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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11314470 No.11314470 [Reply] [Original]


Do not despair /sci/entists. There remains a great many things yet to be discovered. But when they are, they will be conscripted into the realm of the scientific, just as has been done since time immemorial.

>> No.11314477

philosophy and metaphysics isn't science

>> No.11314486

define "consciousness"

>> No.11314488

This is really obvious.

>> No.11314514

Define "consciousness".

>> No.11314520

>define consciousness
this is what we are trying to do
and succeeding

>> No.11314542

Daniel Dennett asked a simple but interesting question in regards to panpsychism: What's the difference between an electron that's conscious and an electron that isn't? If adding consciousness to the description of matter doesn't add anything to our understanding of its behavior, what value does it have to regard matter as conscious? I think the hard problem of consciousness is the great open problem in our understanding of the nature, but panpsychism seems to be an arbitrary attempt to reconcile the existence of consciousness with our materialist worldview.

>> No.11314546

Electrons aren't conscious. Daniel is a brainlet.

>> No.11314560

Definitions are arbitrary. You don't "try" to define something, you just do it. You can't test if a definition is correct, because that's not how definitions work.

>> No.11314562

consciousness is memory, no metaphysics needed.

>> No.11314579
File: 30 KB, 500x440, tumblr_46d054daa01146a35d322af541991dfd_9a5da68b_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. You just solved a thousands year old problem in 2 seconds on an image board.

>> No.11314586

The non-problem of consciousness is self-refuting. Ideas do not come from nothing; something sparks their creation. The existence of a hidden quality would not be able to spark the idea of hidden qualities, therefore any claims of hidden qualities are baseless.

>> No.11314588

philosophy problems aren't real probelms.

>> No.11314612
File: 5 KB, 203x248, download (10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that so many anons disregard the fundamental discrepancy between the existence of consciousness and our materialist
(or physicalist) descriptionn of nature leads me to believe they don't know what consciousness is because they are actual NPCs. They actually say things like "consciousness is just neurons firing", which is exactly what a robot with no subjective inner experience would say.

>> No.11314615

Your subjective inner experience is just neurons firing.

>> No.11314625

Define "consciousness".

>> No.11314628

imagine thinking your
>everybody who denies consciousness is magic is a zombie
take is original

>> No.11314629

Lmao point confirmed. I know you're an NPC and you've never experienced this, but the perception of the color red is quite different from neurons firing.

>> No.11314630


>> No.11314633

As a non-NPC, when I see the color red, I don't see neurons firing. What I see is indescribable, I can't describe it to an NPC, but it is not neurons firing.

>> No.11314640

Are you claiming that manipulating your neurons would not affect your perception?

>> No.11314644

I'm not. The neurons firing give rise to conscious perception, but the neurons firing are not the perceptions themselves.

>> No.11314650

Why not?

>> No.11314661

Because I don't see neurons firing when I see the color red.

>> No.11314674

Human communication limits are not evidence of qualia.

>> No.11314682

Agreed. Only subjective experience is evidence of qualia, so I can't debate the nature of qualia with an NPC who lacks subjective experience.

>> No.11314690

Clearly subjective experience is a negative quality if all it does is make you waste your time on asserting its existence.

>> No.11314699

But your neurons are firing and it could be seen if you had an EEG.
Why would you see neurons firing when the point of the organs is to take in and translate external stimulus?
Not being aware of the individual states of every node of a complex system while looking at the outputs does not mean that system has some sort metaphysical component.

>> No.11314701

asking for evidence of qualia is good evidence you should avoid thinking too hard about philosophy

>> No.11314709

Can you describe the output of the system in physical terms?

>> No.11314723

I'm not claiming neurons aren't firing or that neurons don't give rise to conscious experience. I'm claiming that neurons firing is not conscious experience itself. It's a simple truism that should be self-evident to anyone who is conscious, but it's like pulling teeth trying to get materialists to admit it.

>> No.11314728

A sense of spacial awareness and color.

>I'm claiming that neurons firing is not conscious experience itself.
Depends on how many neurons are firing.

>> No.11314739

Consciousness isn't a big deal, but /x/trannies make one out of it

>> No.11314753

Can you describe color in physical terms?
(hint: the perception of color is not a mathematical or qualitative description of EM waves)

>> No.11314786

>Can you describe color in physical terms?
The state that the visual portion of the brain is in when the eyes are exposed to the proper wavelength of light

>> No.11314819

So when you look at an apple, you see "The state that the visual portion of the brain is in when the eyes are exposed to the proper wavelength of light"?

>> No.11314829

Yes because it reflects those wavelengths.

