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11313317 No.11313317 [Reply] [Original]

After indicators of physical beauty and fertility, what does science have to say about what behaviours and personality traits are correlated with increased appeal to men seeking long term marriage material?

>> No.11313318

Maternal personality traits and a low body count (better if zero though).

>> No.11313320

>and a low body count (better if zero though).
Why am I attracted to female assassins tho?

>> No.11313350

Is this assassin blonde and friends with a ninja and an idiot with adhd and a death wish?

>> No.11313352

Out of concern for my children's future and their potential breeding possibilities, I like to check out her daddy's package…

>> No.11313353
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…his retirement package because i wanna know how much cash and property his daughter is likely to inherit

>> No.11313357

Dont give a fck but the shape of this thread is so aesthetically pleasing before I click in. Like a filling water balloon. >>11313317
Was it intentional?

>> No.11313358

Loyalty, which women don't typically possess

>> No.11313498

Loyalty, caring personality, fidelity, low amount of previous partners.
Unfortunately these things are rare in 21st century women.

>> No.11313537

Everything important in a woman is about children. is that why Neoteny is so common?

>> No.11313566

fat tits

>> No.11313573

Big tits, big ass, slutty, willing to do anal, hairy pussy

>> No.11313616

No I'm asking what do actual studies reveal, not necessarily your own but actual research looking at preferences.

>> No.11313626

What people like varies between cultures and individuals and time periods.

>> No.11313747

And what is the gratification of sights? Suppose there was a girl of the brahmins, aristocrats, or householders in her fifteenth or sixteenth year, neither too tall nor too short, neither too thin nor too fat, neither too dark nor too fair. Is she not at the height of her beauty and prettiness?”

“Yes, sir.”

“The pleasure and happiness that arise from this beauty and prettiness is the gratification of sights.

And what is the drawback of sights? Suppose that some time later you were to see that same sister—eighty, ninety, or a hundred years old—bent double, crooked, leaning on a staff, trembling as they walk, ailing, past their prime, with teeth broken, hair grey and scanty or bald, skin wrinkled, and limbs blotchy.

What do you think, mendicants? Has not that former beauty vanished and the drawback become clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

“This is the drawback of sights.

Furthermore, suppose that you were to see that same sister sick, suffering, gravely ill, collapsed in her own urine and feces, being picked up by some and put down by others.

What do you think, mendicants? Has not that former beauty vanished and the drawback become clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

“This too is the drawback of sights.

Furthermore, suppose that you were to see that same sister as a corpse discarded in a charnel ground. And she had been dead for one, two, or three days, bloated, livid, and festering.

What do you think, mendicants? Has not that former beauty vanished and the drawback become clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

“This too is the drawback of sights.

Furthermore, suppose that you were to see that same sister as a corpse discarded in a charnel ground. And she was being devoured by crows, hawks, vultures, herons, dogs, tigers, leopards, jackals, and many kinds of little creatures …

>> No.11313753


Furthermore, suppose that you were to see that same sister as a corpse discarded in a charnel ground. And she had been reduced to a skeleton with flesh and blood, held together by sinews … a skeleton rid of flesh but smeared with blood, and held together by sinews … a skeleton rid of flesh and blood, held together by sinews … bones without sinews scattered in every direction. Here a hand-bone, there a foot-bone, here a shin-bone, there a thigh-bone, here a hip-bone, there a rib-bone, here a back-bone, there an arm-bone, here a neck-bone, there a jaw-bone, here a tooth, there the skull. …

Furthermore, suppose that you were to see that same sister as a corpse discarded in a charnel ground. And she had been reduced to white bones, the color of shells … decrepit bones, heaped in a pile … bones rotted and crumbled to powder.

What do you think, mendicants? Has not that former beauty vanished and the drawback become clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

“This too is the drawback of sights.

And what is the escape from sights? Removing and giving up desire and greed for sights: this is the escape from sights.

There are ascetics and brahmins who don’t truly understand sights’ gratification, drawback, and escape in this way for what they are. It’s impossible for them to completely understand sights themselves, or to instruct another so that, practicing accordingly, they will completely understand sights. There are ascetics and brahmins who do truly understand sights’ gratification, drawback, and escape in this way for what they are. It is possible for them to completely understand sights themselves, or to instruct another so that, practicing accordingly, they will completely understand sights.

