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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 129 KB, 980x552, 6A044B87-3472-4546-A547-F496AD597607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11295049 No.11295049 [Reply] [Original]

Theoretically? If I put I put a high voltage wire in my brain, I would become smarter, yes?

>> No.11295058
File: 12 KB, 768x423, Side_View_Scene.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck?

>> No.11295060

No. Refer to Ewen Cameron and look up electroporation.

Also, clamped.

>> No.11295079

Yes. Put high voltage wire in your brain. After all whats the worst that can happen?

>> No.11295083

this is in some form legit and people do it; though i forget what it is called so I can't really help out except for if you search for something like putting a battery in/near your brain you hope for improved ability you will find what i mean.

>> No.11295088

Deep brain stimulation, and it's not high voltage.
ECT however is barbaric and only treats people by giving them brain damage.

>> No.11295091

Also you'd be better off using electromagnetic fields. Or just the north pole of a strong magnet. South pole makes dumb, north pole makes smart.

>> No.11295183

quit putting your unrelated annoying fucking gifs you fucking mong

>> No.11295212

those gifs keeps this place from going to hell. based gifposter is fighting the good fight and also posting based gifs.

>> No.11295215

Whats clamped? Haven't been here for awhile

>> No.11295228
File: 842 KB, 2801x2202, clamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11295232

I see thx

>> No.11295247


Some sauces on this. I'm not doubting it, but I'd like to see a more detailed explanation on this.

>> No.11295263

I used to have a number of wall of citations about the effects of "early cord clamping", ie, clamping the cord before the completion of placental transfusion.

I just picked a few that were familiar.


Note, all the talk about neonatal jaundice is irrelevant. The rates were never high (5% vs 2% in a 10k sample size), they're easily treated with phototherapy, and it's known that the type of vitamin k they used to use caused jaundice, the hepatitis b vaccine can cause jaundice, pitocin can cause distress and jaundice. These confounders are never mentioned or controlled for.

>> No.11295266


>> No.11295281

Is that real?
How the fuck was he even born on the first place? jesus christ

>> No.11295652
File: 194 KB, 480x540, Alien_Controller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11295715

A retarded forced meme by poltards

>> No.11295719

>t. clamped

>> No.11295826

*snib snib*

>> No.11295831 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 653x1024, 1575498513777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clamped and circumcised for maximum mental stunting

>> No.11295843

Anyone who can do that and not ever have it come to mind "what in the fuck am I doing?" belongs on the end of a rope. I'm not religious but the Bible states that the first in line for the lake of fire are the cowards, the ordering is quite apt. You either have sadism or a mix of self-delusion and cowardice here.

>> No.11295849

t. stunted medulla

>> No.11295852


>> No.11295887


>> No.11295898

no idea, but c-section is a thing

>> No.11295951

Oh right, I forgot you're so much of a mommy's boy, you haven't even cut your umbilical cord.

>> No.11296178

>he doesn’t love his mother

Wow so you’re clamped and you have mommy issues

>> No.11296185

I bet this anon would see his wife breastfeeding their child and get jealous haha clamped LMAO


>> No.11296204

Definitly, don't forget if you don't put the current at more that 100 ma at at least 80hz you have no chance of becoming smarter.

>> No.11296492

I like the gifs, keep posting them anon

>> No.11296495

What do you think his IQ is?