hypersexuality.

>> No.11326200
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Greetings and salutations brother /sp/, you have come to the right place to ask your questions. We finally have conclusive evidence to settle this issue one and for all. Just last November scientists at the institute of spherical studies have concluded their longitudinal study in the long term effects of abstaining from masturbation and the results show an unequivocal [math]\delta\mathcal{m}[/math] value higher than expected. These, in layman's terms, means that unless periodically emptied your balls will keep expanding and once they reach the critical point they will cause an exothermic reaction and a violent explosion.

>> No.11326217

you fapped yourself silly boy your brains probably more cum than neurons at this point boy youre FUCKED you look like that dog irl

>> No.11326232

I don't know about the science behind it. But I think exercising self control is a good thing

>> No.11326245


>> No.11326254
File: 42 KB, 357x319, prolactin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No real evidence against it at all, evidence for it comes from some limited studies and many anecdotes, which doesn't mean it is false. Do you need a double blinded RCT to see if jumping off a cliff is good for you? No just use your brain. Evidence to begin a proper clinical trial into the benefits of nofap would have to start from accumulation of clinical experience on the benefits of nofap, that will take perhaps another 10 years when the current generation of medical students become physicians who grew up with the idea of nofap.
For the mean time, you can still speculate and come up with pretty solid biochemistry and endocrinological reasoning for the benefits of nofap.

Constant ejaculation lowers the amount of dopamine that enters your anterior pituitary gland so it stops inhibiting prolactin production. Prolactin then rises, which inhibits GnRH in the hypothalamus. GnRH controls LH and FSH. LH is responsible for the regulation of testosterone in your Leydig cells in your testes. Therefore, it is theoretically possible that the rise in prolactin post-ejaculation (which has been documented) may contribute to depressive effects on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis downsteam. See pic-related.

>> No.11326449

It speaks the truth of your issues, and it is hard to face that reality. I speak from experience.

>> No.11326478

>Masturbating is immoral and leads people down the wrong path in life.
The pleasures of the flesh should be experienced only in coitus with your beloved spouse.
Makes sense. Hm.. You know maybe you have a point...
>Oh btw we cut off 15 square inches of highly erogenous prepuce when you were born, by jamming needles into your penis to break apart connective tissue then prying open your filleted infant prepuce before amputating it...
Oh gee, thanks for that. I have full confidence my infant foreskin went to line the pockets of some terrific pharmaseutical researchers. Maybe it even afforded them that yacht they always wanted.

I never even got the choice when it came to abstain from the pleasures of the flesh. What pleasures? It feels like rubbing my elbow when I masturbate. I just do it for a sleep aid.

Coming to me and telling me I shouldnt masturbate is like coming to me and telling me I shouldnt scratch my ass. Okay? Life without it doesn't make a difference. Its just something I do when Im bored that doesn't even really register as something you can consier 'pleasure'

>> No.11326486

i love how incels who suck gavin mcinnes’s dick think they can claim to know any science when in reality the entire community can’t claim even one postgraduate degree in science. those guys can’t even recruit a pathetic M.Sc. tells you how poor the people are who get duped into that shit

>> No.11326688
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>> No.11326696

I wish fapping felt so good I could binge fap for months. It literally doesn't even yield pleasure for me. Life without foreskin is a mediocre and bland one.

>> No.11327195
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This, /sci/ is the gigacoomer. His dick has eroded away, but he still needed a way to coom, his midbrain turned into the shaft and head, while his cerebrum hemispheres turned into testes, turning his brain into a dick. Eventually, the head dick will run out of brain material to cum as well, killing him.

>> No.11327196
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>if I call these goyim incels they'll go back to cooming lol

>> No.11327249

>maybe if I ignore the entire post and focus on one passing insult they won't notice that I don't have any arguments

>> No.11327272

You are literally one of the few people who would benefit from nofap. You're one of those dudes who mythologize foreskin and have dulled their shit with fapping. 30% of males worldwide are circumsized and enjoying their dicks.

I am the opposite of you, my slav parents decided to not cut me and thanks to phimosis i never quite learned to enjoy the glans

This shit is 80% in your brain, 20% the dick

>> No.11327694

>I am the opposite of you, my slav parents decided to not cut me and thanks to phimosis i never quite learned to enjoy the glans

I have the same problem, I had phimosis until my adult years, now the sensitivity is painful. How to fix this?

>> No.11327746

>Frequent masturbation lowers testosterone utilization
Have sex

>> No.11327760

What if you might have been drinking earlier

>> No.11327776
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>> No.11328003


>> No.11328015

I just try to power through it using gel but going through my 20 with opportunities for sex but never being able to do it has fucked me up insanely

>> No.11328179

What gel do you use?

I'm a 27 kissless virgin, I didn't even ever have a female friend literally.

>> No.11328206 [DELETED] 
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>Everything NoFap """hypothesizes""" supports their business.
If you plan to use that argument you should read up on the tone the porn industry is taking in this regard. It's the definition of hysterical, and uses ad-hominems about incels and the alt-right instead of invoking any actual mechanisms (like NoFap does) or going to any effort to refute the opposing claims.

