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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11272944 No.11272944 [Reply] [Original]

So 1 can be divded into 3 1/3ths, which are supposedly equal and make a whole 1, but when you do that with decimals you get 3 of 33.33333333333333333(goes on forever) which when added still leaves you with a 0.00000000000000001. Are fractions wrong or or decimals wrong or is our 21st centry math wrong? Ever since 2nd grade i ask people this and I never get a straight answer, it's almost like nobody cares. Are you guys gonna explain this to me?

>> No.11272948

120 degrees my mate.

>> No.11272953

None of the above. Take either a course on real analysis or mathematical logic. Learn the definitions of "convergent sequence", "Cauchy sequence", "rational number", and "real number".

>> No.11272954

Your problem is that you don't really understand what "goes on forever" means. You seem to think it means "goes on for a long time then stops". No, it NEVER stops. It goes forever. There is no leftover 0.00001, or leftover .00000001, or leftover 0.000...01 no matter how far out you go.

>> No.11272955

You see, these aren't answers. Nobody wants to answer this question.

>> No.11272957

But mathematically you cannot deny that it's there. The 1 is never made whole.

>> No.11272961

Youre either a troll or you don't understand what the person you responded to said. There is not 1 at the end of that sequence, because there is no end of that sequence. No 0.000...01. It does not exist.

0.33333333... goes on continuously.

>> No.11272966

So that proves that I'm right. If the 0.1 is never created then the 1 is never a whole from 3 equal parts.

>> No.11272970

10 divided by 3 is 3 1/3

>> No.11272971


It's an awful joke but at the same time you put 33.333 rather than 0.3333 so I have no idea..


Yeah basically it's just a representation of a value or quantifying system.. one of many systems.

>> No.11272974

It is an answer. At first I thpugh you were genuinely interested in an answer. Now I just think you're a shitty troll. The answer is pretty obvious provided (1) you know how to read and write proofs, (2) you know about the concept of convergence/how epsilons and deltas are used, and (3) you know that real numbers are defined as equivalence classes of Cauchy sequence that converge to the same limit. If you understand those three things, then the answer to your question is trivial.

>> No.11272976

1/3= 0.333...
1/3 * 3 = 0.333... * 3
1 = 0.999...

Now, you might think this means you need a ...1 at the end added to get it up to 1, but that is not the case. Actually 0.999... is exactly identical to 1. It's not less. If you want to understand, try to think of the EXACT placement where you would need to add a 1 to make it equal to 1. No matter how far you went down the fractions, you would still need to go farther. It's endless. If you still don't get it try googling "does .999 equal 1", there are countless proofs out there in various methods

>> No.11272979

0.99999999.... and 1 are equivalent.

>> No.11272982

>you know how to read and write proofs
I did this in 11th grade geometry and never again
>you know about the concept of convergence/how epsilons and deltas are used
I don't
>you know that real numbers are defined as equivalence classes of Cauchy sequence that converge to the same limit
I don't know what is means or why I should accept it as fact.
0.99999999999999 and 1 are not the same. They are physically not the same number. You can approximate but that's avoiding the issue here. Can you show me a "proof"? Why can't you just prove it right here?

>> No.11272991


please read this entire page before replying

>> No.11272992
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>> No.11272994

The mathematical equivalent of “Ehfhffheruhf48848392ijrmf”.

>> No.11272996

I can't believe retards are still posting about 0.999 =/= 1

Here you go OP


you aren't special.
Retards have been posting this shit for almost a decade (as far as the archive shows)

>> No.11273001

Okay, point out the flaw? Where is wrong?

>> No.11273002

Now I know you are a troll

>> No.11273003

These make no sense. I'm beginning to think the missing 0.0000001 is the soul. Scientists will claim it aint there but I can see it plain as day

>> No.11273006

Ohh I just realized that the 5 is an S. Makes a bit more sense now but I'm not totally sold. I see where you guys are coming from now though

>> No.11273007

If they make no sense to you, its because you are terrible at math. That's okay. You don't have to be good at everything. There are plenty of other topics to pursue in life.

