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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11271148 No.11271148 [Reply] [Original]

Based 1600s schizoposter

>> No.11271158

yeah it's cool

>> No.11271163

How come the English are so smart?

>> No.11271164

So we can conclude that if you believe all the random stories floating around on /x/, then on average you will be right once per 20 years

>> No.11271174
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But Galen believed the heart pumped blood.

>> No.11271195


>> No.11271202

they kicked all the australians out.

>> No.11271223

technically the likeliness of a random schizopost from /sci/ being actual real scientific innovation is higher than you think it is, considering the fact that that unironically already happened before
who knows, maybe our boy Tooker here is onto something but his illness prevents him from being able to express it. Maybe someone is posting a random reply right now as we speak without having any idea that he just solved something major.

The set of the chaotically-random posts here contains the set of the true innovative posts within it, it's only a matter of "when" before that randomness accidentally hits one of them, not "if".

>> No.11271250

>considering the fact that that unironically already happened before

>> No.11271280


>> No.11271300

If a million schizos all post their pet theories, then one of them will be luck into the truth.

>> No.11271323

>rational wiki

>> No.11271358

Exactly. The environment that allows for such low-quality random posts gives the degrees of freedom for one of them to accidentally be a legitimate insight. The difference between this shithole and places like /r/math for an example is specifically the fact that we allow these degrees of freedom to exist, and therefor, allow the existence of a spontaneous discovery. The only thing that needs to be enforced is the direction, not the "quality" of the direction, and everything we see on /sci/ is either pure science or at least related to science so we can conclude that the direction is enforced. As it is and deviation from it is unlikely, moderation is no longer needed other than basic upkeep of this trajectory and making sure that this board doesn't become /pol/ 2.0 for an example. This is why you should stop begging mods to remove Tooker and the like, because by doing that you're now contracting the set of these random posts and are therefor excluding a huge portion of the set of the innovative ones. If constrictive enforcement of quality was the way you'd be hearing similar stories for all these forums about math discussion that are much higher quality than /sci/, yet nothing ever happens because they're not forums where you can freely post your schizo insights and look for feedback without worrying about the penalty to your reputation, they're an ego masturbation mechanism for people to look at their upvotes and gold badges, and posting unconventional things nets you a negative of them. This creates a constriction that makes the environment nonconductive to such posts unless they're very finely refined and put together to not sound schizophrenic at all, in which case why not just publish them in a paper as an individual instead, what benefit can the site even give you when you've already refined it yourself? Needless to say, that's exactly what happens to them with all these big names posting there yet zero research coming out of the forums themselves.

>> No.11271360

Not all the English, just the ones named William.

>> No.11271361

>Some genius ahead of their times made astounding discoveries so my poorly thought out popsci wiki fueled "theories" have merit.

>> No.11271367

That wasn't a fucking schizo post. It's not the benefit of hindsight, he was just trying to solve some math problem, he could have been right or wrong but what the fuck would have made anyone think he's a schizoposter?

>> No.11271404

I didn't say that his specific one was a schizopost, just that the environment that allows for anonymous low-quality posts led to a high-quality one appearing as well. He'd never post that on mathoverflow because no one would ever make the shitpost of "you should be able to solve this", which in turn requires a culture of shitposting, and even if he did he'd get shutdown by comments such as
>this entire thread looks like a giant troll attempt ...
>Concoct a proof and submit it to the arXiv. Otherwise fuck off with this because it's about as useful as discussing the Goldbach Conjecture.
and the mods would lock the thread right away. Funny thing is, these comments are exactly copy-pasted from the thread preceding the one with the solution: http://4watch.org/superstring/ , the only thing missing is the mods taking them as serious feedback and locking the thread.

As a comparison, here's the exact same thread formatted in accordance to the posting rules of srs math business completely devoid of any funposting culture:
As you can see, it predates the /sci/ thread by one year and leads to absolutely nowhere except linking to a wiki that ironically has the /sci/ solution included in it.

>> No.11271407

It's like wikipedia except everything on it is edited by the united states government central intelligence agency

>> No.11271412
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this except unironically and also include wikipedia to the list of CIA-operated wikis
>pic related is the whole range of US war crimes for the entire WW2 according to wikipedia

>> No.11271463
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Notice how the paper's authors constantly hype up the 4chan connection. It's literally the only interesting thing about this cookie-cutter combinatorics. The journals are clogged to the gills with throwaway cargo-cult results like this. But these faggots go on a speaking tour of the pop-sci world, because they had to get help from some anonymous weeb teenager.

