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11316238 No.11316238 [Reply] [Original]

>pay more taxes and we can change the weather

>> No.11316245 [DELETED] 
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>give us your money and we'll make you happy

>> No.11316264

>reduce pollution and it won’t cause harmful effects

>> No.11316267


> About Climate Changes & Global Warming

> related:





>> No.11316269

define pollution

>> No.11316304

It is genuinely telling that the """answer""" to climate change is first world countries getting taxed out the ass. If climate change was such an impending doom, the very first step that would need to be taken is the loss of the right of free travel and the complete shutdown of immigration from 3rd world countries to 1st world countries. Instead the same people who tell you climate change will kill us all insist that the entire population of Nigeria be relocated into Western Europe to increase their carbon footprint a hundred times over.

>> No.11316307

Chemtrails already determine the weather.

>> No.11316320

It's more like "pay us more taxes and well pretend to do something about it but waste it all on the oil companies who started all this because we're massively in dept to them"

>> No.11316329

What do immigrants have to do with the vast majority of our electricity/industries running on fossil fuels? That's the source of CO2.

>> No.11316337
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The only people who should pay taxes are the companies that pollute

>> No.11316348
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>what does immigration have to do with climate change

>> No.11316426

But they literally do that with cloud seeding.

>> No.11316439


>> No.11317100

>Pay more taxes so we can give it to Israel!

>> No.11317104

>>reduce pollution
I misread this as 'reduce population' and I was like, yeah, yeah, lets do it.

>> No.11317111

>pay more taxes, that we give to banks, and we'll solve your problems
Yeah the government needs to die.

>> No.11317114

>.t Chinese factory owner

>> No.11317124


>> No.11317235

>let me just shift this goal post a bit

>> No.11317255

more people to use the polluting ways of the first world

>> No.11317263

So you're saying the polluting ways of the first world are the problem?

>> No.11317265

>t. retard
>the same people who tell you climate change will kill us all insist that the entire population of Nigeria be relocated into Western Europe to increase their carbon footprint a hundred times over

>> No.11317271

Taxation is the brainlet's solution and it is easily avoided and worked around in proposed carbon neutral schemes. OH WE SAVE WATER. OH WE PLANT TREES. OH WE DO THIS AND THAT. SEE ITS ALL GOOD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kill yourself.

>> No.11317455

This, and it always has been. Taxation is by brainlets for brainlets.
>Let the most inefficient and corrupt entity in your society micromanage everything and suck up your resources to make the industries of the country more efficient!
>Because nobody knows more about how to improve industry than a slew of un-elected corrupt bureaucrats who have never held a real job, who aren't scientifically literate, and who are primarily focused on their own personal gain!

>> No.11317456
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>paying taxes

>> No.11317462

Fucking based.

>> No.11317480
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Nigeria is based regarding refugee issue.

As for the thread, it's right. Ecofascists want the middle class/workers to pay more so as to have a normal and not least DESERVED lifestyle with basic human needs that you NEED to have in order to be productive.

All while these idiots live on welfare/dads money, not making the life of a single other being better, but rather shout slogans they've been indoctrinated with and have zero understanding of because they don't have to and the rest of us live to work for their freedom.

Go protest in China or India who are the biggest polluters, THEN come for me.

>> No.11317508

>point out problem
>expect tax money for it without a solution to said problem

>> No.11317516
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>> No.11317526

You didn't answer my question:
>What do immigrants have to do with the vast majority of our electricity/industries running on fossil fuels?

>> No.11317546

>who aren't scientifically literate, and who are primarily focused on their own personal gain!
Kind of like a shareholder?

>> No.11317593

>complains about moving goalposts
>proven wrong, shown to be the one who did it
>doubles down, attempts to move goalposts again
If climate change is an impending disaster, why are very low carbon footprint individuals being moved to a society where they and their descendants carbon footprint will increase massively?

>> No.11317599

controlling demand for fossil fuel based transport and energy is part of the solution.

>> No.11317632

Because unlike your strawman no one is actually going full ecofash, would it be effective if borders were closed, permits were required to have kids, climate denialists were lined up to the walls and shot? yeah that would really make an impact, but the goal is to prevent harm not cause it.

>> No.11317667

>its fascism to stop 3rd worlders from flooding into 1st world countries I'd rather the entire planet burn than be thought a facist!!1!!!!!!!! XD
>yes climate change will destroy the world but mass immigration is more important we can't just upset ngubu swahili ngodi he wants social welfare too
this is why nobody takes (You) seriously

>> No.11317693

We need to stop immigration but continuing to burn fossil fuels is okay?

>> No.11317700

preventing births is much more effective at preventing emissions then closing borders yet i don't see you suggesting it, i wonder why? Now can we agree this is a pointless red herring and talk about how you have no argument?

>> No.11317707

Like all fascists he just want to destroy the world through world war 3.
Fascism = starting world war.
After all that's what its track record is

>> No.11317713

>preventing births is much more effective at preventing emissions then closing borders yet i don't see you suggesting it, i wonder why?

Because it would lead to reduction in developed world population, the same population that produces most scientific and technological advancements. Closing borders on the other hand has no downsides (as long as you still let highly qualified experts in).

>> No.11317716

how about stopping both

>> No.11317724

trailer trash having kids sure as fuck isn't contributing to scientific and technological advancements. your argument is only consistent with only allowing the upper classes to reproduce but the rest should be sterilized

>> No.11317725

And limiting the babies of the native population.

>> No.11317735

while we're here, people who deny reality are a danger to the rest of us, deniers of AGW should be executed.

