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File: 100 KB, 600x900, Sunny-sex-doll-posing-outside-half-clothed-1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11313743 No.11313743 [Reply] [Original]

The common argument against sexdolls from most people is that it allows men to never "man up" and "talk to women". What do they mean by this? Talking to women makes them want to fuck you? Why is the human mating ritual so difficult that some men choose dolls without attempting to interact with women?

>> No.11313764
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one of the reason would be this.
I can show you more reasons, but I doubt you will take it.
there are question you are not ready to hear an answer from, ergo, you are not ready for the brutal truth.

>> No.11313769


>> No.11313820

its a complex thing.
because for that you have to understand the 80/20 rule, or the alpha fucks and beta bucks.
you have to study and understand hypergamy.
the main source of anger and rejection torwards women.
how they see most men that aren't attractive or aren't "chad or "tyrone", they see them as nothing more than servant and sub-humans.
they demand perfection when they haven't earned it or done anything to deserved, an entitled stupid good for nothing fool who will destroy you life and its a menace to any living thing.
they use a dual mating strategy, she admits to promiscuity with the bad boys but now wants a good guy to settle down with.
Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks.
they hate men but need us, they want to control men and slave them for some reason, maybe its in their nature or something.
its a lot to take in, but once you do you will understand women and why men simply refuse to deal with them and even want to replace them so that they never face slavery.

>> No.11313824

Nigga I learned this shit when I was 14, baka I thought you had sme secret knowledge that I had yet to discover, yare yare daze, thanks for blue braining me.

>> No.11313840

oh and also an example of what I said to be true is this septic tank: https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleDatingStrategy/
just exploring and reading will discourage anyone from dating women again.

>> No.11313996

this image is obviously a false flag written by some salty /pol/ or /r9k/-poster

>> No.11314056
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All I wanted was a woman I could have children with and have sex daily. Why did it have to be like this? Why must we settle for silicone imitations? Why god? Why?

>> No.11314111

yikes, stopped reading

>> No.11314120
File: 219 KB, 1920x1920, 23800255_1926723484248288_152012747225320142_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not them, but you may find this interesting
The short of it is that we live mostly in a matriarchy, where a few males at the top lead society, but that the rest is controlled by the females. This can be seen through women being the majority voters and and controlling around 85% of consumer spending, as well as most family court issues favoring the woman.
The video describes this semi matriarchy as the natural state of mankind and what is currently happening is society as the regression to its natural state.

>> No.11314576


>> No.11315242

Only western and savage society is like that.

>> No.11316885

>Talking to women makes them want to fuck you?
In what reality does that happen??

>> No.11317690

That was the point I was making

>> No.11317695

How do men get women to let them use their bodies?

>> No.11317710

Some women should be better people than plastic dolls.

>> No.11317740

money. entertainment. security, and status currency of some kind

>> No.11317752

>Why is the human mating ritual so difficult

It isn’t. Some men are mentally damaged because they stayed inside on the Internet too long.

>> No.11317766

There is a specific series of events that every male has to do to a the female in order to get access to the womans vagina. If we just explain this process, every guy could get pussy?

>> No.11317807

> There is a specific series of events that every male has to do to a the female in order to get access to the womans vagina

Wrong. There are numerous paths. One of the most simple is to ask them out and pursue the relationship to the period at which sex begins. This can be difficult for mentally damaged shut-ins who spent too much time on the Internet, reading books, playing video games, and engaging in pseudosocial online interaction. Another way is to simply attend a party with your friends, get drunk, and fuck some drunk girl. This is assuming you have friends, though, and aren’t a shut-in freak who has to build up courage to do something simple like talk to a fucking cashier because your dad made the mistake of letting you stay indoors when you should be outdoors.

>> No.11317872

>and fuck some drunk girl
Around here this is considered rape by the courts.

>> No.11317881

>Around here this is considered rape by the courts.

No it isn’t. Drunk people fucking eachother is a case in which the mental faculties of both parties are impaired, and a sober person fucking a drunk person isn’t rape either unless they later have a problem with it or were deceived, intoxicated without their knowledge.

>> No.11317893

Jokes on you, my dad was deported when I was 8

>> No.11317898

Figures. Human males without father figures are one of the worst demographics.

>> No.11317899

it's here >>11317740

>> No.11317939

That's not something a well raised individual would say, where did your parents fail you bro?

>> No.11317948

I'm a doll owner. Given a choice between a human woman and the doll, I choose the doll. The absence of the doll would not make me choose a human woman.

>The common argument against sexdolls from most people is that it allows men to never "man up" and "talk to women"

The arguement is false because it assumes that interaction with dolls arises as a consequence of failure to interact with woman. Interaction with dolls arises from a preference for dolls. A human woman is not a doll, and thus not an acceptable replacement or alternative to the doll.