>> No.11271475

Not strictly adhering to the mainstream opinions of his time. That's all it ever takes to be accused of mental illness at any point in history.

>> No.11271850

OK schizos

>> No.11272290
File: 169 KB, 1334x750, 3AABDB7B-934F-4F4B-AC24-C2506AE347AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make science dangerous again.

>> No.11272302

this is peak reddit, disgusting stupidity

>> No.11272353

>But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.

>> No.11272496

Only repeatedly testing "random" things can lead to new knowledge. Science is obsessed with people and theories who could predict things correctly, but that is just glorified survivorship bias. Only experiments that cannot be reasonably predicted can provide new insights, only repeatedly forming new theories and discarding those that do not fit can lead to legitimate new knowledge.

>> No.11272552

Yes gentlemen, always give schizo-posters benefit of the doubt, this is what elevates us above reddit.
But whatever you do, DO NOT entertain the ramblings of the anti-vaxxers or climate skeptics here on /sci/. They are ALWAYS wrong, FULL-STOP. The science is SETTLED on this, and if you disagree, go back to /pol/.

>> No.11272623

thatss how LSD was discovered too

>> No.11272637

How did more chemists not die of poisoning?
Or is it that chemicals the human body is primed for can be detected at low amounts whereas poison tends to kill at high amounts?

>> No.11272683

You can fake getting the flu by snorting vanadium pentoxide. It doesn't work more than once, the body adapts somehow.

>> No.11272702

Colonialism, plain and simple. Wh*Toids were living in caves until 1492, when they sucked upp all the wealth from the rest of the world. The next morning they were writing brainy books with stolen native knowledge.

>> No.11272811

Whites are literal retards who mock and bully people for being smart. They only rule because they are much more agressive than other races.

>> No.11273140

I was formerly diagnosed as a schizo at a prestigious medical hospital and after many years of maintaining that my “delusional beliefs” were real it was discovered that I am not actually schizophrenic I am just far far more advanced then the majority of the physicians at my hospital.

Basically the doctors were convinced that my health complaints were delusional schizophrenia.

The diagnosis has been removed and gradually year by year all my schizophrenic prophecies are becoming more and more obvious and are reflected in undeniable evidence found in blood tests and medical imaging studies.

It’s so interesting that the most rational intelligent people can sometimes be diagnosed as schizophrenics because nobody is advanced enough to understand their theories.

>> No.11273149

Imagine if the basis for a diagnosis of schizophrenia is actually reality and nobody will believe anything they say several years later it is discovered that the schizophrenic delusions were completely real all along.

>> No.11273404

No he didn't. He believed only arterial blood was produced there, and he did not believe it moved it about as a pump or if he did his words did not survive. Also there's a good chance none of the people in OP's pic had read anything of Galen, at best some stuff influenced by Galen.


>> No.11273489

shut up schizo

>> No.11273512

Give us a story anon.

>> No.11273586
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>they are much more agressive than other races
False. Webm related.
By and large the vast majority of whites are not aggressive at the individual level (save a few exceptions, e.g. those born with psychopathy, whose numbers by the way were routinely culled via capital punishment until relatively speaking very recently, which explains their recent rise in prevalence among the population).
The whiteman's excellence and prowess in warfare is not due to raw aggression like that of an ape, but rather due to the whiteman's genetically preordained separation of concerns at the population level. As history testifies, it has always been a minority of low empathy high IQ white autists, characterized by a unrelenting penchant for organization, order, and strategy, at the helm of martial power. These martial autists utilized the common whiteman's inherent high regard for duty, responsibility, self-sacrifice, and valor, to foster an unparalleled culture of militarism and discipline which made possible the undertaking of great and brilliant military campaigns of defense and conquest. Additionally, the whiteman also produces a rare class of autists of quite a different order, who's unfettered creativity and genius have invented the most mighty and terrible weapons of war. The rank and file of the whiteman's armies were equipped with the inventions of these geniuses to bestow devastation and carnage upon their enemies.
It is due to these reasons that historically, when it comes to warfare, no other race even came close.

>> No.11273594

>that webm
this is why one never relaxes around niggers

>> No.11273605 [DELETED] 

my god how i would love to be that lone man. all these niggers are beyond pathetic, holy fuck i'd have a field day no matter how many of those boons there were. jesus how pathetic.

>> No.11273627

Based /sci/ poster right here. Well said Sir. There is nothing more deplorable than restricting creative thought either through censorship or any form of bullying.

>> No.11273632
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you'd get crucified for racism if you fought back and whooped their asses. they'd flip-flam you right in the ass with newspaper headlines like "white incel goes crazy and attacks a dozen innocent, hard working african american high school students"

>> No.11273636
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you can get high on C-4 too, if you dose it right.

