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11267513 No.11267513 [Reply] [Original]

Was Tesla unironically the smartest man ever?

>> No.11267521
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>> No.11267526

no, he failed out of university due to his gambling addiction and never returned

>> No.11267539

No, he was literally crazy.

>> No.11267553

Isn't that what everyone says of innovative thinkers?

>> No.11267562


>> No.11267564

>academic degree determines a person's intelligence
further proof for the midwid meme

>> No.11267568

Last time I astral projected to a pyramid, I made the om sound, and the steps started vibrating. Maybe piezoelectricity? If any of you astral projectors or remote viewers would like to practice om mantra, and looking at the pyramids, be my guest. and report your findings to /x/.

>> No.11267576

No, it isn’t. It’s what people say about insane people like Tesla who fell in love with a pigeon and thought he could communicate with God.

>> No.11267581

No. This is a question that only someone without any understanding of science or intellectual history in general would think. He was certainly a genius, but there are literally dozens of people, spanning multiple discipline that were just as "smart" as Tesla, if not smarter.

Now if you're actually interested in STEM, stop relying on Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Joe Rogan for your reddit-tier understanding of intellectual history and pic up an actual textbook or academic journal on literally any subject. If you actually take the time to do that, you'll realize that maybe Thomas Eddison and Louis Pasteur aren't the appex of human thought. In fact neither of them are very remarkable, and the same goes for most scientists and inventors that the public knows about.

>> No.11267588

The pigeon thing was a joke and many famous, influential scientists believe exploration of the physical universe via science is a way of understanding (communicating with) God.

>> No.11267593

I was thinking about applicating piezoelectricity, and I ve been in contact with something that sort.

But I think if you practice resistance mantra above the strairs... Possibly there was some interference in the step, that looked like oscillation.

Also I came to contact with something like putting two poles of magnets together... But being done by plain wood.

I lived with wifi and interference, verry strange shit. Kind of magic, but I cannot find your thread on -x-

>> No.11267612

That's not Jesus

>> No.11267633

I thought this was an /x/ thread because it was a tesla thread, sorry. I don't have an /x/ thread, just saying if someone gleans psychic information about the pyramids, I would be interested to read what they say about it.
I still don't know wtf pyramids were for, but they seem to have strange mental effects when I try to remote view them or dream about them.

Once, I saw the steps on the great pyramid of giza as if they were frequency domains or steps that concentrated a certain kind of energy and amplified it to higher frequency as the wave traveled up the side of the pyramid. Its just speculation though.
The om mantra seems quite effective at getting some kind of resonant energetic effect from them, though I don't know if its necessary or just psychic placebo.
If they really are some kind of piezoelectric device, maybe the steps up the side alter the resonant frequency of each layer and act as some kind of frequency filter.

I can't say much about whatever it is you are into. I would suggest studying up on pranic energy and kundalini yoga if you are into mysticism, and want something hands on.

As to what tesla is really saying. I have encountered many mental phenomena which seem correlated to physical forces in nature, such imaginary electromagnetics producing imaginary electromagnetic fields which have mental properties which seem like they can interact with physical objects. The most I can get is a sort of mental radiowave sonar which produces very faint imagery below the threshold of conscious cognition.

Science studies everything external, yet refuses to turn its gaze inwards. Arguably, inner consciousness can only be accessed through self study, rendering most scientific instrumentation useless. Tesla was a proponent of the inner world, and claims that science could considerably advance if it studied non physical phenomena. Millions of humans in every generation have claimed such things exist, yet mainstream society, and science deny it.

>> No.11267690

> Science studies everything external, yet refuses to turn its gaze inwards.

Geology studies rocks, yet refuses to turn its gaze towards bird anatomy.
You’re a fucking retard. What is “inwards” is beyond the portfolio of science by definition. It can’t be investigated using scientific methadology..

>> No.11267693

>Millions of humans in every generation have claimed such things exist, yet mainstream society, and science deny it.

Who cares? People claiming things exist is worthless. Hur dur fairies are real kys

>> No.11267707

Oscilator for "burried" person, which had been made still oscilating and resonant there by the rituals.

>> No.11267715

Having proper nutrition and gene so you see stuff that may not be there for other could be considered at least.