>> No.11314832

Looking at an apple causes the brain to form the state mentioned above yes.

>> No.11314837

Wow. That's pretty amazing. You should become a neuroscientist with your ability to introspect the state of your own brain. I genuinely hope you publish some papers on your findings from that.

>> No.11314844

It's almost like you can't imagine the color red without being exposed to it.

>> No.11314850

Thanks for btfoing these stupid metamaterialist motherfuckers. People like you will bring about the rebirth of science.

>> No.11314859

No, that's just x-tier woo.

>> No.11314860

>stupid metamaterialist
I'm a pure materialist not a metamaterialist but you're too stupid to know the difference.

>> No.11314861

Maybe you are too stupid to aknowledge the identity

>> No.11314864
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>> No.11316534

Is the state of seeing red through the eyes and seeing red in a dream the same state?

>> No.11317299

Isn't this like saying that those who experience transcranial magnetic stimulation to create the subjective experience of god getting self-righteous about their induced state and assuming that their subjective experience trumps the actual truth that just a particular piece of their brain is being electromagnetically stimulated in a particular way? The evidence held up being "you don't understand because god doesn't love you, I personally experienced this so I know it to be true".
Our subjective experiences don't matter, you can't say "feels the same subjectively ergo it's real" and expect to have actually made an objectively relevant statement.

>> No.11317333

Depends what you mean by same state.

>> No.11317362

>What I see is indescribable,
Anon, haven't you considered you inhability to describe reality as something far more easily explained as simply being retarded? Either that or you have an inherent quality that no one else seems able to prove therefore I would take Ockham's razor here.

>> No.11317366

>muh qualia

>> No.11317398

Ok, you try and describe the subjective perception of the color red.

>> No.11317416

Brainlet confusion between wavelength and color incoming

>> No.11317524

it's not confusion, take two objective digital observers of the colour red, you sample it in observer x and want to transfer the information that represents the sample to observer y. The way you do that is to describe the experience, the way you do that in this particular instance is wavelength of the electromagnetic wave in question. The only reason this isn't obvious for humans is because we don't have the level of granularity necessary to quantify our experience of a given phenomenon to the complete extent that we do in an objectively defined third party observer with a set of particular specifications.
If we did, then we'd just be repeating the aforementioned experiment.
There is no reason to believe qualia and the uniqueness of the soul and all of that associated nonsensical woo are anything other than cope.

>> No.11317638

Red is the color of sanguinity.

>> No.11317762

No one has invoked any woo, or any explanation at all. I'm not saying there is a God or soul or anything. All I'm saying is that our materialist description of nature is insufficient in accounting for the existence of consciousness and its content.

>> No.11317835

>red is red
You can't describe red without referring to some instance of the subjective experience of red. You could say "red is hot" because hot things like fire tend to be red, but red itself is not actually hot. Red is like an atom of experience, it can't be broken down into smaller parts, and it can't be described in terms of matter and energy interacting in space and time like phenomena in the objective world.

>> No.11317841

>There is no reason to believe qualia and the uniqueness of the soul and all of that associated nonsensical woo are anything other than cope.

Okay then, what is it like to be a bat? Or a penguin? How can you describe that in objective terms when it's an entirely subjective experience?

>> No.11317896


You can avoid the very question that sparks the panpsychism idea, but I'm going to throw it at you.

Why does a bunch of neurons firing give rise to a subjective experience at all? Any answer you give me is just as outlandish as panpsychism.

I'm going to take a leap and presume you cling onto the idea of emergence. The experience just emerges out of the neuron to neuron connections. If you answer with that, my question still is unanswered, what exactly are the mechanisms that cause unfeeling matter to experience.

>> No.11317907

The idea that redness is something itself instead of relations to other things which are red is erroneous.

>> No.11318087

What's it like to be a photosensitive rock? Why should it be any different? Life forms are just extremely complicated machines for which we don't have the precise specifications necessary to quantify the data of their sensory experience perfectly. If we did we could examine and transmit it just as easily as we can examine and transmit the data representing the sensory experience of artificial agents which we have created ourselves and thus do have specification s of sufficient granularity to allow for that ability. In the case of extremely simple borderline entities like simple light responsive scum or crystals or whatever, the phenomenon in question is once again simple enough that we can perfectly quantify it down to describable transmittable data.

>> No.11318095

The article is nothing, it's just a "dude lmao what if like the universe was made of consciousness".
Without being able to test the idea there no reason to get your dick in a twist.