>> No.11273659
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>making sure that this board doesn't become /pol/ 2.0
its not people from /pol/ who show up to repeat preconceived talking points that have been fed to the by the media. its the unthinking drones who show up from social networks like redddit and fæcebook who need to be weeded out from the posters here.

>> No.11273775

must be troll posts. every civilization that existed and desired to expand wanted to colonize the world like whites did. its about capability not aggression. whites invented and perfected technologies within in their own societies and then used those to conquer the world, technologies no one else had minus some overlap with the chinese who were also very successful.

>> No.11273837

>repeat preconceived talking points that have been fed to the by the media

Oh fuck off. Are you going to claim unironically that 'fake news', 'drain the swamp', 'build the wall', and 'MAGA' aren't your cult's equivalent of ritual chanting?

>> No.11273954

>False. Webm related.
It appears it's the white looking guy who starts it.
>By and large the vast majority of whites are not aggressive at the individual level
Most whites are vicious, and think you are autistic when you are not. They don't even count it as agression, unless it escalates into physical violence.
>whiteman's genetically preordained separation of concerns at the population level
what the fuck does that mean
>the common whiteman's inherent high regard for duty, responsibility, self-sacrifice, and valor
The average white is so much willing to do this that the natural cooperation of humans seems to him like it must be a totalitarian regime which forces people to cooperate under the threat of brutal punishment. A white will never understand people would actually like to cooperate. Whites think only retards actually cooperate, smart people only cooperate as a form of social posturing (to gain status as a cooperative person) when everybody can see it as much as possible, but the gain to the helped party is minimized. Whites love to cooperate to harm other people, though. May even think you're a pschopath if you are unwilling to.

>> No.11273969

>white guy starting it
Look closer.

>> No.11273974
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>its not people from /pol/ who show up to repeat preconceived talking points
Is this some form of new meme or copy pasta?

>> No.11273981

He relaxed.

>> No.11274020 [DELETED] 

I did. He charges agains the guy in white shirt, the guy in red shirt comes to defend him. Who knows what happened before the video.

>> No.11274025

I did. He charges agains the guy in a white shirt, the guy in a red shirt comes to defend him. Who knows what happened before the video.

>> No.11274037
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White people are the most benevolent people in the world besides perhaps buddhists and the followers of jainism.

Simple facts show that black subhumans for example commit far more violence and murder towards white people than white people commit towards blacks
> Just this month, the Bureau of Justice Statistics released its 2018 survey of criminal victimization. According to the study, there were 593,598 interracial violent victimizations (excluding homicide) between blacks and whites last year, including white-on-black and black-on-white attacks. Blacks committed 537,204 of those interracial felonies, or 90 percent, and whites committed 56,394 of them, or less than 10 percent. That ratio is becoming more skewed, despite the Democratic claim of Trump-inspired white violence. In 2012-13, blacks committed 85 percent of all interracial victimizations between blacks and whites; whites committed 15 percent. From 2015 to 2018, the total number of white victims and the incidence of white victimization have grown as well.

>Blacks are also overrepresented among perpetrators of hate crimes—by 50 percent—according to the most recent Justice Department data from 2017; whites are underrepresented by 24 percent. This is particularly true for anti-gay and anti-Semitic hate crimes.

Genetics research tells us that black subhumans are unfortunately predisposed to volatile violence as they possess violence-causing 2-repeat promotor region alleles of the MAO-A gene at far higher rates than whites.
The following studies all found that blacks contain this allele causing savage, violent, subhuman behaviour many times more often than white people.

>> No.11274041 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11274042
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>> No.11274089

That black guy stole his shit. That's what happened.

>> No.11274121
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>White people are the most benevolent people in the world

>> No.11274126
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>in 1600 people were describing magnets and what they do

>more than 400 years later they're still doing the same thing

Based "scientists"

>> No.11274139

I mean, as hilarious as I find anybody who takes RationalWiki seriously, the article in question here isn't all wrong.

>> No.11274158

What happened there?

>> No.11274230

predator showing off it's mutilated prey with undeserved pride. same ole same ole

>> No.11274430

>What happened there?

Just pay africans $100 per one black ballsack, and Africa is saved

>> No.11275022

I mean, I posted a pet theory about the galaxy rotation problem.
Nobody found any flaws with it.
But nobody tried to verify it either.
It's feels like shouting in to an ocean of angry seagulls.

Any suggestions to cut through the noise?