>> No.11317773

>never had a job
>decides who will be executed

I highly recommend you look into yourself, and decide wether or not you should decide your faith, be it self-execution or otherwise.

>> No.11317776

some interesting projection there.

>> No.11317793

>Southern Chile footprint that big
Is it because of the mining industry?

>> No.11317798

You are posting total accumulated carbon footprint, not yearly carbon footprint. Look at the whole picture.

>> No.11317808

More like
>Pay more taxes so we can build the bunkers and maybe save a few hundred million from the coming onslaught.

>> No.11317811
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i actually agree with the sentiment, OP,
>recycle and it will help the environment
>do free labor for the government to help them out
yeah no thanks lmao

>> No.11317817

>Thinks the only solution ever being suggested is more taxes
>Thinks the obvious first step to reducing global CO2 emissions is reduced immigration into the west
>Thinks non-climate deniers "insist" that we must increase immigration
The dumbest part of all is that you almost certainly also think that you're just a redpilled realist with zero biases

>> No.11317823

See >>11317480

Dial 8

>> No.11317895

Find me one (1) climate change activist who also strongly opposes open borders. I'll wait.

>> No.11317903

Because birthrates in Western countries are sub replacement level already you fucking brainlet. Mass immigration is the only thing keeping the population of the 1st world growing

>> No.11317922

>we need to drastically decrease carbon emissions
>we need to keep importing 3rd worlders for population growth, massively increasing their carbon emissions
you can only have one

>> No.11317924


>> No.11317937

Based is Maggie Thatcher very active in making policy for climate change? Shit wait she's dead and mass immigration to England increased while she was Prime Minister.

>> No.11318205

Or just you know actually reduce per capita emissions in western nations, though you aren't entirely wrong, immigration mainly exists to prop up polluting corporations who need more minimum wage workers.

>> No.11318211

Elitist shithead

>> No.11318219

not an argument, >>11317713
raises an excellent point, only those who contribute to scientific and technological advancement should be allowed to live at a western standard of living.

>> No.11318231

>only those who contribute to scientific and technological advancement should be allowed to live at a western standard of living
Reminds me of all the middle class white Communists convinced they would be high ranking Party members and not the first to get lined up against a wall and machine gunned to ribbons.

>> No.11318249

sounds like someone isn't planning on contributing

>> No.11318256

I'll be the one staring down the barrel while you desperately try to justify your thesis on Pokemon Sun and Moon being a big enough contribution to live.

>> No.11318266

whatever you say sweety

>> No.11318282
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>whatever you say sweety

>> No.11318304

found the bootlicker

>> No.11318345
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>.t Chinese factory owner

>> No.11318491

Yes. Go ahead and tell an average American they can't use car or air travel. You might get shot.
Now tell me, is there a problem with sowing more seeds of humanity in the US? The whole country is made of x-generation immigrants, so the people joining the club will have kids who basically behave like any other American.
No problem at all with this?

>> No.11318611
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This is truly where the entire facade falls down. Data tampering, the fundamental unreliability of the models, the constant propaganda and all associated nonsense, if the solution was actually tenable based on the core underlying science of x greenhouse gas is emitted and thus has a warming effect quantifiable to y I could go for.
But this carbon pricing tax bullshit just disgusts me, it makes it abundantly clear that the entire thing from start to finish is nothing but a lie even *if* some of the underlying science is coincidentally correct.
It it was at all for real co2 would get something like the cfc treatment, practicality allowing. Instead we get shit like pic related while insufferable idiots propagandise the theory nonstop and get echoed in turn by virtue signalling clueless assholes.
It's nothing but political stupidity and a transparent power and cash grab. Wake the fuck up.

>> No.11318641

>working group III
See that's where you fucked up. Working group III concerns itself with mitigation, i.e. how to stop it, and that whole portion of the group is completely infested with market worshipper cultists, economists, and sleazy politicians whose only goal in life is to "increase GDP". Working group III is completely unrelated to the science, and no one is the least bit surprised to hear such tripe spew forth from the likes of someone like that.

>> No.11318653

> complete lack of understanding the only reason "the science" is getting done and broadcast to the world is to enable assholes like this.
Wake up hans.

>> No.11318808


When in the morning your pee-wee is wet and sticky, and you faintly remember some racy bits of dream

>> No.11319071

that's wrong.

"the science" is getting done so people can better forecast the weather out more than 5 days. then other scientists apply weather models to climate problems. Then assholes like this see a way to politicize the science and make money.
It's literally because of cunts like this this that people scoff at climate science, a field which should be genuinely interesting to everyone. everything economists/politicians touch turns to shit.

>> No.11319135
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>> No.11319138


>> No.11319190

It must be nice to be so insulated from reality you honestly manage to convince yourself the hundreds of billions being invested into this field are being done under the proviso that the science will be improved rather than a return yielded on the initial investment. Don't look further afield to the real world to invalidate that perspective, it'll just make your life shittier, enjoy your blissful ignorance.

>> No.11319577

Rent free

>> No.11319583

You can have both though
If your per-capita emissions decrease to net-zero, adding more people is adding zero to your nation's emissions and decreasing the emissions of the country of origin. It doesn't even need to be net-zero for this principle to work, it only needs to be less than the country the person is emigrating from. Adding more people doesn't change the makeup of the electrical grid, the way electricity is generated is governed by economic and policy factors rather, the absolute amount of generation/storage is what is affected by population

>> No.11319600
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>unreliability of the models

>> No.11319614

So, literally, everyone who owns a business? Good job! I have an idea, just transfer all businesses to the goverment, and then the government has to pay taxes! Am i right?

>> No.11319620
