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11270816 No.11270816 [Reply] [Original]

I have an extreme obsession to become a scientific mind person, a true genius, but I am stuck in a shitty society.

> Filipino
> 20
> junior college
> always dream hard to get in Harvard someday
> thinks Harvard is superior of all
> low grades but still dreaming
> lives in an abject poverty
> kissless virgin
> unattractive
> planning to revenge all of the girls rejected me by going to Harvard someday
> cut me off from society
> extreme loneliness
> no real friend
> last IQ test result was 104

I am somehow a loser, but I believe in myself to reach my dream in the future. I master my fate. Keeping my faith to God praying that I will become a successful person someday and all of my fake friends are going to envy me.

>> No.11270820

!remindme 5 years

>> No.11270823

I'll recommend you some, but I think you won't read them, based on your description

>> No.11270825

Just finish out at state school. Harvard is a meme just like the rest of the Ivy league.

>> No.11270831


>> No.11270832

T.Incompent state u graduate wageslave

You are the best example of a meme. Lol

>> No.11270833

Nice to see you again, Elliot Rodger. I never knew Hell had internet access.

>> No.11270845

based ESL retard

>> No.11270849

I am learning. You are the fucking retard.

>> No.11270856

and your shit ass poor parents are paying? lol

>> No.11270859

Be able to derive all of/have deep understanding of "Course of Theoretical Physics" by Evgeny Lifshitz and Lev Landau and you will become a great theorist.

>> No.11270860

don't give up, op. and look even if you don't make it to your dream top school, getting into a good stem program is doable and you should feel good for such an accomplishment. don't be discouraged if things don't work out exactly as you hope. not to say things won't but so many aim high then throw everything out when they don't quite make it as well as hoped.

>> No.11270939

1) Sign up at harvard extension school
2) get above a 3.0 to get admission into the Bachelors of liberal arts
3) get above a 3.5 for 16 units to get "special student status" and take classes at harvard college
3a) Do research with professors under the "faculty aide" option
4) Apply to Harvard Grad School Internally with an extremely high admit rate
4b) Even if you don't get it, you have a full degree from Harvard University.

>> No.11271010


>> No.11271025

That actually looks like solid advice lol
Btw, OP, go to Europe, it is cheaper and better. 'Muricans are dumbasses
t. foreigner studying in us uni

>> No.11271151

no, fuck that. first of all harvard is a meme, most famous universities actually are. They are overly expensive and provide the same material as a normal uni(but in fancier, better equip, teachers etc of course). go to the best uni in your area or find a decent one that isn't as pretentous as these are. Secondly, don't go to college to impress people, they don't matter. this will just screw your life up even more. Get to know yourself and what you want from life

>> No.11271305

I was sitting in my 11th grade history class. My history teacher said "quantum physics is not real". Immediately, I stood up and asked why. He said "there is no evidence". Typical low IQ statement. I started reciting quantum physics equations from my memory. My history teacher stuttered in disbelief, dropped his books and ran out of the room. Everyone in the class stood up and cheered for me. It felt great being smart. Suddenly, the principal walked in and asked for me. Everyone else sat down and I left and went to his office. He asked me why I made the history teacher cry. I replied "sir, my intelligence can not be handled by the weak minded". He thought and then brought out an IQ test. I took it, and within 15 minutes, I had finished. My score was 168. While I was not surprised at all by this number, my principal was absolutely amazed and was at a loss for words. I went back to class and my crush walked up to me kissed me. The day resumed as normal until I went home. I had a letter in the mail. It was from Harvard.

>> No.11271350

Don't waste your time romanticizing elite colleges if you're in your position. Study hard, actually learn stuff instead of planning how to get into an elite college, go to a flagship state/national school, establish yourself as a standout, and go from there.

>> No.11271473

I'm also a Failipino, but I live here in the Failippines studying in a supposed to be "good" university. Turns out it was just a meme uni kek. The professors in our department all have a PhD in I.T. doing meme research(actually some of them don't even have a research lmao) so I surpass them in their knowledge in CS. So here I am emailing random profs. from different countries asking for advice on what to study in order to get to the specific field that I want to. Will do a TCS research hopefully in Burgerland or Eurarabia.

>> No.11271496

undergrad is a meme and a joke at every university besides MAYBE caltech. remember that harvard in particular accepts tons of braindead celebrities and politician children that they can't have failing

if you just want to go to harvard, become a token brown person at some humanitarian NGO and go there for a masters in peace studies or some shit.

if you want to go to harvard for a non-meme field at a graduate level and aren't at a us or eu university good luck

>> No.11271531

>Poor people pay for harvard

>> No.11271537
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>> No.11271563

check this out:


>> No.11271572

>actually picking Harvard with their inflated GPAs and Michelle Obamas over Caltech or MIT
cringe. unless someone is trying to break into investment banking (which is also cringe).

>> No.11273038
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>Book recommendation to Pass at Harvard University?

>> No.11273083

caltech and mit are memes now too. sorry if you undergrads go there you're getting scammed.

>> No.11273182
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>that high school recommendation
whoever made this list is super out of touch with laypeople

>> No.11273222

You barely know english, you illiterate fuck. Being ESL isn't an excuse, as many other non-native speakers (myself included) can at least write coherently in english.
Every single line you wrote made me cringe.
>extreme obsession to become a scientific person, a true geniu
>but i am stuck in a shitty society
Yes, of course it's because you live in the Philippines. It's not because you're retarded.
>>always dream hard to get in Harvard someday
There's absolutely no reason to obsess over going to a particular school for a bach degree
>>thinks Harvard is superior of all
You're an idiot.
>>low grades but still dreaming
You should stop dreaming and start studying.
>>lives in an abject poverty
Try getting your shit together before thinking about going to Harvard.
>>kissless virgin
I don't give a shit
>>planning to revenge all of the girls rejected me by going to Harvard someday
First, they won't give a fuck. Nobody gives a fuck about you and your dream uni, really. Second, it's pathetic to be bitter about girls rejecting you. I'd tell you to fuck off to /r9k/, but they deserve better. You should just go to some MGTOW or incel subreddit or something
>>cut me off from society
Cut yourself off from life
>>extreme loneliness
Shitheads like you deserve to be lonely
>>no real friend
I'm not surprised
>>last IQ test result was 104

Kill yourself

>> No.11273264

Kennard from Cavite State University, is that you? Stop posting shitty blogposts and gtfo already.

>> No.11273277

you're a hopeless failure who will never amount to anything
OP has more potential than you do by a fucking mile

>> No.11273280


>> No.11273376
File: 944 KB, 384x256, pwning in action.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Discover why even Ivy League graduates don't really grasp basic science concepts in this video documentary for grade 5-12 educators.
>With its famous opening scene at a Harvard graduation, this classic of education research brings into sharp focus the dilemma facing all educators: Why don’t even the supposedly brightest students with the highest grades truly grasp basic science concepts? This award-winning program traces the problem through interviews with Harvard graduates and their professors, as well as with a bright ninth-grader who has some confused ideas about the orbits of the planets. Equally useful for education methods classes, teacher workshops, and presentations to the public, A Private Universe is an essential resource for science and methodology teachers.

>> No.11273401

No need to pity OP. He already gets more than enough pity from himself