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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11323385 No.11323385 [Reply] [Original]

How fucked are we?

>> No.11323402

exactly as fucked as last time

>> No.11323406

Nothing ever happens, nothing has ever happened, and nothing will ever happen.

Only boomers are dying from coronachan. 70% of the dead were 40+ and had other medical conditions.

>> No.11324004
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>> No.11324197


You're hearing about it in the news, therefore you don't have to worry about it.

>> No.11324207

a) it keeps happening over there
b) they never shut down an entire city the size of chicago or paris during any of the previous outbreaks
you're welcome

>> No.11324227

They're only quarantining the city as a precaution - one they should've taken for earlier pandemics like SARS.

>> No.11324238

We must eliminate this ridiculous normie custom of social interaction. Everyone should just stay at home 99% of the time, there is no need for physical interaction for most things in modern times.
Its going to be normies that cause us to go extinct.

>> No.11324257
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Containment has failed anons...

I guess now we do what is necessary in the days ahead...

>Thanks 4chan for saving my life, again.

>> No.11324260

>How fucked are we?
Most everyone on 4chan is virgins so not very fucked at all anon.

>> No.11324434
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It's the same type of virus as the common fucking cold. It's literally nothing but a bad cold.

>> No.11325698

Im not a boomer and I'm 42. You would think that, at least, /sci/ could get this right.
What is this shit? The sky is falling again?

>> No.11325720
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>> No.11325787

Still virgin. No prob.

>> No.11325815

>not a boomer

>> No.11325890


>> No.11325900

Having a fever can be comfy. Staying home from work and hugging your gf tightly under a lot of blankets for warmth. Maybe drinking some tasty home remedy not because it works but because you want to.
Not gonna lie, I want to get this virus. And maybe pay it forward to a friend or two.

>> No.11325960

Doesn't it have like 3% mortality rate? Who care anyway, come spring it will get extinct.

>> No.11325961

>it's yet another harmless virus that only kills old people and people with aids

>> No.11326398
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NIOSH approved N95-100s, safety goggles, nitriles,

>> No.11326410
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>> No.11326416


>> No.11326423

based and virologypilled

>> No.11326428

It will kill some kids, old or weak people. Otherwise it looks like is not much worse than a regular cold

>> No.11326442

Why does the virus have two keyboards? Is he shitposting on multiple boards simultaneously?

>> No.11326451

I don't like when you guys do this.

>> No.11326457

>its viruses that are useful to other animals that hurt us
explain? even ironically i don't get it

>> No.11326463
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i have mild asthma and there's a suspected wuhan virus case in my city... at my university... at my department... *gulp*

how bad is viral pneumonia supposed to be for otherwise healthy young people with MILD asthma

>> No.11326470

RIP Anon.

>> No.11326471
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I dunno. I just came to /sci/ so i could hear more about my wonderful Coronachan

>> No.11326473

>how bad is viral pneumonia supposed to be for otherwise healthy young people with MILD asthma
the CDC predictions put it at a 95% mortality in your demographic. +/- 2%.
give me a minute and i'll find the paper. i was reading it earlier today.

>> No.11326476

>95% mortality
I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask for a citation on that one.

>> No.11326488
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>95% mortality in your demographic

>> No.11326510

mfw I go to a Canadian university with 90% chink students, most of them international.

Fuck me

>> No.11326570


>> No.11326715

Legit am terrified of this. This shit has spread so fast.

>> No.11326722

Nope not really. And Its in the same family as sars which like everyone freaked out about and then it only killed like 800, which is sad and all, but thats like nothing. The flu kills like >30000 every year and no one really gives a fuck.

>> No.11326726

But SARS only hit like 8500 people worldwide and there's estimates of like 10,000 people infected over the course of only seven days.