>> No.11318135
File: 77 KB, 613x675, tik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually isn't erroneous. Even from the most compromised position, it would be a ratio of whatever signal responses may be going to the brain at some time.
Did you know that the the color of red will change if you keep staring at it for long enough, but you probably think the wavelength is changing colors. Fucking brainlet.
Do you even know what an offset is, or doping, or tuning?
How about another direction, why the fuck are the primary colors not linked to ratios of wavelengths?

>> No.11318195

>Presents confusion
>"It's not confusion REEEEE"
Start with the Greeks

>> No.11318269

Leave your degenerate sexual fantasies out of this.

>> No.11318290

I like the idea of consciousness as some kind of fundamental property of the cosmos, but not in the panpsychicism sense where "consciousness as a property of matter" where even fundamental particles have some form of "experience", no I think there's a hard limit between consciousness and matter.

>> No.11318296
File: 151 KB, 817x1000, Frans_Hals_-_Portret_van_René_Descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Descartespilled

>> No.11318315

Yeah but the thing is if its something that cannot be "detected, observed, measured" then the scientific, objective evidence for its existence is nil. But then it could somehow be able to interact with matter without being detected, breaking all known physical laws as even neutrinos can be detected.

Still, until neuroscience has pinpointed the exact neural correlates of consciousness and solved the hard problem then there's no reason that possibility can't be true too, however unlikely

>> No.11318320

there is no such thing as science. It doesn't exist as a unitary discipline.What you're referring to is called being "objective" and "empirical"

>> No.11318347

Yeah good point. And I guess I'm willing to accept the possibility that there may be forces in this cosmos that are neither objective nor empirically verifiable and consciousness may be one of them

>> No.11318354

Science, at the core, isn't about truth. One thing can come along at any moment and ruin whatever paradigm, but at the same time, make it more complete and refined. Take the example of the additional organ discovered in the body, the interstitium. These sorts of discoveries are the point of science. Scientific inquiry has no basis outside of cause and effect - assumed causes, reliably assumed causes and apparent effects. It is an implicate structure and its truthiness is not anywhere near an objective even when there are organizations which advocate for it.

>> No.11318372

Its already possible to decode neuron activity into digitial images, so we already know for fact that colors and shapes in your head are just neurons firing in certain way

>> No.11318380

>it's another "philosophers shitting out word salad" episode
what a surprise

>> No.11318392

I never said anything about wavelengths. All I said was that red is given meaning by the relations to other objects, and perhaps a bit of instincts.

>> No.11318511

>can't understand basic epistemology
>"word salad lel"
>continues to live in ignorance

>> No.11318516 [DELETED] 


>> No.11318521


get the fuck out with your pop sci bullshit.

>> No.11318537
File: 76 KB, 1000x1000, Webkit-logo-P3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a good hard look at pic related. Does that look like neurons firing? There are neurons firing in your brain which produce the perception you see, but the neurons firing are not the perception itself. The two couldn't be more different.

>> No.11318541

Consciousness is just a psychosis brought on by self-reflective thinking.

>> No.11318544

>but the neurons firing are not the perception itself.
The "perception itself" does not exist, it can't be separated from neurons firing. Try again.

>> No.11318566

Your perceptions are more real than objective reality. You can make a good case that objective reality doesn't exist, but you can't claim that your direct subjective experience doesn't exist. Your entire worldview is ass backward. God, ignorance of philosophy is worse than ignorance of science.

>> No.11318589

>Your perceptions are more real than objective reality.
Why? Because you say so? This is the science board.

>You can make a good case that objective reality doesn't exist, but you can't claim that your direct subjective experience doesn't exist.
I'm saying it does exist, your neurons are actually firing. What I'm not saying exists is your magic "perception itself."

>Your entire worldview is ass backward.
Projection based on nothing.

>God, ignorance of philosophy is worse than ignorance of science.
Denial of your favorite philosophical flavor is not ignorance of philosophy. You are confusing knowledge of philosophy with proof that philosophy represents something real. If you had that, it wouldn't just be philosophy, it would be science.

>> No.11318594

Perhaps consciousness emerges through the parallelism of the universe. When one thinks of atoms or neurons, one typically imagines their processes in a linear fashion, when they actually concurrently operate. Perhaps this inaccurate thinking disallows understanding of consciousness.

I know brains transmit brainwaves, but is the brain affected in any way by the receiving of brainwaves or anything similar?

