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11304480 No.11304480 [Reply] [Original]

Including gas giants with habitable moons, how many planets could you fit into the habitable of the sun or a similar star without there being any issues from tidal forces? How would they be arranged?

>> No.11304484

>Including gas giants with habitable moons, how many planets could you fit into the habitable of the sun or a similar star without there being any issues from tidal forces? How would they be arranged?

At minimum, 3. Venus, Earth, and Mars are all in the habitable zone.

>> No.11304631

How easy would it be for a habitable zone gas giant to have moons humans could live on, anyways?

>> No.11304689

>How easy would it be for a habitable zone gas giant to have moons humans could live on, anyways?
not much, you'd be constantly bombarded with radiation from the gas giant.
Also Saturn:
>The saturnian radiation belts are generally much weaker than those of Jupiter and do not emit much microwave radiation (with frequency of a few Gigahertz). Estimates shows that their decimetric radio emissions (DIM) would be impossible to detect from the Earth.[49] Nevertherless the high energy particles cause weathering of the surfaces of the icy moons and sputter water, water products and oxygen from them.[48]
In short, it might be able to support some odd bacterial colony that would have found its way there, but not likely anything else.

>> No.11304703
File: 165 KB, 1500x2075, image_3870e-Habitable-Zone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11304978


>> No.11304981


>> No.11304984
File: 54 KB, 647x740, 1516945700631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global warming is man made!!
>men are making the sun bigger!!

>> No.11305022
File: 62 KB, 960x727, sun vs temperature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that again?

>> No.11305036

The life that "inhabits" a planet seem to have something shady in its nature. It's like impostor life.

>> No.11305234

Anyone have a map of the habitable zones on earth? the 2020 update though?

>> No.11305251

Planet being in habbitable zone is not necessary habittable, especially by humans.

Usually it just means, liquid water.

>> No.11305649

Doesn't a planet need to be in the habitable zone for liquid surface water and enough sunlight for photosynthesis, though?

>> No.11305749

4 if you count the moon as a planet