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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 16 KB, 300x300, counselling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1130756 No.1130756 [Reply] [Original]

Is psychology science? I say no, it belongs in the same category as astrology or dowsing.

>> No.1130760

fucking a donkey then talking about it = psychology

>> No.1130764

There's more to Psychology than >counseling

I suggest you google.

>> No.1130770

Then what is it?

>> No.1130772


looks like psychiatry to me

>> No.1130774


What he said.


Forget fucking neuroscience, you cock. DERP THAT'S NOT SCIENCE AT ALL.

>> No.1130781

You may consider psychology to be worthless, but it has made your life much easier and helps humanity learn about itself. This is coming from an engiefag

>> No.1130788

psychiatry is pill popping
psychology is the fucking couch and works through magic

>> No.1130796


Freud was almost too influential for his own good.
A lot of people worked very hard since 1900 to shape psychology into a real science that isn't based on one dude taking his own insecurities as normal. (Although, apparently there was a scandalous amount of sexual abuse his patients had suffered at the hands of their fathers. But because of the time period, he couldn't really discuss it.)

Optical illusions, object permanence, conservation of volume, developmental psychology, all of the varieties of help for people with life-interfering disorders...

You don't think any of that can have any basis in science?

>> No.1130800


So when someone is depressed or experiencing mental trauma, are they told to go see a psychologist or psychiatrist?

Answer: the latter

>> No.1130824

The only difference between psychiatry and psychology is the ability to prescribe medicine. Aside from that, they're pretty much the same. And if you have a psychologist working with a medical doctor, the psychologist can recommend that you get a prescription for X from the medical doctor. The medical doctor figures out the dosing.

So really, not much difference.

>> No.1130825

So a psychologist is used fro... personality disorders?

>> No.1130828

It's a social science.

It is clearly more scientific than religion, as it does have some redeeming qualities (neuro-psychology).

>> No.1130840


wrong. there is far more to psychology.

>> No.1130847


Where did I even imply that?

>> No.1130859


In order to be a psychiatrist you have to do the same shit as psychologists, AND the med school part.
Jesus, doesn't anyone know how the certification process works?

>> No.1130880

No, I'm just asking..
For what reasons would you go to a psychologist?

>> No.1130895


If you have a disorder which can be treated fairly successfully with medication, I should imagine.

>> No.1130903
File: 98 KB, 385x500, 1273443465221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: People who think the only purpose of psychology is to give psychiatric treatment with or without the use of medication.

>> No.1130904

You mean without medication right? In the UK psychologists are not allowed to prescribe drugs at all. Psychiatrists give out the pills. I imagine this is different in the US what with big pharma etc.

>> No.1130910

funny how noone on /sci/ seems to know shit about psychology outside LOL FREUD and maybe a couple behaviourist theories. I wont even bother

>> No.1130912




>> No.1130921

What else is there to it?

>> No.1130928

u mad.

i think you misread my post? haha

>> No.1130956
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>> No.1130986

But I want to hear YOUR opinion.

>> No.1130997


That's because everyone on /sci/ is an engineer/physicist/mathematician/ and the rare biologist.

While I (Zoology major) consider quite a bit of psychology to be a 'soft science' I still think it's science. Just because you're doing case studies rather than smashing atoms together/applying a general rule all over the place doesn't mean that it's not science. Simply because it's had its times when it was a crock of speculation doesn't mean it's not a science either. Plenty of hard sciences have had the same issues.
Psychology is a relatively new field. There will be some "WTF" moments.

>> No.1131060


What more can a question regarding fact require than fact.

>> No.1131071


There ARE laws within psychology.

>> No.1131075

It should lumped under philosophy.