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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11281269 No.11281269 [Reply] [Original]

how do you STEMfags cope with the fact that pic related basically refuted both science and technology almost 25 years ago? he was much smarter than you, was in the same echelon as Einstein intelectually and he realized what disastrous effects unrestrained technological progress would have. Today's tech addicted society and its state prove that he was indeed correct

>> No.11281272

You need to go to this website...


...enable Javascript, and start clicking on the button. You'll feel better.

>> No.11281285




Let me know when he has a real plan-of-action, besides random violence

>> No.11281291

>t. didnt even read the text

>> No.11281299
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>Let me know when he has a real plan-of-action, besides random violence

4. We therefore advocate a revolution against the industrial system. This revolution may or may not make use of violence; it may be sudden or it may be a relatively gradual process spanning a few decades. We can’t predict any of that. But we do outline in a very general way the measures that those who hate the industrial system should take in order to prepare the way for a revolution against
that form of society. This is not to be a POLITICAL revolution. Its object will be to overthrow not governments but the economic and technological basis of the present society

>> No.11281308

Stop using computers and kill yourself.

>> No.11281311

>disastrous effects
There's none. Humans are not important.

>> No.11281312

>how do you STEMfags cope with the fact that pic related basically refuted both science and technology almost 25 years ago?

Moral condemnation is not a refutation.

How do you anarcho-primitivist retards cope with the facf that, I, anon, have basically refuted anarcho-primitivism thirty seconds ago?

>> No.11281316
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>> No.11281322

Isn’t it ironic how anarcho-primitivists online are intrinsically hypocritical and dishonest LARPers because they use technology to babble about their literally retarded ideas?

>> No.11281331

Yes. It's also funny that kaczynskifags meet the literal, dictionary definition of degeneracy, and yet they act morally superior.

>> No.11281333
File: 59 KB, 750x717, ted kaczynski ideas worth spreading].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ted isn't an anprim you brainlet and neither am I. it's clear to me you haven't even bothered to read what he has produced so your """refutation""" goes to the trashcan where it belongs. read Kaczynski's Critique of Anarcho-Primitivism https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/ted-kaczynski-the-truth-about-primitive-life-a-critique-of-anarchoprimitivism
autistic retarded edgelord and probably underage

>> No.11281335
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>Kaczynskinigger calling anybody an edgelord

>> No.11281341

>Ted isn't an anprim you brainlet and neither am I

Whatever you are is just as retarded as anarcho-primitivism. You might as well scream about how you’re a fascist, not a Nazi. Tell me exactly why we should abandon modern technology and live in the woods or fuck off. Why ought billions die and those that remain lower their standards of living?

> it's clear to me you haven't even bothered to read what he has produced so your """refutation""" goes to the trashcan where it belongs.

I try to avoid reading shitposts from terrorists.

>> No.11281529

>heh, you're opposed to modern society yet you use the tools of modern society to fight it... hypocrite.

>> No.11281543

The ultimate goal is the creation of an Artificial Super Intelligence who's optimization function is keeping humans perpetually in a Renaissance era of technology. IT will destroy modern society, and launch itself into the stratosphere to continuously scan and monitor both the earth and the heavens (to stop asteroids from hitting the planet) and anytime a human attempts to design any technology that's post ~1700 it will drop a swarm of drones or a bomb to kill that person, forcing humans, forever, to be in the Renaissance era wherein we were at our physical, moral, and ideological peak.

From there, the AI (not any human) will take seeds of human beings across the universe, terraforming planets and planting human beings on them, controlling them in the same way that it controls Earth, so humans will spread throughout the universe whilst still maintaining a renaissance era of livelyhood.

The Hegelian dialectic has been established and the synthesis is upon us - Technologically Enforced Technological Stagnation. Humans are NOT supposed to advanced beyond renaissance era technology. You all will be forced back into it, as will all humans, forevermore.

