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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1132141 No.1132141 [Reply] [Original]

how do i become a scientist with 2.0 high school gpa?

>> No.1132162

Identity theft

>> No.1132167

You're probably retarded.

It's fucking easy to get 3.5+ GPA in high school without even fucking studying.

>> No.1132172

Prove some crazy theory. Get a perfect SAT score. go to community college and get awesome grades.

>> No.1132169

go to ITT tech and get A's and then transfer to Harvard.

>> No.1132170

Sharpie in pooper

>> No.1132181

go to community college
transfer to a university with a 3.5 or greater
they won't give a shit about your high school gpa

>> No.1132193

kill yourself and hope Buddha was right.

>> No.1132227


166 iq professionally tested

>> No.1132248

shouldn't that be the other way? First hope Buddha was right and then kill yourself?

>> No.1132252

>implying a high IQ score does not mean you are retarded

>> No.1132262

Sorry bro, you're on 4chan. Instantly minus 100 to IQ.

>> No.1132286

High school gpa's dont mean shit/ My girlfriend had less than 2.5 highschool gpa. Went to a community college before transferring to univ on a full scholarship. Hell, I didn't even go to high school and never got my ged. Made up some bullshit about being homeschooled, first tech college and then univ.

>> No.1132300

the reason for the low gpa is because i was put into low-level classes in which i was bored but they wouldn't move me out because i was doing poorly in them. we literally did multiplication all year in 9th grade even though i was reading books on calculus by myself (i sound really douchy and pretentious but it's the truth)

>> No.1132315

asspie dectected

>> No.1132318
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Then I highly recommend you stay away from higher education. If you were not willing to put in the minimal effort to get even a 3.0 at the high school level I find it unlikely that a greater institution of learning would motivate you to work.

tl;dr I think Arby's is hiring assistant managers in Atlanta to two stores. You should apply before you miss out on your last chance to be happy. :)

>> No.1132356


if i put in the effort to learn calculus at grade 9 then i can put in the effort to do well in university.

>> No.1132388


>> No.1132407

the problem is that those boring classes keep happening all the way through university

you're going to have to get used to doing shit you hate or you'll end up tanking your GPA again anyway

you won't have freedom to learn at your own pace until you get into grad school

>> No.1132417

>implying 'learning calculus' instead of doing assigned work has anything to do with measure of difficulty and dedication and NOT problems with authority
>implying that such a personal problem will magically disappear once in a univ setting


>> No.1132430

2 Year college -> 4 year University.
WI has a transfer program, and I am sure so do most of the states.

>> No.1132452

Although I wouldn't say grad school gives you the freedom to learn at your own pace; certainly, at times, it feels like I'm running the gauntlet.

>> No.1132458


i don't have any "problem with authority", i was just bored in class because we did things that we already did the year before, things that i already knew.

>> No.1132492

who is the person in the op pic

>> No.1132504

kefka from FF6

>> No.1132575


>> No.1132587

>166 iq professionally tested

if you are such a genius why are u asking 4chan to tell you how to become a scientist?

>if i put in the effort to learn calculus at grade 9 then i can put in the effort to do well in university.

and if already say you can succeed in a university why are you posting this thread in the first place?

>> No.1132630
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>> No.1132637

become a scientist and fucking do what exactly?

If you want to be a scientist either be born with wealth or born with a great idea/smart

>> No.1132657


i want to get a phd in physics

>> No.1132698
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And do what exactly.....

What theories do you have? Do you have anything important to contribute?

Are you in a community already?

wtf do you plan on doing when you have a phd in physics

>> No.1132716

You kind of have it backwards dude. You can't expect someone to have something to contribute when they aren't even educated. PhD first, then you're allowed to have ideas. Otherwise you're just jerking yourself off.

>> No.1132737

I did shitty in high school, fucked around for a year, then went to college. Got my bachelor's in biochemistry with a 3.8. Really high school is bullshit. Hell I Failed algebra 2 in HS, and made an A in cal 2 in college.

>> No.1132745
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I mean for lords sake having a high IQ doesn't mean a thing.

I believe mine is high as well, but never actually got it tested.

Do you think colleges look at IQ levels? Here is a hint....they don't

>> No.1132759 [DELETED] 


is u a poop sausage wat lulz 11b8f6abf37653c960f94ff2b1e7361d

>> No.1132839


Most of the things you learn about physics are already in books.

Point is anyone can learn it.

College in general is just a gimmick that only blocks us.

Hell Einstein knew everything he needed to know before college.

Point is if you wanted to learn about physics start now.

college is just a bunch of bullshit for 4-10 years that you will forget about anyway.

If you really want a PHD just start reading now.

>> No.1132868

Clearly you don't understand that attaining a degree and establishing yourself in the scientific community is not solely a matter of academic accomplishment - it is also greatly concerned with your agreeableness and dedication. Science is not the meritocracy it is painted to be and being correct doesn't mean you'll get grants, tenure or even a lab coat. I suspect that while you may be a fairly bright person who has a capacity for learning that you're also tremendous douche who puts little effort into gaining the esteem of others.

tl;dr You're still a dick.

