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11279862 No.11279862 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus Christ, what is it with hangovers?

I've drank like several litres of water since waking up. But not only do I end up feeling dry again in just a few minutes, but when taking a piss just now, only a little bit came out. Fucking hell, hangovers never make sense.

>> No.11279865

Have you tried *not* getting drunk, you fucking degenerate?

>> No.11279866

Have you tried *not* being a faggot, you social reject?

>> No.11279870

you sound pathetic, desperately trying to fit in. i bet no one likes you, but keep trying

>> No.11279874

lmao ok normie

>> No.11279875

I like how people try justify not being able to make friends by calling it "degeneracy."

>> No.11279881

maybe don't drink a literal poison hahaha

>> No.11279908

>what is it with hangovers
Wait until you're older. They get worse with age.

>> No.11279927

sounds like you gave yourself lupus, normie faggot.

>> No.11279933

after years of using it I don't really get hangovers anymore.

>> No.11280412

Objectively explain why getting drunk is bad. You literally can't without resorting to axiomatic reasoning based on bullshit. Eat a dick. Either contribute to the thread by providing OP with a explanation to his query, or fuck right off.

>> No.11280426

Do a real drug, like kava, cacao, guarana seed mix. Alcohol is just good for resetting and expanding the mind every few years.

I used to get blackout drunk at least 3 times a week, for around a year. I mainly drank spiced rum or polish potato vodka. Or whiskey. Never got awful hangovers, really.

>> No.11280447

You can't explain why anything is good or bad without axioms.

>> No.11280475

> Have you tried *not* getting drunk, you fucking degenerate?

A disdain for alcohol is common among socially inept cretins with pale skin and weak chins who live with their mom.

>> No.11280480

But I doubt you really care about any of this.

>> No.11280483

If it's not bad, why are you whining about your hangover? It's one of the worst drugs you can do to get high and there is literally no reason to drink it when you could just do something more or less comparable, but less toxic like GHB, Ketamine or whatever else instead. There are even other alcohols besides ethanol that are safe to ingest, so there is no reason to drink it besides being a retard.

Also, just take some goddamn aspirin, faggot.

>> No.11280486

Say hi to your liver cirrhosis for me.

>> No.11280487

>If it's not bad, why are you whining about your hangover?

If getting surgery isn’t bad, why do people complain about pain after surgery? Fucking retard. Something having negative drawbacks doesn’t mean it’s itself bad

>> No.11280490

>Say hi to your liver cirrhosis for me

Say hi to dying for me. Everyone dies. Fuck off lol

>> No.11280497

>haha bro I want to make sure I increase my chances of various diseases nice and high
>haha bro everyone dies what pussy is afraid of little cancer and liver cirrhosis
Are you like 12?

>> No.11280500

>Are you like 12?

Are you like 12? Life isn’t a video game in which you try to get a high score by living the longest. You have fun and then you die.

>> No.11280510

so, it's still not objectively bad. Maybe it does negatively affect your meathl, maybe it doesn't. It also makes you feel good, we're all going to die sometime. Better feeling good and drunk than being a faggot on 4chins judging people for their life choices when you yourself are a massive insufferable faggot, kys

>> No.11280517

People usually do surgery out of necessity, because the alternative is death or worse. They also get medication to deal with pain. That's not comparable to fucking yourself up for no good reason.
It's toxic, it feels like shit and it makes your dick stop working. If you weren't a dumbass you'd do something else instead, but since you seem to be doing it regularly and still don't know to just take a fucking aspirin I can only draw one conclusion.

>> No.11280524

Are you really saying getting wasted is an amazing time? It's expensive, you act like a retard for a few hours, then you feel like shit for a day. You made this thread because it sucks so bad.
To answer your original question: Hangovers are your body recovering from being straight up poisoned. Your organs are fucked, your immune system is fucked, and your body is still full of acetalhydrate. You fucked up, and your body's automatic recovery takes time. If you don't like it, then grow up and deal with your problems instead of using chemicals to ignore them harder.

>> No.11280552

>"wah wah my hangovers are so terrible"
>"explain why getting drunk is bad. You literally can't"

>> No.11280558

>That's not comparable to fucking yourself up for no good reason.

Impossible to prove any reason is good or bad. You’ve entered value judgment territory/

>> No.11280559

> Are you really saying getting wasted is an amazing time?

Hell yeah

> You made this thread because it sucks so bad.

Not my thread

>> No.11280560

>It's expensive
Maybe if you go to a bar. I have a half gallon of Luksusowa here that I got for like 20 something dollars. Yes, a half gallon. For someone who might drink like once every few years, that's a lifetime supply. For someone drinking once a week or so, that will last them months.

People don't go to bars to get wasted.... sometimes. Anyway, there's a lot wrong with the expense aspect of this.

>> No.11280563
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Anon, what is making you so stupid?

>> No.11280566

>Loses argument, resorts to insults

People like having fun, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

>> No.11280571

No, I mean the whole thought process and your "value judgement" enshrinement. Of course reasons can be proven to be good or bad relative to a given value system. No matter what's going on in your head, no matter what possibility apparently exists, there is only one outcome. That's all the universe allows. One input, one output.

>> No.11280575

> Of course reasons can be proven to be good or bad relative to a given value system

We don’t share
“Value systems”.

>> No.11280576
File: 91 KB, 1024x546, boomermonster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcohol is one of the oldest pasttimes of mankind, along with sex, exercise, sports, inventions, and reading. Kys.

>> No.11280581

The point isn't an absolute value system.

