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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11296285 No.11296285 [Reply] [Original]

>0.999... = 1
Then how do you numerically describe the concept of infinitely close proximity to an integer without being quite there?

>> No.11296292 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11296293


>> No.11296301

You use a different number system.

>> No.11296308

There is no such thing as two real numbers that are infinitely close

>> No.11296467

>infinitely close
>not quite there
no such thing
infinitely close = 0

>> No.11296473


>> No.11296526

hello r*ddit

>> No.11296604

Y'know the thing about a shitbull, he's got... lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'... until he bites ya. And those black eyes roll over white, and then... oh, then you hear that terrible high-pitch screamin', the pavement turns red, and n’spite of all the poundin' and the hollerin', they all come in and they... rip you to pieces.

>> No.11296617

Isn't that called a limit?
t. uni dropout

>> No.11296635

there's a difference between the limit and the value at the end, example
[math] \displaystyle
\lim_{x \to \infty} 1^x=1 \\
1^ \infty ~~~ undefined

>> No.11296641

just add a hat

>> No.11296682


>> No.11296688

The question rather is, why would you need a "numerical" proof if you have epsilons?

>> No.11296718

>what is an asymptote

>> No.11296722

Ok /an/ poster here’s a couple facts. There have been 311 pitbull attacks between 2005 and 2018. That’s 24 fatal attacks each year
Lightning kills 6,000 per year
Toasters kill 700
Jellyfish kill 40
Freshwater snails cause 20,000

>> No.11296735

never infinitely close, that's what

>> No.11296737

>never infinitely close, that's what
Then what is it?

>> No.11296738

It is described as "pulled out of somebody's ass".

>> No.11296740

finitely close

>> No.11296746

How many of those things are pets people willingly bring in to their home? Stupid argument. My neighbors toaster or jellyfish isn't going to escape the yard and attack a passerby. Also, the data isn't normalized, almost everyone owns a toaster, very few people own shitbulls.

>> No.11296775 [DELETED] 

>asymptote - a line that continually approaches a given curve but does not meet it at any finite distance.
The definition of asymptote says you're wrong. It is at least equally conceivable, as a number can be so infinitely close that it jumps magically to being the next number, that a number is just that -- infinitely close

>> No.11296777

>asymptote - a line that continually approaches a given curve but does not meet it at any finite distance.
The definition of asymptote says you're wrong. It is at least equally conceivable, as a number can be so infinitely close that it jumps magically to being the next number, that a number can be just that -- infinitely close

>> No.11296779

>approaches a given curve but does not meet
hurrrrr durrrrrrrr

>> No.11296781

>jumps magically

>> No.11296783

>...it at any finite distance
Sorry, got cut off; I'm fucking retarded.

>> No.11296787

Now compare them to other dog breeds instead of lightining

>> No.11296788


>> No.11296789

You don't. You find something else to worry about.

>> No.11296793

Zeno's paradoxes

>> No.11297010

I don't control the weather, don't go into the ocean and I don't have any power over factory safety standards. But I can talk shit about your ugly """dog""" breed.


Ctrl + F: pit bull
525 hits

>> No.11297016

>using wikipedia as a source
You need to go back.

>> No.11297022

>Using sources
Just join a pro-shitbull facebook group brah! My dog isn't bad, you just spooked him. Yep, he'll take a little bite out of you. Don't worry, he'll let go in a few hours.

>> No.11297047

It's not equal in nonstandard analysis with infinitesimals.

>> No.11297065

>>using wikipedia as a source
>attacks credibility of source for lack of an argument
>somehow associates this with reddit
Every time someone whines about a wikipedia source, that is unironically all they have to say.

>> No.11297130
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>> No.11297188
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>> No.11297438

Yeah, because using Wikipedia is almost as bad as using popsci from newspapers
Go back

>> No.11297456
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this webm is killin me, fukkn based dogggers

>> No.11297497

I agree with you but still

>> No.11297547

It's called an asymptote.
You can graph both infinitely small and infinitely big numbers with an asymptote as a limit for both ends of the graph.
Ways to visualise an asymptote is with the charging if a capacitor, as the cap charges the potential difference decreases, slowing the charging of the cap, as the cap approaches its maximum voltage charging slows infinitely, but never reached the charging current.
The cha going current is the limit, or max, so imagine so say 1 volt.
So charging from a 1 volt power source, to a 1 volt cap, the cap never reaches 1,

This exact same maths can be used to graph the discharge of a cap ;) as the discharge limit is now 0 volts.

An asymptote lies at both 1, and 0, and 0 and 1 are the limits of the range of the graph.

So before you try to convince me a capacitor charged to 0.00999. volts is actually 1 volt (impossible), maybe learn some maths like limits and asymptotes first.

You need to learn the difference between higher/abstract maths/physics and "real world/applied maths and physics.

This 0.999...=1 thing is vectored maths.

>> No.11297549


>> No.11297752

>i have no argument

>> No.11297757

Generally in math textbooks they'll do something like this

[math]\lim_{\delta \rightarrow 0}1 - \delta[/math]

>> No.11297860

>as bad as using popsci from newspapers
>newfag discovers he can tell people to go back to redit
No one cited a popsci paper, you idiot.

>> No.11298007

>describe the concept ofclose proximity to an integer without being quite there

Easy. 0.999...= 1
Just take the last 9 and turn it into an 8 and that number is then infinitely close to 1

>> No.11298029

not a real number moron

>> No.11298137

what is 1 - .000...1?

>> No.11298141

0.1 = 10^-1
0.01 = 10^-2
0.001 = 10^-3
0.000...1 = 10^-inf = 0

>> No.11298500

"1∞ " is technically e

>> No.11298568


>> No.11298597

That is not a concept.

>> No.11301047



>> No.11301595

>last 9 of infinite 9s

>> No.11301611


> Then how do you numerically describe the concept of infinitely close proximity to an integer without being quite there?

Let U be a neighborhood of 1

>> No.11301753

No math textbook will ever write that lol

>> No.11301757

>without being quite there?
that would imply a finite number of 9's in 0.999...

>> No.11301980
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>> No.11302000

Infinitely recurring digits are a spook. Everything in the physical universe has a finite value. 0.9 recurring is not real

>> No.11302003

That's exactly what it implies

>> No.11303144
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Well better than trusting random post on 4chan

>> No.11303154
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>> No.11303160

For any finite value, the distance is positive or zero. In the limit, the distance is zero.

>> No.11304795

if only, there was an entire branch of mathematics made to analyze this question

>> No.11306018

i have seen this exact thread for 1000000 times already am i in a loop?
just tell me how to escape it already, please