>> No.11313782

Based dhamma poster

>> No.11313834

If they appeal to their fetishes or not.

>> No.11314263

Health and happiness

>> No.11314789

What makes Miyako so desirable?

>> No.11314935

She must attempt to understand my perfection and also have a low body count (not more than 30 times used) or be a virgin

>> No.11314940

Nothing, men become almost irrelevant after marriage and children, that is how brain sees it, they dont have to achieve shit anymore just maybe look after kids for few years until they are old enough to look after themselves. Even if they didnt do anything significant in life at least they have passed their genes and now the burden is on their children to achieve greatness. What do you do when you have no duties as a man anymore? You becone soft, find some roastie with somewhat agreeable nature and just live a stress free life.

>> No.11314971

Men prefer women who smile women prefer men who are brooding or serious looking.

>> No.11314975

I think men also prefer women with big eyes or broad eyes.

>> No.11316421

>what behaviours and personality traits are correlated with increased appeal to men seeking long term marriage material?
Feminity. Kindness. Loyalty. Anything indicating the woman being a good mother caring for the offspring.

>> No.11316927

>What do men find attracive in women?
Everything, because males want to nut in as many females as possible.
>long term marriage material
There is nothing you can do. If a man is attractive enough for you, a female, to want his marriage then he is also attractive enough to cheat on you easily, and he will as per the first point.

>> No.11316972
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Their feminine benis.

>> No.11316985

1. Transparency
2. Attentiveness
3. Loyalty

and not in that order.

a relatively ugly woman who is emotionally and intellectually transparent to her man, attentive to her man, and loyal to her man will eventually get him, 100%.

even if he's out of her league.

>> No.11316989


No history of being a sloot.

If you fucked even just ONE guy before, that's digusting to a man of quality who has chosen not to be a slave to his cock, in search of a woman with integrity.

multiple sex partners blunts (or destroys) the ability to bond.

>> No.11317038

Anon did you read the post you replied to?

Aren't Kunoichi basically seductraesses exploiting their feminine wiles to approach powerful men to steal intelligence or kill them?

>> No.11318828


very important

>> No.11318839

I thinks its slightly different for each man.

Personally, qualities like responsibility, intellect, and traditional values are especially appealing. A girl who I can rely on, and who would potentially be a good mother for our children.

However, I think I could become attached to any personality type, so long as she acts in good faith and reciprocates affection.

>> No.11318840

Physical touch- it is inhibiting to fatal if witheld.

>> No.11319551


>> No.11319820

This post reeks of roastie. Men aren't hypergamous.

>> No.11319821

this, roasties always project their shortcomings onto men.

>> No.11319823

>and also have a low body count (not more than 30 times used) or be a virgin

Yeah, can’t have your insecure ass worrying she might have seen a penis bigger than your two-incher

>> No.11319827

Please be less obvious about your incel pedigree by using terms like “roastie”. Everyone who has had sex knows that’s not how vaginas work,

>> No.11319829

>low body count
>(not more than 30 times used)

>> No.11319830

there's no need to pretend, we're all incels here.

>> No.11319840

What does it even mean?
not that I want to bring /r9k/ here

>> No.11319842
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Please be less obvious about your ignorance of Internet culture. Roastie is a meme about the typical behaviour of slutty females that is played on by suggesting their vaginas become blown out from overuse, which is medically incorrect, but still strikes women where they hurt the most: their body image. Calling someone a roastie online is a quick way for any reader to understand that the person who typed it is saying "your reasoning is akin to that of a highly promiscuous sociopathic loveless woman who projects her own lust, rage, envy and loneliness onto others as a coping mechanism". It's a degree above calling someone a total cunt. That anon displayed the mentality of a huge whore as she projected her own behaviours into a generalised idea of all men, revealing misandry as well.
If you can't see how Internet slang can be used to communicate a wide array of ideas as well as bait newfags at the same time, you don't belong here or anywhere with Internet access.
Please lurk for 2 or more years before posting.