Its like you need to have it evolved in your life... I think that piece of cells can accept electromagnetic, therefore we have eyes, and that means we can have internal organ being able to feel other frequencies too.

>> No.11267718

>scientific methadology..
Not a real thing. Read Feyerabend.

>> No.11267733

No of course not, the fucker didn't even believe in electrons.
Sure he was brilliant but he's been over hyped to some super genius. He wasn't even ahead of his time when he was still alive.
While his work was very revolutionary for radio waves and electro-magnetics, that was it.
No free energy, no super earthquake device, and definitely no death-ray

>> No.11267797

No such thing as free energy.
You pay for it through entropy

>> No.11267838

>Millions of humans in every generation have claimed such things exist
Hundreds if not thousands of people on this very website worship their waifu. Millions if not billions of men dream about the perfect wife. Doesn't mean such things exist, faggot.

>> No.11267863

*fucks the pigeon*

>> No.11268006


You’re a retard

>> No.11268014

>Only people who go to and graduate schools are smart!
Found the retard

>> No.11268016

Crazy doesn't determine either smart or stupid. Try again.

>> No.11268018
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entropy is an illusion due to friction of artifical mechanisms, but in natural world crystals grow, animals live and other forms of "local decrease in entropy" take place. And though they say "local decrease in entropy is, however, only possible at the expense of an entropy increase in the surroundings" it is also said in the context of artificial machines: "Locally, the entropy can be lowered by external action. This applies to machines, such as a refrigerator, where the entropy in the cold chamber is being reduced, and to living organisms. This local decrease in entropy is, however, only possible at the expense of an entropy increase in the surroundings." because I don't see any external action on growing crystal, just as snowflakes grow according to their internal structures in all the variety of its forms probably depending on the quantity of water molecules participating in the primary crystallization. (but it's just a guess, yet it's scientific, because it can be tested)

please do your best to prove me wrong

>> No.11268019 [DELETED] 

same boring meme topic every fucking day on this board, you all must be incredibly well educated and interesting people. i hope someone is at least getting paid for reposting the same thread regularly for years on end.

>> No.11268141

>Muh tesla
Proves that 99% of the posters here on /sci/ have pea-sized brains
Who is the rest of the 1%? I'm in one of em

>> No.11268143

yeah man im schizo too

>> No.11268145

You're obviously not.

>> No.11268150

How can science study non physical phenomena?

>> No.11268155

>what is data

>> No.11268158

By studying its own overhyped misconception, for example.

>> No.11268163

By studying ways of actual geniuses so people can follow their steps instead of following fake scientists (those who have time to make a career in the corrupt world of academia) to give you another example from the top of my head.

>> No.11268165

> and that means we can have internal organ being able to feel other frequencies too.

Frequency of........???

>> No.11268169

Holy fuck you don’t know what the second law of thermodynamics is.

>> No.11268170

he had a vision of what the future should look like for literally everyone and then made it happen

i fucking envy this

>> No.11268176
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Who doesn't? Would I argue it if I didn't?

>> No.11268186
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You know what? Fuck the first law of thermodynamics too. Simply for assuming that isolated systems exist. And also for fighting the wind mills as some donkey goat (as if they're in any way worse than permetuum mobiles)

>> No.11268192

True genius. "smartest man ever" idk.

>> No.11268194
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>> No.11268420

Tesla wasn't a schizophrenic. Has anyone here actually studied neuroscience? Schizophrenics have very specific behaviours (type 1 and type 2), and Tesla didn't seem to display these. Having read a lot about Tesla over the years, it was most likely his enormous sleep deprivation and him blasting himself in the head with particle accelerator beams. He almost certainly had OCD though.

>> No.11268428 [DELETED] 
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hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can
call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very random!!!!
thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^... im 13 years old
(im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind
(im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its
SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random
ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make
alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!

DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^_^ hehe...toodles!!!!!

love and waffles,

* ~t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m~*

>> No.11268627

He figured out that pigeons make better wives than women do. For that discovery alone he might be the smartest man ever.

>> No.11268632

You need to unclamp.

