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11292474 No.11292474[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The virgin probability theory.

The Chad statistics.

>> No.11292687

My father is arranging my marriage to a distant family member pre med who lives in a dorm in New York.
What's the probability that she's virgin?

>> No.11292743
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The gigachad econometrics.

>> No.11292891

>My father is arranging my marriage
hello pajeet

>> No.11293138

Dynamic systems, lames...

I can create system in modular algebra, you would call random but I could predict it.


>> No.11293145
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How distant?

>> No.11293648

Fourth or so

>> No.11293685

Some random White normies have passed her around like college a bong everyone hit it.

>> No.11293843

As I suspected. I can't marry that. I guess I'll die a virgin

>> No.11293917

>my father is arranging my marriage to a distant family member
Are you by any chance royalty?

>> No.11293924

He probably isn't, that's common in India.
I think it was illegal, tho.

>> No.11293927

only if you're forced into it, otherwise it's like finding a partner

>> No.11294039

>he "believes" in the existence of probability
determinism gang rise up

>> No.11294105 [DELETED] 

Well, first, let's start with a 0 first. Based on some data I found online, in America 26% of women lose their virginity by the age of 15. After that it's on average 11% increase by year. So far, our probability is [math]100(0.26 + 0.11(n - 15))[/math] with n being her age. The last factor I will take into account is that majority of American women are 3/10 goblinas, so the data was based on them. Therefore our probability should increase exponentially with each point above 3. Let's take 0.05% increase for 4, then probability increase per point is [math](\frac{5} {10000})^(x-3)[/math]where x is look rating. Therefore, our final formula is
[math]100(0.26 + 0.11(n - 15) + (\frac{5} {10000})^x)[/math] where n is age and x is looks rating.

>> No.11294116

Well, first, let's start with a 0 first. Based on some data I found online, in America 26% of women lose their virginity by the age of 15. After that it's on average 11% increase by year. So far, our probability is [math]100(0.26 + 0.11(n - 15))[/math] with n being her age. The last factor I will take into account is that majority of American women are 3/10 goblinas, so the data was based on them. Therefore our probability should increase exponentially with each point above 3. Let's take 0.05% increase for 4, then probability increase per point is [math]\frac{5^{x-3}} {10000}[/math] where x is look rating. Therefore, our final formula is
[math]100(0.26 + 0.11(n - 15) + \frac{5^{x-3}} {10000})[/math] where n is age and x is looks rating.

>> No.11294140


>> No.11294169

Let's say she's an indian zoomer from a conservative household. How do you adjust your calculations

>> No.11294191

You would have to replace 0.26(26%) and 0.11(11%) with appropriate numbers extracted from the data. Replace 3 in x-3 with average looks rating of Indian girls.

>> No.11294196

try to do statistics without probability

>> No.11294263

>My father is arranging my marriage to a distant family member pre med who lives in a dorm in New York.
>What's the probability that she's virgin?

based on the information you gave: somewhere between 0% and 100%

>> No.11294389

why marry a virgin?

>> No.11294394

Women never have the choice. Their future husbands are always chosen by their parents. This is indeed some of the most retarded shit I've ever seen

>> No.11294406

All junk pseudosciences.

>> No.11294409

depends on your country

>> No.11294419

I'm talking about India specifically. The whole marriage system there is retarded and run by autistic greedy cunts

>> No.11294486

it's not so bad if the parents choose a hardworking prosocial beta male. many times if left to their own accord women will go after jeremy meeks types for the gina tingles

>> No.11294523

What about the whole 'Find your true love' articles and advice that people give? Isn't it better to find your own rather than to be dumped on by this beta male by your own parents? The ideology that your daughter/son should marry before 30 is bs.You cannot and should not dictate the life of your ADULT son/daughter

>> No.11294832

>in America 26% of women lose their virginity by the age of 15

Brutal analysis! We just need a nice plot. Poor OP.

>> No.11295185

>in America 26% of women lose their virginity by the age of 15

How does "research" look like when it comes to stuff like this?

You ask 15-year-olds "Have you had sex?"

>Sure! Do you think I'm a child or what. Sure I had sex.

What kind of teenager will admit to not having had sex (unless you ask them in christian camp or something).

>> No.11295199

>How does "research" look like when it comes to stuff like this?
Step one: randomly sample n fifteen year old women.
Step two: obtain an attractive black man.
Step three: give the black man money and tell him to try to have sex with the sample, and he will succeed with m women
Step four: publish your results as m/n fifteen year old women have lost their virginity before age 15

>> No.11295274

how many of this percentage are black or Hispanic?

>> No.11296338

And how many are pajeets?

>> No.11296458

Isn't stats just applied prob?