>> No.11319843
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>> No.11319846

based and rekt

>> No.11319848

>What does it even mean?

Incels think having sex somehow stretches the labia into looking like roast beef because they’ve never had sex and know basically nothing about women’s anatomy. They use this slur as a term for hypothetical promiscuous women while ignoring that, if this was the case, even lifelong monogamous women would have magically stretched labia by having sex with their partner enough. How much sex this actually takes is unknown because it’s not a real phenomenon, but I’m sure you can find estimates from an incel Bible.

>> No.11319851

>there's no need to pretend, we're all incels here.

I understand that you want to spread your cult so you feel less lonely, but no thanks.

>> No.11319855
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please tell me more about how you love to travel and drink wine.

>> No.11319856


>> No.11319857

cult? incel is a religion of peace.

>> No.11319859

>y-you’re a promiscuous woman!

I’d rather be a promiscuous woman than an incel, so whatever I guess.

>> No.11319861

>cult? incel is a religion of peace.

They even have trucks of peace just like Islam.

This comparison is unfortunately accurate.

>> No.11319867

Islam produces more incels and paedos than any other religion it is a distinctly screwed up religion/faschist war doctrine.

>> No.11319868

so you follow the r type life history strategy, those that follow k type will instinctively be disgusted by you.

>> No.11319869

enjoy your herpes

>> No.11319870

>actually falling for a meme seriously and unironically
Holy shit, I thought you people were caricatures of clueless folks who make fools of themselves in every day life, but who would have thought someone could swallow an inert memetic bait with such vigor that the hook could still be found far up their ass?
I can no longer tell if you're a severely autistic young lad or a seething worn out woman

>> No.11319873

>i'd rather be emcel than incel
>as if they weren't both walking examples of human failure

>> No.11319880

now that you mention it, incels and roasties are two sides of the same failure coin. incels can't get laid because getting pussy don't come by so easy. roasties just get laid because getting dick is a walk in the park. both end up lonely and miserable because no one really wants to spend any time with them.

>> No.11319882


>> No.11319883

>Incel tries to talk biology and fails

Having sex with lots of people but producing children with none of them isn’t a reproductive strategy, so your attempt to use those terms is at best embarrassing.

>> No.11319885

it's a great bug chasing strategy.

>> No.11319888

The behaviour is r type, but the technology distorts it.

>> No.11319890

Yeah, they’re both failures at reproducing, but I estimate promiscuous childless women have more fun in the intermittent period between birth and death that an incel.

>> No.11319898

>The behaviour is r type

No, it’s nothing, because there is no reproduction involved. Incels can’t into biology,

>> No.11319901

Not being a slut

>> No.11319905


>> No.11319908
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until they hit their 30s all used up with nothing but a bottle of wine and some photos of all the travel they did on insta.

>> No.11319912

Being a slut can be attractive.

>> No.11319913

enjoy your cats

>> No.11319914
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and some furbabies.

>> No.11319917

Lots of people get married in their 30s and lots of people have kids in their 30s. You should really try living in the world before making assertions about it.

>> No.11319920

>enjoy your cats

Not a woman.

>> No.11319924

r/k selection can be applied to behavior this way. despite the model describing reproduction, sex is part of mate seeking. it's not like the other animals have foresight to know what they are engaging is or isn't reproductive. they just have a certain mate seeking behavior they do.

>> No.11319926

Yes they are, and the problems are related.
I used to think so, to, until I realised many of those women having copious amounts of promiscuous sex are only actually half enjoying it because they're doing it to validate their self esteem and end up doing things they never really wanted to in order to appease the male that aren't really pleasurable (like licking a man's asshole, begging for affection). If they were truly much better off than incels, childless single women over 30 killing themselves in droves wouldn't be a "phenomenon".
Roasties/sluts/whores that do it for validation and attention and/or women who hide their promiscuity in an indignant way are essentially female losers.

>> No.11319927

It's good that trannies are finally admitting this to themselves, it's better for your mental health long term

>> No.11319931

>Lots of people get married in their 30s and lots of people have kids in their 30s. You should really try living in the world before making assertions about it.
And those women should try living in the world before dropping out of it.