>> No.11275040

>Any suggestions to cut through the noise?
Make it interesting. As you see the guys who came up with something legitimate made it interesting and related to the culture of the board, anime. There was a common bounty put towards solving the problem where multiple people wanted to claim it, so you end up with maxed out threads discussing it. Want your galaxy rotation theory to be taken seriously? Inject soul into it or make it seem serious enough that it's worth someone's time of verifying it. If you absolutely cannot make it interesting then it's most likely not for this board in the first place.
I'll give you another example, neural network porn. I've been trying to get this board to discuss AI since like 2015 but it's impossible and I gave up, it wasn't until the topic became interesting for everyone in the form of using math and your GPU to make your oneitis naked that the AI generals finally appeared both here and on /g/. Progress in that sphere stagnated and society condemned it, so therefor interest went back to 0 and the threads simply vanished. Learn to attach bounties to the problems and you'll attract traffic to your threads.

>> No.11275087

Thanks, never heard that much about it. Crazy.

>> No.11275121
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And here I was trying to figure out if my idea was accurate, like some sort of fool.
That's pretty solid advice though, thank you.

I tried including this https://twitter.com/mr_meowwwgi/status/1152462477319389184
because it's simple, encapsulates the phenomenon and has a cat in it . But it is pretty "soulless" now I think I about it.

>> No.11275140
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This shit has to be the funniest thing I've read in a long time

>> No.11275476

Agreed, you need some moderation but you need to be careful with it or you may end up killing the board

>> No.11275502
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>> No.11275683

Saying that a cat video solves the galaxy rotation problem probably leans too hard in to schizo territory.

>> No.11275702

That was missionary showing the damage.

Extremely perverse incentives and the Congo Free State encouraging it immensely.

>> No.11275736

Because England is a very boring country so they had to find a way to occupy themselves

>> No.11275936

>with stolen native knowledge
The Shoshone invented calculus. Hooke's Law is was a Cherokee secret

>> No.11276083

From the outset he doesn't think (if that's the word) of his shit as claims, subject to even the slightest qualifying evidence that runs counter to it. It's the way of the dumbest and least curious of partisans, who most resent and obsess about the almost as dumb partisans a small step above them--like the hindmost climber stares at the nearest ass in his path. It's also what makes their equivocations almost indistinguishable from disingenuousness: Truth is whatever is repeated most within the charismatic liar's clique.

>> No.11276234
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>white guy starts it

No. Look again.

>thinks the retaliation is justified then proceeds to say whites are more vicious

This is what gives them fuel to call you a barbaric dumb nigger how is this lost on so many of you?

>Whites think only retards actually cooperate, smart people only cooperate as a form of social posturing (to gain status as a cooperative person) when everybody can see it as much as possible, but the gain to the helped party is minimized. Whites love to cooperate to harm other people, though. May even think you're a pschopath if you are unwilling to.

Actual reality is objectively the exact opposite of what you described which leads me to believe you're just projecting your own insecurities. And if you're not you should be insecure because you're an idiot.

>> No.11276515
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ya i saw that on the wiki page. my mistake. still looks liek an asshole though lol

>> No.11277396 [DELETED] 

>No. Look again.
You look again. Everybody is calm before the white guy charges. That wouldn't be the case if they were trying to rob him. The white guy started it.

>> No.11277398

>No. Look again.
You look again. Everybody is calm until the white guy charges. That wouldn't be the case if they were trying to rob him. The white guy started it.

>> No.11277433
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how will my family respond when they discover I am terminally ill?

I was misdiagnosed as schizophrenic 5 years ago and while schizophrenia has now been ruled out and removed, they still persist in the belief that I have health anxiety and psychosomatic complaints.

5 years ago I noticed memory disturbances and trouble focusing etc, I was intelligent enough to immediately recognize that the underlying cause was neurodegenerative and potentially lethal.

As time goes on it is becoming increasingly apparent that my prediction was correct, this disease is potentially fatal, and I was recently hospitalized in the emergency room for inability to walk from shortness of breath I had unbearable pain all over my body, unable to walk, dizziness. I couldn't even sleep without taking painkillers.

the emergency room doctors ordered a chest X-ray and said they think their is nothing wrong it is just anxiety... the results came back from radiology and found abnormalities in my lung consistent with chronic bronchitis, COPD.

if the radiologist is correct, COPD is a death sentence

>> No.11277439
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sorry wrong blood test results

>> No.11278347

'Good chemists live to 80, Great ones live to 30', 'Yearly Inspection is the only time to clean the counter-top stains and put away beakers', and 'I measure acidity with my tongue for the most accuracy' were the mottos of my chemistry-based professors.