>> No.11326739

It only spread as quickly as it did because Chinese new year is basically like a trip to their holy land or whatever. So tons of chinese went to Wuhan, then came back to their country of residence afterwards. It didn't help many arrived on MLK day and there were skeleton crews working many intl airports , who weren't totally equipped to identify properly passengers who may have been infected

at least this is my understanding the of the facts, as they have been reported

>> No.11326752

He's saying viruses that don't kill their hosts are useful. Thus, animal viruses that don't kill their hosts are useful to animals. However, when those useful animal viruses cross to humans they become lethal.

He is, however, retarded.

>> No.11326757

Where are you getting estimates of 10000 infections in a week.

>> No.11326759


>> No.11326765

I'm not saying the Wuhan virus isn't a problem, but obviously journalists, who are human scum, profit heavily from fear mongering.

>> No.11326777

I hate to just outright dismiss things from shitty sources but that is what I would reccomend for this. This is just fear mongering plain and simple. Comparing it to the spanish flu is ridiculous, It has a relatively low mortality rate even for a coronavirus, and the infection rate is not and will almost certainly never be anywhere near that of the Spanish flu.

>> No.11326911

Nothing ever happens
Media creating panic out of nothing as usual

>> No.11326992

The happy merchant virus

>> No.11326996


Its Captain Trips.

Move to Colorado and wait for the "hand of God" to save us.

>> No.11327002

shut the fuck up boomer

>> No.11327016
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>live in Wisconsin where third most spoken language aside from English and Spanish is hmong
>earlier this month mother was complaining about breathing problems and cough
>grandpa who lives down the street got horrible pneumonia after a hospital stay for knee surgery
>both grandparents are old, fat, and barely mobile
>grandpa is diabetic type 1
>could not walk around more than 5 steps before running out of breath
>had to have a tube put in his chest to get all the liquid out
>recovered just fine
>grandma never even got it
>I never got it
>step father never got it
>mother, despite having 3 holes in stomach, a hole in her heart, anemia, and many more physical, hormonal, immune system weakened, mental problems, and on more than 10 medications at a time, recovered just fine with minimal problems

ooga boog scarey virus very death mmm we all gonna die all the witch doctor me black plague updoot for doomsday eksdee

>> No.11327037

The happening exist in superposition of being both happening and not happen at any given moment.

>> No.11327038


>> No.11327061

>nothing has ever happened
Uhh yes it HAS happened before and it WILL happen again. Maybe not this time but some day.

>> No.11327078


>> No.11327179

In 1918 the flu wiped out 6% of the earth's population. Surprising that many people don't know about this.

>> No.11327184 [DELETED] 
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>The news man told me this is what I'm supposed to be afraid of this month.

>> No.11327191
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>This is what I have been told to fear for this month's news cycle.

>> No.11327199

SARS was nothing and this disease is nothing, too.

>> No.11327235

Sucks that medicine didn't evolve pass 1918

>> No.11327240

To be honest, the phage is our only option, when antibiotics are no longer useful.

>> No.11327274

Link to back your claim please?

>> No.11327278

Well, there's still no cure for common cold so...

>> No.11327279

Damn. RIP anon.

>> No.11327290

Huuummm.... Why haven't we sent an infected package to Africa yet?

>> No.11327293

It's a cold virus that happened to kill a few vulnerable people. People seem to forget that Wuhan has more people than msot countries, whcih means that some 18 people is absolutely nothing and ridiculous to worry about.

>> No.11327307

you seem to forget mutationing

>> No.11327310

>44 million+ quarantined
>3% known mortality rate
>previously healthy 36yr old died
>lvl 4 bio lab in Wuhan
>infectious even without symptoms
>3.6 to 4.0 R0
>estimates that only 5.1% of infections in Wuhan are identified
Yea it's nothing


>> No.11327312

There is no such a thing, that was made up for the games.

>> No.11327321

>>previously healthy 36yr old died
Previously healthy doesn't mean he couldn't have some immune system impairment that killed him. Most coronavirus deaths are, if I'm not mistaken, not from the virus itself, but from the overreacting immune system.
>>estimates that only 5.1% of infections in Wuhan are identified
That makes it better, not worse. It means it's less deadly than the 3% would suggest.

>> No.11327542

>b-but it’s not that bad guys!