>> No.11319935
File: 80 KB, 234x350, anonymous-132256560-hace-32-min-the-millenial-female-24573798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure they could find some beta simp who is barely attractive enough to sit across the dining table from. but no quality guy would be dumb enough to marry a slut.

>> No.11319936

Well, you don't think like a man, so you're either a hateful woman or a boy with very poor self esteem. The fact that you actually take the incel label seriously suggests you are one (or a roastie if you're female)

>> No.11319941

> r/k selection can be applied to behavior this way. despite the model describing reproduction

Congrats on admitting you’re misusing terms.
R-type selection maximizes the quantity of offspring.
K-type selection maximizes the quality of offspring.
If there’s no reproduction, the terms are being used wrong.

>> No.11319947

>If they were truly much better off than incels, childless single women over 30 killing themselves in droves wouldn't be a "phenomenon".

Non sequitur without seeing incel suicide rates.
People who don’t have kids by forty should probably be gassed, though. I agree.

>> No.11319948

Tell me anon with out the modern technology of contraception and abortion how many children would these women be having with how many different fathers?

the comparison is valid.

>> No.11319954

For me it's the monkey.

>> No.11319955

Why did my thread asking what scientifically valid patterns of male long term mate preference within and across cultures get taken over by degenerates spitting insults like "incel" and "roastie" at each other?

>> No.11319957

>Tell me anon with out the modern technology of contraception and abortion how many children would these women be having with how many different fathers?

0, because contraception technology is primitive shit and so is abortion technology.

>> No.11319968

congrats on admitting to not understanding what i'm getting at. yes, strictly speaking r/k selection is about reproduction but those behaviors that are found in the model aren't exclusive to it and can be re-applied to sex. slutty types are fairly similar to r species and choosey types are more like k. and just like with r/k so many species don't fall neatly into it but it's a model.

>> No.11319969

>Non sequitur without seeing incel suicide rates.
Your only problem is believing that incels and roasties are somehow different or better than one another. They aren't. They are both failures. They both describe people who are incapable of growing up and externalize their shortcomings, thinking that the world owes them something when it doesn't. Frustrated men and women are a very real condition.
>People who don’t have kids by forty should probably be gassed, though. I agree.
No they shouldn't. Lots of people are perfectly comfortable with not having children. Being a loser or a winner isn't about conforming to the expectations of others, its about failing to live up to your own standards. If you convince yourself you need something that is external to you to make you a whole person and then fail to obtain it, you become your own definition of a loser and transform into a seething, frustrated hateful mess. Literally "You're mad, that's sad". Both incels and roasties describe losers in their respective genders because they continually fail at life. It's not other people's problem that you feel uncomfortable in your own skin, that's something everyone needs to work on to grow up.

>> No.11319971

>strictly speaking r/k selection is about reproduction but those behaviors that are found in the model aren't exclusive to it and can be re-applied to sex

You can do that, but why? There is no utility to it. It’s just your childish attempt to smear a gooey layer of scientific credibility to your crusty prejudices.

>> No.11319974

idk you can ask the anon who thought of it. seems like a neat way of looking at it but like with r/k itself isn't that useful. and no my prejudice was that women were all great and wonderful, kind, loving and compassionate. then i started seeing them for what they really are.

>> No.11319975

because it offers a partial explanation for certain behaviour patterns we see. it's a far from perfect model but it has a decent amount of of correlation to imply r/k personality traits are involved.

>> No.11319978

>Your only problem is believing that incels and roasties are somehow different or better than one another. They aren't. They are both failures. They both describe people who are incapable of growing up and externalize their shortcomings, thinking that the world owes them something when it doesn't. Frustrated men and women are a very real condition.

I agree.

> No they shouldn't. Lots of people are perfectly comfortable with not having children.

Comfortable with their measurably worse lives, perhaps. To fail to reproduce is to fail on a basic, biological level. It’s ultimately an intermittent phenomenon because the genes of the childless won’t be present in the future.

>> No.11319981

Because 4chan is filled with self hating people who project their frustration outward. Anyway, you've been given plenty of helpful answers in the first half of your thread. Men want loyal, compassionate women who could become caring mothers to their children and simultaneously be fun and energetic enough for men to experience their own youth with. Women likewise mostly desire men who are fun, dynamic, adventurous and ambitious and that also are or have the potential to be self sufficient responsible adults, maybe even a father to their kids and guardian to their home. Men like balanced (not overly submissive) feminine women and women like balanced (not overly insensitive) masculine men.

