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11312671 No.11312671 [Reply] [Original]

Im pretty stupid. Why cant pic related stop eating for months and simply live off their fat?

>> No.11312673

they can provided they are supplied sufficient electrolytes for the duration. someone posted a study of a man doing exactly this. didn't eat for i think 6 months, just took in electrolytes.

>> No.11313052

you actually can

>> No.11313060

IIRC, the fat doesn't have all of the nutrients needed to survive solely on. Some supplements would be needed. Plus, I think that would put alot of stress on the body which can cause a complication.

>> No.11315420

They can

But do you really think they'd do that?

>> No.11315489

more like

when they have trouble fitting through the doorway to even get to the fridge or front door, how would they even keep eating? if they defied this natural buffer they deserve to suffer the consequences.

>> No.11315600

There was a fat guy from Cali who got trapped in the snow in his car on a mountain pass in Oregon the 1990s, he lived for six weeks with nothing to eat because of his blubberiness. Most people would've been dead after two weeks, but fattie kept a diary in his car so they knew he survived for six weeks when they discovered his body the next spring.

>> No.11315604

It can. Case report in the literature from 1916 or so describes a man, who with minimal medical intervention, fasted for 385 days. I'm not overweight at all and have fasted for 7 days, easily.

>> No.11315669

is dis idiocracy?

>> No.11316647

They need to take pills for certain vitamins which aren't stored in your body, but beyond that, such individuals can survive purely on their fat reserves. They feel hungry because the biological pathways which are used to draw upon their fat reserves have become so ossified that the body senses a slightly depleted blood sugar level as a sign of danger. That and a whole host of psychological issues have essentially destroyed their mental ability to resist consumption for even one second.

>> No.11316680

Because it needs to feed the chemical feedback system in it's brain that forces it to eat more food, regardless of how healthy it is.
I'm getting chubby myself after decades of being bordering anorexic and I can't stop eating because it's become an addiction.

>> No.11316682
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Carbs are the biggest problem. They fark your body up real gud.
Pity beer is so delicious. Curse you satan.

>> No.11316684

I've met a woman who survived on no food for several weeks in the Aus outbacks. The killer is almost always water, not food. Food, in fact, dehydrates you in circumstances.
You will become extremely lethargic over time though.

>> No.11316687
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Bullshit, monks fast for weeks all the time. Bhudda himself did this.

>> No.11316718
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Wasn’t there a case of a 800 pound guy that lived for a year just taking vitamins and water and had a normal life? Can’t be bothered to google it.
But yes, in either case losing weight when you are fudging huge is easy physically, but remember these people are all mentally damaged.
You don’t understand what they mean by “fast”. It’s a bad translation. What they mean when they say “I fasted for 8 weeks” is “ I ate a very small bowl of rice once a day for 8 weeks.” Yes, it is sort of bullshit we can it fasting.

>> No.11316727
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>> No.11316730

>a made up person did it, so it's true

>> No.11316732

holy fukken saved, praise anon

>> No.11317119

Because she's unable to burn fat, most likely because she's copper deficient. take copper 25mg/day. In her case I wouldn't be afraid to go temporarily with a much higher dose 50-75mg, perhaps.

>> No.11317126

Youre an idiot. Fat doesnt store nutrients. I remember that study, he also had to consume multi vitamins and protein tablets.

>> No.11317128

Ossified biological pathways?

>> No.11317142

oh shit, that was an unexpected ending. woulda been cool if he survived due to the fat, that's what it's there for after all

>> No.11317147

Not him, but what about fat soluble vitamins?

>> No.11317261

Not OP, but don't call others stupid when you're barely informed yourself

Fat stores Energy that we get from Organic Macronutrients (Carbs, Protein, Fats)
So theoretically a morbidly obese person doesn't need them (aside from a bit of protein for certain metabolic tasks)

They do still need to take in certain nutrients for metabolic processes/elektrolyte balance:
Anorganic macronutrients (Electrolytes & Minerals)
Organic micronutrients (Vitamins)
Anorganic micronutrients (Trace elements)

>> No.11317383

Because doing so requires emotional and mental fortitude, something that creature obviously does not have.

>> No.11317702

When someone first switches to a ketogenic diet or undergoes severe calorie restriction for the first time their body will have a difficult time switching over to ketosis. This leads to feelings of fatigue. Once your body makes the proper switch once, it is usually easier to reenter ketosis if you happen to revert diets.

>> No.11317745

OP what Pokemon is that?

>> No.11318011

No self control.

>> No.11318046
File: 230 KB, 590x386, consumer12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related lives to eat - to convert living creatures into heaps of stinking, toxic, amino acids and bacteria. She thinks about this every waking hour. She is essentially merely an extension of her colon.
Pic related is an appropriate metaphor for the CONSUUUUUUUUUUMERS