>> No.11327820

It also spread as easily as it did because the outbreak came directly from soldiers cramped up in trenches at the end of WW1. The reason it's called the Spanish Flu was because Spain was neutral during WW1 so they didn't have an incentive to cover up the fact that it was spread by their own soldiers.

>> No.11327980

There's a new virus every year.
>b-but the coronavirus was found once and then again
So was candida auris and it was much more dangerous yet people just forgot about it.

>> No.11328150
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So I work in a Toronto hospital, in the clinical microbiology department. Toronto was so hard-hit during SARS that the virus was almost called Toronto Acute Respiratory Syndrome and only desperate lobbying in the name of keeping all those early-2000s tourist dollars coming in (?). As it happens I fucking hate this city but that's besides the point.

Our department famously fucked up during SARS because, once the epidemic had been mostly contained, they missed some exposures and allowed a second round of infections to spread. As a result the whole department (full of boomer lab techs by the way) is holding meetings every few days to discuss updated protocols and the progression of the disease.

All patients who come in with a respiratory disease are being screened. That's not even a new thing regarding patients who have recently visited SEA, it's precautionary given the threat of emerging avian flu from that region. I think places that were hard-hit by SARS will be better protected against this, given that.

>> No.11328157
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> only desperate lobbying in the name of keeping all those early-2000s tourist dollars coming in (?)
stopped that from happening.
Just realized I forgot to finish that sentence. and this one:
>I think places that were hard-hit by SARS will be better protected against this, given that
the two viruses appear to be quite similar though nCoV (as it's called for now) is apparently less lethal, but we only have rickety Chinese statistics to go off of so that's not confirmed by any means.

Anyways, I'm somewhat familiar with virology, and coronaviruses are pretty bad at spreading, because they only become infectious once the patient is already quite ill. In contrast, a really good epidemic virus will spread during latency - before any symptoms have manifested and while the patient can still walk around and achieve maximum contact with others in the population. The flu does that, for example.

I will provide updates in these threads if something interesting happens, as long as I can ensure my anonymity.

>> No.11328267

People also forget that huge chunks of China have
>much higher population density
>much shittier air pollution
>much lower hygenic standards
>shittier healthcare
than anywhere else in the Anglosphere and Europe.

This current coronavirus strain's main feature seems to be a more dangerous pnumonia. The massive air pollution in virtually every metro area in China almost certainly weakens everybody's lungs to the point that they resemble a middle-aged two pack a day smoker, so a pneumonia strain would be much harder on them than it would if the lungs were much more healthier. A bunch of people crammed together in trains like in much of their subway system can cause things to spread easily. Chinese people, especially the rural ones, will eat literally any animal they can get their hands on, and this apparently came from someone eating a bat. All of this combines into a perfect storm of an epidemic because some chink retard likes his delicacies.

>> No.11328274

Dumb boomer

>> No.11328276

Yikes. Not much to lose

>> No.11328280

SARS is 14-15% for people under the age of 65. He's obviously joking

>> No.11328286

Nice blog

>> No.11328307
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> + mild asthma
lrn2rd thx

>> No.11328810

This is seriously starting to freak me out. Any comfort and reassurance bros?

>> No.11328901

The survivors will enjoy better wages and cheap real estate, if the Black Death is any indication

>> No.11328941

It's a drill by the Chinese to practice martial law. Between the protests in Hong Kong, the continuing ethnic cleansing of the Uighur, and the great success of Trump's tariffs, they need to be able to lock shit down in a hurry and they're working on the system as we speak.

>> No.11329825

>China (Mandate of Heaven)
>Telling the truth and giving real numbers
>Chinese people travelling all around the world because it's party season for them
>Chinese people bribing to leave quarantine cities/ignoring quarantines completely

Anyway, some chinks in my research lab have been in contact with people who were infected lol. Funniest shit was this Japanese scientist reaction and telling me.