>> No.11319982

>idk you can ask the anon who thought of it. seems like a neat way of looking at it but like with r/k itself isn't that useful. and no my prejudice was that women were all great and wonderful, kind, loving and compassionate. then i started seeing them for what they really are.

It’s a bad comparison because a very close relative to humans, bonobos, have constant sex with everyone but are K type breeders. All great apes are, and you shouldn’t confuse “number of partners” with “number of offspring” either. Some octopus species mate only once in their entire lives but lay hundreds of eggs afterwards

>> No.11319984

I was looking for actual studies though, all I've seen are anecdotal preferences from a sample population biased towards autistic anime nerdsan autist.

>> No.11319991


>> No.11319992

Essentially yes, kunoichi were more or less prostitutes who also dabbled in espionage (men love to talk about shit they're not supposed to to impress a cute girl) and assasination (it's hard to get more vulnerable than being in bed).

>> No.11319999


>> No.11320002


>> No.11320009

>Comfortable with their measurably worse lives, perhaps. To fail to reproduce is to fail on a basic, biological level. It’s ultimately an intermittent phenomenon because the genes of the childless won’t be present in the future.
That would be true for simple minded beasts, where genetic propagation is the sum totality of their contribution to the world, not for humans. We've evolved to the point where our rational decisions can shape the future of the entire species far more than simply pumping out copies of yourself. What does it matter if you have kids if three generations from now your lineage is broken because your great grandson is a loser or dies before reproductive age as a consequence of resource mismanagement in the present? Nobody cares if some crack addict managed to impregnate some unfortunate girl. Everyone knows the name of the likes of Newton and Tesla even though they had no kids. What makes you valuable as a person in the eyes of history is your legacy, not your ability to do a basic deed any organism can do. Having children is only a viable way to "win" at life if you're a responsible parent and your lineage grows to be equal or stronger. Most people on this planet are irredeemable losers who beg for scraps in order to live and feed on pity while shitting out 7+ kids in an attempt to secure their senior years alive. Look at the third world. Do you think they are the pinnacle of humanity? What good is having a kid if you have to beg to feed it?
We've evolved past the point where having kids is the end all be all of living. Plenty of people immortalised themselves without reproduction. And what if you don't care to leave your mark? You can live your life in accordance to your will and be a fully realised human without leaving anything behind. The true spirit of the winner is living life on your own terms. We're all headed for death and oblivion, anon. Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?

>> No.11320022

But anon, you can't make studies on something that is entirely made of anecdotal preferences. Everyone has their own tastes. There are trends in cultures and worldviews but you can't really get a formula for this as it doesn't make testable predictions and so isn't scientific. There's no framework with which to evaluate what every human individual likes most because what makes us individuals and not a hivemind is our differences in preference.

>> No.11320030

Isn't that the basis of anthropology? what else are these guys studying?
There must be some broad commonalities between cultures.

>> No.11320035

Watched a show on sex and what people look for in a mate. They found 1 constant in men all around the world. Good skin. Yup. That's it. Good skin. Men look for youth and beauty in a mate and the indicator is good skin.

For women it's simple. Wealth and power. Wealth is simple to understand but power can be more subtle. Power could be the best board game player or the flashiest low rider but whatever it manifests as girls look for power.

>> No.11320048

>Isn't that the basis of anthropology? what else are these guys studying?
Anthropology studies general human behaviour (as animals). For a better idea you'd also need to study psychology, sociology, economics, politics and warfare. And you'd still have no framework to answer your question in the way you want it to be answered because it doesn't exist. Humans are surprisingly complex. You cant get answers better than "people in general like what people in general demonstrate to like, and every person is unique in their preferences, view of the world, etc. because every being has its own subjective reality".
>There must be some broad commonalities between cultures.
Sure, but they won't answer your question how you want. You want a formula or cheat code that can be applied to every individual person and this doesn't exist in humans because we have access to reason and possess a certain degree of free will. For any theory on human behaviour you make, any random person can come along and choose to do the opposite just to fuck with your data.