>> No.11268645

fuck off retard >>>/lit/

>> No.11268652

No he was a mentally ill retard and you're a scientifically illiterate cretin as well if you can't instantly see what's wrong with his ideas about lossless energy transmission, free energy, ground transmission of electricity, aether or splitting the Earth with a hammer.

>> No.11268653

Take your meds and fuck off back to >>>/x/

>> No.11268779
File: 66 KB, 375x459, 0312A63F-B0BB-44B7-BEBE-34658A2FC480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He invented alternating current. He’s literally the architect of the modern world. People thought it was impossible at the time and that dc was the only way, meaning you would need a power station every mile or so to keep the current flowing. This is literally what it looked like before Tesla. He also got screwed out of his patent for it. He would have been the richest man history.

>> No.11268792

And that is why patent system is obsolete and to be eliminated, which makes me respect Elon (for sharing their patents with the world) even though I also have something against him, nobody's perfect, and he's still better than Edisson, and I hope he will be even better in the future.

>> No.11268855

>because I don't see any external action on growing crystal, just as snowflakes grow according to their internal structures in all the variety of its forms probably depending on the quantity of water molecules participating in the primary crystallization.
Use your brain for one second. In order for something to solidify it needs to cool down. All crystals give off heat to their surroundings when they form. The increase in entropy from heat being added to a relatively cold environment more than makes up for the loss of entropy in the crystal.

>> No.11268856
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>> No.11268861

>non-physical phenomenae
What did he mean by this? Metaphysics? Like math and philosophy and shit?

>> No.11268864

>He invented alternating current.
LOL, wrong from the very first sentence. AC was invented before Tesla was even born. He wasn't even the first to invent the AC motor.

>> No.11268869

Seems about right! He certainly deserves some recognition!

>> No.11268916

And where does that heat ultimately go? To the outside of the universe?
Also what tells us that heat raises disorder? Sun is hotter than fuck, but pretty based and in order.

>> No.11269102
File: 137 KB, 224x336, ha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're either an economist, or a women.
either way, you should kill yourself.

>> No.11269131

>And where does that heat ultimately go?
Somewhere else in the system, hence entropy of the system where energy is restricted to increases despite a local decrease.

>Also what tells us that heat raises disorder?
Entropy is not disorder, it is essentially a measure of the number of states a system can be in. Heat added to a cold system greatly increases the possible states the system can be in. Think of a solid, where all the molecules are stuck in place, being melted into a liquid, where the molecules can move around.

>> No.11269262

No. He was a smart man but he doesn't even come close to true geniuses like Einstein, Gauss, Newton, etc.

>> No.11269270
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so was he ironically the smartest man ever?

>> No.11269662
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How did Tesla get Kundalini syndrome?

>> No.11269710

>no ponytail

>> No.11269714

had some ground breaking work in electromagnetism and electrical engineering

sadly, he will forever be associated with retards spaming and glorifying his dementia on internet

>> No.11269784

Okay but can we can acknowledge the fact that he didn't believe electrons to be a thing.
You can only go so far before you have to start including electrons in your theories.
And this man lived during the years were electrons were discovered.
But to be fair Einstein didn't believe in quantizing energy and we considered him a brain god

>> No.11269857

naw I am. tee hee.

>> No.11270145

>Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Joe Rogan
The former hates Tesla for obvious reasons.

Eddison was a full blown impostor. The guy could barely count to 10. His patent trolling is vastly understated, he never even came close to invent anything on his own but the high level American academia, government and industry rewrote history to attribute anything that couldn't be easily pinpointed to someone else, to him.

>> No.11270308

Holy mother of based.
Honestly we are living in some kind of Orwellian nightmare and what we are all really discussing here is truly very dangerous and lofty stuff that most people never have the time, motivation or aptitude to really investigate.

>> No.11270309


>> No.11270331

winner is who wore the bowtie better

>> No.11270345 [DELETED] 

> hence entropy of the system where energy is restricted to increases despite a local decrease
How can we say that the increase of entropy sent outside is larger than that very local (and way more obvious) decrease in the order of this world?

>> No.11270352

> hence entropy of the system where energy is restricted to increases despite a local decrease
How can we say that the increase of entropy sent outside is larger than that very local (and way more obvious) decrease in that "ability of moving around"?

>> No.11270374

No, but he was certainly one of them, in terms of true liquid IQ.