>> No.11329850
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>> No.11329924

Pretty much. The majority of these viruses just dont pose a large scale threat. If it were a high path high mortality influenza that was incredibly contagious in migratory birds and could easily jump to humans and then had effective human to human spread through respiratory droplets then maybe I would be freaking out. But giant super deadly pandemics from emerging pathogens are just hard to do. Like antibiotic resistance is so much scarier.

>> No.11329936

they sequenced the virus coronavirus genome in 8 days. pandemics are over.
literately all you have to do is not be 80 years old and have access to care

>> No.11329947
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reminder the most closely counted SARS data now says 6,903 cumulative cases and 495 deaths (most over 60 years old)
For reference the flu kills a million people a year world wide and ~56,000 a year in the united states

>> No.11329951

Oh god. They didn't quarantine a city the size of Paris or Chicago for SARS, avian flu or swine flu. This one is different.

>> No.11329954

Take some thymosin a1 if you start having symptoms.

>> No.11329959

>China is being more strict about diseases after experiencing diseases before, therefore da world will end


>> No.11329967
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this, they find a cure and that's it, and the hysteria of the world will go from this virus to something else(climate change, Australia fires, Politics, etc)

>> No.11330004

>they are destroying the roads
>videos of people dropping dead in the streets, hazmat squad shows up and places their bodies in sealed bubble pods and carries them off
>hospitals crowded, they are building emergency hospitals all over the places
>recordings of doctors on site begging for supplies because they are out of everything

>> No.11330020

>over a dozen quarantined cities and more to come
>China busy covering it up, spreading disinfo in media, and getting ready to blame the west
>people dropping dead medical teams don't know wtf to do
>reports of far greater death toll than reported

China is fucking retarded

>> No.11330028

i am disappointed in CDC
i thought they were supposed to be badass epidemic inquisitors who could burn entire villages to stop the heresy, full of fanatics with personal grudge against disease, even the janitors authorized to set off the thermobarics with out hesitation to cleanse the faintest possibility of contamination

>> No.11330034
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>> No.11330094


They look like delicious dumplings in a poorly-constructed Dim-Sum bowl.

Maybe Hai-Gao with a pork meatball in the middle.

Maybe Cha-Shu-Bao with barbecued pig surrounded by a celebration of sweet-and-sour sauce that is absorbed by the pastries.

>> No.11330124

this anon plays plague inc on mega brutal

>> No.11330142

bat meatballs

>> No.11330155

Someone please mail me a syringe so I can commit corona suicide

>> No.11330159

>doctors in shenzhen have found the virus infecting the lungs of a patient with no outward symptoms during an unrelated CAT scan

>> No.11330166


The virus is a clever plagueInc player. Building up a critical mass before spending points on transmission and lethality.

>> No.11330172
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Extremely fucked. My simulations show we have less than 300 days since the virus has become discovered.

>> No.11330178

at least ill get to play bannerlord then

>> No.11330181

>implying it won't be delayed again

>> No.11330187
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apparently so are the chinese

>> No.11330191

it's incredible how different /sci/ and /pol/ are about this, thanks guys for being the sane ones

>> No.11330193

That isn’t an effective strategy for Mega-Brutal though. For a clean run you need to build the lethality early on and invest in infectivity-related symptoms or else you risk losing due to inflating DNA costs, preventing you from getting to symptoms like total organ failure. You have to crash through the world in record time, not hide your time hoping the world doesn’t notice you.

We’re fine bois

>> No.11330198

>sanity is letting a bioweapon wipe out mankind
i mean maybe, but i dont think its a normal take

>> No.11330200

modern medicine is too good for a dumb virus to wipe us ouit

>> No.11330206

only if we abolish capitalism and shoot the rich
then the doctors will be in control and we can correctly respond to such threats

>> No.11330315

good night gramps

>> No.11330355

Well because it started in China it's hard to figure out. It's probs got an R0 of around 3 and a mortality rate between 5 - 9. They say 2 - 3 but who can trust a China man. In China because they are so unsanity and urban, the R0 could be as high as 5 or more. Though in a first world country the R0 would be at the most 1.5 which is too low to have a doomsday event.
In a reasonable freak event the mortality would be 15% with and R0 of 8 (about 100 million chink deaths this year).
Though if it had a 25% mortality rate, Wuhan would already have 2.5 million infected and 100,000 deaths. There'd be 200 million dead Chinese, and about 1 billion deaths globally.