>> No.11280587

>The point isn't an absolute value system.

We don’t share value systems, so “proving” something to be good for bad in your value system has no relevance to me.

>> No.11280594

Well you don't seem to like the consequences at least. I'm not even telling you to not get high, but you don't have to be a dumbass about it. There's literally tons of crap that feels similar, but better and is less harmful at the same time. So why do the dumb thing? Educate yourself and pick your poison. Or don't and take an aspirin. It helps with the ache and thins down your blood making you feel better. This is only a bandaid of course, since you are literally drinking an antiseptic.

>> No.11280599

alcohol makes people stupid

>> No.11280602

Still sounds like you're holding them cards close, anon. Very boring. Why do you even bother to talk about anything to anyone, at all?

>> No.11280612

>Well you don't seem to like the consequences at least

The negative consequences are more than made up for by the positive ones.

>> No.11280614

Yeah I actually agree with you, the only way to convince someone is through the barrel of a gun. That's why I need to get the politicians in DC to round people like you up into gulags.

>> No.11280619

why do you have to bring autism to this thread? Alcohol is bad, no shit, but if you seriously think that you are going to insult OP into not drinking than you are fucking retarded. Just keep scientific and try to answer seriously, if you cant, fuck off normie.
great fucking answer faggot, as informative as nigger teachers

>> No.11280620

True. They would fit in with the labor camp life well.

>> No.11280658

>Loses argument
>Resorts to insults
>Loses argument harder
>Resorts to empty threats

I’ll drink a bottle of rum in your honor bb

>> No.11280669

Maybe. It's still dumb when better things exist, both in terms of psychological effect as well as toxicity. There is no logical reason to pick alcohol over something like GHB.

>> No.11280808

Alcohol is for the masses, to keep them complacent while wasting their lives away in mediocrity

>> No.11280811

>You have fun and then you die
Don't have any responsibility. Don't have any aspirations. Don't have any principles. Just hang out and party, dude.

I hate boomers so fucking much

>> No.11280833

>Several isoenzymes of aldehyde dehyrdrogenase exist, one of which is missing in about 50% of Japanese people and possibly other south Asian people (but rarely in white people).
What does this imply?

>> No.11280855



>> No.11280858


>> No.11281140


>> No.11281143

>as informative as nigger teachers
Anon, you're the nigger here.

>> No.11281146

>why do you have to bring autism to this thread?
I kept it scientific and I'm the only one who actually bothered to post a study. I mean, like it's not common knowledge that alcohol isn't good for you in any way. And yeah, I know, proving someone wrong demonstrably is autism...
>Alcohol is bad, no shit, but if you seriously think that you are going to insult OP into not drinking than you are fucking retarded. Just keep scientific and try to answer seriously,
And look at what he said - "hurr durr bro it's not like objectively bad for you or anything". Does that look like a serious answer to you?
>using the word normie unironically
After all that, replies like these are justified:

>> No.11281236
File: 43 KB, 430x292, Much.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about society

>> No.11281242

>Objectively explain why getting drunk is bad.
>You literally can't without resorting to axiomatic reasoning
I don't care about this topic but I do care about objectivity, and I object to your claim.
Consider the effects of alcohol:
Your body can only process one unit of alcohol an hour. Drink a lot in a short space of time and the amount of alcohol in the blood can stop the body from working properly. It can: slow down your brain functions so you lose your sense of balance.
It just goes to show that alcohol is literally poison. Do you believe poison is bad? If you do, then please recognize that alcohol inherits this quality as well.

>> No.11281294

mega giga ultra cringe and cope

>> No.11282563

>Objectively explain why getting drunk is bad.
Here's a better idea: objectively explain why getting drunk is good.

>> No.11282569

achohol is what psychotics tend to drink, ime

>> No.11282574

>Here's a better idea: objectively explain why getting drunk is good.

Nothing is objectively good or bad brainlet

>> No.11282583

>It just goes to show that alcohol is literally poison.

Who cares? It’s a fun poison.

>> No.11282610
File: 29 KB, 460x322, 1577783282521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing is objectively good or bad
Let's put your premise to the test with a simple example:
>Child rape is neither good or bad
Yep, looks like you're a dipshit.

>> No.11282619

Nice appeal to emotions, but at least you didn't say pedophilia.

>> No.11282632

So you are the type of person who actually believes child rape is neither good nor bad, objectively. Yikes.

>> No.11282638

This is unfortunately always the result of believing there is no objective morality.

>> No.11282640
File: 8 KB, 259x194, frog thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen up. This is a new decade. The year started. You have 365 days left to improve your life.
Imagine being an human being, waking up, shower, having a breakfast etc... Turning on your computer and then having on his hard drive pictures or webms of others men's genitals having intercouse with a women and posting them here, on an anime imageboard. What gives? How does it improve your life? Why do you have those pictures and videos saved? Wouldn't you like to be at the place of the guy that's doing or getting sexual acts? And then you're gonna cry on how unfair the world is a'd how you can't get a GF or posting ridiculous graphs as a way cope, arguing with other anonymous people. But guess what, you're still not part of those statistics, but other people that gets it are and NOT (You) .
Think about it. You have all the keys to improve your life. Find a real hobby, make exercises, improve your body shape, buy clothes, change your haircut etc... This is a language board right? Interact with fellow anons. Ask them how do you say this or that in the language you want to learn. That way you will improve. Start going on bars, libraries, interact with people. Call your friends, ask them to have fun. Eventually you will meet someone that will love you and will have sexual intercourse with her and you will have a better life.

Tl;dr: have sex, incel.