>> No.11281615

I wonder if this will become a science thread or stay a politics thread

>> No.11282218


"We uhh, should stop using technology! We should have a revolution...but only on our own accord with no violence! We don't know when or why we'll do it but it will happen!"

That isn't a plan of action. that's just another blanket description of something predicted to happen.

Please show me where this faggot actually refuted technology and explains the means to replace it. All he did if anything was "refute" the stupid humans who let the technology consume them into a false sense of security. Real ironic coming from someone who "abandoned" technology to go live in the woods, then fucked his opportunity over by using said technology to aid in bombing people.

He could have wrote this manifesto and continued to practice his philosophy of thinking hard but doing nothing in the middle of the woods but no.

>> No.11282271

fucking based and redpilled

ive had similar thoughts for a while now

>> No.11282329

>explains the means to replace it.

Just stop using technology lmao.

>> No.11282531

>heh, you're opposed to modern society yet you use the tools of modern society to fight it... hypocrite.

Yes, that is hypocritical, and an inevitable failure, because modern society is good and stronger than you.

>> No.11282538

>Humans are NOT supposed to advanced beyond renaissance era technology.

Unproveable value judgement. Just as retarded as anarchy-primitivism but funny in how absurd and retarded it is whereas anarcho-primitivism is just pathetic.

>> No.11282542

> Just stop using technology lmao.

Yes, please do so. Stop using technology and live in the woods and die. The rest of the world will continue on to the stars.

>> No.11282600

>Implying you will into space
>Implying it won't be your AI overlords well after you and yours are declared obsolete and scrapped like the rest of us

>> No.11282613

>Implying you will into space

I will. I have sufficient currency that I could afford to, at minimum, go past the Karman line before death.

>Implying it won't be your AI overlords well after you and yours are declared obsolete and scrapped like the rest of us

Science fiction has got to your head. Humans will be upgraded, not replaced.

>> No.11282618

>Humans will be upgraded, not replaced
At that point are you still a human? My grandfathers' axe and all that

>> No.11282629

> At that point are you still a human?

I don’t really care. I value minds, not Homo sapiens specifically in their current form. Our descendants being different from us is an inevitability of evolution.

>> No.11282648

go back to >>>/pol/ terrorist lover

>> No.11282668

Just stop using technology lmao.

>and here's why

Except he never explained anything further. In fact he serves as a living example of how not using technology and becoming a hermit leads you to do insane irrational shit. "Just stop using technology" and then what? We'll just get bored and then use it again. He ignores the growth aspect and instead focuses on this stagnation of a plan that is literally not even a plan. It's just a description of what you should do and nothing else.

>Just go to the woods and play with bows and arrow.

We already did that. It got fucking boring, tedious and labor intensive. That is why we grew past it and still look back.

>> No.11282677

I cope by accepting that if it were not because of this world of technology, I'd be a weak girly twink either getting cucked by women or fucked in the ass by some roman noble. But instead I get to have more money than most people and have more sex than middle-ages Chad. And it goes the same for him, we are all nerds. Did your retards forget we are all fucking nerds? Good luck surviving in a primitive society.

>> No.11282680 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11283991

After seeing this post i will start to cornify all of my picturs

>> No.11283998

Wouldn't using the AI to actually improve our lives instead of just targeting something you, someone who is 300 years too late to experience any of the things you're talking about, believe would be superior? Surely if this really is the best way to live, for a certain definition of the best way to live, we could simply program the AI to optimize for the best way to live by that same definition and it would come to that conclusion, no?

Unless you're just a dribbling cultist like Kaczynski and have had your brain melted by MKULTRA.

>> No.11284003
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>claims to have refuted technology
>didn't even make a study that could be reproduced

>> No.11284346

You're using a computer to state that science and technology have been refuted. See anything wrong with that?

>> No.11284374
File: 144 KB, 1200x1116, 1552158584334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OPs arguments are based on the ramblings of a mentaly ill hermit terrorist.
You're not going to make it, OP. Keep taking your meds.