As far as this comment of yours is concerned, it falls flat in multiple dimensions.
The supposed lack of distinction between sex and masturbation is not relevant, as the type of sex modern NoFap encourages you to have - loving vanilla sex with a monogamous partner - is impossible to achieve in the same volume as masturbation, can't get as extreme as porn can, and occurs in a totally different interpersonal context than porn consumption.
You essentially admit porn addiction is just like any other addiction, while going to great lengths to defend your useless habit, without realizing the subtext. epic
And distinguishing between ejaculation and masturbation is outright fucking retarded seeing as masturbation ends with ejaculation. And no, it's not the same as having sex. Again, volume, context, etc. all apply as in the first point.
Essentially cope harder

>> No.11328212 [DELETED] 

try stopping and see how wired you get

>> No.11328221
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>Everything NoFap """hypothesizes""" supports their business.
If you plan to use that argument you should read up on the tone the porn industry is taking in this regard. It's the definition of hysterical, and uses ad-hominems about incels and the alt-right instead of invoking any actual mechanisms (like NoFap does) or going to any effort to refute the opposing claims.

As far as this comment of yours is concerned, it falls flat in multiple dimensions.
The supposed lack of distinction between sex and masturbation is not relevant, as the type of sex modern NoFap encourages you to have - loving vanilla sex with a monogamous partner - is impossible to achieve in the same volume as masturbation, can't get as extreme as porn can, and occurs in a totally different interpersonal context than porn consumption.
You essentially admit porn addiction is just like any other addiction, while going to great lengths to defend your useless habit, without realizing the subtext. epic
And distinguishing between ejaculation and masturbation is outright fucking retarded seeing as masturbation ends with ejaculation. And no, it's not the same as having sex. Again, volume, context, etc. all apply as in the first point.
Essentially cope harder

>> No.11328278

You keep bringing up the issue of "volume", but if this is the case, why is the nofap line insistently that you should never fap instead of jacking off at a reasonable rate (e.g. once every day or couple days, like an average sexual rate)? It's not a dichotomy between powerfapping 9 times a day and never touching your penis.

>> No.11328295

Included in NoFap is NoPorn. NoFap is about abstaining from both porn and masturbation. The NoFappers degree success is dependent on the degree to which he is able to abstain from both these activities. Thus a moderate fapper that doesn't look at porn is a fairly successful NoFapper compared to the common cumbrain with his daily hour long porn binge orgasm marathons until dry of sperm.

>> No.11328304
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Porn is so easily accessible and jacking off is so low-impact per session that it's super easy to rationalize it away. And the NoFap line can't tell people to "reasonably" jack off because there's no reason to fap except as a means of getting a quick dopamine hit. There is no reason to compromise; fapping is not a sustainable coping mechanism for stress, and cannot be fulfilling in the long term. So there is arguably a benefit to never doing it rather than doing it at a "reasonable rate".
Of course, historically speaking, it started as a movement for people who were addicted to the point of spending hours every day fapping, and those people had bigger problems than discussing the philosophy of how often one could jack off without problems. As the movement expanded the view became common that there is no ideal level of masturbation where it wouldn't be better to just abstain.

>> No.11328378
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Retarded coomer here. I have felt "slow" for years, I can't think anywhere near as fast as I used to be able to, and it translates into many aspects of my life as well. My short-term memory is going to shit, I frequently have to re-read things to comprehend them when I didn't have to before; I don't even have the brainpower to do shit like play video games or watch TV and follow the plot anymore half the time. I frequently spend hours binging on porn and definitely get a huge buzz from doing it. Lately I started adding fast-paced music to my fap sessions like neurofunk and hardcore dnb to increase the stimulation by adding an auditory element. I definitely think I have a problem with porn consumption, but my question to /sci/ is, would the changes in the brain that are apparently possible from porn addiction sufficient to produce things like short-term memory loss, decreased cognitive ability/problem-solving skills, and slowed speech? Is cooming literally turning me retarded, or is it more likely to be something else?

>> No.11328416

No, I think it has nothing to do with porn in itself, you lifestyle is surely too much sedentary.

>> No.11328427

That is definitely true. Which would be better for brain gains, cardio or lifting? Also, would abstaining from porn enhance the brain gains or would the effect be minimal? At this point it's too much of a habit (or addiction if you want to call it that) for me to be able to just drop it entirely without great difficulty. Would it even be worth it, or would it be futile if my aim is to save my withering mind?

>> No.11328828

On the distinction between masturbation and porn; even if there turns out to be no difference in the physical effects (which I would highly doubt is true), there is surely a difference in psychological effects. Being intimate with a loving partner is fulfilling far beyond just the physical sensation of orgasm. Porn cannot provide the same experience as making love, and seems far more capable of being psychologically destructive.

>> No.11329614


I cannot do that, sometimes I spent literally 9 hours masturbating with my gf, keeping her edging the entire day while finishing in her face

>> No.11329883

no you're just a huge faggot

>> No.11330316

sure buddy go work 12 hours a day for that, meanwhile i can spend that 12 hours on gaming because i didnt want sex

>> No.11330319

When two coommaxxers get together.

>> No.11330353

Go for a jog erry day
Delete all porn and all bookmarks
Throw compooter in the bin

>> No.11330383

>I spent literally 9 hours masturbating with my gf, keeping her edging the entire day while finishing in her face

How did you find someone who could go that long with you?

>> No.11330386

obviously its his sexdoll

>> No.11330416

>Watching porn reduces gray matter in prefrontal cortex
that sounds so unrealistic, anyone of ya agree with this?

>> No.11330491

Same but the opposite
I have to fap or i hear voices like a mother fucker. Everyone is different. I even start retro ejaculating if i dont release.