>> No.11318633

Not him, but you really seem stupid.
>This is the science board.
Yeah, exactly.
>I'm saying it does exist, your neurons are actually firing. What I'm not saying exists is your magic "perception itself."
You can't seem to acknowledge that "neurons firing" IS A PERCEPTION OF YOURS, IDIOT. Your sacred matter cannot be, for you, more than just an abstraction of your perceptions.
Perception or experience is primary with respect to matter.
Science is not at war with philosophy but grounded in it. If you need proof of philosophy being something real you don't understand what philosophy (and science) means

>> No.11318642

All empirical evidence of objective reality comes through subjective experience. We have no direct experience with objective reality. Subjective experience is primary. Objective reality is an abstraction based in subjective experience. This isn't just my particular flavor of philosophy. It's an irrefutable fact.

Where do you get this idea that philosophy is somehow at odds with science? The two are both equally valid methods of inquiry into the world. Historically, it wasn't until very recently that science and philosophy were even considered distinct disciplines.

>> No.11318650

>You can't seem to acknowledge that "neurons firing" IS A PERCEPTION OF YOURS, IDIOT.
Where did I say anything to the contrary? It's a non sequitur.

>Your sacred matter cannot be, for you, more than just an abstraction of your perceptions.
An "abstraction of your perceptions" describes any model, so what?

>Perception or experience is primary with respect to matter.
No, it's the other way around.

>Science is not at war with philosophy but grounded in it.
I never said science was at war with philosophy. They aren't in conflict unless you are claiming your philosophy represents something real without scientific evidence. Which is what you or whoever >>11318566 is did.

>All empirical evidence of objective reality comes through subjective experience. We have no direct experience with objective reality. Subjective experience is primary.
Doesn't follow. The former would be true regardless of whether matter or subjective experience is primary.

>Where do you get this idea that philosophy is somehow at odds with science?
Where did you get that idea from what I said? I think it's pretty clear they are not at odds when one is concerned with correlations with reality while the other is not. It's like saying science is at odds with math. They aren't trying to do the same thing, so they aren't in conflict.

It's funny how you both completely failed to understand what I've said. Maybe you need to work on your philosophy.

>> No.11318688

>by the receiving of brainwaves or anything similar?

This is something like that analogy of thinking of the brain as a receiver for the "ethereal, undetectable signal" of consciousness that still somehow interacts with and generates subjective conscious experience in the brain, my question with this theory is at what point does the metaphysical cross into the physical, when and where does the signal become detected by what part of the brain to initiate conscious experience? There's no way to isolate parts of the brain this way and acquire definitive neural correlates of consciousness because everything is so interconnected.

If going with this line of thinking then it would be less complicated to say that the material/physical world lies within the meta-physical which is why consciousness can be a pervasive, invisible yet interacting within the physical, much in the same way that some theories of gravity (I think M-theory) have it acting across multiple dimensions explaining its weakness in the third dimension. in the same sense perhaps consciousness is weaker and more confined in the third/physical dimension too or something like that.

>> No.11318691


I meant permeating

>> No.11318713

>what exactly are the mechanisms that cause unfeeling matter to experience
The arrangement of the matter itself causes it to experience.

>> No.11318725

It's very small experience that's almost impercievable, the same way that perhaps like in theory, even electrons and quarks have some amount of mass and thus, some amount of gravity, but we don't see its effects until it's some massive thing.

I just know I think it's great as the basis for science fiction stuff.

>> No.11318730

>I just know I think it's great as the basis for science fiction stuff.

Yeah, AI comes to mind right away

>> No.11319687

>Doesn't follow. The former would be true regardless of whether matter or subjective experience is primary.
And this is metaphysical materialism. A normie assuming a truth that he cannot experience. The matter behind the mind (which he cannot percieve in any way and never has) causes experience. It's just a religion without God.
>they are not at odds when one is concerned with correlations with reality while the other is not.
You should start with the Greeks.

Nice bullshit. Funny you can't see how retarded this ideas seem to someone actually educated.

>> No.11319825

Hardly metaphysical. Matter is a fundamental part of many models that make successful predictions. Consciousness is not. It's as simple as that.

>> No.11320135

But its not the "matter" that makes the predictions, its the math. Physics is actually quite apathetic to the intrinsic nature of the universe. It just describes relations between observables but doesnt help us give any deeper definition to what those observables are.

>> No.11320216

>But its not the "matter" that makes the predictions, its the math.
Bullshit, it's the models, including matter, which make the predictions. An atom is not "math."

>> No.11320606

Yes, matter as an abstraction of experience (CONSCIOUSNESS), not matter as a fucking noumenon.
The Greeks, man

>> No.11320684

No, the model doesn't include matter as an abstraction but as a reality. You're confusing the model for what the model represents.

>> No.11320746

>redirecting to

>> No.11320833

Yeah but nothing about the model tells you what an atom is. Just how it behaves. Its ambivalent to the underlying nature of it all.