But yeah there's no need to worry.
However I did see on Twitter that coronavirus does damage the lung tissue even if you survive the virus. Though these are all speculations and tests need to be done first before you take any of this realistically.

>> No.11330381

Yeah but, you also have to think about the health of the residents. Why are they dropping dead in the streets? Why are they not in the hospital? They might be sick already and can't afford a hospital visit because it would ruin them.
They probably have health issues in related to their lungs because of the chemicals released from cars and factories. China is well known to have toxic air already, a virus that hits their lungs would only be more dangerous to them, esp when people don't get the medical attention needed.
(sorry for bad english)

>> No.11330389

modern medicine is primitive dog shit

>> No.11330394

you been having dreams about the brown lady too?

>> No.11330433

>44 million quarantined
Because the cities are large, it isn't about how strong the virus is, it's about ease of spread.
>36 year old died
A 16 year old got killed by the flu in Massachusetts just last week.
Also source?
>infectious even without symptoms
Do you think this is a unique trait?
God, you're so dumb.

>> No.11330571

Why is everyone so keen to dismiss this based on China's bullshit numbers? China downplayed Sars dramatically. We do know they were willing to basically call off the biggest annual human migration and celebration for this combined with the largest human quarantine ever at over 41 million people.

China is either honest and reacting firmly or doing regular china shit and bullshitting us in the hopes that their late measures might contain their shamefur dispray.

>> No.11330582

There are 20 people dead dumbass.
There are more dying of flu every hour all over the globe and nobody gives two fucks about it.

>> No.11330584

If its this contagious and even killing only 1% of people it will overwhelm all hospitals in the world with patients

Also china just shut down all tour groups and the US embassy in wuhan is being evacuated, the party is creating a special team to manage the situation

>> No.11330600

I'm very aware of that, but still. People are dropping on the streets because they haven't seeked medical attention, since they seem to take in people with the virus constantly.

>> No.11330603

Because china is unironically a bunch of duplicitous sneaky chinks, we probably won't know

>> No.11330606

I've warned my 60 year old parents to be careful. I told them if they get anything resembling pneumonia to go to the hospital immediately

>> No.11330608
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>> No.11330617

>China is either honest and reacting firmly or doing regular china shit and bullshitting us
If it's not true then it's false.

>> No.11330618

UPDATE 2020-01-25 @ 15:45h UTC 2/2

>Corona R_0 = 3.8 (or higher)

>Incubation Period ~ up to 14 days
>Corona Virus can be transmitted through the air (airborne disease)
>Corona Virus can survive on surfaces
https://twitter.com/scottwongDC/status/1220740830677405704 (embed)

>via respiratory system
>through pores/skin contact
>through eyes
>asymptomatic infection IS possible

>~50% (dead/recovered)
>15% (Lancet report first charge)
>CPC official 2-3% (Spanish Flu equivalent)

MAP: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6

>> No.11330620

I've been hospitalized twice with pneumonia as an asthmatic, shits not fun. Doc told me if I had not come in the first time and had tried to sleep it off I most likely would have died.

>> No.11330628
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Reminder that nCoV is an escaped bio-weapon from the BSL-4 laboratory in Wuhan, pic related, for the envelope protein to be 100% identical with a similar virus that is not at all transmittable to humans is practically impossible.

>> No.11330629

Honestly there should be required health screening before you are allowed on a plane. It's fucking ridiculous that we dont.

>> No.11330635

>>~50% (dead/recovered)
dude what

>> No.11330640

Shut up faggot

>> No.11330659

>one (1) enevelope protein is similar
so? dude, that's how viruses naturally mutate and differentiate, and if ALL the envelope proteins would be the same, the whole envelope would be the same and it would be unable to affect humans

>> No.11330661

This, this, this and this.
I travel a lot, like a lot a lot and I don't know how many different fucking sicknesses I've gotten from people doing that. I understand that you want to get somewhere or go home from catching something from another country but this is fucking ridiculous. You should not travel when you have been in an area that is affected by this new unknown virus.