>> No.11320059


>> No.11320062

Men do not behave this way. You've gotta be an angry woman.

>> No.11320063

Even gravity can be used to accelerate on on getting further away.

>> No.11320070

>That would be true for simple minded beasts, where genetic propagation is the sum totality of their contribution to the world, not for humans.

Humans are just animals. Reproduction will be our measure of success in reality and to our own brains until we become robots or something.

> Everyone knows the name of the likes of Newton and Tesla even though they had no kids.

Newton never reproduced because he had retarded religious beliefs and Tesla regretted his celibacy before he died, becoming insane and loving a pigeon. They’d be much better off if they reproduced.

>> No.11320072

>Even gravity can be used to accelerate on on getting further away.

Sluts are objectively the best. Boring prudes don’t know how to suck cock and are never into anything interesting.

>> No.11320076

>Sluts are objectively the best.
at sharing venereal disease.

>> No.11320079

Nah, at everything. Will you still cope like this after STDs are eradicated?

>> No.11320081

Not doing it at every ocassion doesn't mean they don't know how to.

>> No.11320082

won't cure their inability to form long lasting stable pair-bonds.

>> No.11320084

It is more possible, that new strains will be evolved, than all STD's are being eradicated.

Some are also sexually induced psychological problems.

>> No.11320092

> won't cure their inability to form long lasting stable pair-bonds.

Humans don’t have that ability. We’re biologically polygynous.

>> No.11320093

>It is more possible, that new strains will be evolved, than all STD's are being eradicated.

All diseases will eventually be extinct.

> Some are also sexually induced psychological problems.

Aside from rape, don’t exist.

>> No.11320096

Do you really thing with this cheap virus printing as it is today, and even cheaper, there will be no new disseases?

>> No.11320097

No we aren't, we're much weirder and far herder to classify.

>> No.11320100

You won't explain that to man slut.

>> No.11320104

wrong, we are monogamous tournament species. plenty of us are capable of long term pair-bonding.

>> No.11320126

That must've been specially true 3000 years ago, deep as this "truth" might be. It sounds a lot like what the original Buddah would say, a guy who lived in a considerably shittier world than we do.

The exaggeration of the continuing process made me laugh a bit, though.

>> No.11320130

Hard to explain to somebody so spreaded out, that he doesn't have need for any specifiency.

>> No.11320136


Few men impregnate most women. Humans are polygynous.

>> No.11320137

>wrong, we are monogamous tournament species


>> No.11320138

>Humans are just animals. Reproduction will be our measure of success in reality and to our own brains until we become robots or something.
Humans are animals that can access reason. Irrational animals are exactly like robots. They are simple input/output machines that are incapable of metacognition. Your belief that reproduction is the only goal in life is narrow minded and reveals that you pay heed exclusively to your lower impulses. You don't ever really think why you think the way you do. I'm saddened to say I feel like I'm talking to some hedonistic parrot who can't conceive of things beyond food, air, sleep and mating.

>Newton never reproduced because he had retarded religious beliefs and Tesla regretted his celibacy before he died, becoming insane and loving a pigeon.
And yet the cocks of their spirits are sucked daily even though they are dead and gone. They are legendary even though they failed at your one prerequisite for success. I pray you succeed in having kids, because if you don't, you're gonna be an extremely sad waste of a human life. Since you don't believe in any achievement other than procreation, it is likely you will never make any effort to make an impact on anyone's life. I hope you have kids, otherwise all that awaits you is oblivion.
>They’d be much better off if they reproduced.
Subjective "What if"s have limited value. It is literally impossible to know that.

>> No.11320143

Yes, and most gene expression stuff just came recently... And most of it is information transmitted with gene, not gene itself.

Don't be that retarded when it comes to robots, robots can have verry deep reasoning.

>> No.11320146

It turned out, that man that have sex unbounded with ocassional partners without protection have most genetic markers spread among population,

who the hell would have guessed that?

>> No.11320147

>Like many primate species, the mating system of humans is considered to be moderately polygynous (i.e., males exhibit a higher variance in reproductive success than females).
oh if that's what you mean then fine.