>> No.11320841

To add, theres no way you could use physics models to distinguish whether we are living a mental or physical world or whatever.

>> No.11320882

>Yeah but nothing about the model tells you what an atom is.
The only thing we can know about the atom is what empirically verified models say about the atom. Speculating beyond that is pointless. Maybe atoms are magic as well as conscious.

>> No.11320884

You can, it's called Occam's razor. Physical models are necessary, mental models are not.

>> No.11321036

But what if having a mental world solves the hard problem of consciousness e.g. panpsychism. Isnt that favoured by Occams Razor?

It does leave open the question of panpsychism though.

>> No.11321057

>Isnt that favoured by Occams Razor?
No. You would need to explain the mechanism of panpsychism.

>It does leave open the question
It also leaves open my polar bear theory where each atom is pushed around by a tiny white bear. Just because you can think up an explanation does not make it valid.

>> No.11321114

But the explanation isnt random, panpsychism is the natural remedy to the hard problem of consciousness and doesnt need a mechanism because literally mental stuff replaces matter. the laws of physics just apply to mental atuff now.

>> No.11321188
File: 26 KB, 1168x400, unconsciousness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its already possible to decode neuron activity into digitial images, so we already know for fact that colors and shapes in your head are just neurons firing in certain way
Fine. As you say, you can represent what a person is seeing (albeit crudely anyway) on a computer screen. This has been done in a lab. But when you see this representation of what the other person sees, you are still not EXPERIENCING that image the same way they are. You are having your own experience of the image which is completely different from the other person's experience of the image. You cannot in fact experience what they are experiencing. Ever. The whole question revolves around the "thing" doing the experiencing. But of course, you will tell me that that "thing" is just an illusion.

>The Mysterious Disappearance of Consciousness
>What makes materialists deny the undeniable?
>what makes the consciousness of an intelligent human being deny its own existence
>What kind of conscious inner dialogue do people engage in so as to convince themselves that they have no conscious inner dialogue?

>> No.11321198

>need to explain the mechanism
That's really the journey, isn't it? The typical path of scientific discovery usually follows in people observing a phenomenon, being curious about it, and then finding out why it happens the way that it does, in that order. This is no different.

>> No.11321218

>underlying nature
The underlying nature of everything is simply processes, not "things". That's why everyone is so hopelessly confused, and why particle wave duality is similarly confusing. (For the record, it is better and simpler just to think of everything in terms of waves, and mostly shelve the idea of "particles".) An atom IS better thought of as a process or set of relations between various other connected phenomena. If you know all the properties and behaviors of the atom, you already know all there is to know about it. Things-in-themselves are not really "objects" but "events".

>> No.11321228

so according to panpsychism, is the earth more conscious than me? is the sun more conscious than the earth? is sun's consciousness separate from earth's?
why would a bunch of particles being very close (a human) generate more consciousness that that same amount of particles being spread apart (for example air or any imaginary gas composed of the same particles that make a human)?
doesn't that mean that according to panpsychism, consciousness is not only dependent on matter but more on the arrangement of that matter in space?

>> No.11321234

Polar bears are the natural remedy.

This is science not literature Ideas only matter if you can test and prove their accuracy.

>> No.11321238

But what is an idea?

>> No.11321239

It's that last thing you said. It's the level to which the arrangement of the matter is able to integrate information. That's why the most prominent and most scientifically-grounded panpsychism-adjacent theory is Integrated Information Theory.

>> No.11321243

>It's the level to which the arrangement of the matter is able to integrate information
so is my hard drive more conscious than me? it can definitely store more information

>> No.11321244

A formulated thought or opinion.

>> No.11321247

So a non-physical object

>> No.11321249

Yes. And I was saying we're at a very early stage in cracking this problem. We're in the stage where theories are being put forward. Then we will test them in various ways, probably over the course of centuries. It's not fair to say "all these theories are bad" out of hand, before they've ever even had the chance to be vetted over (probably a very long) period of time. These are literally our first baby steps in this area.

>> No.11321251

you need to read on it to understand the lingo

>> No.11321253

so what is the definition of integration of information?

>> No.11321262

>So a non-physical object
Not physical in the colloquial sense. All Ideas are stored as bits in computers or in clusters of neurons in the human brain.

You must have quite a large hard drive. Do you work for the NSA?

>> No.11321266

Again and again, the materialist confusion..

>> No.11321268

So where do you think your ideas are?

>> No.11321285

My man, location is not a property of psychological objects

>> No.11321290

Then psychological objects don't exist.