>> No.11317953

>That's not something a well raised individual would say

It’s what the science says. Ultimately doesn’t matter if it hurts your fee-fees.

>> No.11319415


>> No.11319693

Take a look at the real world for a change. Everywhere is like that

>> No.11319713
File: 593 KB, 640x812, xXJO7yYyha8TDD9XCuFb9k6nLih0MoxUPSeFt2_jC44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man up
roastie entitlement on full display. anytime one of these dumb cunts whines about "sex dolls" just laugh in her dumb whore face and tell her "you're a strong independent womyn who need no man, aren't you?"

>> No.11319715

What about us trannies?

>> No.11319718
File: 52 KB, 399x464, 1551100674235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the link, the level of sheer delusion and narcissism is incredible.

>> No.11319723

just don't try to emulate the behavior of thots and it's all fine.

>> No.11319726

Unironically kys

>> No.11319748

I have no problem with talking to cashier, that does not mean I have friends that are inviting me into parties. Avoidant personality does not work like that, I don't have social anxiety, I have problem with maintaining relationships with other people, I am emotionally numb

>> No.11319757

and yet no one holds the mothers who spread their legs for their fathers culpable in any of it.

>> No.11319758

Huh? It's not that complicated, Anon. You talk to them, see if chemistry hits. If yes, start humping, if no, abort mission and seek next objective.

>> No.11319763

what happens when you fugged a girl but have no chemistry?

>> No.11319775
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>> No.11320021

On to the next. Basically just hands-free fapping in that case. No problem.

>> No.11320065
File: 293 KB, 1124x1968, jeej.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11320094

You can already KYS

>> No.11321006

jesus, the virginity is strong in this one

>> No.11321049
File: 829 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20190817_141707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate women more every day. They are the reason why millions of friendless and sexless men are rotting and shitposting alone tonight. This is the new normal.

>> No.11321064

>The common argument against sexdolls from most people is that it allows men to never "man up" and "talk to women". What do they mean by this?
Considering most boy-girl relationships are initiated by the man, if the man were already satiated and satisfied, he has no need to initiate contact in pursuit of pleasures of the flesh.
>Talking to women makes them want to fuck you?
No. In other words, you'll never find out if you don't try
>Why is the human mating ritual so difficult that some men choose dolls without attempting to interact with women?
Idk. I'm betting it has something to do with there being 3 billion men to choose from and the internet makes it super easy to find all of them. So if you're not some Chad that makes them giggle behind your back, you better be pretty fucking charming cause there's like 1,000 Chads in her tinder radius of she didn't find any at the bar.
You may have to learn to settle.

Idk. Don't listen to me. I haven't held a girlfriend longer than 6 months.

>> No.11321070

I tried so hard to find me a good woman and have given up. I'm 30. If she existed she's already got kids. Now it's just occasional stints with brainless twats and single mothers.

>> No.11321075

Either the prolonged existence of sex dolls is antievolutionary, or some scientists somewhere purport that in our magnificence we have broken free of the constraints of evolution altogether.
Which is it?

>> No.11321092

Actually had to double check if I was on /sci/
I would love to hear justification for why this belongs here

>> No.11321148

Yeah, let's just go back to the regular IQ threads

>> No.11321158

Janny hates us, reddit feels at home here because of the perceived connection between science and liberal political leanings

>> No.11321166

Cheer up bros, how humans mate is definitely an interesting scientific endeavor

>> No.11321202

>make sexdoll
>make it look like a generic fugly thot
Where are the catgirls?

>> No.11322216

It's hilarious how you think anyone on this planet cares you "go your own way" to fuck a plastic doll.

>> No.11322242

Listen bro, realistic sex dolls will just turn more guys into horrible weebs and you know this, I know this, everyone knows this

>> No.11322269


>> No.11323941

It's bad enough with anime pillows and mlp fleshlights. You don't think broadening the customer base is gonna make it any worse?

>> No.11324165
File: 9 KB, 250x213, 1579748227887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to go.

>> No.11324178

The thing anon is that living with a woman can have a really positive effect on your character or it can break your shit up beyond repair. Either way it helps develop character, but a lot of other things in life do the same, ie, when your parents die, your first job, etc.

TL;DR, get a doll

>> No.11324282

When my mom dies, I'm most definitely joining her if I still am a virgin no gf loser.

>> No.11324294

>it can break your shit up beyond repair
the most likely outcome.

>> No.11324545

>No. In other words, you'll never find out if you don't try

LMAO COPE! If you have to try, it's over. If you would look like Brad Pitt, women would approach YOU on the DAILY! CHAD has no idea what approaching and game and all that coping shit even is, Chad never talks to women because THEY offer HIM sex on the daily.