>> No.11330664

The envelope protein is identical, but the payload is different anon, there's no way this could happen in a natural environment.

>> No.11330691

>sars _like_
its not even the same thing

>> No.11330697
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lol it is, you are comparing just ONE (1) protein

>> No.11330823

Dude, fuck off. You're saying shit that isn't even in your sources. The word skin doesn't even appear in the 3rd link

>> No.11330846

If you're an autistic introvert like most of /sci/, you won't interact with enough people to catch it.

>> No.11330852
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>> No.11331005

>China downplayed Sars dramatically.
No it didn't. SARS killed less people than flu kills on a good day. It's absolutely fucking ridiculous how overblown it was.

>> No.11331019


>> No.11331105

Isn't the R0 1.4-2.5?

>> No.11331583

>The Sun
Stop reading British tabloids. You'd get better info from anti-vaxxers on Facebook.

>> No.11331587

It was chinese New Years.

>> No.11331602

Yes. Three percent of 5.1 percent is really fucking low. Plug 0.03*0.051 in to your calculator and see for yourself.

>> No.11331655

>trusting the chinese numbers
They’ve literally locked down an entire fucking country. They have over ten cities quarantined, some of which are larger than New York City. You don’t just do this unless it’s REALLY bad.

>> No.11331781

>They’ve literally locked down an entire fucking country.
No they haven't.
>They have over ten cities quarantined
Do you know how many cities the country has? Far more than 10.
>in b4 "yeah but the citiesnhave a lot of people"
>Some of which are larger than New York City.
The entire point of the quarantines are to stop the virus from spreading. We already know the viruses symptoms and its severity. It's far weaker than SARS. It also spreads like wildfire, whichnis why the quarantines went into place to begin with. The proble with idiots like you is that you compare countries like china to the usa when their living conditions aren't even remotely similar. Not quarantining the cities in question would have been fucking retarded. Do you not understand the concept that chinese cities have far larger populations and population density levels than american cities? When a sickness like this happens in those conditions it allows the virus to spread too fast. America wouldn't have needed to quarantine a city that quickly because our cities have far less people in them and they aren't as densely packed.

Fuck, I hate doom posters. Yeah, China, and the world, is going to die because of the cold. I bet you got all your knowledge about the corona virus from some google search headlines, /pol/, and /v/.

>> No.11331842

>trying to inb4 a post that was already made

>> No.11332142

This desu.

>> No.11332187

Chinese New Year started after the first quarantine. MLK day for international travel? WTF are you smokin...

>> No.11332260
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>The Sun

Oh dear

>> No.11332265

The sad thing is that most Murica Boomers and/pol/ tards will probably more likely die due to medical bills, diabetes and the simple inability to stop shoveling grotesque levels of junk food through their trough like mouths.

>> No.11332274


Here is the nuts about China. Divide anything good you hear about China by a factor of 10. Likewise, multiply anything bad you hear about china by a factor of 10.

This means if you hear there have been 50 deaths from 2000 cases of Corona-chan, then the true figure is much more likely to be 500. So yeah, we could be talking about a 25% mortality rate here. Which would explain the lock downs, and how uninfected cities are sealing themselves off.

>> No.11332282

if we die then we all go down together brother.

>> No.11332291

You'll die from aids long before corona is an international crisis

>> No.11332294

the contagion over time went exponential. the virus can be dorment for 14 days (even tho it can show up in 4 days). i dont know if that is bad or not i had to check the most similar virus history maqbe sars ? can someone show us some graphs ?

>> No.11332458

>bat and seafood viruses are 100% identical
>the bat virus may have changed genetically
This doesn't make sense.

>> No.11332605

China is overcompensating as it took them over a month to do something.