>> No.1132910

The fact of the matter is that most people can't teach themselves. Even Einstein went to school and had a degree in his early 20s. Virtually all advancements in math and physics are made people who have higher education. That's just the way it is.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't do independent study. Just that there's a 99.9% chance that it will get you nowhere without actually going to school.

>> No.1132922

lol how do you get a 2.0 in HS? do you not show up to half your classes?

>> No.1132938
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>> No.1132978


>The fact of the matter is that most people can't teach themselves

Have you ever been to fucking college?

It is mostly reading and revision. The teacher will talk about the topic but it is your job to remember it.

Hell NONE of my math teachers were able to teach me or the class.

In my advanced college algebra class no one was able to learn a thing from the teacher. It was everyone elses job to read and learn for themselves.

Like I said college is just a bunch of bullshit you have to put up with for 10 years to get a degree.

Everything you need is already in a book

>> No.1133012

Of course I've been to fucking college you retard. The lecture is the most important part. Textbooks are bloated with information you don't need which will distract you from the concepts you really need to focus on. Without a lecturer to guide you through the material, it takes way longer to get a good grasp of it.

Just because you had one shitty teacher in a really easy class doesn't mean that learning solely from the book is a good idea.

>> No.1133062
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I'm done with you

And please go to college, or not...it doesn't matter.

No one is hiring anyone anyway.

>> No.1133071

Herp derp. If I can learn everything I need to from the book, why are you telling me to go to college?

>> No.1133072

This is why IQ test fail. You may be very intelligent as far as logical reasoning and puzzles go, but in those essential categories of self-control and better judgment your a dipshit. Now your gonna pay for it by having to waste 1-2 years at community college.

>> No.1133081

actually, fuck you. Books, and wikipedia are the only way to really learn something. Lectures just dumb it down, and you might pass the class but you don't understand it on a deep level.

>> No.1133112



I slacked off at high school like a nigger. Went to a community college for 3 years, studying part-time, as well as self-teaching myself other classes. Transfered with a 4.0 gpa to an Ivy League school.

>> No.1133130


..............have you learned nothing of what I said?

College is just bullshit you have to put up with for 10 years just to land a job in the profession.

In reality we don't need college, it does nothing but limit those without money.

Truth is anyone can probably do anything. We just live in a retarded system is all.

>> No.1133145

>McDonalds line cook and part time scientist detected

>> No.1133154

Spoken like a true loser. You need to stop thinking of college as some bullshit you have to put up with and instead consider what opportunities it affords. Namely, real interaction with other people in the same field, including experts. Learning from a book doesn't give you that... even if you take 10 years for some reason (most PhD programs are about 7 years), you're still going to be behind the people who have actually been doing work on real projects in universities.

But no, by all means, continue being a misunderstood genius in your ivory tower. I'm sure you're a very well-rounded person.

>> No.1133162
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IQ tests mean absolutely nothing. You're a living proof for that fact - you have a high IQ and yet you are an idiot, who cannot succeed academically. You are not smart.

>> No.1133199


>You need to pay money to contribute to society...

College should be free/payed by the government/taxes

Our system is massively flawed.

I am not saying college is bad, the system of how it works is fucking disgusting.

If it was government payed/free it would be fine

>> No.1133208


you would be right if you were talking about college in general with all the retarded humanities and social science degrees but this is a science board, so you are just a moron

>> No.1133210


Enjoy your $150,000 student loan for being taught by those high ranking teachers

Was it worth it?

>> No.1133220

You again ? Haven't I told you already that it's too late ?

>> No.1133221


try reading the opening post, now you look like a moron

>> No.1133244

What country do you live in? In the US you're eligible for financial aid if you have low income. Furthermore, there are a fuckton of scholarships for students who have real talent... though I understand that's a bit of a problem for you, who probably scoffs at extracurricular activities that don't have any immediately apparent reward.

Even if neither financial aid nor scholarships are an option, it's better to take a student loan than to do nothing at all. College is an investment. It's an investment in not sitting on your ass all day and actually interacting with paid professionals in a productive manner so you can be somebody who matters in approximately 4 years rather than remaining cloistered away for 10 years and maybe possibly having some practical skills eventually but probably not. PROTIP: The investment pays off.

>> No.1133247

on a similar subject,
How to get into grad school with a 2.0 college gpa?

>> No.1133262

pfffffffffffffft hahahahahaha

oh man good luck with that bro

I hope you have, like, awesome research experience and a shit-ton of money to donate/bribe people with.

>> No.1133268

OP, go to community college. I literally did not even go to highschool. I consider myself to be of a reasonable level of intelligence, I'm going to community college then transferring to a university. Easiest thing in the world.

>> No.1133271

You need to look into trolling

>> No.1133272
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>> No.1133276

jlook for guy with white lab coat
kill him
take his coat
become a scientist

>> No.1133319


ooo you should be super quiet about that

if people catch wind of that you can get your degrees rescinded

bullshit but true

>> No.1133325

This guy is just like me.