>> No.11320148

It's sad that quickie with strangers without protection is far the best most spread reproduction around US, but it differs with evolved cultures.

>> No.11320150

>Sluts are objectively the best.
That's like saying meat tastes better after being bitten and masticated by several other men before they regurgitate it and you swallow.
>Boring prudes
There's no such thing. Nothing beats transforming an ignorant girl into a being of pure pleasure and have her cry of happiness that it is even possible to feel so good and praise you as a god for showing her the way. If she hasn't been passed around, it means she values your intimacy above every other man. In her eyes, you are a legend deserving of respect, admiration, affection and loyalty. To a slut you're just another lay, just another name for her to add to her ever increasing list and you can be sure she is incapable of loving you the way a less travelled girl can.
>don’t know how to suck cock
Perfect, it means that no one has yet derived the pleasure of her lips or the tenderness of her submission and you can have the ultimate, unique pleasure of teaching her grateful body to please you.
>and are never into anything interesting.
No it means their kinks are undiscovered ground that you have the privilege of exploring.

Seriously, preferring sluts is such a beta and submissive thing to do. You're like a woman or child who needs an experienced man to show her the way. It's far more manly and empowering to be that man.

>> No.11320153

>Humans are animals that can access reason.

This doesn’t change the fact that humans, like every other animal, exist with the biological desire to reproduce and will be worse off if they don’t. It is craved by the brain.

> Your belief that reproduction is the only goal in life

It’s the only goal independent of arbitrary man made ones like “Drink less soda this week”. You can attend to your biological goal while also furthering your other ones just as all of your human ancestors did. It’s not either-or.

> and reveals that you pay heed exclusively to your lower impulses.

I don’t.

> You don't ever really think why you think the way you do.


> I'm saddened to say I feel like I'm talking to some hedonistic parrot who can't conceive of things beyond food, air, sleep and mating.

I want to have food, air, sleep, and mating on Mars. Does that count?

> They are legendary even though they failed at your one prerequisite for success

Their scientific advancements help humanity fuck and make more humans, but they themselves failed at a basic biological behavior. Ironic.

> I pray you succeed in having kids

Done. At three. Might make more if we get bored in the 2030’s.

>Since you don't believe in any achievement other than procreation


>> No.11320155

Who is this unfeeling beast? Humans are certainly not neatly categorised as mindless animals can be.

>> No.11320157

You have fun with your weird fantasy for nonexistent virgins

>> No.11320160

>Humans are certainly not neatly categorised as mindless animals can be.

Animals aren’t mindless, nor is human behavior not ultimately reductible to natural impulses like curiosity, dominance, reproduce, and pleasure

>> No.11320162

depends on the population and culture.

>> No.11320165

>robots can have verry deep reasoning.

>> No.11320166


>> No.11320168

Patriarchal Abrahamic religions did a decent-enough job of enforcing monogamy but their influence has plummeted. If you’re an uggo, just find an uggo woman and make uggo kids.

>> No.11320187

>This doesn’t change the fact that humans, like every other animal, exist with the biological desire to reproduce and will be worse off if they don’t. It is craved by the brain.
But it isn't our only desire.

>It’s the only goal independent of arbitrary man made ones like “Drink less soda this week”. You can attend to your biological goal while also furthering your other ones just as all of your human ancestors did. It’s not either-or.
Of course it's not, though it was you who suggested initially that reproduction is all that matters, to the detriment of everything else. I'm glad you actually changed your speech to reflect your true beliefs.

>I don’t.
>I want to have food, air, sleep, and mating on Mars. Does that count?
Glad to see there's more to you than "people are just reproduction machines" as you initially implied.

>Their scientific advancements help humanity fuck and make more humans, but they themselves failed at a basic biological behavior. Ironic.
And yet they are known to all and worshipped for their contributions while their peers are literal "who?"s.

>Done. At three. Might make more if we get bored in the 2030’s.
I suggest your next goal be being a good father to them until you die, but that would go against your thesis that spawning them is the one defining factor of success and that any further ambition is invalid. I'm pretty sure you don't actually believe that, and that you simply made an honest mistake by claiming anything other than reproduction by any means is unimportant and are now doubling down because you're too proud to admit it and are now trying to slowly change your position into something else.