>> No.11270398

>Honestly we are living in some kind of Orwellian nightmare
you have no idea and don't want the idea in your head.

>> No.11270408

Sure I do, and I willfully select that I am afflicted by the burden of containing the idea in my head

>> No.11270416

ive never seen anyone beg for a future where they end up killing themself.

>> No.11270443
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>> No.11270499

I've never seen a snow leopard.

>> No.11270502

>How can we say that the increase of entropy sent outside is larger than that very local (and way more obvious) decrease in that "ability of moving around"?
For that you would need to know actual thermodynamics, but I doubt you have the mental capacity to learn it. What is "obvious" to you has no bearing on physics. Just know that crystallization can only occur when the surrounding system is sufficiently cold, specifically when the heat released into the surrounding system would the possible states of the surrounding system more than the crystallization restricts the possible states in the crystal.

>> No.11270503
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not quite

>> No.11270507

that's not jacob barnett or mochizuki ?

>> No.11270571

It's great that you think you know actual thermodynamics. Thus you can answer the question about how we know that entropy sent outside is larger than the local reduction of entropy, happening during crystallization.

>> No.11270590 [DELETED] 

The answer to your question is that the change in Gibbs free energy for crystallization is positive. This, along with the fact that heat is being released (or a small amount of heat is absorbed compared to ΔG) directly implies that the change in entropy is positive:

ΔS = (ΔH - ΔG) / T

>> No.11270595

The answer to your question is that the change in Gibbs free energy for crystallization is negative. This, along with the fact that heat is being released (or a small amount of heat is absorbed compared to ΔG) directly implies that the change in entropy is positive:

ΔS = (ΔH - ΔG) / T

>> No.11270604
File: 64 KB, 739x504, 56AE006E-4F23-4764-9F2D-827DC38103D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has a bunch of money
>spends it on fake hair cause he’s too stupid to grow his own
>has apparently not heard of buses or trains when he thought leads “smart tunnels”
>markets a bunch of roofing products as “flamethrowers”
You’ve got to be kidding anon.

>> No.11270607

Freebased and greenpilled

>> No.11270659

Bro don't even bother with people like him. I've met tons of 'em, all blabbering about frequencies and a third eye and shit like that. The reality is, this person fancies acid and psytrance raves and is a part of this subculture obsessed by circle-jerking their quasi-explanations of their hallucinations that they've experienced during the above mentioned lsd fueled raves.

>> No.11270667
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No that would be Gauss.

>> No.11270668 [DELETED] 
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Thank you very much.

>> No.11270674
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Thank you very much.

>> No.11270695

Mind explaining further?
I read that entropy is defined EMPIRICALLY.
How do we know it was something fundamental and not caused by imperfection of devices?

>> No.11270700

Not him, but dude pick up a thermo textbook this is like on the first 5 pages...

>> No.11270872

If you had a counterexample then you'd be a fucking billionaire. So eat shit.

>> No.11270881

>If you had a counterexample then you'd be a fucking billionaire.
Counterexample of what? Of a crystal growing withoug warming the environment? What about those diamonds to grow which you have to spend lots of energy?

>> No.11270898

If you can lower the entropy of a closed system, that's the counterexample.

>> No.11270913

Define closed system. Because it seems to me this is not the definition you'd like to use:
> A closed system is a physical system that does not allow certain types of transfers (such as transfer of mass in or out of the system), though the transfer of energy is allowed. The specification of what types of transfers are excluded varies in the closed systems of physics, chemistry or engineering.
You was probably talking of isolated system.
But you won't be able to give me an actual example of an isolated system, because there's no absolutely impenetrable stuff.

>> No.11270926

>But you won't be able to give me an actual example of an isolated system, because there's no absolutely impenetrable stuff.
Quit fucking around with semantics. I don't have to give you squat. You're the one asking third grader questions about thermodynamics then acting incredulous when told basic shit like "no, you can't lower the overall entropy". Here's my proof of that: Nobody has ever done it. Doing stuff makes low grade waste energy that isn't very useful, and gathering up that low grade waste energy takes more energy than you get by gathering it up. The universe is sand slipping through our fingers and nobody literally ever has been able to describe how you could stop it.

