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11275768 No.11275768 [Reply] [Original]

Who's smarter and the best mathematician ?

>> No.11275884

OP what tastes better? A dick or an asshole?

>> No.11276370

What Terence Tao did?
Perelman solved Poincare conjecture.
I do not know anything about Terence

>> No.11278490

Terence Tao. Giorgi Perelman is a violinist

>> No.11278500 [DELETED] 
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lol i liek the subtlety though

>> No.11278514

>Perelman solved Poincare conjecture.
Perelmeme solved a useless conjecture.
Tao is helping mathematics advance through his books.

>> No.11278608

lol pseud detected

>> No.11278816

You're projecting m8.
I am using Tao's books.
Meanwhile you haven't used Tao's books and don't know shit about Perelman's work.
Guess who's the pseud.

>> No.11279000

pajeet detected, go back to reading your cheaply printed Hindustan books

>> No.11279020

Is it just me or are modern mathematicians really unimpressive? Bring back GAUSS AND EULER.

>> No.11279041

GauB and Youler*

>> No.11279053

it's just you

>> No.11279055

>Fuck you we killed star trek

>> No.11279064

let's see your work, genius.

>> No.11279069

It's Gauv because the β letter is pronounced like a "v" in greek

>> No.11279843

Perelman. He just looks based as fuck.

>> No.11279895

Perelman is a prick but I'd still say Perelman is the superior mathematician. Perelman's work is far more "pure" and requires greater creativity. Tao is more a brute force supercomputer than a creative genius.

>> No.11279903 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11279941


Stop talking shit, Chang.

>> No.11279950

Kys amerishart.

>> No.11280231

What game is that from?

>> No.11280502

Snatcher probably.

>> No.11280514

but β letter is pronounced like a "s" in german

>> No.11280515

What's German got to do with Gauv?

>> No.11280523

Carl Friedrich Gauß was a german mathematician

>> No.11280537

Tao is the leading mathematician on one of the hardest fucking fields to do research in which is Random Matrix Theory.
Perelman's proof doesn't have a single mention of the Poincaré Conjecture, he created an entire new theory, of which the Conjecture is just a particular case, it was so revolutionary that people still can't fully comprehend or apply it completely.

This board got infested with real fucking brainlets recently...

>> No.11280542


>> No.11280545

>Random Matrix Theory
Sounds like autismo bullshit. Ideal for computational algebra shitters.

>> No.11281165

This. I think it's because it's still holidays and high schoolers are allowed on their PCs or something. Or they bought a PC for the home for disabled people.

>> No.11281509

Terence is stupid (proof: the opinion pieces on his blog) so my guess is Perelman. But I doubt that either of them are anywhere near the best.

>> No.11283626

Are you trolling? I hope so!