>> No.11320189

Virgin is not the opposite of a slut, anon. And if you believe non-sluts are non existent, how can they be classified as boring?

>> No.11320191

Thank you for agreeing with me, I suppose?

>> No.11321121

Some one thats a little autistic with motherly traits gets me hard

>> No.11321145

>What do you do when you have no duties as a man anymore?
That never happens. Your delusion, hence our present predicament. There used to be such a thing as elders. Now we have white haired overgrown little boys and girls.

>> No.11321163

you're 100% right, thank you

>> No.11321227
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>> No.11321315

Are you serious? I thought that was the point of this thread. In any case, I don't know how reliable such studies could be, I mean even physical traits like big tiddies are hard to correlate with having better offspring.

>> No.11321325

I think guys like submissive girls?

>> No.11322184
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>> No.11322264

Have you met someone like that? I have. Not a success.

>> No.11322283

Hypergamy and polygamy are not the same thing.
When we speak of hypergamous sluts who fuck many people, it's because they fuck many people OUT OF A CERTAIN GROUP OF MEN. Even if we assume it's just the top 20% (more like 10%) of the male population, that's still a truckload of available men. On the other hand men would pretty much fuck anything indiscriminately and as a woman you have to be really fucking buttugly for most men to not want to fuck you. Bottom 5% at the very least, but it's been proven that obese women photoshopped with literal pig features and tons of body hair still do well on dating apps.

Men are polygamous, women hypergamous.

>> No.11322292

This nigga taking the thread seriously

>> No.11322293

whatever the media tells them to like

>> No.11322367

Yea as soon as you lose that youthful glow you're kind of fucked as a woman.

>> No.11322380

Checked and by far the most based post in this thread

>> No.11322398

Dis nigga out here just dick slapping these thotties breh

>> No.11322413

everything about matriarky
nobody love being a slave from someone equal or inferior to you
feminist are ball busters and the only thing you will find are the lowest of the low like AIDS,drug addic and basedboy
i want someone that is a good independent persone not a sokubus whore that steal from my and keep forced to be with her by legal means like a fucking parasite
and of course not obese like no more then 200lbs
can i just have a loyal compagnon for fuck sake, i dont ask for that much

>> No.11322498

I just want her to not be fat honestly, but ALOT of guys will admit to fucking fat girls so I'm not a majority example. Honestly I may even be okay with a girl being my height (maybe even an inch taller at most) as long as I'm stronger and can beat her in a wrestle. I still need to be physically dominant in the relationship, I'm good with anything else, I just like women in general.

>> No.11324275

Wrong time line it will only get worst

>> No.11324276

their souls.

>> No.11324777

In that example the females are hypergamous. Most guys are not overcome with the urge to be polygamous but this is not because they are natural monogamists but because, due to female hypergamy, most women only want the top men, which means most men have to pull all the stops and be lucky just to get one girl, and once they have her they have to dedicate their energies entirely to her in order to keep the only little scrap they ever had hope of stealing from the table.

Women are only truly attracted to the top guys who have the opportunity to easily be polygamous, and once men are that powerful, once they have spent a lifetime being bombarded with affection and lust from everyone, their brains will be rewired and they won't mind taking a second helping. This is not a gendered problem either, but rather, it is only human to always desire something new and then be dissatisfied with what you have if you know you can get more.

>> No.11325538

based. thats the gold standard and has always been since the legend revealed to us this schematic

>> No.11327077

Did HIMYM have a positive contribution to mankind?

>> No.11327390

ding ding ding we have a winner!

>> No.11327525

>Why am I attracted to female assassins tho?
Poorly developed survival skills.

>> No.11327824
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Being as far away from them as possible

>> No.11327845

vid from 2011 or so
have things changed?

>> No.11327852


>> No.11327880

I find kindness, boobs, ass, curves, and passion, and compassion attractive. Change my Mind

>> No.11327911

She gotta be fit, have a good smelling pussy, perky titties, a cute face, make money and be passionate about something as well as be passionate about me
Also preferably black so my kid will have diversity advantages and hopefully be a basketball star and or rapper