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11273984 No.11273984 [Reply] [Original]

How does gravity escape from black hole?

>> No.11273987


>> No.11273997

Or maybe black holes are actually more massive than they appear?

>> No.11273999

Same way blacks escape from their cultural roots. They don't.

>> No.11274026

That may be true, but neither did you.
Though I expected no less from this board.

>> No.11274034

Good thread, for troling and to exercise your mind, I'm asking to /sci/ elders, nerds and trolls to assembe in this thread

>> No.11274087

So you're not disappointed. Weird.

>> No.11274096
File: 308 KB, 700x876, l-8438-man-who-thought-hed-lost-all-hope-loses-last-additional-bit-of-hope-he-didnt-even-know-he-still-had.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expected dissapointment to soften the blow

>> No.11274102

Side fact: I actually did. I come from a poor family with no knowledge of academia or science or anything really and worked my way up (against their wishes) to being a PhD student now in a country that doesn't necessitate debt for that.

>> No.11274106

whwre is this cunt tree

>> No.11274109

i grew up in kangolpis, capital city of kangolia

>> No.11274124

And yet no degrees were able extinguish the redneck in you

>> No.11274157

Never forget where you come from.


>> No.11275329

Gravity doesn't "escape" since it is just the a measurement of a phenomenon. It is like you said, "How do inches escape a mile on the road?"

>> No.11275583

That's Ali

>> No.11275650
File: 96 KB, 760x577, 160605-muhammad-ali-mn-1045_75c318c684baccc1e78db56a4d7a6419.fit-760w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11275705
File: 1.20 MB, 960x540, 1534790114_45f3c9d9-f615-4a64-8bb8-7d1e29e2a7c1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmmmmmm wut is this tripfag trying to communicate

>> No.11275721

>How does gravity escape from black hole?
black holes don't exist. neither does gravity. where have you been?

>> No.11276241

By being faster

>> No.11276245

Gravity is the warping of spacetime due to mass. It is not a particle that has velocity, so escape velocity being higher than live speed simply has no significance to it.

>> No.11276386

Than light?

That means you are getting information about the mass that is beyond event horizon. That should not be happening due to... wrapping of spacetime.

>> No.11276408

But how then gravity can be explained in quantum mechanics? So the graviton doesnt exist? By QM the graviton then should interact with space instead any other body.

>> No.11276492

Disturbance to this warping propagates at the speed of light though. Waht do you think will happen when when the mass gets beyond the event horizon and no disturbances from whatever's happening to it can reach the outside anymore?

>> No.11276584

It’s radiation you dumb fucking nigger

>> No.11276642
File: 8 KB, 261x326, Dirac_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how does the graviton get out of the black hole, if not even light can
How will gravitonfags ever recover?

>> No.11276651

It's not about graviton. How does any information about the matter inside of a black hole travel outside it? Scientists have observed gravitational waves which propagate with the speed of light, not instantanously.

>> No.11276662

Black holes aren't real. A distant observer can never calculate one forming in finite time due to time dilation. Matter just gets asymptotically closer to forming a black hole and the emitted light is quickly redshifted away and eventually the last photon is emitted so you can't detect any matter except gravitationally. The result is what looks to be a black hole but is in reality something we'll call a dark grey hole. There is no singularity.

>> No.11276664

for you to have created this picture, you had to cut out the original, which means you gazed upon his gaping red hole for at least 10mins
sucks to be you

>> No.11276711

The graviton, if it exists, attracts light towards the center of the black hole, it can’t attract itself. It’s like a photon shining light on another photon — tautological

>> No.11276713

The interior of a blackhole doesn't really exist. The event horizon is an edge to spacetime and matter that falls into a blackhole gets smeared over it.

>> No.11276718

>there is no singularity
Are you sure about that

>> No.11277072

You overestimate my creativity. An image like that is easy to find.

>> No.11277084

>we'll call a dark grey hole
You will. Other than that it's not a bad explanation. I can imagine the gravitational field of a black hole to be only a relict of the star it used to be. Still it bugs me, that a potential energy was created, but the source is no longer there. This is not that far from infinite energy from nothing.

>> No.11278395

But is not generally accepted that gravity interacts with space time directly, and through this with other bodies?

>> No.11278968

How come wet escapes the water, amerimutt.?

>> No.11279001

confirmed, both transposable goatse hands and the goatse version of the black hole picture used as OP, which existed mere hours after the original release of the image back in april last year.