>> No.11321293


>> No.11321385

But even processes must have something that is to be in itself... Physical models dont provide that. If we can describe a process via multiple different models then its clearly not getting to the thing in itself and if there is an objective reality then there must be a single thing in itself that is this universe, not in the superficiality of mathemtical models that do no more than relate phenomenal observation.

>> No.11321425

if we did have some kind of subhuman underclass mixed into society, that's the kind of dumb thing one of them might say

>> No.11321430

>But even processes must have something that is to be in itself.
That's the whole revolution in thinking about the world that is going on as we speak. The idea that things precede and are more fundamental than processes is actively being thrown out the window altogether.
The answer is a resounding "processes". The very idea of things-in-themselves as objects rather than events is increasingly seen as antiquated. It was just something that we long struggled with because it felt intuitively true. But now we know that it is not. And this is coming from the philosophy side, not the science side, which has already been saying this for some time.

>> No.11321443

This. It’s such an obvious answer but people still feel the need to debate it endlessly.

>> No.11321454

>retarded article
Why am I not surprised?

>> No.11321662

I had this idea before. That it's the moment of memory formation, essentially. But even in this, we are _experiencing_ the moment of memory formation. And there still needs to be something doing the experiencing. A memory itself, or the moment of it being formed by itself does not seem like it could be this something. There is still something more to this.

>> No.11321686

>There is still something more to this.
Yeah a complex system of inputs outputs and storage with hundreds of trillions of connections.

>> No.11322111

Implying processes are not objects

>> No.11322119

There was never a conciousness. There is no conciousness

>> No.11322145

>Article of the Decade
There is an anon here bodhi mantra who wrote and article 100 times better than that he actually gives the science to prove it and some of the implications of the science.

>> No.11322150
File: 201 KB, 440x540, NPCAREBAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reality is 85% NPC anon, provable stat

>> No.11323427

>metaphysics isn't science
While the object of study in science usually isn't metaphysical (it sometimes is), i.e. it usually is physical, the act of finding scientific results and the results themselves often have facets of the metaphysical. Some scientific results are entirely metaphysical.

>> No.11323601

No scientifc result is metaphysical.

>> No.11323671 [DELETED] 


>> No.11323699

Why not? What about general relativity? Or quantum physics? These theories are mathematical models, which clearly has metaphysical facets, and seem to map pretty well onto physical reality.

>> No.11323707

You're not conscious and neither am I, even if you have an "inner diologue" doesnt mean you experience qualia. I can't prove I think, therefore I dont

>> No.11323714

Consciousness is an evolutionary dead end.

>> No.11323734

Here's something that might at least partially placate those complaining the study of consciousness isn't scientific enough at present:
Never mind that many top neuroscientists do study it seriously and rigorously. You can argue about how successful they have been so far in terms of findings, but you can't say it's all just philosophy and little more.

>> No.11323750

This would seem to be the crux of the matter. Everything about the brain is explainable without the existence of consciousness. This is why anyone who comes at it with an empirical approach is always tempted it explain it away as an evolutionary spandrel or unnecessary side-effect, write it off as an illusion or straight up pretend it simply just doesn't exist (even though it's patently obvious that it does).

>> No.11323752

>even if you have an "inner diologue" doesnt mean you experience qualia.
Do you need to experience qualia to be conscious?
>I can't prove I think, therefore I don't
Lmao! :D Can someone translate this to latin in the style of the famous proposition by Descartes?

>> No.11323755

I think that's bait. "Experience of qualia" is the very definition of consciousness.

>> No.11323758


>> No.11323760

Math and science are different in fundamental ways that you seem to be eliding over. Science does not produce metaphysical results.

>> No.11323782

>Math and science are different in fundamental ways that you seem to be sliding over.
Please stop me from sliding. Or rather, slide me back and deep into these issues. I cannot do it myself. Can't you see? I will thank you dearly.

>> No.11323789 [DELETED] 




>> No.11323805

Elide verb

elided; eliding

transitive verb
1a : to suppress or alter (something, such as a vowel or syllable) by elision
b : to strike out (something, such as a written word)
2a : to leave out of consideration : omit
b : curtail, abridge

>> No.11323806

>define "consciousness"
it's a spectrum

>> No.11323834

this reads like it was generated in one of those fake scientific paper algorithms. What the hell.

>> No.11323854

I take this as another indication that I need help to stop sliding. Please. I am so slippery.

>> No.11324170

>contents of consciousness are the results of active reconstruction of the reality
This directly addresses the Hard Problem, and then at the end sidesteps it anyway. Imagination is not consciousness. It's imagination.