But just as the black plague, it's all about hygiene. Chinese people have bad hygiene practices (No soap in public toilets for example), and many don't believe in microbes and don't understand how they work.

>> No.11332629

>tfw CC is full of chinks

How bad is this epidemic, I am starting to get worried

>> No.11332829

Same here my town is 50% Chinese, will my neighbors be the death of me?

>> No.11332847
File: 79 KB, 900x506, Traditional_Chinese_medicine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese medicine is a mix of traditional chinese medicine and modern medicine.
If we lose 2 billion chinese people, then the worst thing will be that you won't will be able to order from Aliexpress.

>> No.11332869

>>videos of people dropping dead in the streets, hazmat squad shows up and places their bodies in sealed bubble pods and carries them off
>>recordings of doctors on site begging for supplies because they are out of everything

>> No.11332871

Go back to /v/.

>> No.11332879

what am I looking at here, googling doesn't help

>> No.11332891

Those were fake videos to stir panic
dont even bother

>> No.11332905

proofs? There was also a video of a woman claiming to be a nurse saying there were 90k infected, and another video of a guy who said there were zero prevention measures until it blew up on their faces.
Sauce: Reddit has several coronavirus related channels.

>> No.11332916

Yeah and people said Ebola zombies existed too

>> No.11332920

Being honest, what sounds more plausible, that people are turning into zombies or that there are some sick people who go alone to the hospital and collapse on their way there because everything is overcrowded?

>> No.11332923

All the vids are archived here yes I know it’s infowars stfu


>> No.11332936

> Being honest, what sounds more plausible, that people are turning into zombies or that there are some sick people who go alone to the hospital and collapse on their way there because everything is overcrowded?

Nice walkback of your position.

>> No.11332941

Dude 50 people are dead in a city of millions.
Its all panic,if this thing was deadly and infectious as advertised in the media we would all have been dead by now.

>> No.11332945
File: 10 KB, 249x151, 100507-Unreliable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga! You linked to what!?

>> No.11332958

What the fuck is this website

>> No.11332964

Absolutely. You claimed the videos were fake. It's up to you to back up your claim and actually provide some evidence that they are.
Officially. I am in China and I'm hearing people saying we're gonna have a second SARS outbrea- I'm heariong the response is better this time but this virus is worse. And I don't think there's a way of knowing how bad it will actually be until at least two weeks when everyone is back to their homes after celebrating new year. Travelling back is a dangerous thing.

>> No.11333112

>videos of people dropping dead in the streets, hazmat squad shows up and places their bodies in sealed bubble pods and carries them off
>dropping dead
no. fainting maybe. but they clearly aren't dropping DEAD. This is a huge quarantined city with an unknown virus in CHINA where going to the doctor can fuck up your life permanently so of course you're going to see people fainting, either from just mass panic or being infected and sticking up with the fever until your body just gives up.
>hazmat squad shows up and places their bodies in sealed bubble pods and carries them off
your point being? what do you want them to do ? leave them to rot ? they are potentially infected and we don't know how it spreads, of course people are going to show up in hazmat.

Tired of all this fear mongering bullshit.

>> No.11333115

Apparently according to Chinese scientists, the virus seems to be less deadly/dangerous than SARS but is more infectious. (which is probably why you see people confused about closing a whole city when the virus seems to be no more dangerous than the flu)

>> No.11333217


>> No.11333254

You're an idiot.
Sars got out in November 2002 and peaked in April 2003.
This one is only a month on the loose and is clearly killing at a way faster pace than SARS.
Even going by official numbers.

>> No.11333437

8000 people got infected by SARS globally in 2002-2003's outbreak, and almost 800 died. That's a rate of almost 10%. 2000 people got infected in the span of 1 month for the corona virus and only 50 died so far. Going by the official numbers, you're a retard.

>> No.11333448

In some of the videos i've seen the "dead" people are being picked up and treated by EMT'S, and nonemof them are being thrown into bubble pods. I wouldn't be surprised if you were larping about being in China as well. You remind me of those idiots posting videos titled "HOSPITALS ARE FULL OF CORPSES IN WUHAN!!!!" Where you can clearly still see the supposed dead people on stretchers still breathing.