>> No.11325561

I mean those dudes who dont "man up" (lol boomer language) and talk to women will never do it anyway. They probably wont even make many friends. Long story short, having sex robots will allow these men to continue to view women as sexual objects who's only use is sex and telling them how amazing they are at everything, at worse. It will cause websites like this and /r/ nice guys to lose virtually all traffic at best. Who really cares at the end of the day?
Can we end this thread now. This is hardly /sci/ related.

>> No.11325654

It is

>> No.11326011

No it isn't

>> No.11327066

Dating apps made it possible to hook up on an industrial scale, and many women think they can "trade up" until they get into the George Clooney tier.

>> No.11327205

You need to be good looking at least 6 foot bare minimum have a job and at least 8 inches to have sex nowadays so for most men you might as well get a doll

>> No.11327352

>women think they can "trade up" until they get into the George Clooney tier
this is the problem I found with 90% of women I dated in the last decade.
I was always just a stepping stone or a placeholder while they were constantly and actively on the market for the next bigger, better, richer guy to come along. Facebook is a big part of this but online social media in general is just one boig dating app for women

In retrospect. Dating those women, it amounted to this, I was her paying sponsor that would provide funding, transportation, opportunity and personal escort service (me taking her out to a restaurant or bar) to take her out to places so she could showcase her assets in front of other guys

she didn't want to be with me, or be seen with me, she just wanted to be seen, by other potential mates.

I understand, and it doesn't bother me, as long as they aren't playing some game like she pretends to be into me, until some moment when she got another guy on the hook and then suddenly, bam! im out in the cold.

>> No.11327375
File: 101 KB, 785x731, 7347643823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO y-y-you can't sexually select, you are supposed to marry and obey a genetic abomination l-l-like me because a yakutian gambling forum on the internet said so

>> No.11327401

Sexual selection can go both ways, you absolutely retarded wojak poster

>> No.11327480

But women are difficult to talk to.

>> No.11327575

there is a reason incels and femcels don't want partners from their tier and sexual selection is typically dominated by one sex in one species, in homos sexual selection is mostly dominated by females

>> No.11327587

yep, pretty much. monogamy backed by government power created civilization by giving every man a stake in keeping it going

>> No.11327626
File: 17 KB, 480x480, 1577425697908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monogamy backed by government power created civilization
civilization wasn't created by monogamy and even in the most christian and monogamous times, women still selected and wanted strong and intelligent men, and they didn't marry abominations.
>giving every man a stake in keeping it going
this mode of reproduction would only lead to degradation of humans and eventual extinction or extreme selection in short time (i.e. genocide), this is not happening now because humans have always been selective and will always be selective. yeah it's very unfair to be placed at the bottom or to be denied things everyone else gets just because you were born but it is all for the better good

>> No.11327650

I wouldn't know OP, I never talked to women.
It's just easier to pay them.

>> No.11328388

>But women are difficult to talk to.
That is unless you look like George Clooney or they are so drunk they even think you look like George Clooney.

The last few women who have struck up a conversation were blind drunk. Had I said I was in fact Sean Connery they would have believe me. When they are sober they pretend intensely this never happened and I am just grateful they don't puke over my shoes.

I find talking to potted plants more rewarding.

>> No.11329115

that post was obviously written by a man. a man who was probably furiously masturbating in-between typing words

>> No.11329132

Yeah, it's WOMEN'S fault so many guys have no friends or sex. Holy shit. People claim women are entitled and then unironically post shit like this.
The true redpill is both sexes are composed mainly of selfish and ignorant people with little to no self reflection or critical thinking capacity.

>> No.11330207

I never have chemistry hit...

>> No.11330594

Don't talk to women without secretly recording everything, it has saved guys from false rape accusations.

>> No.11330646

Seething roastoid

>> No.11331224

Are these words from the actual book?

>> No.11331243

>Suffer and die alone for the greater good
This is why i'm working on getting my own land in the middle of no where and going completely off the grid.

If society needs me to suffer, then I refuse to contribute to that society in any meaningful way.

If China or Russia invaded the US tomorrow I wouldn't lift a finger to stop them.

>> No.11331260
File: 161 KB, 1650x1650, 57314226_1323152207822516_8101014885325864960_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had GFs they made me dislike women in general. They're boring, and really have no purpose other than sex, if you just hang out with them you can be pals and share memes or something, but the second you date that's gone. So I have a few girls I fooled around with who I talk to and now I just want a doll to plow. Or multiple.
Fuck off with your "have sex incel" I literally left a girl two months ago because I was sick of the time/expense.

Trad girls aren't better, trannies are degenerate, and I don't want _____race is superior debates.
Now, how do we build a better doll sci?

I'm thinking of NiTi muscle wires instead of servos so they're warm and don't move jerkily like current ones do.
For AI, maybe just use some sort of motion capture tech and machine learning to get an idea of how to move fluidly? Oh, and cat ears.