>> No.11324311

>philosophy isn't science
Easiest way to spot a pseud

>> No.11324322

>philosophy is science
Easiest way to spot a pseud.

>> No.11324367

>he doesn't know that many of history's foremost mathematicians were also philosophers.

Not only a pseud, but also a brainlet. I guess you have never heard of Descartes, Pascal, Frege or Poincare. Sucks that they didn't get the memo that they weren't true scientists after all.

>> No.11324409

You cannot define it untill you study it

>> No.11324427

Leonardo da vinci was a painter I guess that means STEAM is valid.

>> No.11324983

>>he doesn't know that many of history's foremost mathematicians were also philosophers.
Many of them were Catholics so I goes Catholicism is a science.

I doubt you have any knowledge of philosophy if your basic logic is this bad.

>> No.11324992
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>> No.11326012

Define what it means to define something.

>> No.11326022

You read philosophy for entertainment. That shit can be harmful in high doses. Just look at the /lit/ "philosophers". They are so disconnected from reality, it's not even funny,

>> No.11326146

>That shit can be harmful in high doses.

>> No.11326241

Are you serious this is the article of the decade? That shit could be stated my my drunken uncle who read Stephen hawking and Neil Degrasse pop sci books in his lunch time at work

>> No.11326334

I see 1 and I'm skeptical to believe anyone else can see any of the other numbers, how can you just see shit in your mind it doesn't even make sense. Learning about this when I'm in my 30's is kind of annoying others have had this huge advantage over me the whole time.

>> No.11326352

It's actually very hard to study for the obvious reason that you can't directly compare experiences from one individual to another. but as far as I know it is real and has noticeable real world affects.

I can imagine an object and am able to rotate it in 3D space but it doesn't intrude into my vision like this image implies. It feels like even though it has a color and I can perceive a physicality to it it exists in a completely separate space not within the 180 or so degrees of my current vision like a literal third eye or something.

I've talked to my father who because of an aneurysm lost half his vision in one eye and it's not like he feels there is a gap or black space, it just isn't there. The brain is a complicated weird machine.

>> No.11326354

What the fuck happened to scientific american? 40+ years ago they were teaching normies how to make mass spectrometers with their mothers' darning needles, now this?

>> No.11326360

I feel like this post is false but am not old enough to verify.

>> No.11326456

~2M/Z resolution

>> No.11326662

Wow. I had no idea there were people that don't have imaginations. But I guess it kind of makes sense. As I kid, I remember wishing than when I play back a song I've heard in my mind, that it would sound as loud and clear as it does through my headphones. Years later, anything I 'listen' to in my 'mind's ear' sounds much closer to clarity you get when actually listening to music. There's still a difference, but it's MUCH better and therefore much more enjoyable.

>> No.11326706

This doesn't even solve the problem they claim exists. (i. e. where consciousness comes from). If all the electrons and quarks in the universe have consciousness, then every particle in my body would have its own separate consciousness and would be completely separate from whatever consciousness goes on in the brain. They wouldn't suddenly combine into a superconscious being.

>> No.11326719

This is why consciousness is a gradient. It's why a mouse is less conscious, and a worm less conscious still. This gradient doesn't stop at worms, though. That's the whole point.

>> No.11326758

Why this process even allowed by the laws of nature?

>> No.11326775

That's what we don't know and are trying to find out. Panpsych is just one idea of many (although one increasingly being embraced by neuroscientists). Any of you claiming that all of this is just humanities leaking into science needs to first familiarize themselves with these ideas, which are coming largely from scientific areas of study. And even if it were the case that non-scientific fields are encroaching on this important question, it could only be because the hard sciences are failing to crack it.

>> No.11327081
File: 3.32 MB, 578x768, CosmicShiva.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT seething brainlets afraid to stare into the abyss

>> No.11328264


>> No.11329013

It's not embraced by any neuroscientists, and it comes from nothing scientific. Peddle your bullshit elsewhere >>>/x/

>> No.11329046

Kindly read that entire article before spouting nonsense and shitposting thank you

>> No.11329145

>Panpsych is just one idea of many (although one increasingly being embraced by neuroscientists).
I read the entire article and you are an idiot. One philosopher calling your idea panpsychism doesn't make you believe in panpsychism.

>> No.11329149

still believing that gravity holds everything together disqualifies you from learning anything new.
And consciousness is a Birkeland current through the body

>> No.11329159

I don't read popsci trash. Apparently you're a liar in addition to a retard >>11329046
Peddle your bullshit elsewhere >>>/x/

>> No.11329433

/sci/ will never explain consciousness or why I saw my own future in my dreams.