>> No.11270937

Let's fuck a pigeon

>> No.11270947
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>Here's my proof of that: Nobody has ever done it.
>Doing stuff makes low grade waste energy that isn't very useful, and gathering up that low grade waste energy takes more energy than you get by gathering it up.
Why would you want to gather that very energy, when there's abundance of energy falling your way whether you're productive or not?
> The universe is sand slipping through our fingers and nobody literally ever has been able to describe how you could stop it.
Poetry is not a very good argument. Instead you'd better explain to me what those five pages of thermodynamics textbooks tells of how we actually know that Gibbs free energy for crystallization is negative. Please.

>> No.11270976

At least we knew birds could fly. We had lighter than air craft, but no flying heavier than air craft. Anyone saying it was impossible was retarded.
We have literally never observed anything that suggests thermodynamics is suspect.
>Why would you want to gather that very energy, when there's abundance of energy falling your way whether you're productive or not?
That's because the universe is still young.
>Poetry is not a very good argument.
It's not an argument. I'm not arguing with you. I'm telling you. You can feel free to say you're right and I'm wrong. Go ahead and do an experiment with crystals and get your Nobel if it works out.

>> No.11270981

>I'm not arguing with you. I'm telling you.
You do, but you still cannot explain, because you don't understand it yourself. You only believe what you've been told, so you think it's sufficient to just repeat that to feel superior.

>> No.11270990

I don't think you understand. I know you're one of those "why?" fags and I'm long past spoonfeeding dumbasses on fucking 4chan. That's why I've been telling you to go fuck yourself for four posts. I'm not the guy you were originally talking to, just someone who saw you being a fag and wanted to tell you that you're an idiot.

>> No.11271104

How are you different from some believer who tells me to read some bible, and cannot explain what's written in it in his own words, and butthurts when he's asked "why?"
I don't mind being an idiot on an anonymous imageboard. It's one of the best ways to actually learn.
I will wait for somebody who actually knows what it's all about and will ignore assholes who learnt a lot and still don't know shit.

>> No.11271107

Why does Elon make people mad? He might be a twat sometimes but his companies are doing great things.

>> No.11271117
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>> No.11271120

He's the meme equivalent of a singularity.

>> No.11271124

He pissed off staunch Trumptards when he left as his advisor, and pissed off far leftists by being a self-made billionaire finally advancing humanity towards space colonization.

When you see someone disparaging Musk online, it is likely a mentally defficient political extremist. Say what you will about Musk, but he gets shit done.

>> No.11271141

What does that mean

>> No.11271142

Based Taleb poster

>> No.11271533
File: 129 KB, 1000x432, 1567286904145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tesla bad
>Edison good
>Communism bad
>Capitalism good

>> No.11271772

>All the butthurt Amerimutts seething over the fact that the architect of the modern world and all modern technology is some Balkan Slav/Serb immigrant

Sad, ungrateful and dare I say, not based?

>> No.11271913

Based NNT

>> No.11271933
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It's not about race, it's about money.
Tesla was opposed to the notion of an intellectual property cartel that exploits instead of educating people until it becomes a totalitarian world state government.
He hoarded his most precious documents and research materials for decades after he ceased to be relevant and ultimately they were stolen after he died in mysterious circumstances.

>> No.11271938

That's what they also say of crazy people 100% of the time.

>> No.11271939

Pic unrelated
>seething a

>> No.11272245
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Nice try, kike, but Tesla was gentile.

>> No.11272266
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>> No.11272285
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Wrong. Most of the crazies are rather respected (whether they're in military or religious crowds)

>> No.11272306


>> No.11272328
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> what is Folie à deux
bien plus que deux

>> No.11272506

Being wrong does't imply mentally ill.

>> No.11272516

>And where does that heat ultimately go? To the outside of the universe?

It zooms through space until it’s absorbed.

>Also what tells us that heat raises disorder? Sun is hotter than fuck, but pretty based and in order.

Holy fuck you’re so fucking stupid. Entropy is the decrease in usable energy, not bullshit like “order” and “disorder”

>> No.11272604

based smart anon dabbing on stupit people

>> No.11273091

My waifu is real, anon. Just not corporeal, yet.

>> No.11273648

Shut the fuck up