>> No.11333596

2000 infected and 50 dead is far worse than SARS did in one month.

>> No.11333647

The 2017 flu in the USA alone was as well. The point is that its strength and lethality is far weaker, it only infects faster.


>> No.11333653

>The point is that its strength and lethality is far weaker, it only infects faster.
are you talking about the flu or the coronavirus?

>> No.11333665

The corona virus.

>> No.11333669

so bc of that corona is more dangerous than SARS?

>> No.11333685

It infects insanely fast meaning that hospitals run out of people and medicine. And only few dozen people are confirmed "cured".

Wuhan looks like some post apocalyptic city already.

>> No.11333717

Is reading hard for you?

>> No.11333730

Yes, could you send me an audio file with your response?

>> No.11334058

Surprised this thing hasn't hit India yet

>> No.11334065

>And only few dozen people are confirmed "cured".
Imagine being one of those people. Imagine the relief of knowing that it's already passed you over and you can't be reinfected, while everyone around you is in a panic and some are dying. You'd feel like a god

>> No.11334066

>Chinese traveling to India

>> No.11334773

3k infected now with 80 dead.

Okay, this is going to be much worse than SARS.

>> No.11334776

Imagine if terrorists got samples of this thing and released it in India. Chinks will be able to contain it but India?

>> No.11334780
File: 65 KB, 650x524, 1580027678774 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking /pol/ schizos claim the CCP is lying, the WHO trusts them don't you haha?

>> No.11334793

If nothing else this whole excercise should tell you how badly fucked everyone is when something serious does hit. Look at the laughable response from governments and big health organisations.

>> No.11334828

Imagine this fucking planet when we hit 12 billion population.

>> No.11334832

The funny part is that China is probably the best place for this. They can surround a city with army and do whatever they want, shit like this would be impossible in USA or EU.

>> No.11334839

Air travel was a mistake

>> No.11334855

It seems to be far more infectious but it cannot yet be stated if it's as deadly. Infects more but may not kill as many.

>> No.11334869

man you people are dumb. it was Chinese new year. people where not falling down dead from a end times virus. they were just on a binder and drunk. fake news as always.

>> No.11334873

they said people who survive 12% end up with organ damage like the heart.

>> No.11334900
File: 45 KB, 635x665, 1570973675563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese scientist reaction
Which was?

>> No.11334932

No idea, I don't speak Japanese.

>> No.11334935

time for them to arrest more people, those heart transplant donors aren't gonna come in by themself

>> No.11335025


>> No.11335044
File: 502 KB, 1000x1000, 1571197860810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was funny about it, then?

>> No.11335104


>> No.11335459

So does sci only exist to calm everyone down when /pol/ starts scaring everyone with schizo shit?

>> No.11335468

Instead of uniting they are all doing their own thing. It's pathetic and saddening.

>> No.11335605

The machine stops.

>> No.11335612

I just checked the report on the genome. Looking over the protein sequences that they have isolated, and what strikes me is that there is not a single occurrence of the amino acid selenocysteine (U). Are the any biologists that could determine if there is any significance to this?
t. computer/electronics enginee

>> No.11335758
File: 64 KB, 720x720, 1527038936668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

selenocysteine is very rare, it would be strange if we did see it. did they not teach you what google was in cs class

>> No.11335769

95% +/- 2% trole indeed.

>> No.11336854


It’s pretty much confirmed this shits a bioweapon now.

>> No.11336972

I think pilgrimages to Buddhas tree in India are pretty common for all types of yellows

>> No.11336977

>memology 101
>nowhere in that shit video does it ever say that the virus was man made
Holy fucking shit, you people are insufferable.

>> No.11337029

go back to /pol/

>> No.11337114

>That makes it better
Yes it's much better that this virus that is easily spread is undetectable until after its already been transmitted to thousands of other people.

>> No.11337129

Lmao loving these memes