>> No.11329438

>/sci/ will never explain consciousness
Science will.

>why I saw my own future in my dreams.
You didn't, it's called deja vu, retard.

>> No.11329447

No it won't because science is profane consciousness is spiritual. And yes I did I know I did.

>> No.11329460
File: 42 KB, 562x437, haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice delusions. It's a shame you have nothing to back them up.

>> No.11329465

Hahahaha its fun being a dog for modern world is it? Piss off.

>> No.11329478

The replies here are too fucking obvious and show how debased our current age is.
>in the earliest days of science the philosopher, the doctor, the engineer and scientist are all brothers seeking to understand reality in its totality
>later the philosophers, the holy men and the alchemists all drive forward in mathematics and chemistry and physics to better understand God's creation
>unto the height of the industrial revolution the most prominent scientists are well versed in theology and philosophy, knowing for a fact that a complete understanding of the physical universe dictates that one must understand its subjective aspects
>in the modern age true understanding is considered archaic and barbaric, and all aspects of reality must be forced into a mechanistic framework even as further research continues to confirm its inadequacy in providing total knowledge
How pitiful

>> No.11329484
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Ah right because you're so special and original.

>> No.11329487

Everyone is special.

>> No.11329491
File: 50 KB, 645x729, 1515194851321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are indeed "special"

>> No.11329493

You're not even practicing philosophy, you're just a pathetic apologist for irrational and long debunked dead memes.

>> No.11329506

Quanta magazine is not popsci trash. You can't post here if you don't know what Quanta magazine is.

>> No.11329521

>Quanta magazine is not popsci trash.
Then why does it publish popsci trash articles like the one you posted?

>> No.11329575

>lmao le ebin rationality
Look everybody, the creature that can only experience things subjectively is using subjectively useful thought paradigms to make subjectively useful tools to measure reality in a way that's subjectively correct to it! Point and laugh!

>> No.11329632

Do you understand what "predictive power" is? It's the thing that separates theories from stoner thoughts.

>> No.11329664

>bro check it out! You know that objective reality I presume exists by using subjective experiences to experience? Well I totally used my mind that can only operate subjectively to come up with a model that subjectively makes sense to me and subjectively predicts things in the objective reality that I only subjectively presume exists!

>> No.11329688

You've never read a single article from it, including that one.

>> No.11329729

>a complex system of inputs outputs and storage with hundreds of trillions of connections
How is this different from any large system?

>> No.11330811

The awareness of the thoughts of oneself.

>> No.11330864

There could be an universal observer field, that deals with sensations and consciousness alike. Perhaps the field emits qualia when interactions of certain complexity occur. The question is how our brain catches this data.

>> No.11330870

But what are qualia?

>> No.11330873

Also memories are just qualia of different flavors and sensations just self generated.

>> No.11330879

Conciousness is the qualia of information.

>> No.11330887

What about dreams and the mind's eye?

>> No.11330900

It isn't.

Dreams have a feedback loop that activates many of the systems you use while awake. I don't know specifically if the pathways are identical but the visual system is active even if your eyes are closed.

>> No.11330949

Mathematics confirmed just stoner thoughts.

>> No.11330958
File: 8 KB, 472x267, Et3qf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know how our field of vision can be reduced by closing our other eye? Logically, if you stretched out your eyes, your field of vision expands. Well what if you had eyes all around your head? 360° vision baby!

>> No.11331073

>mathematics don't have predictive power

>> No.11331738

Something similar, as a kid I used to wish we had a machine that would generate movies from books. Whenever I read anything, I would practice visualizing everything about the book. Now, its a pretty nice experience reading. As long as I am engrossed in the story, I get to see the story in my minds eye. I also used to pretend to play my gameboy in my minds eye. I would see how far I could imagine the entirety of pokemon red in my head. It was pretty fun when I was bored, which I was a lot as a kid.

>> No.11331753


>> No.11332200

probably memory and an intermediate part of the brain that allows for logical manipulation of memory for practical use, much like a CPU and regular memory in a computer. but i'm probably being a little too presumptuous and niave with that statement

>> No.11333649

You dont need to lose an eye, just closing one already tells your brain to turn that monitor off. Because it was just there ita easier to imagine black there but really look and theres nothing at all but blindness the same as you have in every other part of the body

>> No.11333655

They do, but their consciousness leads them to behave the way they do. These behaviors add up to larger systems also conscious, and eventually to a function in the brain that recognizes its existence

Consciousness is existence

>> No.11333657
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>philosophy and metaphysics isn't science


>> No.11333660

Top kek and absolutely based

>> No.11333666

To be or not to be