>> No.11273009

You're wrong
>waaaaah i don't like answer
ts kiddo

>> No.11273012

This is pretty sad
You could be doing better things with your time
Instead you are trolling on 4chan

I'm out of here
I'll forget about you, OP, in a few minutes
Pretty much everyone here will forget about you a few minutes after they leave this thread

You are pathetic

>> No.11273014

>I'm beginning to think the missing 0.0000001 is the soul
nah it's your iq

>> No.11273016

Oh it's the same troll that's was asking about snow flakes earlier. Well done, I thought you were serious up until this post.

>> No.11273017

But the thing is, in your proof the 0.99999 can be replaced with anything and it works. I tried it. Don't get like that with me when your own proofs are trash.

>> No.11273019

I'm OP and that wasn't my post. I understand what that dude wrote but it isn't a specific proof the the problem and doesn't actually proof they are equal in a real sense

>> No.11273021

Yes, it can be replace with anything, because anything divided by itself is 1.

5/5 = 1.
8/8 = 1.
0.5/0.5 = 1.
1/0.999999...... = 1.

Why? because 1 and 0.999... are the same number.

>> No.11273029

S = 7
10S = 70
10S-S = 70-7
9S = 63
S = 7



>> No.11273034

Ok I'll bite. The posters proof is accurate but apparently not satisfactory to you. What did you mean by proof in a real sense?

>> No.11273036

I'm done arguing this. I'm tired. Thanks for trying but I'm too retarded to understand this. I'm gonna tell my kids that they aren't the same number, though. Because that just seems like the right think to tell a kid. I never got an answer and the answers dont make sense when youre all grown up.

>> No.11273043

>the 1 is never made whole
So what you're saying is 1/3rd is the loneliest number that you'll ever do?

>> No.11273046

[math] \displaystyle
\boxed{0 < p < 1} \\
p^n-1 = (p-1)(p^{n-1}+p^{n-2}+ \dots +p+1) \\
\dfrac{p^n-1}{p-1} = \sum \limits_{j=0}^{n-1}p^j \\
\lim_{n \to \infty} \dfrac{p^n-1}{p-1} = \lim_{n \to \infty} \sum \limits_{j=0}^{n-1}p^j \\
\dfrac{0-1}{p-1} = \sum \limits_{j=0}^{\infty}p^j \implies \dfrac{1}{1-p} = \sum \limits_{j=0}^{\infty}p^j

>> No.11273053


>> No.11273064


Ok how about this: think of a number line where one isn't just a thing but also a place. Now think of 1 and 0.9999 repeating not just as symbols for numbers but also as directions.
The instructions take one step takes you to one
The instructions take
nine tenths of a step then
nine hundredths of a step then
nine thousandths of a step then
nine ten thousandths of a step
On and on and on take you to the same place as taking one step.

If the directions/symbols take you to the same place on the number line then they represent the same number, all be it in different ways.

>> No.11273071

So it's like "0" and "-0"?

>> No.11273105

Yes, in a sense. The minus sign defines a direction of approach. The repeating decimal notation does not.

Other than that you are correct. Try it with 1/3 and 0.33333. You can approach from either the positive or negative side of the number line but you will still arrive in the same place.

>> No.11273119

Oh ok. Yeah if you don't know about convergence or how real numbers are defined then that's why this doesn't make sense. They will probably be fairly difficult concepts to grasp at first, but the key point is uderstanding convergence and the definition of real numbers. You have probably already learned about convergence in a calculus class. As for the definition of real numbers, the idea that they're "equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences rationals" probably sounds like meaningless jargon, but it makes perfect sense after you familiarize yourself with the terminology. Its basically saying that a real number like 3.14159... (pi) can be approximated by a sum 3 + (1/10) + (4/100) + (1/1000) + ... and that the more terms you add to the sum, the more accurate it becomes.

>> No.11273126

Youre such a faggot OP. Ypure not even a good troll.

>> No.11273144

i fucking regret reading half this thread.

>> No.11273567
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>> No.11273578

remember that 1/3 or 0.333... are just ways to *write* a "third". They aren't actually "thirds" themselves.

>> No.11273609


This whole thread is retarded. 1/3 is a repeating number in base ten but in base 12 it is 0.4.

Numbers, like your Canadian girlfriend, are not real.

>> No.11273925

How many times are we going to have this stupid thread? 0.999 repeating equals 1. This is basic college level math, stop being literal retards.