I have an extremely embarrassing GPA in high school due to slacking off, and to be honest I'm a bit worried...

>> No.1133353
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just follow your dreams, thats what I do.

>> No.1133381


look up how much financial aid gives you, I dare you

Ya and I guess our system is fine. So that is why our government is not allowing banks to pay for student loans anymore and only have the government do it.

Here is a hint it was not a investment anymore. Several friends of mine have a college education and can't even land a job that is in this country/move far away with no moving package.

To make matters worse companies/government payed jobs are decreeing.

I live in New York. And they actually plan to lay off 4,000 teachers this year.

College is not an investment.

The only investment is in training to be a nurse

>> No.1133400

>I have a 3.83 GPA
>Retarded girl next to me who cheats on everything has a 4.0 Gpa
>Feels bad man

>> No.1133409

>i dont like high school work yet i think i can do uni work
>you dont need uni anyway just read books
>go to CC bro


>> No.1133414

Sorry your liberal arts degree isn't an option, bro. But at least science and math related fields are still thriving.

It might seem like a shitty system, but guess what, life is shitty. So your options are: ditch college and become the typical white trash american, or go to college and boss around the white trash americans who weren't ambitious enough to take the risk.

Your choice.

>> No.1133419

she can't suck cocks forever man, you'll eventually be better

>> No.1133423

original pic with quote please

>> No.1133435

>The only investment is in training to be a nurse
Don't underestimate trade school. Every single one of these pathetic engiefags is going to call a plumber at least once in their lifetime for a problem they could have fixed but were too lazy to figure out.

>> No.1133442

[citation needed]
No, seriously. lol. You don't know shit about the science fields.

>> No.1133449

better than econ and business fags

>> No.1133453
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>> No.1133452

I lol'd.

>> No.1133456


>Implying ANYTHING is thriving right now

lol I had to

>> No.1133458

>citation needed

>> No.1133463

>The only investment is training to be a nurse
Have fun giving old people sponge baths for the rest of your life
Also enjoy earning 50k for the rest of your life while you're at it

>> No.1133475
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Best advice from this thread thus far.

>> No.1133482

>Employment of science technicians is projected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations, although employment change will vary by specialty.

Nigger, please. Enjoy your sage.

>> No.1133483

Higher education is always a worthy investment, especially if you are doing anything related to science.

If it is a good college and you do well, you are always in a better position than your repsective peers who started at the bottom of the ladder after HS.

>> No.1133484


you forgot >>1133453

>> No.1133492
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>> No.1133495

You guys need to take a chill pill
There's still jobs available out there despite the shitty economy
You shouldn't be getting a bachelors in liberal arts though, that's just stupid

>> No.1133496

>Most science technicians need some postsecondary training, such as an associate degree or a certificate in applied science or science-related technology
Oh wow, you picked a shitty two-year degree and it's still on par with four-year liberal arts majors.

Why don't you look for the statistics for real scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and computer technicians. Here's a tip: they're much better off.

>> No.1133509


as someone with a 4 year degree who could only pull a technicians job in this job market,

I counter sage you good sir

>> No.1133536
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lol. No, I was being generous and erring on the side of what was likely given the circumstances - you seem pretty stupid so I figured you'd only have weaseled your way through a 2 year degree. Here's some material science for you!


>Job growth is expected to be slower than the average for all occupations. New chemists at all levels may experience competition for jobs, particularly in declining chemical manufacturing industries. Graduates with a master's degree or a Ph.D. will enjoy better opportunities, especially at larger pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms.

>> No.1133550

heh, chemical engineer here
after not being able to find a job for a year and half, I stumbled across
this and found ChE jobs in the US will decline (as in negative growth) over the next ten years

>> No.1133576


based on these post
And the growing population

I can honestly say that


>> No.1133589
File: 16 KB, 500x553, overview_chart_05_small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, sucks to be a chemist then. However, nearly every other engineering field is growing much faster than average. Rather than post ten examples to counter the chemist situation, I'll just post the overview.


>> No.1133610

That's not encouraging news for a studying chemical engineer.

>> No.1133624


find a field with tons of growth that is similar enough to chemist and that's probably where you should look into working

do biomedical or some shit

>> No.1133633

My best advice is do all the internship/research opportunities you can. Focus on a co-op program that will net you a year or two of experience and possibly a guaranteed job upon graduation if you aren't going into a graduate program.

>> No.1133643

What NY college do you go to?

>> No.1133660

Not to be pedantic, but it's pretty much engineers from what I've read. Everything else is either meh or eh. The category includes professional, scientific and technical services (like paternity testing Tyrone's babies).

>> No.1133674

Anything computer related is going experience massive growth for obvious reasons. Mathematicians have to good too. Most graduate-level science positions experience at least faster than average growth, from what I've read so far. Really, it seems like chemists are just the unlucky ones.