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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11273651 No.11273651 [Reply] [Original]

I am retarded and only understand math once I understand the concept in its entirety. In highschool I would get easy A's and go through tests quickly because I had the time and resources to ensure I fully understood the concepts and thus could easily apply my thorough understanding to problems and solve them easily.
How do I do this in University? How do anons actually succeed at University math? Should I get a tutor or something?

>> No.11273663
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I normally read the lecture notes and do the exercises.

>> No.11273669

But anon, I do that too... a lot...

>> No.11273672
File: 1.37 MB, 1140x4777, official mg curriculum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to be good at math?

>> No.11273678

Then you're good. Are you having problem in Uni? What year are you in?

>> No.11273682


Stop posting this shit. This curriculum is obviously a fucking meme, it's insanely difficult. Highly doubt ANYONE has gone through something like that, unless they're literally the next Gauss. OP, I'm currently a junior at a very good uni studying math. My main advice is this: do a fuck ton of exercises. That's always the advice my professors give, and make sure you don't look up answers unless you've thought a lot about problems: the struggle of a challenging problem is VERY important.

Also, make sure to not skip any valuable prerequisites. For instance, you don't want to read about Algebraic Topology not knowing what an open set is, but if you wanted to read about Algebraic Topology having taken analysis (where hopefully you covered some basic topology) that'd be fine (even if you didn't take pointset). In any case, mathstackexchange is also very useful and r/math's simple questions thread is good.

>> No.11273685

I'm first year, finished my first Math course recently. I studied incredibly hard and performed well on the midterms but got fucked on the exam.

>> No.11273686

if you want to read about algebraic topology*

>> No.11273722

What did the first year include? It varies from country to country, and I'm not American.

>> No.11273725

So far I've completed half of my first-year requirement for Calculus. Here that was introducing derivatives and logarithms, content I was previously familiar with from high school but somehow the Uni environment made it way harder to follow.
Next term I'll have a continuation of that material as well as a "Logic and Foundations" course covering "Logic and quantifiers, basic set theory, mathematical induction and recursive definitions, divide and conquer recurrence relations, properties of integers, counting, functions and relations, countable and uncountable sets, asymptotic notation."
I'm at a Canadian university.

>> No.11273731

It might take some time to get used to the way university does math. The pace tends to be higher than in High School.
If you were already familiar with the material, why did you get fucked on the exam? Were the questions not at all similar to the (more difficult) exercise questions?

>> No.11273733

Yeah, I think the pacing is what it is. I may have overloaded myself with clubs too. I think I'll try hiring a tutor and see if that makes a difference, but I have doubt in how I study. A big downfall for me is the lack of consistency between the study questions and the exam questions which is totally different from my highschool experience.
I'm honestly not sure why I performed so poorly on the exam. I just completely blanked. I struggled on the midterms but since I studied so damn hard I always came out with a good mark. I don't think it will happen again as long as I learn to manage the pressure and have more confidence in my study methods.

>> No.11273743

I dont know too much about math but if you are having problems with memorization you could use anki

>> No.11274003

I was reading into my uni and apparently it is notorious for really low grades in first year math courses. Not exactly good news considering I want to get into my country's best university, but reassuring that I'm not the only one struggling.
Any more advice?

>> No.11274070


imagine and draw as much pictures as you can, daily. Exhaust your visual cortex.
be sure that, in every subject, you know much more examples than theorems and more theorems than definitions.
return to solved problems, review your own proofs and try to improve it with aesthetics or simplicity as criteria.
Chat with others about math subjects.
and last but not least:
strugle a little bit, everyday, thinking about very big problems that you might dont even know how to start solving. I'm talking about Millennium prize tier problems. You're young and not a professional mathematician yet, do not be afraid to "waste" some time think about big questions that you might probably not answer.

>> No.11274471

spend more time studying and doing math than other activities each day

>> No.11274814

Which university? ubcobro here

>> No.11274868

>he’s struggling with calc
you’re not going to make it

>> No.11276139

I'll do this. I think I'll pull back on clubs as much as possible, then.
UVic. Is it bad for you guys too?
Fuck you faggot. I've bookmarked this thread and will unironically come back and look at your fucking post every time I feel like not studying you fucking loser. I'm going to make it faggot.

>> No.11276275

what do you study ? pure math ?

>> No.11276395

>Not gonna make it
Why look down on others you fucking retarded kike?
You obviously have low IQ and probably are fucking whores for a living. Fuck off.
High IQ people are always willing to help those in need. They never look down on others.
Get off of this thread

>> No.11276953


Oh shit, I think the second year math is more notorious for being hard here, first year maths was easy for most

>> No.11278115

Why the homophobia?

>> No.11278150

Math is overrated

>> No.11278151