>> No.11284563

>Industrial revolution was terrible because advancements in technology continually force a leftist agenda in which they have grand power over freedoms and individuality
Flawed argument. Firstly, I think Ted was an incredibly intelligent man when it came to his techniques (the fact that we're talking about him now is proof of it), but also an incredibly stupid man.
His entire philosophy revolves around how technological advancements are destructive to human freedom. This is stupid. Humans have always lived in a state of constant, continual oppression, living under constant warring governments who would tyranize and execute those with opposing beliefs. Idealizing history is a common idiotic belief that makes no sense. The only reason you know about injustices in the present and past is because you received an education, and because you have access to the wide amounts of information provided by a modern society. Ted suggests that a constantly changing technology framework is how leftists continually maintain control over the political agenda and force a narrative. He is correct, but this is no different than every other civilization in the past. Perhaps, now that we have the widespread ability ("we" being the intelligent and the curious) for acquiring information, we could change the flow of humanity. Unlikely, but still more likely than before. Writing extremist manifestos and tying this belief set to widespread violence is a way to, ironically, push the political agenda in favor of the left who are more than willing to use your actions as a way to maintain political clout.

>> No.11284575

The absolute lowest argument possible. You don't think that was obvious? You don't think a child could have pointed that out? You actually thought that was worth posting?

>> No.11284576


Practice what you preach, for this board's sake

>> No.11284580

OP was obviously oblivious of it. KEK

>> No.11284581

Hold on, is he 6', or 5'1"?

>> No.11284591

>Unproveable value judgement.
It's proven by the state of modern society, moron.

>> No.11284592

>Science fiction has got to your head. Humans will be upgraded, not replaced.
Lmfao you say this retarded wrong shit and say it's the other guy who has science fiction in his head

>> No.11284596

That's not how you refute something, moron. Popperian empiricism isn't the only method for knowledge or argument, it's not even one of the better ones.

>> No.11284613

why is tech addiction bad? why is unrestrained technological progress bad? what is wrong with industrial society and its future?

how do you know whether it is good or bad for society? or does it inconvenience you and make you uncomfortable?

>> No.11284614

>All he did if anything was "refute" the stupid humans who let the technology consume them into a false sense of security.
Not exactly sure why you say this, but I really think this is the strongest argument against Ted and other anti-tech ideologies, say certain facets of postmodernism. It is not the technology itself that is posing the threat, but how we use it. In particular, I believe the responsibility falls on our leaders instead of those who develop the technology. Because I truly believe that most innovation has been done out of love for humanity. The hope that we all someday can have a good life. And technology has truly given us the means to get much much closer to this dream. It is so sad to see that there are so many forces in the world exploiting the hard work of innovators.

>> No.11284934 [DELETED] 

>Popperian empiricism
High quality bait! This will be rewarded! The scientific method described by Karl Popper is a synthesis of empiricism and rationalism. It is both empiricist and rationalist at the same time. This is in my opinion one of the core misunderstandings of the latest wave of what might be called scientism. They tend to be die hard materialists, empiricists and cultivating a shallow hatred for philosophy as both a field and process. They seem to be in complete delusion about what even metaphysics means. Like the actual definition of the word. And they have the nerve to call themselves rationalists too :p Lmao!

>> No.11284947

>same echelon as Einstein
>mails bombs to people

>> No.11286675
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>> No.11286707
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the unabomber!

>> No.11286765

Ironic, Ted was capable of using technology to a degree that would have been peerless. Perhaps it was fear of himself that destroyed his faith in technology.

>> No.11286772
File: 234 KB, 1400x650, chad transhumanist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to destroy the industrial system when you could become a wirehead instead

>> No.11286863

If we establish the system now you will be reincarnated into genetically superior chad stock in our noble future.

>> No.11286903

if you read his manifesto, it literally says there are two ways to avoid technological entrapment, go anarcho primitivist or more technology. he literally says within the first couple pages that all the things he is criticizing technology about can be solved with new technology.